Newspaper Page Text
J The Prospector. AUGUST 8 '896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES "", rizona 4 sovrrn EASTERN R. R. North 'as H Qua xept Siudiy J:1J 7r 1:1$ ::M u J :li 30 0& 0. iO: . 300 Till TABLE No i. July M 1SS. l?3 2 U ss.iIa. s;.e,Lv ..J 3 . . ts.Sl '54 I Kb ...Don Lull i-3 ..Wsler '"ink t.l ...Charleston .iiS.3 ...r Irbank ... .Lv 10 0 ....Fslrbsnk ArlBO JCAA.CTfcin...llT.T Land hs.1 . onteation I -.S ...Bissau... ....L '0 Sj uth First dillr txcrpt Stuidaj IJ SOS l. 1.S0 100 It SB 11.10 n.ta acttc tlms. "fU tUtUs. Stop on ' caals. , 1 rs WlLUMs, .Sap-rUtendtlit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. East i STATIONS.! "ast u.loam L ....Uensn Ari 5.40 pm 9.aoam ,.. .Tucson 7.05 pm 6.03 am! ....Maricopa ...... vtoiospm 11.55 p raj Yum , -San- tans! 4S- .Los Angeles ... I 1.00pm San 6t, limited, eatt bound, MonsU't and h nds S.1B, Beaton Baa Set. Lmitedwost boual. Wedaesdsys sUturfU-?, I.C5 Benson1 NEW MEXICO ARIZONA Westl S 00 pro S,J3 3EI CHIEI 1.40 a t a. 37am 1.15 pm L ...... Benson Fa!rhn5; Hnachuca..... .... Crittenden .... .... CV,ba-as .... Nozli Ar East 0.40 am 1 copra ta.topm iopm ar am S.10 am ally except Sundiy. Pactfc time. J. J. Fa ST Oner-il Mtoaer. A. NA.UGLE. L H. At.Bt.M-HT. Assiste t General Manarer. Train Mast-r. MARICOPA 4 PHOENIX R R. North st.mioss South !o p Lt Ph-j-dx Ar 2 ooan 1.35pm Tempe taoam 9.00pm Krreoe leijpm 9.35pm Sicaton la 30pm 0.4Spm Marie ipa. ... laiopta (J. H. Ho.nsheu, Gea. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. biker is quoted at 8 Frank Earls is in Fbcsniz. a Go to church tommorrow. A, M. Wellt and Jams Reilly, left yesterday far Dos Cabs z at. All the charm of tea-fiavor is in Schilling's Beat. Jai. Critohler is over (rom Biabee n avisittohis family. a lira. J. H. Slaughter arrived yester day from San Btrnaidino for a brief visit. 1 Mrs. A. D. Walsh returned to Pbeniz today attar remaining here on a three months visit. Wm. Lutley bas gi ut to Mexico on a prospecting trip, joining bis brother at Biabee. Encouraging word still comes of the progreaanf tba Johusan-Fitts mines atPearca. Tom Sorin baa returned from the northern country and is now rustitat ing in Tucson. The board of supervisors of Graham county bare employed Mr. Langetraan of Clifton, who is an expert account ant, to check up the books of various ounty officers. In Oldest risaaes. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with trancient action ; tut now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well, informed people will sot buy otlir lax atives, which act for a time, but finally ujure the system. J Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, DR w CRErtM BAKING POWWR MOST PERFECT MAD2. A pure Crape Oeaai of Tartar Powder. Fret ci Ammonu, Ata.n or any other aduHerataV 40 VIAM& TW CTAM6AJW. Morris Foley ra-ne over from Bisbee yesterday on a visit to his family and friends for a fortnight. A. R. English and wife left this morning for Santa Fe, Nw Mexico, where Mr, English goev -to attend the U. S. Land grant court. Chaa. Mart is in from his mines in in the Huacbuca;. Charlij owns same promiting claims which will soon interest capital. The ani6iit roll iI (Hla c.nitily this year will frot up toalx.ui f90,00) as agaioet $818,000 in la'StS-and lual of Maricopa county io- this jf-nr foo: up 8,?49,757. The Pkospector j btlfptruii'-iit ha been rushed the -t no.-W ttuuiiig out job work. The three job presses have been run cnntinouily and orders are piling up. Lei the good work go on. Closing out an overstock of ste'e and wire nails a-d Corrugated Boot inn, No.SU 10d,20d, 40J aud COJ steel and wire nails, per keg, $4.25 : So. 27 Corrugated roofiusr, painted, 7 and 8 feet lengths, f3.C5 per square. The above prices are delivered at Kitirbank A. T. IEEE, lertna carfi. AdrfM Geo. B. Marb, Nopales, A. T. j27w Wyatt Earp has written a story for ibe Examjnsr giving a thrilling ac count ol his early history in Tomb, stone and the notorious vanietta In whicb be was theprumineut factor. Since the removal of troops at San Bernardino to Fort Grant the com mands at Fl. Huachnca have been ordered te hold themselves in readi ness to go into the field at once in case of any renegade Apache outbreaks. Grosi earnings of the Santa Fe sys tem for June increased $00,061 ; oper ating expenses decreased $244,500 and net earnings increased $305,201.. Gross earnings for the year ending June 30 increased $4GG,314; operating expnw decreased $234,447, ad net earnings increased $ 701,061. Among the numerous persons wrto have been cured of reheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emilv Tho ne, of Toledo. Wash., who say: "I he