Newspaper Page Text
TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR. j?Jf V. r y OUR WATCHWORD--"fcOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. a l YOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 4, tSgfi. N. 269. 5 THE m?j I h lh JL 1 The. Prospector ':ity and County Official Paper. IUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (ElCMT SCKDAY.) BY Wm. Eattich Editor and Proprietor. Trein.Mit St., Opposite City Hall ., The Par J rEC roa will net hold itself respon gthie tor any 01 inc aructcs m kuiuiwum s. pressed by any ef its correspoadeats Eatered la tbe Tombstone PottotBos at ccoo4 Class matter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Lud and Miainc - cues a specialty. Tombstone, Aruona. w M. C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public; Toabston, Arizona. HERRING A HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Olfic on Toajhnut Street, between Second and acd TJurd. ppositt the Court House. PEO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT- L " La. WD practice ia all courts of the " Terntorr. Tombstone, Aruona. ( S. CLARK, ATTORNEY AN D COUN j selor at Law. Office on Fourth Street. 1 between Allen and Toogbnut. Tomb stone. Will practice In all the cou ef tbe -Terrftary. HARLES GRANVILLE" IOHNSTON. I , Attorney and Counsellor at Law and -w rioter PsViC, ijT,' bt, ita and stb streets. A member of the Bar 01 tLe .jpraae Court of the Territory, and will pTJC&e ia any of the courts therein. B ERTHA HERRING, TYPEWRITER and Natary Public Toufbnut Mieet, TotuWoae. Aniora. AWKNTWORTH. COUNTY RE corder and Abstract.OfEce. Abstracts of title to real estate and nines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran. -rScripts. Office in Court Home, Tombstone. D E. AIA'ORD. IUSTICE OF THE Fcxcr- Office pa bet. 3d & ' 4th, Tombstone. LKOSKA, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. -rfn Office oa ath St. bet. ACea aad jTcixhcut. Tombstone. S. GORDON. M. D, PHYS1CI N AND 1 i. Sanson: Omcc adjoimrg his residence oa 4th street. Calls attended at all hsurs day and Bight, FC. EARLE, AiSAYER AND META lugieal Laboratory. offic 39. Fremont St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS- F. & A M. IXING SOI-OMOJJ LODGE NO. 5, FV meets third !aturday is each montn. . VisiUne Lcotbers cordially Invited t tesd. W. M..J H McPHEKSON, A. L. GROW i-ee'ry. al- R. A. 31 eOCHISF. CHAPTER No. 4. MEETS tlurd Wednesday in each month Vis iting. Companions cordially invire. to at end. TOM LOWRY, II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. 8. fit A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening ra each raocth. Vis iting Comrades cordaEy in 11 ted. - I. W. CLARK. Keadent. A. L, GROW, Secretary. A. O. U. W. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. '.aeets 1st and 3d ThcrscUy in each month Visitinir brothe cordially m Ited. - - ROBT. BEST. M. W. W. D MONMONiKS, Recorder. K. of P. A RIZONA LODGEil KNIGHTS OF 3l Pythtas, No. 4., meets erery 1st and d Mondays' la each mosth. Vistisg brothers i:ditlly innted JOHN NOBILK. C. C W. D. MOXMONTERj K. of S. EK DTECTION HOPE COM PANY NO, 3. meets First Sanday in each montt ot their sose house on tbe corner of Seventh and Fre 10 u streets, opposite the school house. WM. GAR K EIT. Foreman. TOM SMITH Secretary. RESCUE HOSE COMPANY MEETS First Saaday m each month at City Hall, Fremoat tuta. . V. VICKERS, k. Ml ENTWORTH. S-ctjr. P.xodeat. I. N. MCDONOUGH. Foremaa. 'nv Cj last SoacVty ia eaeh month, at hose house. ca the corner e4 roognoat and 51a streets JOSEPH LIPPERT. Foremaa. HENRY DUNKER. Secrrtary nrwxoiv vVATER WORKS F. CALVES. Prop. Water Per Barrel, - 25 Cent.' Water. Per Backet - 5 Oats. FROilfT SERVICE. deduced Bates by the Month Leave erder with wagon, or at tht 'Mmm la 4 . l-m o-iiik ! m .b..4rr.frt!ii anir -t- rtiiwn' wtt?wn'ii.'TiriSwJS I MM S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEjY ST, ffl WHOM. THE DRI GOODS E25". Is Complete, Embracing all the latest StyleB, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. US flfflSHU DEPARTMENT A Specialty is nade of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, UNDERW ARE NECKTIES, ETG MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. M W SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other iamous Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Eusset Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. SlippersTies, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. I2S CROCKERY. HARDWARE AND SADDLERY DEPARTMENTS A fulljstock iBjcarriedconsistinpJof Glassware, Crockery, CntGlasH, Fancy Caps. Canvass Tents, "Waeon Covers, Oatr-assets. Everything at Lowest Eastern jFrices. St M. BARROW 111 11 II 11 DEPARTMENT THE JtL ardware, Tixx-rrare, Gbkik, Pirftolt, . Catrldsres Etc HarrjeasiJ " Baddies, Sptxra,' If you want good tea, nothing shall stand in -your way not even your natural distrust of new things. Your grocer has it, has our authority to give you your money back if you don't like it You need not trust us, nor our tea, nor your grocer beyond his promise to pay money back. Schilling i Best tea. Your grocer gives money back if roti don't like Sthilling's Beit coffee, tukitig-powder, soda, apices, seasoning, flavoring extracts. A Schilling & Company Sattfranaic IT 'Wehadan enidemlr nf ! this vicinity last summer,'" says Samuel a. ronocK, 01 tsricejana, uai. i was taVen with it and suffered severely until some one called mvattrnnnn tn rhim. berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemeay. 