Newspaper Page Text
f he Prospector. AUGUST. 6 89o RAILROAD TIME-TABLES ARIZONA t SOUTHEASrERN R. R- ? m. ?: Jui. : JoJjr M lMS- I " T " ' ; mt JJ s Stations 5 cu CUM c I -.. I bandar 0. r ji . . TST 1S. a is bs-x . A P.A... r.o.Lr 0 us. 'SS Sj -Blibea.. ...DeaLuK ....raelard ..VV'Mr Tank ... a..Carletoti...... . r irhtnk ... -L ..fJrbnk ...Ar H. & A. Creaung... ....uix . cntention .... ...Baoa.......L t.-.T .A l.J . BO.I ISO 19.0 !lT.I fos.7 Ki 0 its 11.10 11.50 F.vf statloai. Stsp on calls. Bcc WaJuva, Superintendent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC K. lEast u.loair ? feasant ft.03 a ni, It.55piii .t.4Sni STATIONS.) 'ait L . ..Bensn . ...... Art 5.40 pm ..Tucson 705pm .."lanccpa laojpm 335am ..1.0s AD(eiet ... I 1 oop ra Sua Set. Limited, east bound, Mond&rt and a rWr S.19, Beaton 8aa Set, LtaiteJI wcit bauni. flTedneeilarf an Satonlajs, 4e5 Bfniei :rrtJici-vr- '" t t"-v. NEW MEXICO ARIZONA West I S.C33 1,50 am aeoim 1 40 am a 37 am 1.15 pm STATION'S Lt , Rensn ... .... Fafrbuik .. Hovchuea.. ... Crittenden ... GOsba NtvaW- . , .A. East 040 am t.op m 17 to pm 0.30 pm 9.00 a m 8.3a am ally exept Sunday. Paclfi- time. J. J. Fkit OnerU Mturr. A. NAOCLC, L. H. Albcht. Assist t General Manirer. Train Master. MARICOPA PHOENIX R. R. Worth So pro 8.85 pm 9.00 pm Q-4Spm TA1ICS Lt Phomr Ar Tempe .... .KyTcnc..... Kicalon Marie pa So-Jth 00a m 30a m ib 55P ra 13 30 pm ntopm J. H. Honshku, Gen. Sapt. LOCAL NOTES. hUrer it quoted at 68J City Council meet tonight. LAST MGllT'S MEETING. Ortranization Effected and Committees Appoin'cd I The me tine, at the court hcue lait evening was called to order hy Chair man A. L. Grow, who stated thatth object 'of meeting m to organize a bimetallic club to work during pri-i't-iit campaign ia all lion m bio ittjt lo lutther the interest of rilvrr. Scott White was ciiue sicro'ary of tbs meeting, and A. Wenlwortli ttcu urer. Amotion wns maJr bj C.S.CUrk that a committee of flro be pt ointeu by the chair bu coinu.oiiou and by laws. The chairman appniuted as such committee: C. 6. Clark, A. II. Eman uel, H. S. Gordon, Henry Duuker and M. D. bcribner. Oa motion, the temporary chairaaan and secretary were made permanent officers of the olub. Tha secretary circulated a paper for signers, and nearly every per ton in th room signed the roll and so the Touabatonft Silver Club starts oil with a good membership, 55 citizens becom ing members. The meeting was compo'ed of our best citizens, waa entirely con-parli-zen, and sole objct u to work in and out of season for the advancement of silver. The meeting adjourned to meet at th court house Saturday evening at S o'clock, when the committee on con stitution and by-laws will make their report. u. : ruiuiru a-aaaa aaAam. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Vinslow' Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty j ears by :!.'.". ! mothers lor their children whilo teeth ing, with perfect s'icceg. It soothes the child, softens thn um, alUys nil pain. cur wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoei. I! is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist tn every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. 15 c sure and 19 k for Mr. Win clow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A 0. U. VT. Meet tonight. B. A. Packard is visitor to county eat from bis cattle on the San Pedro. Sherift Fly and wifa left yesterday far a short sojourn in the country. Mr. August Joerrs, the pioneer jew eler ef Biibee.isa visitor to the county eat. i a e Schilling's Best ia strong, like other pure tea: but it does not teem strong it pleases and in piret in a mora subtle way. 9 aa 9 Clerk W. A. Harwood is busy put lice; the finishing touches to the attttirnent roll at revised by ih board of equalization. m 1 The picnio party composed of Mrs C. S. Clark and daughter. Miss Nellie, and Ed Tarbell returned home yesler terday afternoon, greatly pleased with their outtng, but at brown at berries Closing out an overstock of st : and wire nails ard Corrugated Roof inK,Ko.81 10d,20d,40d and GOd steel and wire nails, per keg, $4.25; No. 27 Corrugated roofingr, painted, 7 and 8 tft lengths, 3.65 per equare. The above prices are delivered at Fairbank A. T. rnxE. Terms cash. Addrrss Geo. B. Mar.h, Nogales, A. T. j27w 1st Oldest riats. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with trancient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well informed people will not buy other lax ativas, which act for a time, but finally ajure the system. J Awarded rfighest Honors World's Fair, VWCfr w CREciM BAKING PWWR MOST PERFECT MAD?.. k pure Grape Cream of TarUr Powder. Fre fceei Ammonia. Akin or any other adurtensat 4Ct YEAKS THE STANDARD. A man named Edmund MsGinnis met with an accident at Yuma Thurs day which cost him his life. He was hauling a load of furniture and fell from the wagnn, the wheels pasting over h"s chest, crushing him is a hor rible manner. The Empitn Smelting company at Crittendea will no', clore down as was expected since the death of Col. Fitz gerald. Instructions were received from headquarters to continue tha work on the lines laid down by the late mvntger. Among the numerous persons who have been cured of reheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, mention should b: made of Mrs. Emily Thotne, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Charnberlain's Pain Ba'm. I have also us;d it for lame back with great snecess It is th: b:st liniment I hive ever used, and I take pleasure in recomnendin it o m tnenis." For sal; by Druggists Tucson will soon have another im portant industry in operation, A com pany sat recently farmed to work the Santa Rita marble quarries. The marble is said to be superior to any produced in the United Statts west of tha Allegheny mountains. Excellent marble abounds in Cochise county and similar industries awaits'capital. Flagstaff h'un: AE.Douglas arrived on Saturday. Hs has charge of the business end of tbe Lowell observatory, and this week, with a large force el men, he is superintending the nn loaeMag of a earletd ef apparatus for the observatory. The machinery for tbe new 24-inch telescope is mas-ive and it will take ten days or two weeks to put it in position. Mr.Ixwll will be here with the glass about the time tbe aiparatus is ready, nsrrrlons Keutt. From a letter written by Kev. J Gundrrman, of Dimondale, Mich., wc are permitted to make tbU ej tract: 'I have no hesitation in recommend ing Dr. King's NcwDiscoTdry, a the results were almost marvelous in the case of my ife. While I wm ptor of tbe Baptist Church at Hirer's unc tion ahe was brought down with "Pneumonia succeeding La Grippf. Terrible paroxysms of cougbint: would last boars with little interruption and it teemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. Kiag's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Tombstone and any Drug; Store. Begular size SOcaad 5L00 e r. Price Creaa Baklsc Pewefcf sirPsar Waal at M 1 III I Wsliaw A diepatuli ftoin Sau FtauciM h the following of a form, r Tonibs toner: David Nagle, ex United States Mnrshsl who killcj.1 Jur'go Terry some jeara ago whilo acting at a body guard to Justice S fphen J. Field, tot into an altercation wuli Janice II. Bariy editor of the Star, a 'weekly p-iprr, on Mont gomery sweat yesterday. Iu the lust issue of, the Star Harry published the biography of Nagle, in which thn latter' rfcord and charaoier were .eirvly ciitiuzed. Nale up Led if fUrry wi the author of the article in iu tlibCHur. Barry replied that lie was responsible for it. "Then takp this," slid Nogle, spitting faur times in 15rrj '. fac. Barry struck at Ngle. Tbu latter with a hand on his own hip imckit, "Now fill your hand." Krn ortia" You are a coward and I am nut." The bystauders interfered and the men were separated before any blows could be exchanged. '1'he UUeurery MAvoctltUI.IIe. Mr. U. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver sville, I1L, says: "To Dr. King's New Discover I one my life, Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, bnt of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Havine Dr. King's New DUcovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and a!out again. It is worth tU weight in gold. We won't keep store er house without it." Get free tjall t the Tombstone Drug Store. OUR CATTLE INTEREST.. A Subject which Learis to Oar Political Interests. "Mr.'W. C. Land, of Cochise county, one of th tmvii rti -to ; Arizona, i in Tucson on an infri-qti'nt business Ui. The Star sas Mr. Land's range is the Babocomari, ex Undinp for thirty er forty csilrs along the western line of Conhia? county and running back to the hilla at depths varying from five to eight milei. The sales fram the range dur ing tha l-tst season have amounted to 24,000 hoe.d. Mr. Land is a buyer raiher than a teller or breeder of ct-tlt-10 that hid view of tb outlook for cattlemen for the coming year is tafcen from a different point than that occu. pied hy the raiser of cattle to whom a scarcity of cattle always meant a high er price. Mr. Land figures as fo'lows, that the first important change affect ing; cattle interests must first become manifest in the great meat markets. When cattle are bought up as feeders on Arizona ranges at $15 ahead, ship ped to California ranges at a cent for transportation of 3. Then tkey are pastured for another ear on ranges worth from f 10 to ?60 an acre. In this way beef is hung on butcher's hooks at A cents a pound, Mr. Land's presence suggests to the SUr something which has. certainly not occurred to him, that he wonld make exodlentconcrcssional material The cattle interests of Arizona are among the largest of territorial inter ests, and every othrr one has had at one time or another a representative of its own c!a,a. 'The law can not reasonably claim any more represen tation than it has had. Mining, agri culture, commerce and jnurnali mi have been represented so that itreetns proper that all of these may now give way. Beside Mr. Land is a.f Democrat of the old school which though for a time seemed obsolete, it on top again and he is in full accord with all things in which a very large majority of Arizomans, Democrats and Bnpub liaut are interested. j A secret Most everybody makes tea wrong boils it It ought not to be boiled a second. The water it is made with should come to the boiling point and not boil any longer. There is a certain sparkle in all good water. Prolonged boiling takes out that sparkle. B ut the reason you should n't boil tea is : boiling gives you the unnic acid, the harsh con stipating part of tea. Get Schilling's Besl(monty backtea)and follow directions. Also pure and money-backed: Sckit Knji'tjttstcofCee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts. ASchiUimg& Company San Francisco The U, S. Gov't Reports shwrReyml Baking .Pnwtlar. temtt BENSON ITEMS. Notos of Interest fojin Oi r Occasional Correspondent Dr. E V. Rowe who has been at tending to Dt. GaflV practice while he hat bten vitiling in Cnlifortiia has been vry sick and night before last was njl expected to litp, but we learn todav that he i uiuoh better. Although the citizens of Arizona e cannot vote .'or pretidrnt jet they cef m to take just as much interest in the election (or mort) than they do in other places where they can, and little group-s of men can be seen on our street cormrs by night and in tha shady places by day earnestly discuss ing the free eil.r proposition and uttering words of encourgment for Bryan and what ho represents. Dr. Gaff, wife and son returned from a months trip to California. Part of time wa9 spent in San where the Doctor visitoi the principal hospitals there and witnessed quite a number of very difficult and interest ing surgical operations which he eays has paid him well for his trip, l'jrl of the time was spent on Catalina Island which he calls tbe Paradise of ths Pacific Cai-t where all enjiyed tbenuclvca to full extept. Mr. Deatty and family leavo this eveniug for Tucson where they will make tht-ir future home. There many friends here regret t'leir departure. rri'e Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen fc Co , Chicago, and get a (re: sample box ofDr. King's New Life P.lls. trw will rnnvmce vou of their "ti.ns. These p.lls are easy in action and are partic ularly effective in the cure of constituti on and sick headache. For malaria and luer troubles, they have been proved in valuable. The) are guaranteed to be perfectly free from tvtty deletenojs sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by givinij ton to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system Regular sue 25c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Uisbee druggists. THE NEW HOOK SPOON FKEE. 1 read in the Christian Standard that Miss A.M. Fritz