never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm, f have also used it for lame bacV with great snecess It is the best liniment I have ever used, and I take pleasure in recora-nendini it o my Irienis." For sal: by Druggists Coconino Sun: The ice caves twelve mils south of Flagstaff is one of the attractions which is receiving a good deal of attention from our sum mer visitors. It is the only ice cave known to exist in the territory, and the novelty of gazing on an immense quantity of natural ice in midsummer cannot be resisted by visitors from tho warmer sections of the territory. Messrs Barron and Scribner have their new wbim on the Telephone and will commence work in a very lew daj a. The shaft of this mine has to be cleaned oat and the timbering looked after, which will take some lit tle time, but as soon as this is done everything will be ready and opera tions will be pushed. FOB OVEtt riFT' VEAM. am Mil wpll.tripf! rntnpdv. Mr Winslow'd Soothing Syrup has been used lor over nuy years oy mijjiuno oj mmliari inr their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soitens we gom, anya u ...Ir. nFa aind'nftlis. and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to toe taste, doiu oy uruggu iu . n.rt nF Ih wnrlil TwAntr-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and alc lor Mrs. v in low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. W. 1). Moumonieriabusyi-nproving the acoustics of the court bouse cham bers. Heretofore to betieard in the room one -was compelled to p-ak quite loud, but now, when fini-bedjt will be posiiblv for one iu the rear end to hea- audibly a whisper from the witness stand. This desirable -frt in obtained by a system of continuous copper wires strung1 overbea-l, both lengthniie and cro-wie. Whil it may Mem incredible it is nevertheless a lact that this rfSuHii) p:o!uced, be ing based on scientific principles. free I'll!. Send your address to H. E. Bucfclen ty Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. KinK's New Life P.IK A tna will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in anion and arc panic ularlv effective in the cure of constipat- .. nrl tV hitarli-. Far mlria anil liver troubles, they have been proved m- yaiuaoie. iney are guarantceu 10 oc perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by tbeir action, but by onving- tone to the stomach and bowels greatly fnvigoraje the system. Regular size 35c. per box. Sold by Tombstone D. K. Wardwell returned le Fort Huaehuoa today a'tr a rhort visit tr, the county seat. The geueral is post master at the fori, v m Broad n! butter and tea and apple sauce doliciout I It all depends upon the tea there is none so charming as Schilling's Be. TU rt of the charm nf Schilling' Bft a is- youth and freehne's. It i thnyouni lendnr leavssof the teaplant, frshroasted iu San Fran- eweo.- The people of Safford, Graham (nnnti. Iva succeeded in raisiag a fund o'$."i000 for the building of oourthousa and securing the county seat. The United States during the last twelve months has chewed and smoked five million pnunds of tobacco besides 73,000,000 cigars and four billions of cigarettt-r. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions (and pos tivelr cures Piles, or no payment requtra ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis-Q iaciiin or money reiunaea. rnces 5 -:.- w. c .-1.. -r u : c ccnia pciuux. j-ur saic. .si 1 uiiio tuu Drug Store s a We have just received from the music publishing bouse of The S, Brainaid'a Sons Co , 151 Wabash Ave., Chicago, copies of the'True Blue Re publican" and the '-Red Hot Demo cratic" Campaign Sing Books for 1896. They are not cheap word edi tions, but centain solos, duets, mixed and male quaitets, and are especially arranged for cam aign clubs. They are sold at the low price of 10 cents each, or f 1.00 per dozen, Tbe UUcover Ms.rot kla I. lie. Mr. U. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver sville, I1L, says : "To Dr. King's New Discovers I owe my life, Was taken with La Grippe and trieu all the phy liciane, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live.- Having Dr. KinK's New Discovery iu my atore I rnt for ix bottle and began its use m! from the first dote began to get bet tr, and ifter-ueing three bottle was up nrid about again. It is worth its weight in gold.. We won't keep store er house -vithout it." Get a free t.iall t the Tombstone Drug Store. While the news from all sections of the country is of the most cheering nature because of the bright outloek for silver and tbe dawning of prosper ousand happy future of tbe people of this country, there is one man in our community who shows a slight tinge of disappointment, and still be is bap pay. He had calculated to call him William Jennings Bryan Coetello, but new he can't do it ; its a girl, and as bright and pretty as the dantiest flower. Tne PRosrscroK extends con gratulaticn, Martin. rIrrelou Keasilui. From a letter written by Kev. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mioh., we are permitted to make this extract: 'I have no' hesitation in recommend ing Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results weie almost marvelous in the case of my r ife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rivera Junc tion she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing wonld last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. Kiag's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfacsory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Tombstone and any Drug Store. Regular size 50caod (1.00 a s - Langpaap and Dtinker have about completed arrangements for tba be ginning of active operations en tbe Silver Thread mine. They have their machinery and tanks all in place and as'soen as tbe track laid for the re moval of wast dirt and rock is ready for the cars, work will begin in earnest.- A .number of men will be em ployed by these gentlemen and re ports of tbe bullion ou'.put from Ibis mine may be looked for. It jail Uepeada. "If Mestrs. A. Schilling it Co , who are about to carry on Ibis fight Bgainst colored tea, do not succeed, some ether concern in some other seaport will take op tbe cry, and so win the success (that by right ol first thought) belongs to A. Schilling aud Co. and San Francisco besides doing good to tba United States; for no one denies that it will be far better for the peo ple at large to drink pare tea." San Fraotisco Journal of Commerce. It ought not to be so bard a fight. Tbe "money-back" part of Schilling advertisements ought to get a trail for their Ua; and if "Schilling's Best" lea is as good a they say, tbe tea w III do the'&gbting. It all depends upon tbe teal The copper boom this year it some thing remarkable. The consumptive demand abroad is very strong and large contracts are reported lo.3isvV been made in London for delivery up to the end of the year and even longer The Bostou News Bureau 0' recent da'e say-: Me.-tr. James Lewis Son Liverpool, write under date of July 20 of tbe copper market that they take a very favorable view of tbe future of copper. They say: "Consumption in Europe U certainly wonderful and appears likely to absorb all the sur plus America has to send out and to make great inroads on the public stock on this side. W- see no reaion 'why copper should not advance X10 or 20 per ton further before the year is out There is every prospect of a furthrr decrease Is the public stocks this fortnight." THE NEW HOOK SPOON FREE. I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A.M. Fritz Station A, St Louis, Mo , would give an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone tending her 10 2 cent stamps. I sent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends and made 913 in two hour taking order'. The hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held in place by a hook on the back. Auyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2 cent stamps to Miss Fritz. This is a splendid way to make mooev around home. Very truly, j27-13t Jbaxsettk 8. Mr. Editur, I take my pen in hand to let you know that limes are 2 hard for ma to take your papur. Hits all I kin do tew buy terbaoker fur meselt and tbe boys. Bonides the ole woman has to have a nou pare of bloomers and hit all takes money, 1 will pay you next fawl when I sail my hngs. ef they dou't all die with oollery. N. B. We have got another baby at our house, come a week ago last Thursday nits. Rile a good peace about it and send 4 or a papers and we will aeod 'em off fur you. Ez. s s , A CHANCE TO HAKE MONEY. I litre birriei, grapes and poaches a year old, fresh as. when picked, 1 use the California Cold process, do not heat or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, aud costs alni9it nothing-; can put up a bushel in ten minutes. Last week I sold directions t over 120 families ; anyone will pay a dollar for direction, when they see the beautiful samples of fruit. As there are many people poor like myself, I consider it my duty to give my experience to such, and feel con fident any one can' make one or two hundred dollars round home in a few davs. 1 will mail sample of fruit and complete direction, to any of'your reader, for eighteen two c-nt. stamps, men is only the actual cost 01 the samples, postage, etc. to me. 13t. FRANCIS CASEY. 