Newspaper Page Text
7 -- . J ii.. t'wu v.r-"i i-. -i-i fa tl ds IBISIBIEIEJ XDEF-IRTMEISrT. rs a PALAOE anfl 0-X Limy and Feed Stables, J IN THE CITY. . reusable rates, and on short notice. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed aillFFITir & A DAif, Proprietor. Bisukk. Arizona. Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GIESEN'HOFFEB. Prop Fint Restaurant la Bisbee. Prirale Rooms for tunnies or for private parties. Fresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. The table suvvlied with Hie best the market afford Fashion Saloot .r. ff.SUEPPERD, Prop, FULL LIME OF Vines, Liquors and Cigars. tri aai Pool Table attached. Ice cold Beer on Draught. CUch Rooms Attached. lir supplied with the best. Give him a call. tf sin street. Btuben. arl. F. ML MoKAY Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, AmI the best brands of Cigars. Ice Cold lifer on Draught. ROOMS ATTACHED. R5?isant. social time, and courteous tre?t irxnt, call oo McKar, Bisbee. Arizona. BISBEE DAIRY. 3en .Franks Propr, . I'CUK. FKKXII niLK t'Jsred to all parts of the city every 'saiogat the lowest market price. Gt;r pntrtnape tolicited, SatUfaelion Guaranteed. Leave orders with Union Mirket. J. BEEBEE HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING iPEB H.VNGIXU AND GLAZING v Made a Specialtu bu Him. A. O II. W. QUEEN LODGE No. SIX" MEETS Cray .Saturday ereninjr' Vrsiiia broth en cordiaUT iaritcd. Alios Kikdbed. M. W. iDKAU) Baxkke Recorder. H. C Phaser. Financier. h. scnjifisoixo, - JKWELER AND DENTIST. ALUKINDS Jiot dental and jtweirjr work in all branches Jy perforated wit1!; nctttetss and dispaDh. 3ces. Bisbe aid Tcmbstone. DR. I. "W. FARVIN TON. DENTIST. All mirk In tne HnebTIJ-nti-trir oe Is a srofcuiooal mann-r and ausf itlnn iriMrant-ed. harffes ate rery reaoaab!e.SO5ce atbearer Idinc r A. OVERLOOK. UNION-M ARRET ANDBAKtRY Etcucm P. venue, Sisbee ah zona. 3f:shBeef and. Mutton, Fork?, etc. also iMU forfc ana Corned-Beef. All kinds of Sniisxie j.ltv,vn on hand. .resSLBread Ties andCakes every da". , in"thvn in the ttJctnt lUu mart to nnier na short noUeK? PALACE . Lodging House .SIRS. TII03. W1LKER, Prop. When visitin Bisbee don't fail to go'Jto tlie Palace.. Rooms large light and airy Well furnished rooms, Centrally and Conveni ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. Cheap Casl Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived daily. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all puts of town. 10 per cnt o3T for cash. M. MKOlCJOVlCII. I'ropr. THEO.F.METZ, Pioneer Ma forts. Soda water.Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Latest improved machinery, and nojie but the very beil of materealt etrr Ufd. IsUbee, . - Arizona. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE MANOFACTfUKS OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Made to order on Short Kotice. A full line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE Coastan Jy on hand. Consisungof Boots. Shoes. Shirts, Underwear, and Genu Furnishing Goo Is. A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality ot goods considered. DUBACHER & MUIIEIM, Brewery Gulch, BUbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Hand. Our Baris gap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respsctfully solicited. V. Q. MEDIGOVTCH, Wholsale and Retail Dealt in Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQUORS, WINE3, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, 8APTISTA CARETTO DEALER IS DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED- FBUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS . AND CIGAK8, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE 'SAUSAGES Also Dealer in.Wocd. n Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget ox lnterestise Items from our Regular Cor respondent. Bisbeb. August 7, 1896. corrKRiMog