Station A, St Louis, Mo, would give an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone rending her 10 2-cent stamps. I sent for one and found it so useful that I ehowod it to my friends and made $13 in two hours taking orders. The hook spoou is a household nccesity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held in place by a hook on the back. Anyone can gat a sample epoon by sending ten 2 cut stamps to Miss Fritz. Thisisaepleudul way lo make n oney around home- Wry 'ruly, j27-13t JfcAXMJTTES. Public spirit is it dead ? . The Brooklyn Eagle is one of the most careful a'nd in telligent American papers. .If you do not believe it, send for a copy and judge for your self. Here is what it says about colored tea: "This whole business of adulteration fn our food and drink has gone too ftr. It is one of the meanest and most con temptible forms of cheating, and one that occasions more illness than we probably realize. If the foreigners will not sond in honc-t measure and honest goods, let the protectors of our health hold another Boston Tta. Party, and snake an example that the poisoners will remember. New York harbor would hold a good deal of alleged tea." . You needn't be so violent as our forefathers had to be. There is an easier and sim pler remedy for everybody: Schillings Best, pure and money-back tea, at your gro cer's. Good food, good life; ScWtin'i Eeil coffee, baking -povder. soda, spices, seasoning, tHvoriiis-cxtracl pure and mocev hacked. ASthillmgiSf Company Sin Franciico Populist's Meeting. Uisbee, July 30th, I806. At a meeting of the PeoDte's Party County Central Committee ot Cochise county i I rurby callett to meeita B sbee on August I3ili. iS;6. for the se'reti cf e:;ht dslrgatrs io ittrtd the territorial tonvent on t-v be held in Phoenix August 20th. 189S, also to set the elite for holding pnnanej for the election of delegates to a countT convention uhich shvll nominate a People's Pirtr tidcrt, aixt for the transaction of such other budness as may be brousht before it. H. E. Pass ar. Chairman, G. M. Pobtek, Scccetary ACHANCETO MAKE MONEY. I hive berries, grapes and peaches a year old, fresh as when picked. 1 use the California Cold prne-. Ho not heat or eeal the fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, aid cost almost nothing; cau put up a burhel iu ten minutes. Last week I eOld directions to overl20 families; anyone will pay a dollar for direction, when they sf 0 the beautiful sampl a of fruit. As thero ar many people poor like mjself, I consul-r it my duty to give my experience to such, a id feel con fident any one can make one or two hundred dollars round homo in a few day. 1 wpl mail sample of fruit and complete directions, to any of 'your readnrs, fo- eighteen tiyo c nt atamp, which is only tbe acltinl co"t of the sample, postage, tc. to me, 13t. FRANCIS CASEY, St Louis, Mo. NHIEALOIA cared by Dr. Mites' Para Fills. "Onecest anosu." At all arucsist- Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Verio l-atr Hichtst Awa.d. P. B. WARNEKROS, CLOSING QUU ! His Mammoth Stock Cf ILL- (TILL Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farnv ing Implements BE SOLD AT BLACKWEL13 w-fifSJ. Mat I SBBBeWaVa T . n - v - CEKUINC DURHAM Ai&tof. I WANT 1 VYMTal . tt?i- ANw,ww,ntw. SEE? Yon rlll And one coupon tiufde ccli tro ounce bf and two conpont Inside each four ounce bag of Black well Durham. Uny a baf; of tata celebrated tobacco and read tbe coupon which (lvea a lUt of Talnablv pre ants and Stow to st them. vvhiri Vi v i f ej n VVS-..-AX 1 II : &CSmA CJTtkjgilB VW We T I mT" J r.1 aaaWt Sat iswmm& V J3iSlV. CLEARANCE - SALE, GOUDS ALL FRESH AND NEW PIONEER STORE, CORNER 0TH & PEEMONT STREETd. SRIN CENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS' fAND RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAGON COVERS,' BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP Agent 1or "tnd roweiiwd Jbri 5fi Cm ant- IVfBOrKDAOKICUi.TUEAI IX 1 PLKKKNTB, in CXLSBBA1KO TORBIMIWISDMILLa. JOS. HOEFLEP. PROP. . - & ' We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents 0 Cochise County, tfo Trouble lo Show Goods. Callkand Convince Yourself of Tie v We Mean Business, -gLxxd TrtTiU sell AjT A SACRIFICE. GIVE US A call: "j :m i V - j ss-imstyj&m