81 Louis, Mo. Uodersheritf F.E. Cadwell returned from Bisbee today. Upon receipt of the news of the Nogal's bank robbery and being informed what, direction the fugitives had takenjf r. Cadwell made all haste for a paint near the line and ran upon the trail of the -robbers whicb led direct into Mexico.-' At a point near the Custom House the Under sheriff joined a pose of 6 under Collec tor Webb and together followed the trail bilow tbe line. The robbers were evidently well mounted and lost no time in getting out ofthe jurisdiction of U. S. The robbers are known to the officers and at one time were residents of Cochise county. Tiisy are now in Mexico, hut a shrp and continuous watch will be kept and if they venture back on this side, tbey will taken ia out of the wet and placed where there is but suffering from the effects of frost. , The world 'tfcJesn't stand still. Six years ago a New York Ceylon tea company said that Ceylon tea Vas twice as strong- as Japan tea. It was so then such Japan tea as Americans drank. But the Japanese drink better tea, and they want you to drink' it too. Nothing stands in your way but your own indifference and the American tea-colorers in Japan, whose interests are not yours. Three years ago 'the Japan ese gave a big tea-exhibit at the World's Fair. Those who tasted tea there tasted Japan tea as the Japanese drink it delicate, aromatic, inspiring. And now the Japanese tea growers are sending you their best pure Japan tea,' young tender leaves, uncolored, un adulterated, delfcate, strong money-back tea Schillings Best. We have been wanting to talk about this ever since the World's Fair; but the time was not ripe. Also pure and money-backed: Sthil line's Bestcottec. baking-powder, ado, sp:ces, and flavoring extracts. A Schilling tSr Company Sin Fraiuiic is The Worlds Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great la leav ealnz power as tbe Rnysl aausled toy the (ar. Lait T lies Jay night about 9:30 o'clock Jitoitpb Butcher, who had been employed at tbe Peafce mine, twenty fiva miles south-west of Wi'llcoz.came to town from t e west end of the rail road yard?, and while trying to board an outgoiug freight train "lipped and fell under the cars, mangled his right arm and causing other injuries which resulted la death. Drs. Nicholson and Reid found it neceseary to amputate his arm, which was doutt. His bruises about the face ware dressed and everything possible was doue for the man, but ho died on Wednesday morning about 11 o'clock. Willooz News. - i WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO. Lait week I cleared, after paying all expenses, 3oo.oo. the month previous $200 and I have at the same time at tended to other duties. 1 believe any energetic person can do equally as well as I have had very little ixpeuence. The Dish Washer is just lovely and every family wants one, which makes selling very easy. I do no canvafilng. People bear about the Di-h Washer and come or send lor one. It is strange that a good cheap Dish Wash er has never been put on tbe market. The Mound City Dishwasher fills this bill. With it you ran w.v-h and dry the dishes for a family of ten in two minutes without wetting your hands As soon aa people sea' th Washer work tbey want one. You can make mors money and make it quicker than with anr household article on the market. I !! conunce.l that any lady or gentleman can make from $10 to $14 per day around home. Yeu can got full particulars by ad dressing The Moron Crrr Dish Wasii kb. 'Co., St. Louie, fo. They help yon ge, then vou can make money awful fast. ' A. L.C. AUTBOKIZBD AQEMTS. L. P.'FISHER. 31 Merchants' Excbanre .San Francisco. a H. KELLOGG, No. 310 Pine street, Koaci 57 and 58, San Francisco. E. C DAKE, loom 65. Mercham Exchange, aa Fraachco. GEO. P.ROWELL. 10 Spruce St. Ne-. ork. N. W. AYER A SON, Philadelphia. All transactions made by the above rtamej jersons will be compSed with at the PROS PECTOR office. Or. Price's Cream BakJag Powdr World' Fair Hlxbeat Awaud. P, B. WARNEKROS, CL0$IM OUtt ! His Mammoth Stock Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shces Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL WLL RE SflI.Il ATf. .. -if. CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents 0 Cochise Cowity. No Trouble to Show Goods. CallntLnd Convince Yourself of Tie BLACKWELLS I WANT 0 NO OTHER. iBil bT,iwFlSUUKi1AM mamjK .. Tow will tUasl sm sj-sam 3 jBaWW"" IsMSda attest w ! lsaar, ' ' 1-. ssSK-sl.'WS 'O ... PEimv asw Kli'Jssy .ssVv-7-tsflsBssSsxsa aassl Trad tst ssa issilsH BiSBBttDssVsAtaBsassaK s-fstMaasrf-mlsMMajansj rHS " w-" sad two mini tauskla tttjj tmmw stasto ssasr of Mask will's Dwrkaaa. Bas a sag - Usta Usjratsdl tsfe We Mean Asvx.3L "XrVill Business. . A SACRIFICE. -r GIVE US A CALLSl acq cwucc eruEjiiis. Vsf