Newspaper Page Text
TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR, OUR WATCHWORD- "COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AHTERWARD. VOL. D TOMBSTOXE. ARIZONA SITU RDA EVENING. AUGUSTS, 1836. -Na 773. THE The Prospector .ity and County Official. Paper I UBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Except Sunday. by rVra. Mich Editor and Proprietor. r'mont St., Opposite City llall 1 HK PxctrbCros will nat hold itself rrspon. lii; farajot the arudes or senunucls ex-prr-ed by ajy ' correspondents K&tered in the Tombstone Second Class matter. Postoface as PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I AMES REILIY. ATTORNEY AND I I Counselor at U. Lund and Mining m avntij sw-i u -t-wu-w.. w si. C STAFHLE. ATTORNEY AT Lav and Notary Public, Tombstone, Aruona, H ERRING 4 HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselor a' Law. Cffic on Toughnot Street, between Second and ard Third, opposite tbe Court House. fEO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT. if L La. Will practice in all courts of the all court: .Aruona. Temtorr, Tombstone, & CLARK, ATTORNEY ANDCOUN. selor at Law. Office on rourth Street, between Allen and Touehnut. Tomb stone. Will practice in all the ecu of the 1 erritory. 0 HARLES GRANVILLE lOHNSTON. 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law and NotUT rutalCUi 1-1,11-M.l i!Tct SCI. 4tn led 5tb streets. A number of the Barot tlje Supreme Court of the Territory, and will pr in any of tbe cooru therein. B ERTHA HERRING, TYPEWRITER and Notary Public. Toughnut Street, Tombstone. Anxora. AWENTWORTH. COUNTY RE corder and Abstract.Orace. Abstracu of title to real estate and mines fum sbed promptly and acnrately. Complete tran scripts. Cthce in Court House, lombstone. o. E. ALVORD. 1USTICE OF THE Peace. Office, on Allen St: bet 3d & 4th. Tombstone. AL KOSKA. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on 4th St. bet. Allen and Toaghnst, Tombstone. ill 5 rjj RDON M-- PHYSICIAN AND H. burjreo?" Office adjoining his residence on 4th street Bight Calls attended at all hours day and FC. EARLE. AbSAYER AND META lugical Laboratory. oce N' 3:9, Fremont St. oppoute City JlalL the" ORDERS- F. & A 31. K' 'ING SOLOM"N LODGE NO. j. meets thud Saturdsy in each month. Vtaum; brothrrs cordially invited t at- tend. W.M.J H McPHEKSON. A. Ii GROW Ssec'ty. K. A. 31 COCHISE CHAPTER No. 4. 11EETS th.rd WeJnesdiy in each month. Vis iting Companions cord) illy inrire. to at eat TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WMTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. S. of A. W ASHINGTON CAM? vq. 1 MEETS ,t Friday vjnit each month. Vis itine Comrades cordially invited. I.W.CLARK. xVewient. A. L. GROW. Secretary. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W, meets tst and 3d Thursday m each month. Visiting brothe cordially in hed. kOBT. BEST. M. W. W. D. Mosaosirx. Recorder. K. of P. A RIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF -V. Pythias, No. 4., meets erery 1st and d Mondays' in each month. VTaUng brother. .trdiiDy Invited JOHNNOBILE.CC W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. tDTECnON HOE COMPANY NO. 3. neets First Sanday in each month ot their se house on tbe corner of Seventh and Fre uo U streets, opposite the school house. WM. GARRETT. Foreman. TOM SMITH Secretary. RESCUE HOSE iOMPANY MEETS First Suadiy m each month at Cut Hall. Frront at. J. V. VICK ERS. V. U ENTWOKTtl. Seuv. Preiident. I. N. MCDONOUGH. Foreman.- W Gl!tK COMPANY NO. t. MEETS last Sanday in each inon-.h. at hose house. :n t' corner of Touglrnt and cth streets. JOEHH LIPPERT. Foreman. HEI.'RY DUNKER. Scrctary tiivion WATER VORKS F CALVES. Trop. Water l'ei Brivl,- 23 Centt ft'ater. Per Biickrt - 5 Onto. Il.OXPT SLJiVJCE. deduced Rates by the fcntl JjUt yrderi with wrnt o at iM l5k - - tv t a-.rt rrvi. or am itt-v S. M. BARROW. 4J0 and .452 ALLEN ST, (I II s . THE DRY GOODS gHT"" Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a largo and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc. IS-'S FOlISMi DEPARTMEHT A Specialty is made of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, UN DERW ARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. BIT AID SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other far.ious Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoe3, Buckingham fc Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Tinest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers,' Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. ITST THE DEPARTMENTS A full stock is'carried'consistjng'of Glassware, Crockery, Out Crlaws, 'Fancy Cnpx. Canvass Tents, "Wagon Covers, Matraxise. Everything at Lowest Eastern Prices S. M. BARROW. VI ill U: DEPARTMENT 11 ardware. Tinware, Oxihk, JPistolw, Ca tr i 1 qrc k.JElc j IlarneHH Saddles, Spurs. SADDLER! Boiling spoils the best of tea. Tea is tea and tannin. Tannin is unwholesome and ' disagree able. Tea is wholesome and delightful. lioiling gives you both tea and tannin ; steeping gives the tea alone. Schillings Best, steeped. is tea at its best wholesome delicate inspiring. At your grocer's your money back if ) ou don't like it. Also pure and mone-backed. Schil ling's