Newspaper Page Text
- wi- -T r ' u. TOMBSTONE -s.-. PROSPECTOR 0f t- - OUR WATCHWORD----"COOHlSE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA THUHSDAy EVENING. AUGUST C. i8g6. No. 27I, THE rr I H i Vi S- ! The PiferfEcroR ;itv nnd County Ofllcial Papr. tUBLISUED EVERY EVENING (Excpt Sdkday.1 BY ffm. Hatttch Editor and Proprietor. rVeiiioiit 8t., Opposite City Hall .-r Tub pRCjncroa will not hold itself respon sible for any of the articles or seatinieils es 'graved by any f H correspondents Entered In tie Tombstone Postoflice as x-cond Class natter. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Anient. VilU. C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT y y Law and Notary Public, Tombstone, Arizona. H ERRING & HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. OSce on Tousbnot Street, between Secand and acd Third, opposite tbe Court House. GEO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT. l.a. Will practice in all courts of the Territory. Tombstone, Arizona. c & CLARK. ATTORNEY AND COUN. J. selor at Law. Ofnce on r ounii Mrret. between Allen and Toujbnut. Tomb stone. Will practice in all the con of the Territory. CVIARLES GRANVILLE. JOHNSTON. 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, aai Fremont Street ael. jto tad Jin streets. A nxmber of the Bar 01 tiieAiprcme Court of the remtory. and will pr vc'ke la any of tbe court therein. ERTHA HERRING, TYPEWRITER asd Notary Public Toughnut Street. Tombstone, Arizora. AWENTWORril. COUNTY RE corder and Abstract.OrSce. Abstr-icts of title to real esute and mines fum shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House, Tombstone, c. E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St: bet 3d & 4th. Tombstone. AL KOSKA. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on 4th St. bet. Allen and Toujhant, Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgfon: Ofhce adjoining his residence cr 4 th street. Calls attended at all hoars day and ru'sbl. FC. EARLE, ASSAYER AND MfcTA lnjicil Laboratory. O&ce N 319, FrcuontSt. opposite City HaO. THE ORDERS- F. & A M. KING SOLOMON IXDGE NO. 5, meets third Saturday in each ror.nth. Visitine brothers cordially invited t al ien d. W, M..J H McPHERSON. A. L. GROW bec"ty. K. A. 31 C .OCHISE CHAPTER No. 4. MEETS third Wednesday tn each month Vis itine Companions cordially Invire.. 10 at- end. TOM LOWRY, II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. S. of A. WASHINGTON CAM? NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening is. each month. Vis iting Comrades cordially invted. J. W. CLARK, ftesVlTOt. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. "OMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. meets tst and 3d Thursday in each month. Vtsmng brothe cordnlly in lted. ROBT. BEST, M. W. W. D MOWVOVIEK. Recorder. K. ofP. 4 RIZiVA LODGE j KNIGHTS OF Pythias, No. 4., meets every 1st and dMondais' in each month. Visiting; brothers I r-rdiUly invited JOHNNOBILE.Ca W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. EJtlOTECnON HOSE COMPANY NO, 3. TntH First Sunday in each month ot their lose noose on the corner of Sevent'i and Fre jui :t streets, opposite the schoo3 house. WM. GARKElT, Forenian, TOM SMITH Secretary. RESCUE HOSE lOMPANY MEErS First Snadar in each month at Ciy IlaH, FreoMt sueet. . V. VICK EKS. i. W ENT WORTH. Stv. Pre .ident. J. N. MCDONOUGH. Fsan. E r GINE COMPANY NO. ., Mh.ETS last S'lUtdty in eaeb monh, at hose house. in the cornet of Tou-rnnnt and 5th streets. JO-'EHH L1PPERT. Foreman, HENRY DUNKER. Secretary vVATER WOJKS F. CALVES. Trop Water Fei Barn.1, - 2" CenU Water. Per Bnckt-t - fiOnta. rhOill'T SERVICE. ".educed Rates by the Month Leave orders with wagon, or at tfi 4 ' fcmr Ory(t fimI (ear irn-T" Ifrimat- at AlA tnrsv-r. Ck !- 3t,Mr-fV' Z3r LXg .. Ynrfc S, M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, HI Pill I Ml S NIL THE DRY GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all lextures, rattenis, and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Ohecks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc MEN'S FMISRIC- DEPARTMENT A Specialty is nade of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHINQ SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS FILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. HAT AID SHOE DEPART1NTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other lar.ious Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham & Heeh's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture Slippers,' Ties, and finest Kid ShoeB, SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. I1N DEPARTMENTS full stock is carried j:onsi6liiirrof- Glassware, Crocliery, Out GrllXHH, Fancy Cajis. Canvass Tentis, Wagon Covers, MatratiscM. Everything at Lowest Eastern jPtices & M. BARROW. 