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The Prospector ACGU8T ,89C RAILROAD TIME-TABLES ARIZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Bar f fj TUI TABLE J So I. ? 5 JbIjt il IBS. I uol T, T " S K" ! r uUoni, U CUm Class I ' t 5 Ijally aaerpt Sunday :11 n : ai iso O 0. a a 11.4 .. ... W.e.Lr I ..J(.n s . U.8 'M Si ...... BUbsc...... At S5J ....PoaLoi 513 .....Packard U ..Wfter aa S0.1 CWetoa....,..i24.J F Irbink ... .Lt 1.0 i- ti t. ' 1 Jib 1 ...fMrmuK ... .as,-. M. A A.!ir.7 ...Land .........rift.? ,. onUntiaa .S Basoa.......l' o SaOr excey Sandar J.t 100 M 1.SS l.W I'M 1! 11,10 11, I settle Baa, Ilf statleu. Stop en ' (sals. EM WII4JIMS. SapmatcDSV&t. SOUTHERN rAQFIC R. fCJB 5" USUI STAT10SS. I "ill n.lomL ..aoaro 6.03 a ml 11.SS p m 8.45 a ml ...Bensn An 5.40 pm .Tacson '7.o5pim .iricopa ,iao5pn ...Yuci" .Los Angeles.... - x.oopm Boa 8t, Limited, cut bound, Monaajs and fa radars t.19, Bcomii Sua Set, Lnutel'wcst banal. Wednesdays an Jaturdays, 4.GS Hansen' NEW MEXICO ARIZONA West STATIONS fcoopm Lt , 1,50 am .Mm z.aoara 37 a m 1.15 pm ...Benscn . ., FalrtMnk ..Huachnca..... . Crittenden .... , Calatn .... ..NosaV: Ar East 10.40 a ra 1.00 pm pm 0.00 a ra a. 30 am aGy except Suaday. PadS- time. J. 7. FatT GesenI Manager. A. Nauclx. L H. Albright, Assist t General M surer. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. North I to pm 1.35 p D 9.00pm .5Pn 45 P ml STAUONS Lt. ....Phonix . Terspe .. ...Kjrene .. Sicatoa.. 1. ..Marie pa. ....Art South a 00a m 1101m is 55pra 12 30 p m n 10 r m (d. H. Honshu T. Gea. Supt. LOCAL NOTES."" fsilver it quoted at 68 Schilling' Best is mora inspiring mora invigorating, more delicate than any other Ua; end yet some people will want moaey-back. They shall have it. Mrt.F. N. Wolrolt tod family re turned horn yesterday from their six week anting in the Huacbucat. That they had a pleasant time and thorough. T enjoyed tbmtalva goes without toying. Thos. Lowry and wife returned yesterday from a three month trip to San Francisco. They enioved them- elres immensely and each look the acmeoineaitn. They are glad to be back and greeted by their many Iriendt. C m CIoslntT out an nveratru-lr f .t and wire nails ard Corrugated Boor inz, No. 81 10d, 20d, 40d an4 60J steel and wire nails, per keg, $4-25; No. 27 corrugated roofinr, painud, 7 and feet lengths, 3.65 per square. The above prices are delivered at Fatrhank A. T. fxes. Terms cash. Address ueo. JB. Marsh, Nogales, A . T. j27 airs. Otcar Cnsmon e! Lehl near Phoenix was bitten m the breast a few daye ago by a vicious horse. A section ol ll8n was nearly torn from her body ae is suffering mtenselr and it feared that the animal was suffering with rabies in which case Mrs. Cris- naosi is in danger ol hydrophobia. 1st Olden . People overlooked the importance of porraaunuy oenencial efiecU and -were satic6ed with transient action; but now thkl it is generally known u.ojrupo! xiwiii permanently orerocme habitual cusatipation, well informednonla will nniknr,iiii... lives, which act for'sv time, bat finally Awcrfetf lilghest HoHors-Worid'5 Fair, DIt w CREsAM BAKING mm MOST PERFECT MADE, fcpure Crape Oetm of Tartar Powder, ftee ' 1 flh n nr my iHm nfciliiisjs , 40 YUM tm STAlaMaa THE MKXICAN BOUNDARY. Mextco'd Claim of $22,000,000 Duaires. Along no inconsiderable portion of its ceurse the Bio Grande conititutes the inlernation.l boundary betwtea the United StaUs and Meiico. Uutil within a few years the Bio Grande served the purpose of a boundary line very creditably and satisfactorily, but recently ths settlers in Color o end New Mexico (away up stream) have taken so much water out of the river for the purpose of irrigation that the ild bcundary line becemes obhf rated during lb dry season, and this has made so much trouble for the Mexi cans that their government claims of the United States $22,000,000 dam ages. The circumstances upon which tbsy bass their heavy claim for damages may be briefly summed up as follow, says the Express: From the neigh borhood cf 1 Paso, extending about ninety miles down the river, there is a ralley about fifteen miles wide, and since the river has got into the habit of going dry every summer it.has