Btit. idee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and tutoring extracts. A Schilling & Company San Francisco I'iuverr'it Itcciu.iienl utlou. Mr. J. W. Venable, of Downey a p.oneerofLoi Angeles County, Cal., say: '"Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or uith diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Cohr, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it for ) ear, know tt to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to every one." For stle by Druggists Populist's Meeting. IiisBEE, July 30th, 1S&6, At a meeting of the Peoples Party County Central Committee ot Cochise caunty i hrrrby called tft meet in B.sbee on August I2lh. iSo. for the selection of eight delegates to attend te territorial convention to be htld in Phoenix August- 20th, 1896. also to set the date for roMing'prunanu fo- the election of delegites to a county conrention which shall nominate a I'rop'e's I'jrty ticki-t, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before it. If. E. IcVEr, Chairman G M. POSTE, Seccelary OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTER f ASTER Denver. Colo . August 1, 1896. Sealed pro pcsals in triplicate subject to the usual condi tions, will be received Ivre until Il-o"ckck a m August is 1895, and then opened, for tnnspor tition of Military Supplies on Route between Bisbre, A.T.. and Sin Beroirdino. A T dur ing tbe fiscal jearcommenang July x, i8y6. U. S. reservesnght to reject any or all proposals. In formation furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should br marked "Pro posals for Transpomtion and addressed to E. li ATWOOD. Major. Chief Q V Ai dt VA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CM PAIGVWook "Brvan 5evall art! Free S.lrer vuthoriz-dby B-van wntten by K,1- Metcalf. editor Omaha World Hera'd appointed author by Bryan contj'ns speeches and platform. A bemanta fo- agents, a Iree siher mine for work ers, only Sr 50; the only authorised book jo per cent credit given, freiehl paid, outfitfree, B-;-n now witn cnotce 01 territory: permanent, pron UMe work for '96. Address The National Book Concern, Sur budding, Chicago. ai ARCTIC ICE CO. A. J. BISSEfT, PROPRIETOR l"ure ice delivered to anypart ol the city Ja 2 CENTS PER FOUND Svccial rates to families for ice for regular custodiers. XJTOrFICZAND ICE HOUSE 5TH ST."Ea Opposite Postprhce. ARE YCU GOIG THIS STjIVIIY-ERV The Southern Pacific Company have place ori mle at Benson-round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly reduced ratef. 15efor pur rhating your ticke'.n call on or address E. S. WEBS IT K, Agent at Eer.ion, Or T. H. Got dmasT, j P. A. San Franrieco. GUilS lyiaXEY, Allen Sv carjl, (Old Cjit o 1j. VEGETAIJLES. - FRUIT?, lCTATOES: ONIO.VS, 3TC Freth California fruit received entry day by ezprett. Ererythia told ai lovrtst rait:. Goods dilivertd ree to all oarU of eilt. Tombstone & Peafce .MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRA1K BUTZ, r. Will make serm-w-eklir tnn m H NewCimo. on Wednesdivand lun. of each week, miking the round trip in one day, carrying toe U. S. mail and j passengers. FAItE (round trip) .-.. $3 Clinrch IVotiooK. jMtil.iclit Cliucvli. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to H. D. II r!EUTi, Panto. 'ntliul-c Cluircli. Sunday School at 2 o'clock p. ni. MONEY MADE IN A MINUTE. 1 hao not made less than Pix'ecn dollar' any day while celliuK Ctntrif- ugal Ice Crp.irn Ireez'-rs, Any one ehould mukti from tie to eight dollars a dy telling creim, Hnd from seven to ten dollar selling Freezers, as it is sueh a nondcr, thire is always a crowd ivaiitincc.-eutii. You can freeze cream elegantly in one miouto and that astonit-ties people so they all waut to taste it and then mony of them buy ftcezers as the cream is smooth and iieriecuy iri'zen. very ireezer is guarantetd to Ireeza cream in ono minute. Anyone can sell ie cream and the freezer selU itself. .My sister maLea from ten to fifteen dollars a lay. J. F. Caey & Co, 1143 St. Charles St., St. Louis Mo , will mail you full pa tictttar frf e, so you can go to work and make lots of money auy wlifr', ns with one freezer yon can make a hundred gtllons of cream a day, or if you wish they will hire you on a falary. Lilly D. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient ntture of the many phys ical His, which ainsli before properef forts gentle efforts pleaant eTorts rightly directed. There h eoinforV in tlit lno i lede, that so many forms of faicknos arc not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to u constipated condi tion of the h.ystim. tvhich the pleascnt family la-satire, hjrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly bv all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that Jt is the ono remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies arc then not needed. If afflicted" with any actual disrtate. one mar be commended to tho rmst nlcillfm physicians, but if in need A a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figsstmds highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. Wanted An agent in every section to cant vas. 4 to $; a day made: sells at sizht aLo a man to sell susle roods to dealers, bes- ride line. $75 a month. Salary or large commis: sionmaaerespenence unnecessary, for sealed rticulars send stamp. Uuum soap & Ma-.u-tunng Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. SPP.ING FLOWERS. LADIES AND M.sses Hats Latest Styles, Eastern pneesa Barrows. ! FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Feroo t s'reet, oppes-e Propector rMkYPHu70GRAHS CUR SPECIALTY Careful attention gnen to turning o t tb- Vinut riVtcj and pictures of all site$ in it wjosf artiatie manner, tuperior finith and tone. s?jLc;pTcr-i-E Taken on short notice. Groups a s e ctalty Chbinet, panel and standard W. O. ABBOTX, ASSAYEB. PRICES FOR ASSJiSJOVG. T.MBSTOXK, A. T. Gold. Jr.