1 procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Uefore one half of the bottle had been used I u-as well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same. We an unite in saying tt.ts the best." r or sale by Druggists. ICE CREAM MADE BY A NEW PROCESS. I have aa Ice eraam frr ezer that will freeze cream lattaully. Tbe crtam i put into the freezer and comes out instantly, smooth and perfectly frozen. This at toaiabet people and a crowd win gather to see tbe freezer tn opera tion and the; will all want to try the cream. You can sU cream as ftt as it can be made and sell freezers to msiy of them who would not buy an old style freezers. It is rcallya curio sity and yeu can sell from $5 to $3 worth of cream and six to twelve freezers everyday. This makes a zoed profit these hard times and is a pleas ant employment. J. F. Caaay & Co., 1143 St. Charles St., St. Louis Mo, will send full particulars and informa tion in regard to this new invention oa application and will employ .good salesman on salary. Kabt. C. 4 0 FFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Denver. I 0I0.. Auzust 1. 1806. Sealed tro- posals in triplicate subject to uwasaal'coodi. tions. will be received here until 11 o'clock a. n August 15. 1896, and then opened, for transpo--ttisn of Military Supplies an Route betseen Bisbee. A. T., and San Bernardino. A. T dur. ing theEscalyearcommencing ulyx, .toS. U. & reserves right to reject any or all proposals. In formation furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked : "Pro- rals for Transportation and addressed to E. ATWOOD, Major. Chief Q. V Ai.d4t. WTA ITED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewall and Free Silver" ruthorusd by Brvan written by R. L. Metcalf. editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents: a tree silver mine for work ers; only f 1.50; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit gives; freight paid: outfitfree, Beztn now with choice of territory; permanent, profi table work for '96. Address The Naloaal Bool Concern, Star .bulling, Chicago. a ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSE1T, PltOPBIETOB I Pure ice delivered to aay7part oi the city a S CENTS PER POUND. Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. AW-OFFICEAND ICE HOUSE 5TH ST.- Opposite PostofEce. Toistoie Ice Co. C. Ci. Canssnlnsrw, Proprietor. Pure ice delivered to any part o at 1 1-2 CENTS Per POUND Orders can be left at oMce with C L. Cummings, Cor. 5th g'IFremont' Ycur Parsonage is Respectfully Solicited. GUM MAXEY, Allen St, car 3d, (Old CuitoHouse VEGETABLES, FRUITS, lOTATOES ONIONS,' ETC Frtsh California fruit received every day by express. Everything told mi lowejt ralr OnrAt AUmrA J , ' rtt to 8 Mrts . Clturcli Notices. Methodist Clitiech. Suuday School at 10 o'clock a. in. A cordial invitation is extended to 1J. D. Kqbfjits, Pas to.". Catbullc C'hnrcli. Sunday School at 2 o'clock p. m. There will be preaching in the even ing at tbe usual hour. J. IiFZhiUT, pastor. lloecrH lleeini.iieuilatlii, Mr. J. W. Venable. of Downey a pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cal., sas; '-Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lhaeused it for year, know it to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to eery one." For sale by Druggists A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. In the past three nioatln I hate oltared $GC0.75 selling DieU Washers. I did most of the work, my brother helped eorue. I expect to do better mouth, as every Dish Wather sold advertises itrelf, an J sells eetoral more ; I don't have to It-avw the house. People hear about the Dish washers and send for tbe n. they are so cheap. Any lady or gentlemau can make money in this buinc, as every fam ily wants a DUh Washer. Any of our readers who have energy eaouch to apply for an agency can make from 8 10 $10 per day. you can get full par ticular by addressing the Mound City Dish Washer C., St, Loun, Mo. Tiy it and publish your success for th benefit of others. C. D. A. 5 Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ioal ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There Is comfort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of sickness are not due to any actnal dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it Is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is tlio one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. It in the enjoyment of good health, and the system "is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afSicted with any actual disease, cue may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stsnds highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fretio ts reet, opposie Prospector. '(FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS GUR SPECIALTY CareV .ilt-nu.r j;iv n to turning o t the Finest vietct and pictures of all tiles tn a mott artistic manner, superior finish aid tone. Tjten on slort notice. Groups a s e cialty Chbinet, panel and standard W. O. ABBOTT, ASSAYER'. PRICES FORASSA YING. ToMB3T0!fB,A.T. Gold. JI.C3 Slver t.cs. Lead 100 Gold and Silver, one sample. 