cut many different and widely diverging ehanael with the advent of flood water. In this way the international boundary has been practically obliter ated as far as this valley, fifteen miles wide and ninety miles long, is con cerned. Thia has lsd to endless com plications as te national jurisdiction, and finally to a condition of uttr lawlessness. In Motion to thi, the Mexicans claim that itt some 200 y'ars they have bea cultivating tbelnds of this valley on their sit of 'lie boundary wbiea were made very fertile and pro ductive by irrigation from the waters ( the Bio Grandf, but since the river baa keen systematically and contin uously robbed of its waters by the American settlers of Colorado and New Meiico just at the seasen wheu the water was needed for irrigation, the valley below 1 Paso has become a sterile desert, absolutely worthless for agricaltural purposes. They claim that trie Mexicans have a prior claim to the water of the Bio Grande, as they virre using it for pur poses of irrigation 200 years ago, but now they have been robbed not only of the water, but of the international boundary line, and, indireotly, ef law and erdtr in the valley referrtd to. In view of all this they set up a elaim lor $22 000,000 damages. FOB OVKR F la-TV VEAR8. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winsldw's Soothing Syrup baa been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guin, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the test remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in very part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and sk for Mr. Win slow' Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A Missouri exchange says : A young lady explained to one of our printers the difference between printing and publishing, and in conclusion she shy ly said : "Now you may print a kiss on my cheek, but you must not pub lish it." With that be looked the fair form-in hi arms so that it would not pi and went to press. A number of Mextoans were arrest ed yesterday by U. S. D 'fuiy Marshal Scott White and Deputy Sheriff Alvord on charge of a smuggling mescal. Three of the Mexicans were held aad are now in jail awaiting an examina tion. A considerable quantity of the mescal was found and eenfieeated Which will be held at evidence. The Board of Supervisors are in ses sion lisuuinE to protests of taxpayers who were raised by the Board. It is expected :be session will be completed today. The opening of bid for elec tion priatiag was also attended to and the Orb at Bisbeo waa awarded th coa tract being the lowest bidder. The further sews haabaan received in this city ef the German reported by J. C. Dobbins to bo lost on the de-ert east of Mesa, Indians were aearcbing the country for him yesterday says the Republican. but saw bo signs of him. There can bo no doubt bat that the asaa perished. Ha was well supplied with whisky and appeared to be half drank when ho left the wells. His water must have gives out and the liquor ho had consumed waa surScisnt togivohiffl aa unqaenebabla thirst Hi i4 body ar skeleton will bo r. It should not bo forgotten that to-mc-row night a meeting of citixona of Tombstone will be held at the Court house to form the Tombstone Bime tallic League. Good speakers will be present and the roll should inelu ie the name of every citizen of our city. It ia the intention to charge an initial fti of 50 cents or 11 and a monthly assessment of probably 50 ceats for the coming three months ol the cam paign for the purposes already etaUd. This plau ha been agreed upon by the committee to assure a large en rollment of nibmhcre. No one will be called npou to contribute more than other members and it is believed ttndsr this arrangement ovary hus baudmar, miner and citiieas will bo on hand to teudrr his mile ia the good cause. Two X.1TCM Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City 1!L, was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's N DUcovery cured her and she says it saved her l.fe. Mr. Thos.. Eggers, 139 FUridi St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. "King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of the, medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Uisbee