Newspaper Page Text
TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR. OUR WATCHWORD- "COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AHTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST u, 1806. VOL. N. 275; THE m- C LU s- - - The Prospector .ity and County Official Paper.' IUULISHKD EVERY EVENING (ExCKIT 8UKDAY.1 $ ' BY Jlr7m. Hattich Editor and Proprietor. Vrwmont tst., Opposite City Hall 1'H PKrt:to wilt n hold Itself respon sible for any vi' the articles or sentiments ex pressed by any of it correspondents Entered in the Tombstone euosd CUsi matter. Postotfice PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILIY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Lav. Land and limine cases a specialty. Tombstone. Arizona. M. C. STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public, Tombstoo. ArUona. H ERRING A HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors a Lav. Office on Tourhnut Street, between Second and am imra. opposite uie tourt Mouse. EO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT- lT Ls WillpjractMeln all courts of t Territory. Tombstone. Arizona. o s & CLARK, ATTORNEY ANDCOUN. selor at Law. Omce on tourth Street, between Alien and TooEbnnt. Tomb .tone. Wilt practice in all the coa of the Territory. CHARLES GRANVILLE JOHNSTON. 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Not ry Public, 411 Fremont Street oet. stn ind 51b streets. A member of the Bar 01 iLe .supreme Court of tht rerritory, and will pr ictlce xn any of the ccuru therein. ERTHA. HERRING. TYPEWRITER asd-Ntarr Public Toughnut Street, Tombstone. Aruora. -AV WENTWORTH. COUNTY RE- corder anl Ahstract.Omee. Abstracts of title to real esutc and mines furn- ahed promptly and acurately. Complete tran. aenpts. Ctnce in Court House. Tombstone, O. E. ALVORD. 1USTICE OF THE Peace. Omce oa Allen St: bet 3d & 4th. Tombstone. ,LKOSKA. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on 4th St. bet. AQea and Toughnut, Tombstone. I I S. GORDON. M. I). PHYSICIAN AND II Surjeon: Office adjoining his residence on 4th street. Calls attended at ill hours day and tight, "' FC. EARLE. ASSAYER AND MfcTA logical Laxratory. occ No 319, Fremont St. opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS- F. & A 31. K' 'ING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5, meets third SaturCiy in each month. Vuitin 1 brothers cordially invited t at tend. w. m.. j h Mcpherson. A. L. GROW Seemly Xt. A. M C,OCHISF. CHAPTER No. 4. MEETS ff third Wednesday in each month. Vis iting Companions cordially inrireu 10 at ead. TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. S. of A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening ru each month. Vis iting Comrades cordially invited. 1. W. CLARK, President. A. L. GROW, Secretary. A. vr. L. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W. meets 1st and 3d Thursday In each month. Visiting brothe cordially in sited. KOBT. BEST, M. W. W. D. Mo-csfOMtER. Recorder. "" K. of P. A RIZONA LODGE) KNIGHTS OF iL Pythias. Nc 4., meets every 1st and d Mondays' in each month. Visiting brother IPrdiillr invited " JOHNNOBILE.C.C W. D. MONMON1ER. K. of a rMOTECnON HOE COMPANY NO. 3. 1 meets First Sunday in each month 01 tnor hose bouse on thecoraer of Seventh and Fre BO tt streete. oppositr the school bouse. , WM. GARKETT. Forcnun, TOM SMITH Secretary. rj5E-CUE HOSE COMPANY MEETS " First unday in each m-jnth at City 11-11. ' Fremont -UeeU J.VVICKEKS. .. Vk E.VWORTH. Secty. President. I. N MCDONOUGH. Foreman. E VGINE COMPANY NO. , MfcETS Ht Sund y in each month, at hose bouse. en tM e na of toagtiaul and 5th streets. I "JSEKH LIPPEKT. Foreman. HENRY OU NICER. Secretary. WATER WORKS F CALVES, Prop. tt'ale: IVrBiirrtJ,- 25 Cent Water. Per Bucket - 5 Onto. riiOKlT SERVICE. ".educed Rates by the Monti Leave orders witb wajon, or at ibi tmrnm aw LEbWj f S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, Oil I'll II 1 1 Ml IMI. THE DRY GOODS . Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S FU1ISM DEPARTMENT A Specialty is made of this Department and the style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. BAT AND SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other fanious Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes, finest FoGtwear of Celebrated Manufacture. SlippersJTies, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. IK CBOCKERY. EAMAI AND .SADDLERY DEPARTMENTS A full stock is'carriedcqnsisting'of Glass'vvare, Crockery, Out Orla.HM, FsLxicy Capn. Canvass Tents, Wagon Covers, uVfa.tra.sseM. Everything at Lowest Eastern Prices & M, BARROW, DEPARTMENT price, THE 1-1 ardware, Tinware, Oxins, JPistols, Oa trideresJJEtc Harness (Saddles, Spurs. THE NEW HOOK SPOON FREE. 1 read in the Christian Standard that MisaA.M. Fritz Station A, St Louie, Mo., would Rive an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone tending her 10 2-cent stamps. J tent (or one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends aud made f 13 in two hours taking orders. The book spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held in place by a hook on the back. Anyone can get a sample spoon by ending ten 2 cent stamps to Mis Fritz. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly. J27-131 JeinnettkS. Pioneer Recimataa sitlea. Ntr. I. W. Venable, of Downev a pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cab, says: ''Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it for year?, know it to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to every one." For sale by Druggists Thf WnrlH-c Pair- T.o, ltie WOria S t-alr TeStS saowca DO baking powder SO pare or so great la leav entng power as tbo Rnvat NOTICE. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF -- Cochise county uill receive sealed propo sals lb- furaUWnf the county with ao cordj of Black Jack wood and 5 cords of Juniper wood to be delivered at the court house. For further particulars see the clerk of tie board. All pro posals rausl be nled with ihe detx of the board oa i before the ath day of August. I896. at 2 p ra. IOHN S. WILLIAMS. Attest A. WEVTWCRTH. Clerk By V. A, Hakwooo. Deputy Clerk. Populist's Meeting. Bisef.e, July 30th. l?o5. At a meeting of the People's Party County Central Committee ot Cochise county i hereby called to meet In B sbee on August 12th, 1896, for the selection of eight delegates to attend the territorial con r cation to be nekf In Phoenix August 20th. 1896; also to set the date for holding primaries for the election of delegates 10 a county convention which shall nominate a People's Prty tick-t, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before it. II. E. Pemnbt, Chairman, G. M. Portez, Seccetary. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Uenrer. Colo.. August r. 1896. Sealed pro posals in triplicate subject to the usual condi tions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m August is I&96, d then opened, for transpor tation of Military Supplies on Route between Bisbee. A. V.. and San Bernardino. A. T. dur ine the fiscal vearcorameccinplulr 1. 180&. U. S reserves right to reject any or all proposals. In- lorouuon lumisnea on application, envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Pro- rals for Transportation and addressed to E. ATWOOD, Major. Chief Q. V At dst. WA ITED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Brvaa SewaU an! Free Silver" authorize! by BTran written by R. 1 Metcalf, ecitorumana worn tteraid appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and platform A bonanza fo- agents; a tree silver mine for work ers; only tt SO: the only authorized book co per cent; credit gives; freight paid; outfit free, Bejin now wiia cuoic; 01 iciniory; permanent, pron table work for '96. Address The National Boole Concern, Star building. Chicago. at ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSEIT, PROPRIETOR Pure Ice delivered to any parr ol the city ,a 2 CENTS PER POUND. Svecial rates to families for ice for refttilar customers. arOFFIC2ASD ICE HOUSE 5TII ST.Ea Opposite PostofHce. GUM M4XEY 7 Allen St. car3l, (Old Cu sto House VEGETABLES, FRUITS, 1 OTATOESl: aONIONS, ETC Frrth California fruh received every day Vy exprets. Everyting told at lowett rate. Goods delivered ree to all oarU of cit. Tomlislone & Fearce tMAILJAND STAGE LINE. FRMKBLATZ, 1 HI I'lll I. Will roake'semt-weekly trip to the New Camp, oa Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one ay, carrying ine u. a. mail and passesge FARE UEkjDd trip) $3. HOTEL AKslIVAIJI COCHISE M. J. Norris.Cbicigo. 