11 alii IV DEPARTMENT the latest Styles, Designs, and biiades of a large THE IIUIV XI ardware, Tinware, Crtins, JPistolw, Ca ti-idgre -JEte Hatllle, SADDLERY Only one tea to use nowadays. The uncolored tea. The unweighted tea. The fresh-roasted tea. The money-back tea. Schilling's Best. Maybe someone else will Import tender tea-leaves" from tea countries by-and-by, roast thorn in this country, and put no coloring or weighting in them ; but until this is done by someone else, Schillings Best is the tea for you and for everyone. Cood food, good life; Schilling! Beit coffee, baking- powder, soda, spices, seasoning, flavoring-extracts pure and money-backed. A Schilling & Company San Francisco u 'We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel SPollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose, llefore one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends AMU tilCU CAUCULC WJ5 IHC SUtlC. W C all unite in sayiog it is the best." for sale by Drug-p'sts. 0FFH.K OK CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Denver. Colo., August 1.1 B96. Sealed pro posals in triplicate subject to the usual condi tions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a ru August 15. 1S96, and then opened, for transpor tmon of Military Supplies on Route bettcen Bbee. A. T.. and Stn Bernardino, A T dur ing the fiscal yearcomroencing July 1, 1896. U. S. reserves right to reject any or all proposals In formation furnished on application. Envelopes conuitiinc proposals shiuld be marked "Pro posals for Transportation and addressed to E. a ATWOOD. Major. Chief Q. V Ai lit. WA 1TED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN uVwk "Bryan Sewall anl Free Silver" authoru-d by Br an written by R, L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches , and platform A bonanza for agents, afree silver mine fnr work ers; only St $o; theonly authorized book 50 per teni; creaii jiven, ireutnt pma; outm tree, Beyn no with choice of territory; permanent, profi table work for 'cS. Address The National Boot Concern, Star building, Chicago. ai Wanted An agent in ;very section to cant vass. 5-1 toscadar mde: sel'sai lifct- also a roan to selltaple s;oods ta dealers, bes, ride h'ne. $75 a month. Salary or large commis; sion made; eiperience unnecessary. For setled particulars send sump. , Chfton Stp & Slanu- laciunng Lompanr, uinannan, unio. ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSEIT, PROPRIETOR Pure Ice delivered to any'part ol the city' a 3 CEjYTS PER POUND. Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. CTOFFICSASD ICE HOUSE 5TH ST.-5 Opposite Postoffice. ARE YOU GOIXG THIS rSTJr.OJOEIfcV ine aoiitnern iracihe Company have place on stle at Benson round trip tickets to jotnts north and eaatat greatly reduced rates. JJeforx pur chasing your tickets call on or sddress E. S. WEBSTER, Agent at Beceon, Or T.'H. GotDMAT, j O P. A San Francisco. GUM iAXEY, Allen St car 3!, (Old Cut oHome VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 10TATOES, ONIONS, ETC Freth California fruit received every day by txprttt. Exerything told at lovtit ratet. Good delivered re'elo all oartt of cj'ft. TduStone & Pearce :MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, Cirletp. Will make semi-weekly trips to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the ronnd trip in one day, carrying the U. S. mail and passengers. FAR(rouxd (rip) $3 ilOIJJJ. AKKIVA1.M. COCHISE J. 0. Skimer, Hiver. J. S. Wijli iiux, UUIi? Chaj. Noyes , Ranch. I ALACL. C. II. Ruvf-n, Iloachuca. 6AS JOfK. N.A. Gillman and wife, Wilcox. Mrs.C. E. Robert', W.W. Wallace. Bisbee. A. D. Walsh, Jr. Iliiachuca. ARUKQTnX A MachinirMi, Sn Francisco. I'loneor'n ItpcJiuvtK'n-lntloa. Mr. J. W. Ventble, of Downev a pioneer of Los Antjeles County, Cal., sty's: -Whenever 1, am troubled with a piin in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and uiarrnoea Kemedy. I bae used it for year, know it to he a reliable remedy and recommend it to every one." For sale by Druggists From Oroville, Cal., it ia reported that between forty and fifty horeeaand mules have died from the excessive heat in the past ten days in and around Gridley, while being worked on combined lmrvefters. One man had nine mules die in one day on his machine. On Friday and Saturday the harvesters a' opped workon account of the heat. Gladness Comes Xith a bettor understanding of the " transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish befcrv proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly dhveted. There I5 comfort in the .knowledge, that so many fonns of sicunc&s sre nocunc to any actual dis caw, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascnt lamiiy laxative, syrup 01 tigs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, atid is everywhere fsteemed so highly by nil who value good health. Its beneficial effects arc due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fiir Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needML If afflicted with any actual discnc. one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, hut if in need -f a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and givesmost general satisfaction. SPRING FLOWERS, LADIES AND .Misses Hats Latest Styles, Epstein privesa Barrows. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fresno ts'reet, epposie Prospector. FAMILY PHCTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Carrfu! attntion given to turning o t the f ''' rr'trv and ttietnrtn of all rites tn u most itrthlie manner, superior finith aud ton. Taken on short ndice . Groups a s e ci.-thy Chbinet, p.-.nel and standard W.O. ABBOTT. ASSA.YER,. PRICES FOR ASSA YIKG. ToaBSTOXs, A.T. Gold. jr.oo Silver........... 1,0c Lead ... 1.00 Gold and Silver, one sample ..,,... I.aj Gold, Silver and lead, one sample 2.00 Copper.... 