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i.-i5CS-- ..; . ? J . ? cr"- . Jt s - - Ai i& V : rV it Lt T ' BISBEE TttTjfcJ&n?TsEX2rrr- PALACE ai 0. 1 Livery aid Feed Stables, BE5L' TUIISOUTS lN THE CITY. At races tbwjtes. and on short notice. The patron ie of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH Jc ADAH, Proprietors. BlSBKK. AlUZOXA. Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GIESKSHOFFEB. Prop Finest Restaurant In Bisbee. Private Rooms for families or for private parties. fresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. Tfie tablesuvvliedwith the best tlie market afford Fashion Saloon J. W.SUEPPEBD, Prop, run. LINE OP Wines, Liquors and Cigars. trl and Pl Tables attached. Ice cold Beer on Draught. Ulab Rooms Attaclied. bar supplied with the best. Give him a call. .Halm 4UXjt. Slafecc 4 -!. Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH. IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, the best brands of Cigars. lee Cold Beer on Draught. OMJB ROOilS ATTACHED. 3! a preisant, social time, and courteous treat ment, call on McKay. Bisbee. Ariiana. BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, POBE, FRESH MILK. tlittreitoall parts of the city every entng at the lowest market price. bar patrtnage tolieiltd, Satufaction Guaranteed. Leave orders with Union Market. J. BEEBEE- HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING .i.PEtt HANGING AND GLAZING s Made a Specialty bv Mm. A. O IK W. QUEEN LODGE; No. SIX MEETS every Saturday evening' Visiting broth ers cordially invited, Amos Kindred. M. W. IbWAKD Bakkcb Recorder. It C FkaSEk. Finanoer. II. SCHMIED1NC, mvveut eaMnriKNTl!T. ALLKl DS ll o dental and jewelry work in all branches w performed wita.ilriss ana ajsj.wu. Offices, Bisbee ai A Tombstone. rR 1. W. FRMN TON. DKNTiST. II All wurk in the line' of Dentistry done in .!tff&3S M-,Miiftal manner turn aie Ttry reasonable. 0cc at sbearer fldii Ling. C. A. OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET ANDBAKhRY Eichciy fivtnue, bisbee Hiizona, theet and Mutton, PorW, etca'sq Salt Fork and Corned Beef. All kiwis of Sfiuszge always on hand. '. gtth'Jlread Tics and Cakes every da'. ,Jm4h in in the jtUCCTV IWIQ TKCW-R IQ PALACE T .rAcA-vCt TTnilRA JLiUUgiUQ ww , MIM. T1IO. AVALKBK. Prop. When visitintt Bisbee don't failtogolto the Palace, Rooms large light and airy Well furnished rooms. Centrally and Conveni ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. MABKETS STUDIO Make the folks at home happy. There is no better presant than a Portrait of One's Self, A view of your residence, or an interest tnfj picture of )our town of any kind. Don't put it oS until the last day or two. CALL AT MY STUDIO, UPPER MAIN STREET. My aim will be to please you and yo will find my prices for high class work very reasonable. THEO.T.METZ, Pioneer Soda forts. Soda water.Sarsapanlia, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Latest improved machinery, and none but the very betl of matereals ever used. niabce, - - Arlxonw. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE MANBFACTUFRK OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Hade to order on Short Notice. A full line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE Constancy on hand. Consistingof Boots. Shoes. Shirts. Under ear. and Genu Furnishing Goods. A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality ot goods considered. DUBACHER & MUHE1M, Brewery Gulch, BUbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwatikee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Hand. Oar Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. Q. MEDIGOVICH, WhoUale and Retail Dealt in Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. IJQOOBS, WINES, CIGAKS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA CAITTO DEALER IN DKY GOODS, "GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; a I IMPORTED CHEESE & SAUSAGE8 - Also Dealer in.Wood. wnw '" mmaru mvr-m BISBEE news Daily Happenings at Great Copper Camp. the Budget ot Interesting Items from our Regular Cor respondeat. Bisbee, August 4, 1886. COFPMINOS. Mr. Fred Ingle baa alto moved into ht small tiled mansion in the lima vicinity. Fatty always wai right in it hut he belongs to the upper 10 now, sure pop. Mr. P. D. Cunningham and family have moved iuto tfmr new house on Nob Hill. If you should happen to notice a light war 'up en the moun tain side there at any time don't stop to ask what it is : you'll be perfectly safe in concluding that it is in Paddy's house. Gus Peterson whobai been working in the mine bsre for some naonths past, left for Denver this morning. Mr: Peterson thinks ha has some valuable copper mines in Mexico and is trying to get some one with capital to Uke bold of them with hias. He is going to Denver for that purpose, buttf un successful there will go still further east, presumably to St. Louis. The advent of two newly married oup!s into the burs c! Bitbeewat too much for the yonngstere' feelings last night. They were completely carried away with enthusiasm, and mad an otherwise beautiful night altogether hideous with thtir continuous and im perturable tin can serenades. We had the pleasure of trying te ge to sleep