August Joe mi returned from hit trip to Tomb tout this sTtniog. Deputy Bhsrifl Cadwellcarne in this afternoon from the line where he bad been on the lookout for the Nof the bnk robbers. They were tree4 to the line and are now tale in Mexico, The Smith boy, Perry and O. T. lc'f t for a months vacation this morn ing. Tbey will spend the time at their home in Dot Cabcxac, and are figuring on having' cna of the only time. Thatt right boys "go it while you're young." Frank Graf left this morning-. We have, no information at to how long be will be away, but of courte, are well aware of the reason for hit journey. A number of our boys bare already done a little calculating on the time neccettary for them to make a eid trip to Tombstone and will not b aurptUed t see a rificstica o! that eld problem, 1 1 1 We were quite a little amused the other evening by a prophesy of , one of our young gentlemen of Jewish ex traction. .He ttated that a DJTine rerelati-m hat been made to him, and declares positively that "the ntil Pope o! Borne will be a Jew." The gentle man it absolutely firm in hit , belief and it evidently laboring under a peculiar hallucination. The nervoua system of Mr. Wm. Bropby received another slight ,sboclr to lay. It was not lufficiout that bit pet wagon should have been tmatbed last week, and today the team attached to the remaining wagon became frightened and ran away. The brake -as it happened however, was tightly tot on the wagon, and the hortee were stopped after a short passes, with no lurther damage doue than a slight bruie fur one of the horses. Quite a number of pertoot during the day baund down, tbe river, to attend tbe wedding of-Mr. Ben Sneed and Miss. Jennie Moten, whioh we underttand it to take plaoe this evening. By far the most, aotieable one of the many was our fhendc Mr. H. G. Stegall, vho is to officiate- as best man, and was fixed up to suit-tie occasion. We do' not care much for the whims of this world ourselves, but we involuntarily had to throw" our head and sheulders erect after being" recognized by the dignified Mr.8tegaL We with the young" couple that '.is to be, all tbe happiness and comfort this world can afford. The ftiendt of Miss Annie Kane re ceive.! a very severejneck yesterday and are still aouch alarmed over tbe young lady's condition, .Mise;ICase bat not felt'well for tome time past and ber illness culminated yesterday in a temporary" abberation of her roir.d. Tbe young lady left here-day before yesterday for a drive seemingly all right; bnt'wae net seen -again 'until late yec!rdy evening, la the measr tinesbe.liacL.been driving abont the country, cinder a mad influence, first one way and then another. The fol- IowFbje is an account of ber wander- f T tags es "Dear as can be determined. S jie first drove frem here to the Amer ican"";: us to at bouse, from there, to La jioriti-assJihesW-Jbaak toDoi Ld'is .tjalion'.brj the A. A 8.E, K, R.-Turn-lnirsSirdrove-dowa the river to the Packard and Gr.eea ranches, retraced, ber way foVeWaye,, turned again and fiaally"drove "a(o Fairbanks, -From iter .sbe 'aut' to' Tombstone' and "T ' JWStee n again. BavlBtrptheaborc rnamed claims werr not located in iatBaadiate wtutoi sue etiacJrwaeB e knows bat ate Is ppoed to have received bad nswiiresti her snoiher. At tile Jia:ftt WaiagaWw-sbe -is-etilL in inBnriavvluilua.jiai a uboti, trie iSAitir.s-cJfHeBAi,aBd ,ie iiproving. We trnst thatnawer kind ahtrlrfftrHS'yrtirig,'lidy will soon be" herself agaia. ! 