drugstores. Regular size 50c. and Sl.oo CATHODE-RAY. Satisfactory Results of Recent Observations. Seme very uniqui cathode-ray axper isasnts of extraordinary success have been made In Oregoi City, O., by Dr. J. C. Perry, a well known physician of San Francisco, aud W. C. Cheney, superintendent of the Portland Gen eral Elsctrit eonspaoy, Tho exjwi ments were made with gold-bearing rock, in which the rays dsfined tho free gold as plainly as if it lay on the surface of the quartz. So far aa known this is tli first successful experimsnt of the kind with quarto, and the re sults obtained justify the assertion that the new ray will prove of im mense talus in mining operations. Besides their successful experiments with quartz. Dr. Perry and Mr. Che ney have succeeded in cutting down the time of exposure to a quarter of an hour. The importance of this de crease in time is significant, when it is required to retain one position with out moving throughout tho exposure. Both Dr. Perry and Mr. Cheney ex plain this decrease by the effective ness of Mr. Cheney's inductive coil, which was used in all the experiments and which it owner considers the most powerful coil west of Chicago. 1 It may bj interesting to many who contemplate camping in the Huacbu. cas that accomodations and all com' forts of camp lifocanbehadst Burners ranch in.Bamsey canyon the obliging owner furnishing board and lodging at reasonable rates. This parties may go to mis pleasant resort without a wagonlo m1 of tents,blanketf,prc vision eto.and thoroughly eojy themselves at this picturesque spot. OP THE COWBOY. A Poet Writes oa the Knight efthe Lariet. Tho KiogmanMineralWcalth print tho following slander on wnat are now our most sober, honest and Industrious citizen. Thy wero once bronco, but now they are "muy mancito" poverty makes us all gentle : The cowboy is a pretty bird And woolly a a sheep. The only time he isn't bad Is wbta he is asleep. When hording oattle on the range He's meek and snild enough. But whsn hi hide is full of boos. Yon bet your neck bo's tough. He ner is around tho town Without his Utile sun. But he's never Viown to fire it otT ZeDt upon tho run. He wears a broad sombrero hat, And kangaroo heeled boot, Il the heel ar fourteen inches high. They are the kind that suits. He wears a red rag round his neck And yellow round his hat, When be ridea into a town Shr herders le&ve the fiat. You Can always tell when he's in If you can hsar him holler, town And when he isn't raising h 1, He hasn't got a dollar. He's at his best on sunny days, When he can see his shadow ; He'd ealch it if be had to ride From here to Colorado. He never dies, but just goes noith. Where all good puncher go ; The bar bills that he leave behind No on pretend to know. We like hi n better when he's gone, Than e'en wo ussd to do. For it is true that "distanse lends Enchantment to tLe view.' THE NEW HOOK SPOON FREE. I read in the Christian Stanrfan! tbat Mis A. M. Fritz Sutton A, St Louis, Mo., would eiva an olpcant tilatorl hook spoon to anyone sending her 10 i-cent stamp. 1 sent lor one and found it so useful that I showed it to say friends and made f 13 in twahnura taking orders. The hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held in place by a hook on the back Anyone catTget a sample spoon by asnding ten 2 cent stamp to Mist Fritz. Thisisasnlendidwav to malm money around home. Very tr,nly, J27-131 JxaxnkttxS. acuBAXOIA cured br Dr. M1W Para PXUO- Onocont ados.' At all dntusHrtr A dispatch from Guthrie, O. T., say a man claiming to bo Schlatter, the divine leader from Danvarroi in'o town late yesterday on a blcytla and it creating a sensation. Ha wai d rest ed in a trailing gowu of black an i wore aeurling beard aud long, -flowing hair. Alteon as bis supposed identity be ottne known a great rowJ gathered about the man, and since then hua dredsof people hav constantly dogged bit footsteps. Lttt night he .address ed an immense throng, laying on bands to heal people and blesing hundreds of handkerchiefs. The Republican has beu doing some figuring and says : Daring th summer up to date the reourds of the 8. P., P. A P. company ahow that 285 paasenger