near tba house of one ot the blissful couple and know what we're talking about. We think the town ought te establish a fund to buy the boys off la all such cases. All that would be nest essary to make the plan a success would be a good person to do business with the boys. We tbitik that either "Smoothy" Tyler or "Windy" Crouchy could fill this position very well aud hope that tome of our town philan thropists will take the matter in band. Harry Slater, one of our young friends-'from Tucson who has been taking in the town for a few days past, had a rather unfortunate accident be fall him this morning. He was going out on the, train but stopped" to sea- seme friinds "amoment' too long and when he got to the round house-, juit below the 'depot, 'He found the train leaving and'under quite a'goed bead- way. .Not wtsntng to Be ten ne inea te jump the train butin soaieway made a miscaleulatien and was thrown violently to the "ground. He bad a very narrow escape from" being tun over, and got off very lurky consider ing. .His, leg u so badly sprained though that it will he some timo oe fsre he-will have the uss of it, but it is a greafwonder to all that it was art brokenr He was immediately taken to the house of a friend where be will receive the best of attention and he hopes to be 'able to make the trip to I Tucson in' the course of m few days. F We have learned since' yesterday that a rising young Bireelt ia one of the young gentlemen who intend to vicit Tucion for educational purposes next month. We are in tometuins; of a quandary ourselves as to whether he is imbued with a looring for Intel lectual training, or " simply overcome with a des:re to be near to sea and to I bear a aertaia young lady, mis is a question wbicb we are afraid can only be answered to our saitsiaoiuro vy future events. OF one thing we are certain, however, and tbaris that, nn 1 a Ed charges bis mind, about going to Tneson, we will loes ona of out Lining lights U tfcaEeid.of ionnjal im. That Mr. Alvan Kowe will not ltow himself te be outdone by any such scheme aa this ia without the shadow of a doubt, and therefore, un less Ed will compromise by 'staying at home, we may aa well k P oar minds not to be disappointed if wa lose one of our much respected editors. BUCKU1T8 ARNICA SALVE. ThebestsaJva tart"-, world fatjbnp' bruises, sores, Tulcers, salt rhenrn, iever sores, tetter, chapped hinds, cbilblaiBS, corns, and all sfaa etnptions and pos tively cure Piles, or no payment requir ed it is roaraateed to rive pacJect stis-a faction or money refeaded. yrieeaf Far ink ai Taw STLOUISBEERBALL BISBEE, ARIZ SHATTUCK. & KEATING. . Proprietors. Agent 'for Anheuter-Butch Brewing Association. Wholesale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT MEENsiiMSII LODGING HOUSE .tAS.LETSON,Pro. Clean beds, weQ ventillaud airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This well known bouse is ceatrally located, and convenient to the Railroad depot, and is bead cjuartCTSor the traveling pub lic Patronage solic ited and satisfac ftkm guaran teed. BISBEE. ARIZONA. Miners Exchange I Main Street. Bisbee. W. C. SMITH &. CO- Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Every'courtesy and accommodation extended to Ipauont, Reading and Card Room Attached. C. W. BLACKBURN. Th Kerr InDfavod While Sewinr llacnlM 1 Klnr ' All. - bold on th laxtalha--Qt plan on carv term, lr O. W. BLACHBURX, O Street. All Uachln FiadmnotaU Undl Notary Public and Conveyancer. CAPITOL SALOON- 10II.WOBILK -- Proprietor. .BISBEE, ARIZONA. Just' Ooened for Business. The best and vurest of Wines, Liquors and Ciars onlv kept in stock. XTomiortable C ub Rooms are fitleujup in connection with the Bar, and every attention paid to patrons. kB4s it '..A i MEKAGES Thvmcklr, .Furever CcTea. F&nr oot of five who (utter ncrvonsncFS, mental worry, attacks ot "tuehlat."arel)Ut caving the penalty of early exreitsea. Ylc tlms, reclaim yocr manhood, regain your vigor. Don't def pair. , Fend for book with axplanatlon and proof. Hailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE. - l - TO, ALLr'.VMOM ITJ MAYS-ONCER N. Notice' h hereby given, that certain mining ctaimsealled the Tarn Biea, McGmty and Par agon, situated In "the Warren mining district, and about one-half mile irth-eastely front the Holbrpok hoisting, 'works, and about the same disU-Me'from the town of Bisbee. A. T. sst. As the above named claims were sot located in conformity with the U. S. mining lawr, there fore, a second party, it a later date, relocated the same in fun-conformity with the above named laws, and is fully determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all peuona are cau tioned not to bargain for. buy or lease the above named claims. CSrMANSUR. aicy)B. BisbeeA. T." t- FOR SALE. A rood bnslneselocatbn.on Brewery Avon ne adioinlnr the brewery. Term i . e v - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaHaaH " BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaA bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV i" bbbbbbV aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal BbVvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV PbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aBBBnBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBl r I BisiyhJ lahta. For for bar navucwIeM al a m jarwmVase, 1. "-.? NICKNOBILE. Dealer in Pruits,Nuts.Candies, rjsh Ffait? Rjceived Daily from California. Carrier tlie Best Line of CIGARS AjTD TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, E$gs, Potatoes. unions, etc., acways on Hand Fifth St. next to Postoffice. FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Detcription, Call on WM. D. MONMONIER. Oppotile Maton Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toiit Articles, etc Price the Lowest'! Allen St. Bet Fourth Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven tkanoient and boarding 8to0k carefully; attended Prosvectinf Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Or ders bu mail or teh ?raph receives vromvt atten tion: ITEM! SUNREASONABLY LOW, JOHN MONTGOaiEBx", Prop. J V. VICKER3 Fremont Street. lontbstore, Aruona. Real Estate. Mines Moneii, Cattle ond In surancer. KEL ESTATE Bought.;old rentrd MINES Bought sold managed, MONEY Lotos negotiated and vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer" mi tf INSURANCE Fir. Accident, Life. Prompt Attention Given CoUectumt. SUMMONS. SatheDistric' Court first Judisial distrL.t ol Territory of Arixona in and for the County ofCochi A. J. COLLINS, plaintift. vs. ADD1E L. COLLINS, defendant. Action brought in the DistrictConrt of the first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona in and for the County of Cochise, and the com plaint filed in the said County of Cochise, in the office of the Clerk of said DiieWct Court. The Territory of Ariiona sends greetingto Addle L, Collins. You arcbereby required to appear in aa action brought against yoa by, the above named plaintifl in the District Court of the first judicial district of the Temtory of Arizona, in nd for the County-of Cochise, and to ansa sr the complaint filed therein, within ten day! (delusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, (if served with, ia thi county or if served out of this coaaty, but in this distnct -withhrtwenty;'1 days; otherwise. w1thiiihiitv-davj:i or lodgment br default will be u ten against you according to the prayer of said complaint , . The .said action is brought to obtain a decree of dt orce from th s bonds of mitnmroy.: Civotii-.Iji),- hand and the seal ot the Dis met Touri'i-f ll First ludieial Dutrict of the Temtcryof AtiionA in.and for the county of Cochse. this ajd dy of lane in the year of our tord'one thuusand eight hundred and ninety six. BCOTT WHITE. 1 Clerk. By A H. Elf ANVFX, . . DeputrlCIerk. List! .rr - . 1 rtr. t " r COUGHS and COLDS SLTITinOIA AtJAlt'toeMBo aa coaaaa. cnUa, aera taioas and tor utaiaa. as eotlMS, 'mCiff !" s- (jeasMMpUn wahtvarlaafyoadw Vany who mijiium taSattti"tram 'a aawtrtemll mtm ana. Tor catarrh sa Er- XtB-Craam Balav nota rjaSffl- reawun an ptaauat i X.T MOTHMS.H V IvULL FOE 3 ALE. A ten-stamp mill coxrtjrrr, 6 pass. 3 set tlers, aa agitator, two iS-foot revolving ooooan. eaten, 1636 Corlis engine, two boflers, all in jeod working ordsr, Building nearly new Caaba moved as hi a etas to railroad Mart be add. aad cast $? Ad. lliliV.'XS v IbbbbbbbbbbMbTtsS ' BBBBBBBWSSsS&fiPBW- VSUdrBBMlinBBV SBBBBalijSsBBBBBBBW IW2Ba FBH- - Fill As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : ,-fyR5- Life-Size Ciayon it. "3t There is not a family but possesses some picture ot Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable for-a present. Call at once and see specimen. the f,:r..a3x-e. The portrait Company nos made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own styls. OXJR, PLAN Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLGOTT. Dealer, in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug-Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. E. & Co's. Exp. FARE TO OR FROM FAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 P. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. " BAGQAG of Pattengers' 'delivered to andfjom Office in the city free of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. -JOHN HANLEYCPROPRIETOB Pure,BreshtUnadulterated Milk, delivered daibu tool parts of the citu. xiv" ' Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, 10 eta. Reduction is made for larger quantities M Ofiice is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John WeUandK-Anheuser, Lemps. GWL? THETRA DE SUPPLIED ADOLF :BA.1TL,9 A-ert; XfJC.WOf, AKUO.Xl. Battled WeilandJBeer furnished to families in lumbston by JOS.HOEFLER OYSTER PARLORS. A.TJUE1S St.BETWEEN 4th AVi Sth Firat-Class sMealsBestof Attention; Everything in SeasoD BOARD PER "WEEK $7.C0 THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS.... 50 Dinner tor Special Ocrasiens a Specialty. Try a Meal at this Popular Res or jJJjC First-Class JCooks only Employed. Accommodations for Families. J CT4ERAR, Proprietor. CAN CAN RESTAURANT COMJl JUJM. -dsJCSHE cC JL.JLtXtJB 31T The OloTeBiJand Best KnownlRestaurant in Southwestern Arizona, Good ideals at -all nours. FRESH OYSTERS AND GAME IN SEASON The Best the Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons Family StTance on,4th St. Bannuets a Specialty. 9. wwAl.?eI.Tfrrorlosnr to all parts of the City. LAGER! --'