1 Tkm U.S. Gov't Report STLODISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ SH ATTACK & KEATING. Ploprictors. Agents or Anheuter-Biuch Brewing Attociation. WhoUtale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT IIUECNaud MANS ON LODGING HOUSE -TArS.LETt30JSr,X:-o. Clem bedve!l ventHaud airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This well known house is centrally located, and convenient to the '.railroad depot. and is bead iuarters"'ar the traTehng pub lic Patronage solic ited and satisfac tion guaran teed. BISBEE. ARIZONA.. Miners Exchange Main Street. Bisbee. W. C. SMITH &. CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, IJTery'courtesy and accommodation extended to rpauom, Reading and Card Room Attached. C. W. BLACKBURN. V Tim New Iraprorod White e1ne SfaebOM la KInf of AJi, Sold on tb lnstAlliaeQt p!aa oa trr tOTis ejrO. w, BIACKBURN.-O K Sueet. All MacMn Flndincs ol &U Ua4 Notary Public and Conveyancer. Visit Markey.s Studio for up to date, high dost photography. CRAYONS. INK. PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To moor outside competition I will make you a high class life size Crayon for $3.00. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin-type Urru Main street, Bisbee, Arizona, MEN AGES fJwtckJr.Tkartashlr, Ftwvwr CSrri.' -Fonr oot of flro n ho suffer scrronsiLM, mental worry, attacla el " to blcca.' ai o tat paylnir the peaaltyof earhr lexcesse. Vlc- Unu, .reclaim yonr manboo.!, recsin yoor vior. ' Don't deanalr. 'Send for book with axslanaxlonandnrGri. failed (sealed) frei ERIE MEDICiL CO-.-Buffalo, N. Y. Notice. - fO AL.Il"WHOM IT MAY COSCERNj -Notice if hereby gire'ir, that certain mining claims called IbeTanTBiea, McGinty and Par ' agoo, iltsated in she Warren mining district., land about one-half mile north-easterly from the niotbwok' bourrog' works; and abont the same - - r ' - - - - .-.- - a 1 ,. i. confbnmf r" with' the"U. S mining law, therei- sere.-Msecondarty, at a later-date, relocated the air tV full cooformiiy with tbe abore tstmed laws, and is fully determined to protect Tils rights. Therefore, an pa sons are can--tioaeS BotTobargain (or, buy or lease the aVore nanxd dalms. C;S. MANSUR. ai2-n Bisbee, A T. FOR SALE. A gaod business location, on Brewery Aveaa adjoining the brewery. Terms reaeoaable. Far far her sarUealan aBalthaytniBiaat 1, M.J u BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI L BBBBBBBBBBBl ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. -BnBBBBBBBBsl' m X-a M ajSpSBBWS? JLbbbbbbT n SB sBbbbbsbb " K' mLm. BBBBBSBBBtsBSyHalv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHRR?' BBBBBBSBBBBBBBBFQsBBfasBSMeitS' "sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbTbbbzVbbbbbbfZ' CBBBBBBBBBBP9BBB1BkBBBbBMu3W' cJtBSBBBBBBPHBBBBBBSaEBB ' a WPWPW"K?,I-.SS6 FIE PHOTOS r, t . NICfvNOBILE. Dealer in JPruits,Nuts.Candies, rj,h Prait R3ivel Daily from California. Carries the Best Lino of CIGARS AJVD TOBACCO Lver Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postofitee. FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Description, Call on WM. D. MONMONaER. Opposite ilaton Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest! Allen St. Bet Fourthfr Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven tlancient and boarding stock carefully; attended Prosvectino- Picnic and Ex cursion vartiAs outfitted on short notice.. Or ders bv mail or tel Graph receives vromvt atten tion: II 1TERM SUNREASOKABLY LOW, JOHN JIONTGOaiEItY-, Prop. J V. VICKERS Fremont Street. tombstone, Arizona. Heal Estate. Mines Monev. Cattle ond ln suran ce.-taaas. KEAL, ESTATE Bought.soid rented MINES Bought sold manaeed, MONEY Loans negotiated and in vestments made. CATTLE grower, dealer r't'ri. INSURANCE Fire. Accident, Ijfe. Prompt Attention Given Collection. SUMMONS. SIntheDistrie- Conrt first Judinil distrU.1 ol : rerntory of Arizona in and for the County ofCochi A. I. COLLINS, plaintiir. s. ADDIE L. COLLINS, defendant. Action brought in the OistrictComt of the first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona in and for the Conntv of Cochise. amllhecGia pUini filed in the said County of Cochise, in the office of the- Clerk of said DUfnct Court