Newspaper Page Text
. S-AfeMJCMUMlftaM h. V h t i J9HCBSl f i . '.' TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (6UKDAT ExCMTklO BT Wm, Hattich. Editor and Proprietor. Miabkcrlptlom Kate. One Year 10 00 lix Month 00 ThreeMonthj 3 00 OneMonth. 100 Delivered bjr Carriers for 85 oenU per week. C1TI AM COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FREE COINAGE (6 to l ss V I For President and Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. .1 p We demand Ike Immediate realaratlw r the free and unlimited coinage T aad sliver at tke prevent lesal rail f I I 1, with.nt waiting r.r tke aid ar enntent Tanyather nntlaa. We demand that In standard stiver d.llar ka!l be a rail legal tender, equally wltk gld. Tar all debt., naMle aad private aad rarer sneh legl. latum, as will present the demanettxatl.a r any klat ariezai tenter at.ncy by private eantraet. Democratic National Sliver Matfara. ""The chief of the neither bureau ha sent out a circular to the press desig nating what ii tornado and what it cyclone, and defiining the difference between them. A tornado is' thus de scribed : "The tornado it a sudden outburst of. wind in an otherwise quiet, sultry atmosphere; it is ushered in by aloud, inrftscriiable roar, similar to a con tin uous roll of thunder; Its path is very narrow seldom more than 500 fee: wide at greatest destruction. A lor nado may be considered as the result of an extreme development of condi tions which otherwise produce thun derstorms." The cycloneis another and a bigger thins;. The weather bureau thus de scribe it; "X cyclone, on the other hand, is a Tery broad storm, oftentimes 1,000 mile in diameter, and sometime can be followed half around the woild. The cyclenn wind often rise to hurri cane force, but are not to be compared with the extreme violence of .the tor nado, before which the moat solid structures are raised." Just at present the country is suf fering fr5m a tornado of abuse at the mouths of the anti iilver orator t and press. When the returns are all in and the battle is decided in laTor of silver the country will have learned what a cyolputu. v "Give us this day our daily bolt" it the suggestion of the St Louis Globe- Democrat for the opening prayer of almost any political convention this 1 year. I 1-fT 11 5 ,, . . . i tfMMPFTZM&ZZWJ'A " w YMMWMPfA"n wttmmmamvs ..7.nnnnB anTVCn m wa - " 74. Tr7,jwmm W.miMB'2 '&'ZWS 1 dla: aad black It lis a TfMSw terror tar . I an not use Ivjj- jne nnt vrai ttca . Xr Iatt I recall that I wu a poor. Inffly Till immature iirwmomto WW rata. I recalled sliats of f quiet yet feartal tortare asd days aad dare of tsdeclalaa r . r a tmmmmmmmmt ..V, m -j. m sV m lia-A m lL SnV i before I Died the rcnedlea of tta Bad. Medical lo . slitate. , ,. ,, . - THAT WJ before I bad r taxes tae'treat Bsdren. I toona nnayasi wn imt rasderf al epectle. I loan p urn til a la Ike treat Huden. I fouad Hsdraa does care rraie of vtakama. ei loee . lij daj w B!(bL 1 caa nw ar is W"7 JlT aaM'sl SBk 9E sv MI .KejS" i j rm Ja& a What Are We Here For? . .laaBBaB tV Baafc" THE FUN OR THE M0N? From t!.e expression upon our 1 1 face ho is evidenth' here for neither but as for us WE ARE HEEE FOR BOTH. We are handling T1 nisi FJR-VIVI: SIDDALLS SOAP Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. Cottolene Cottolene - Cottolene, That "perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction Wo have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails rbeMlaeyeo ba'roo.t "otic la! relSTeealorv It Is a yt-nrt It roreeeaita!u'at iDvtvtS. CVvUljr. terrcae eituia'taD Vtaknos. liter and alitoe;'.a. ir jru luftf at I d: artte lotae eld docton la: cl taiaie aad MatlBxuU-e "t 1 rbefreet'HudieasMd jua Il (et laca fSEK. Cfretrlars aatt TestlmMUU f 0 of the- great HLDYA.N free, i 1UDS0N MEDICAL INSTITUTE rSlscktss, lUrkct asi 111U St tea Trtm-elmcro, CmlUcgntm WE 'are well supplied with prepared goads of all k ind for use during this hot weather consisting of: Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Hcait Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans. Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans , plain or in Tomato Sauce, And many otherXxOods x too numerous to mention, Also in regular receipt of Holland; IdmtrargeT and American Cheese. Don't Forget that we are sole agents lor Tombstone and rficnity for tee & MmSeai Brand Cotee. VaflLaALViA SUB VisHHiIIf W f GEORGE H FITTS, THE Grocer, CORNER OtiSlXlB. A$n ALLEN 8TREEE8. PONY SALOON,! J.A.KOSKA Proprietor. Finett Stock of Win, Liquor and Cigar in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. liest and Purest Brands of Whiskies Urindies and Wines kept Con stantly on J I and. IVu tof find "Al" t home, on AlUt. St. btt. 4th and 5th. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BUL0TTI, Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. PIONEER BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH LTPPERT. Prop, (-JFrrryfAt"ny Heat, Clean and in Firtt Imported and Domeitie Cigar, Courteou Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & 5th, Tembsione Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. Iht Finett and Sett ntted BiUiara Parlvrs in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tablet in Conjunct tion. Mixed Drink a Specialty. Private Club Room. Allen, hot. 4th V!Hli,Tombntorj COMET SALOON GABLEVATOPALA,Proprs WINES.LIQUORS & CIGARS. DeaUrt in BvurVt frith and Scotch H7iwy, and Other Well Known Brandt. A Specialty made of bttl Claret and Wine. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Co; res I Place in Town. Allen, bet. Oth & 7tli, Tombstone ST. LOWS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL MARTIN C0STELL0 Atfent for AnheuseriBuscJi Beer. NOTICE. Registration of Electors for Cochise Coufltv. The following iztalntion was aaanltooaaljr passed at a meeting of the board of supexrisors of Coctise coaoty, Arizona, held April 7th, 1896. y Resolved. That there be, and is erebr ordered to be nude, between, the 30th day of. Ap-fl and the 13th Ur of October a registration Of the electors of Cochise cobnfy, and that the Clerk ef the Hoard be instructed to hare abort order advertised once a week foe a period 01 four months, next after first dar of Ma jr, 1896". W. A. IIAJrWOOD SEAL. Clerk 01 the Board cf.Snperrisors. Tombstdae. May t, 1896. " mi LOOP POISON atnUtodaTa.ToaeaaMtreaSli bove iroraama price naner aaae caaraal Bssx-;;wrcierioeoea bare n win eat. SK'fftf.SI'M?'' Mor labranEaHkS BStZiSXttf.'?'.'' - aaaalwa- naiiiutsV OCM0 car.ltAl bchlad '3S5Z V"r sswrww,asy PCHiatX OVT tanfe TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Welli Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pure and Frtsk Drags and Medi - cines on Hand. Full Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prcscriptionist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TOILET GOODS, PERFUMES Clan Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. The Oldett and Hott Favorably Known Barber on the Coatt. Pay Him a Call. Allen, bet. 4lh& Slli.TtimlMtlone CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MIANO, Proprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavine and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every. thing first-class Yeart of Practical Experience make thi Shaving Parlor a mott Popular Retort, Allrsa, nrtir Cor, Stti.Tmutvtfonr. TJKDKKTAKINQ PABlOBg OP C. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. Etc. From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodiet Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Late it Procett. The National Matte Smelter; A practical and simple method of mattin; sulphide ore, such as niclde, copjw, gold and silver oies. In local'ties where lead ores and fuel are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyritie, xater jicltet Xlatte Smelter has been re cognized with Lighly satisfactory re-n!ts, and lias beea thoroashlj tested on various ptratic; sulphide and arsenide ores, in czparity of a to 80 tons per dav. It is the most practical. cheapest and simplest method of gold and silver ore matnng and concentrating tht is knovn today It requires no extrao-dicaryskill. no lead ores, no fluxing material, anc no fuel of any kind for the siielter alter it is started. The sulphur in the ore is its naturil fill only, and itsccthu no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any siie or capac ity plant complete to substantia mining people, set it np and furnish our men to run it Tor them on easy paymepts. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE 4 REDUCTION Co. 5735 Cheltenham Avenue. St. Louis, Mo Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle, Copper, Gold, Silver and Lead Ores, (ar.iy Fer jenr Protection. Catarrh "Cures" e Toslcafor Catarrh in liquid form to be taken internally, usually contain either Mercury or Iodide of Fotaasa, or both, which are injur, ions it too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a blood disease, caused by sudden change to cold or damp we-allur. It starts in the nasal passages, affecting eyes, eats and throat, Cuid in the head causes excessive flow of mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re sults of catarrh will follow; severe pain in the head, a roaring sound in. the ears, bad breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis charge. The remedy should be quick to allay inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's Cream. Balm is the acknowledged cure for these trouble and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, SO cecU. Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court cf the Coaoty of CVwJdse, Territory of Arizona. ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRV, deceased. Notice is hereby. given bythejindersiged ad ministrator of the estate ot Jane L. Beny, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary voucher, within four months alter the first poblicati n of this notice. .3 the administrator, at Willcoi, in the county of Cochise. WILLIAM V. RIOGS, Adminutrator of the estate of Jane L. Berry, deceased. Dated July lath. 1S96L -orner Third an I Allen. ' Ifl The largest 'and Best Equipped Est il Jishment olts" Kin J J the TVrritnrv- MfcS UzmjmmgMg&MaBBMMM r-v T -N. -r . - i S3 f-IUNhbR i Carriage i Blacksmith l All Kinds of Buggy, "Wagon and "Woodwork Neatly and JLrromDtlv Done. KL DLRblttMilMMj M AND HORSESHOEING. j3tT6P vacuities J or Doing All Kinds of Eft Repairing in Wood and Iron. None Etf fillf Tr?1,0 nlsvnet 1 9 . 7 .. .. W Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. XXFull assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. mmmsmfEmMBiniBa rS3nm?v7Svva X-rjawiViVjar. C. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FREMONT SI KEETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to ull parts of the City. Your p itronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI Femon bet.7lhand8tb. THE EOUBTH WABD BUTCHEB The ChoicestZof Meats. Skill'uW' Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. WELSBACH A. ASHMAN Lessee. INCANDESCENT 3AS UGHT la General Use throughout the United States and Europe, .d successfully comp ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF LAJYJGP (2.75 Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFH.K 15f nAUTK Itllll.lHMU. TOWniTO.XK. AKIZOX.t. MRS. A. I)AJ'.SO Proprietress (1COHISE HOUSE. J ' Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. EIEGtATLTrT FURNISHED ItOOfll Visitors to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel end 01 oilering excellent accomodations. A LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. AIRS "F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. This Favorite Headquarters for Commerctal Men has recently been newly renovated and neatly furnished throughout with specisi reference M the tra-'elir. public Rooms ensuite and single. Prices Moderate. Consolfdated National Bant Of Tacsos, Arfsssu Canitol Stock ,$50,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN, President. W. C DAVIS. Vice-President. H. & TENNEY, Cashie. Issues drafts available at any point in the United Stales. Diaws bQlsof exchaiceoaa European cities, and makes a specialty of out of town accounts with invdiiduali, firms and cor pamibas. m.a-tf. WANTED AT ONCE; ACTIVE AGENTS for each county: exclusive control and no risk. Wa clear is to 35 hundred dollars a year. Knelose stamp tor lull particulars, ut 15s let ft sample. sac HnHwuuiL wain i-ov. Palace FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Mrs. S. G4LLEN, Pi op Fifth bet. Allen and Tocg .r.u I Tombstone, - Aizqi-k PARLCR FOR ( 11. Everything Made Convenient lor Guests' Special Rates to Parties by lb i V or Month. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE ROOM FOR' DRUMMERS. RATE IS REASOXABi HOTEL ARLINGTON .TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. -Mass 1 NEWLY FURNISHED LAlt;;K All.!! j ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- ' Everythiniiir8tf7ac?t Samplsrcom. for commerial uau jf i" J. -