&o Surer... .............. Lead ICO Gold and Silver, one sample 1.35 Gold, Sdver and lead, one sample....... a 00 Copper 1 50 LilCA. - X0 V!g-ne..... ..,...- 1.50 LJiue. . .. .. ........................ . z.o Iron. .. . . . ... .... ... .. ........ .. ... l-5o Zinc .......;... .- a 00 OfliceandiResiflenc Overlook Highest of all in Lcavcnbjr.Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rp&l ABSOLUTELY PURE THE LATEST MIS Strikers Are Becoming Rolt ions ard Militia Called Out STEEL WORKSCLOSED DOWN. Keetl Nominated For the 10th Time Populists and Demo crats in Kansas Har monize. GOLD BUG DEMOCRATS WORKING General Happenings Throtich out the Country. Cleveland Between midnight and 1 o'clock this morning a crowd made in attack on a building where a man employed in the Brown Hoisting works lives. They broke the windows and yelled like Ind.ans. Soldiers rushed to the scene and a part of the crowd scattered, but a dozen men with revolvers fired at the militiamen and tbe soldiars replied with rifle balls. Tiler, the men scattered. It In the melee Private Perkins ot Com pany B was shot, but it is not known bow ssriouely. He was taken away in a ambulance. TLe official state ment at Colonel Whitney's head quarters is thai Perkins was accident ally shot while loading hi. revolver. Cis TSLaSB, 0 , Ths Johnston atcc! works at Dorian closed down last night. Eight hundred men are thrown out of work. - Portlamjj, Me., Sgeaker Tootnas B. Reed was nominated by acclama tion for the tenth coneecuttte tetm in congress by the first district today. San- Feiscisjo. Judge Slack today fined Notary Public Conney $50 for contempt of court in failing to appaor when ordered to sign a deposition io th) Fair rase. San Francisco. John Sopher a worthless character, thi morning tried to kill his wife and then killed him self. Tbe woman is not seriously in jured. Madrid. Serious trouble is hatch iog In Spain particularly li Valencia at the bands of the Cuban insurgents. Riots hays occurred In Valencia cant ed by frisnds of tbe Cuban insurgent who hope to prevent the departure of re-enforcemenU for Cuba. There is a general feeling of dismay and alarm at the apparent utter inability of the government to cope with the situation in Cuba. Isdiasapolis. New. paper cone spondects from the east comprised nearly all the arrivals for a meeting tomorrow of tbe provisional national ! committee of gold standara democrats. Baking Powder whelmed with mail and telegrams to day indicating a larger attendance than be expected. Abilene, Kai. The Populist state convention this afternoon agreed to accept a preposition for fusion made by the Democratic! conference com mittee. This gives the Populists all the state offices and congressmen at large. The Le nocrats retain the presi dential elector. The Democratic and Populists electoral tote of Kansas will be given to which ever viee-president-ial candidal. Sew all or Watson, shall lead in tbe vote in the electoral colli ge of the nation. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Rriceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until j some one called my attention to Chatn- herlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felr better after the first dose, llefore one hilf of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was theTsame. We all unite in saying it is the best." for sale by Druggists. NEUBALOIA cured by Dr. XlKes' Pani rr3. "One cent adeso.' At all drcseUtr- Boston tea-party One hundred and twenty five years ago our grand old fathers threw a lot of tea overboard the tax on it was too great. The tax on the tea you arts drinking is greater; it is col ored and largely poisonous. It taxes your health and your happiness. Throw it overboard and get Schilling 's Best, pure money -back tea at your grocer's. Nothing but coffee in Schilling's Best coffees same is true of Schilling's Best baking-powder, soda, spices, seasoning, flavoring extracts. Pure and money backed. A Schilling (Sr Compzny San Francisco 'it F1IRBANK DEPARTMENT. GEO. G. McGEE, Prop FAIRBAWK, ARIZONA. Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE1 A FULL LINF OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on hand. Patronage solldte FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. Mai Restaurant . FAISBASK.' ARIZONA. MRS. K. IIARRINOTOX, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYrHttTa ' Charges reasonable Parties going from Tomb stone to Bisbee will have ample lime fo dinner before the'tarin arrives. P-ib. lie patronage is respectfully 1ULUB ., Uomse-i ExCoBgrartaaa By n una Is ' otar- c j-?cV.