The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to AddieLv-CoUms: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against yoa by the above named pUintifl In the District Court of the first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona, in nd for the 'County of Cochise, and to ansa er the complaint 61ed therein, within ten days (exclusive of tbe day of service) after tbe service en yoa of this summons, (ifserved with in this county or if served out of this county, but in this district, wiihiti twenty' days; otherwise, wlthii thirty days;) or jodgmeM by default will be ta ten against you according to tbe prayer of said complaint The said actien is b ought to obtain a decree f Hi force from the bonds ofnauimony. HiTcnu'er ray hint and tbe seal ot tbe Dis trict Court t'f 'the Fir.t fudieial District of tbe Territory of Arizona i-nd lorihe county cf Cocbse, this 83d day of une in tbe year 01 ojr i.orafcce tnuusan eigrit.nnnaredr.and nine:ysix SC TTWHITK, ' ' Clerk, By A H. Euanvcl. . DeputylClerk. Last! COUGHS arid GOLDS Btrs yrwwiT.A aaxaAV u& aceeagas.ceias, sen throat asd-Tor astaaia. St "t"i mamxm tao I CoBSBjapttrc tararlabrrawTiw ' beoeSSfrosaluaaa, jsawr wbo RrppoM tmicswinWwa- 'SBsmttea ate en usTftusg fresa a ehfeatc eeMr dea , tn ssna. foe uiuna ws-zP SMUMTTfiia iiImiiI la u- jar bosae; Pfneela HsUai .He. aaUWSnaelsta, MILL FOE SALE. A ten-stamp mill centrum. 6 pans, 3 set. tiers, an agitator, two 18-foot revolving concen trators, 16136 Corlis engine; two boilers, all la mod working order.' BsOdsag nearly new Cast be atoned as his dose tm nBroad Mast be sold, asm cam twBsoe3M tocSflLaoa 1 A mint rmmrsao Cnmm. ftmJ Bota Creasa Bala. St eta. As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a'sliort time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine Life-Size Ciayon Portrait. There is not a family but possesses some picture 01 Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, wnich they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE !FRV1IE. The portrait Company i,ts made it conditiona upon us mat will each portrait we sell a frame. The price is Loo to $ Call and select your own style. OTJJEfc ILIV Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. ' F. N. WOLCOTT. Dealer? in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OP HARDWARE Air?) TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free to all parts of the City. ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. E. k (Vs. Exp. FARE TO OB FROM FA1RBANK 1,50 07I3MCE5 TABLE. Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 r, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAGGAO of Pastemjerxldelirered to Office in the city free of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. -iOHN HANLEY.PROPRIETOB Pure, Iresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail'u tool parts of the city, x n ' Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, lOcts. Reduction is made for larger quantities M Oftics is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John WeilanciK Anheuser, Lemps. GirLY.THETBADE SUPPLIED ADOLF 3?AJfX.. TlTlJMOW, A.IZt.l. Battled Weiland Beer fuinished to families in lorabston by JOS. HOEFLER OYSTER ALLEN St. BETWEEN, 4tli ATS X Stla Firit-Class 2-f ealsBest oij Attention; Everything in Season BOARD PER WEEK ZL S7C0 THREE MEALS 1 00 SINGLE MEALS.... ..-. '....ZZZ 50 Dinners, for Special Occasions alSprcialiy, Try a Meal at this Popular Resor First-Class .Cooks only Employed. Accommodations for Families. J, C4KSAR, Proprietor. . CAN CAN RESTAURANT - The Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestern Arizona. Good ivfeals at all noun. FRESH OYSTERS AND GAME IN SEASON- The Best the Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons Family Entrance on 4th St. Banouets a Specialty. w LAGER! -A.ent;J PARLORS. m, rrtaua) .AP