1.50 Silica...., 1.50 Manganese....,..., ........ 150 Ume.... , . 1.50 Iron , ... J.50 Zinc............ , 3.00 Officeand Jtesidenc Overlook House. - MmwdmtTttl and JTewsf ! rutxl sy 1 sULkH' f H PLLlXOM ctlatea Highest of all in Leavenin;.?ower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report W& ABSOLUTELY PURE ti mm NEffs Union Strikers Burned Down a House. HEAVY LOSS BY BROKERS. Sewall Will be Present in New York Champion Corbett in Colorado. ARMOURS SILVFR DODGE. General Happen! njrH Throuzh out tli Country. Jeffemsos CiTr, Mo. Kichard P. Bland was nominated for congress by the democrats af the eight'-i congress ional distnot today. The Chicago platform was endorsed. New York. It was announced at Democratic headquarters that Mr. Sewall would be present at the meet ing at Madison Square Garden on the 12th when William J. Bryan will be formally notified of his nomination. Denvks. James J. Corbett arrived in Denvrr. Ho will par Reddy Gallagher tonight and tomorrow night will meet Bill Woods at Cripple Creek. Skittle, Wash., Ex-Street Com missioner Lawrenco Cummings shot himself through the bead and died about 1 o'clock this morning. He was in jail charged with tbe murder of his wife and an attempt to murder his daughter on June 11. Swansiu, Wales. A dispath from Neath seven miles from here, an nounces that forty miners are entomb. in tbe Bryncotk pit by the explosion this afternoon. Chicago. Phil Armour has notifi ed his 6000 emplo. sea that be will give them fifty cents worth ol meat and Mexican silver dollar in change for an American tilver dollar. Pekea, O. The residence of Bich ard Dodd was burned to the ground this morning. A wire screen had been torn from the window, oil poured on an unoccupied bed near it and lighted Dodd's soon smell the smoke and ronsed his father barely in time to get out of the bouse. Two children were overcome with smoke. The family consists of seven children. Tbe resi dence of Jas. Woodcock was also saturated with oil but not lighted Dodd and Woodcock are contractors at the quarry and both employ non union men. They wre asked 10 em ploy union men but were unable to do so. They said they bad no work for them, - Chicaoo. It was learned today that calls for 1400,000 margins on Diamond Match stock, which oould not be raised, was tbe cause of tbe failure of Moore Brothers. Tht loss of Moere Bros, it Is estimated is be- iweta 94000,000 aid $5,008,000. &$M A CHAN CE TO MAKE MOKEY. 1 read how one of your jiuoribera made money selling Dishwasher; I ordered one, and my lady friend wer charmed as they hate dish washing. My brother and I commenced mIUos; them and have made $1,700 after pay log all expenses, We don't canvass any. Our sales are all made at bom. People come or send for them. The Mound City Di.h Washer is the beat Dishwasher on the market. Our business 13 increeing and we are going to keep right on until we make Ua thousand dollars. We will sell from. 5 to 15 machines every day and Mm" days more. The Dishwasher U lovely every housekeeper want one. 'i'kere is no excuse to be poor when to muck money can be made selling; Dish Washers. For full particulars, address KTbe Mound City Dish Washer Co., Bt. Loin, Mo. . 'I bey will start you est the road to success. A Rbubbr. 2 ICE CREAM NOW MADE IN A MINUTE. 1 have an Ice Cream Freezer that will freie cream perfectly in one minute; as it u such awondet a crowd will always be around, so anyone can nittke fiom five to six dollars a day selling ice erf am and ten to twenty a day selling Freezers, as people will always buy an article when it is de monstrated that they can make money by so doing. The cream is froiea instantly and is smooth and free from lumps. I have done so well that I felt it my duty to let others know of the opportunity, as I feel confident that any person in any locality oan make money, as aay person oan sell cream and the Freezer sells itself. J. F. Casey ic. Co., 1143 St., St Louis, Mo., will mail you oornplete instruct ions and will employ you on salary if you can give them your whole time. 2 Wm. Me. Hotel Ramona, Los Angeles, 50c up. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. GEO. G. 31cGKE, Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA. Headquarter for visitors from Tomb ; stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. I GENERAL MERCHANDISE'. A FULL LINF lOF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on hand. Patronage solldtc PA IRB A NK . AHIZONA. Wat Restaurant- FAIEBAKC ABIXOSa. SIRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pre TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Charges reasonable Parties going font Tomb stone to Bisbee will have ample time fo dinner before the tarin arrives. Pub. lie patronage is respectfully vli ANY .PERSON HAVING A SECOND hand windmill for sale, cheap for cash, can dispose of the same, if In cood order, by ad dressing Box a8, Tucson, Arizona, ED ave you seen enlarged perlrates at Procure a ticket aai jet Wolcott's? tree. WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN TO v f estabusn Dranch ottice here Si 00. per month salary. For fan information, address Room 6, 373 S. Main Sc Los Angeles, Calif. Viricide Chemical Co. tiful ladies dress cast at War- FAIBMEICJANu-E DiARTffl X jrP H-nyKi A . X-!MC'"s-'!