1.25 Gold, Sliver and lead, one sample 300 Copper.. 1.50 SiLca 1.50 Manganese...... ............. .... ip Lime 1.50 1 ro& 1 5 JTsC 3.00 OBceaad Resideace Overlook Hsase. Highest of all in Leavening -Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Roy. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE LATEST fflS Big Sympathetic Strike About On. 20,000 MAY BE EFFECTED. A Republican Nominee Boldly Declares Himself A Man Killed. BUGGY CONCERN ASSIGNS General llanponlntrs Tit rough. out the Country. CixvelasdII is very probable the Central Labor Union will order a big sympathetic strike throughout thecity at tiie next meeting of the Central Labor Union. Theexecutivs commit teo of the Brown Hoi'tiug men and labor leaders of the union met in con frreneu and decided that a sympathetic .trike was neeesgiry. A committee ppoin'ed by the Central Labor Union 'o ji port on tho adviiabilijy of a lym pstlifctio strike just before the sup posed tettlemeat of the Brown strike, 'erorted favorably. The number of unions affiliated with tbe Central Labor Union is over tixty, and the total membership numbers 20,000 in all branches of trade. Sackamento, Cal. Louis Heinrich, known to the circus profession as Lou Landelle, who fell eeventy feet last evening while making a biloon Recen sion, died from bis injuries at six o'clock this morning, Henrich's home was at San Diego, thoujh for a year past ho has lived at 14 Mason street, San Francisco. CeLOMBUd The Columbus Buggy company today made an assignment to W. A. Miles and John M.Thomas. Assets, f SOO.OOO to $1,000,000. WoosTocif, Ohio. Hon A. S. Mc Clure, republican nominee for con gress of the 17th district, says be is in favor of free coicage of silver and does not proposoto obtain a single vote by evasion or duplicity on the money question. Atlanta City It is now practic ally certain that forty-four persons were killed in the wreck. Tbe arm which was supposed to belong to the foitj-tith body has been found to be part of tbe remains of Mrs. Trenchard of Bridgeton. The corpse supposed to be that of Samuel P. Murphy of Mill ville, was today shown to be the re mains of Patrick Weigan, a retired liquor dealer of this city. Frederick Cbeynr, one of tho injured, died last evening. Bkrlis The police have found a new way to look after the dreaded socialists. Policemen ia citizen's clothes are sent to all places of pur port frequented by malcontents and .lower cusses generally, iney are llowcd a certain sum to pay for drinks and food, and a!l they have to do is to keep their ears and ayes open and make arrests lor socialistic utter ances. The new police order provides forth arrest of all persons who after II o'clock at night shall play the piano or king with open windows. This reg ulation is now in forco in tbe suburbs and if found applicable it will be in troduced in the capital. Among the numerous persons who haebeen cured of reheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "f have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I have also used it for lame back with great snecess It is the best liniment I have ever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it o my Iriends " For sale by Druggists ' . o ICE CREAM NOW MADE IN A MINUTE. I have an Ice Cream Freezer that will freze cream perfectly in one minute; as it is such a wonder a crowd will always be around, so anyone can make from five to six dollars a day selling ice cream and tan to twenty a day gelling Freezers, as people will always buy an article when it is de monstrated that thty can make money by bo doing. The cream is frozen instantly and is smooth and free from lumps. I have done so well that I felt it my duty to let others know of tbe oppurtunity, as I feel confident that any person in any locality can make money, as aay person can sell cream and the Freezer sells itself. J. F. Casey c Co., 1143 St., St Louis, Mo., will mail you complete instruct ions and will employ you on salary if you can give them your whole time. C Geo. B. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT, FAIBAlEICHli GEO. O. McGEE, Prop IAIRBANK, ARIZONA. Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of nines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A FULL LINF OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on haad. Patronage soiiate FAIBBAXK. ARIZONA, FairM Restaurant- FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. MRS, IC. HUSRIXGrON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVESfTHING Charges reasonable ParttVoing fr:m Tomb stone to Bisbee will have ample time to dinner before the taria arrives. Pjo. lie patronage rs re5ectfu!!7 Toniustoue & Pearce -MAIL AND STAGE LINE.. FRANK BLATZ, Proprietor. Will make semi-weekly trips to the New Camp, onj Wednesdiy and Sunday of eacK week, making the round trip in one day, carrying tbe U. S. mail and passengers. FARE (round trip) 93 rm r n iwtu iw.Vwt r -f i -,