wer booted oar that road for coast points. Nearly as man) people went out on tho Southern Pacific excursions. Place the total number at about 400 and to say that each. p:i fpendt (100 on his o' her trip, trie amount figure up to $40, 000. This does not inclule the num ber that go to the hills or northern point. It is safe to say that $75,000 is dropped annually by Pnoenician on the the coast. r Wky Ret IMare Iwsycctora I'eosl? No one ever think of questioning the propriety of having milk-inspec os;so much ol the milk consumed goes to babes aud little children, and, if impure, would therefore attack our raoe at its very cradle. But shouldn't we have a food Invest igation too? Shouldn't there bo a Board appointed to lock into the purity of sugar, tea, coffee, cocoa, four, sausage, meat, etc.? Ordinary men aud women are not judges of food and drink, and they should be pro tected. The recent tea-agitation brings the matter to our alUution. Star Horace . Dunlap. brother of Hon. Burt Dunlap, ha purchased tho Sul phur Vallay Nawa of Chi. Y. Puh or this city. This paper was founded by Mr. Pugh in the early spring of '94, and ha been a material factor in the Uji building of Cochise county. Mr. Dunlap ha resided in southwest ern Arizona for about a dozen years, and is well and favorably anown among the people of tbat section. He will assume piactical management on next Wednesday morning Herald. BU( KLIN'S AUNICA SALVE. The best salvo in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and pos tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give pcefect stis a facii or money refunded. Prices co cents per box. For saleat Tomb ione ' .LS!U .SlUrC BLACKWELLS The assistant manager of the Harqua Hala Gold Miniag company, limited, in Yuma county, report tb opera tion of the cyanide plant for the month of April as follows: Pulp treated, 3,000 tons; average assay of pulp, 51.43 per tons ; extracted according to assays, 59 per cent; bullion realized, 6,6i; miscellaneous revenue, 120; total revenue, C,59 j ; operating ex- psnOs'2,7g4;expeni,S623; total ex penses, 1,4,407. Ssatlnol. I WANT iD NO OTHER. SEE? The editor of a Texaa contempor ary in mad, aud this it tb way ho goo torlilB-deliuqueat subscriber: "When any little, cross-eyed, bow-legged, lantern-jawed, piebald, scaly-headed, lop-eared, pigeon-toed, deg-tootkod, slimy-handed thief take a paper two or three years and than suddenly dis covers that he "never saoMribect for it and ain't goin' to pay for It, nohow," the editor should aeenre help and tak tho aconndrat to tho nearest black jack and treat his worthies carets to an application of blackaaake." MM brKrirrtSUUHflAM rBaisaWgnV I JDH1'NC t II L 13 1 DURHAM -,;-fc jk f4 'i 1 JrT!aW M uH!l " " 1 H j ijgMf 11 H JBi gr-. 7 A- a,T saWsj TT JBj aHHsM'Atj'sF'asBaR 1 1 i 1 P. B. WARNEKROS. CLOSING QUI!! His Mammoth Stock Cf Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes w . ALL Mining & Farm ing Implements ffILL BE SOLD AT COST, A Tost will UKl sas Moves salt tw sum ;. sa two oampoma taaid cJa tanr otutea haa; ml Blck- wU' XHaxsuuu. Bur a mmm t this alsbratad tobacco matt nasi sac Mspa-whkh dvaa a list mt iraluU m- oa aav How js tttcam. f CLEARANCE - SALE, GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW n We Respectfully Solicit Vie Trade of All Resident O Cochise County. No Trouble to Show Goods. CnUmmnd Goiivince Yourselj of TJie I The Phoenix Bepublioan aaya: "Tb poor unfortunate in tho iasaa ay Inm wer treated to another dan. Toay that they enjoyed it would bo a rai.d way of expressing it. To aa on looker the grotesque figures and oapert of tome ef tho demented a they whirl ed around in the endeavor to koop time to tho music wenld provok aairth. but to nay tho leaat lt i a grand diyriexitetaMBafrtaMteawB4 an kept la PIONEER STORE, f CORNER TH k FEEMOXT 8TREET8. ideslXjEs: We Mean Business. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS FAND RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAQON COVERS 8UCKEYE FORCE PUMP Agent far IMnrarZSajAQklCULTtrKAL in I KjrXBjTTB, an OKLXSUIKD TtntBiaT TrnrDMiLLSi o and roweOu !! rd C a4 I JOS. HOEFLEP, PROP. .-. And "Will 3eli Mr A SACRIFICE, -s GIVE US A CALL .r