1 ALACK. F. H. Bopp, ranch. 8AM JOSS. J). W. Jones, San Francisco. AKLIKOTOM Mr. apd Mrs. Wa. Cowan and two "'daughters. W. it. Stevenson, Canada. IC CKEAH NOW MADE IN .A MINUTK. L I nave an Ice Cream Freezer thrst will frezo cream perfectly in one minute; as it is such a wondei a crowd will always be around, so anyone can make fiotu five to six dollars a day selling ice crram and ten to twenty a day selling Freezers, as people will always buy an article when it is de monstrated that they can make money by -so doing. The cream is frozen instantly aud is smooth and free from lumps. I have done so well that I felt U m? dut lo let others know o! the oppurtunily, as I feel confident that any pcrcon in any locality can make money, as ajj person can sell cream aud the Freezer sells itself. J. F. Casey fc Co., 1143 St.. St Lonis, Mo., will mail you complete instruct ion and will employ you on aalary if yen can give tbem yoar whole time. C Geo. B. Gladness Comes With a better understanding' of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort In the kno'.vlcd?e. that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis, bnt simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Fifrs. prompt ly removes. That is why It is the only remedy withnlllionsof families, and Is everywhere esteemed so highly bv all who Value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted witb any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need -if a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest end is moot largely used and gives most general satisfaction. Wanted An act in every section to cant ran. utotti dav matlel sells at sfcht. also "a maa to sell staple goods to dealers, bo lide line, $7;, ? mosta. salary or.iarre eomroi'; sion made; czpenetiw .ry. r or sealed particulars send stamp. Urfton :Mp a ilanu facturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. SPRING FLOWERS. LADIES AND Misses Hats Latest Styles, Eastern priccsa Barrows. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Freroo t s'rer f. oppcr" Pr -specter. FAMILY PHCTGGHAHS 0U SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finett tievt and pictures of all sites in a most artittie manner, superior finish and tone. Taken on short notice. Groups lie cialty Chbinet, panel and standard W. O. ABBOTT. ASSAYEB. PRICES FOR ASSAYING; Tovbstoxx, A. T. Gold fjl.oo SHTCT '' i-Ml ZaDO Gold and Silver, one sample, 1.25 Gold, Silver and lead, one sample....... 300 Copper 1.50 3uca. ... ........ ...... .... ...... .... s.sO Manganese... .. ,... r5 line..... 1.50 Iron r.50 Zinc...,. - .....Taw Highest of ill in Lcaveninir.Power. Lateit U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE TI LATEST MffS The Populists of Georgia are Strong Headed. PROSTRATION IN NEW YORK, Bryan Greeted oh His Wy to New York Cilifornia will Fuse all Right. KANSAS SILVER RALLY. Geaeral Happcnincs TUrouch out the Country. Atliuta, Ga., The poplist conven tion fulfilled the predictions as to its national ticket made by T. E. Watson in bis address Thursday night by unanimously adopting a resolution presented by the platform committee authorizing the state executive com mittee at any time Mr. Sewall should be withdrawn from the democratic ticket to withdraw the six populist electors and place lis democratic lectors in tVjir stead. Ban Fbascisoo, Nothing new in the Campbell kidnapping ease baa de veloped ted ay. The police are still searching in vain for vVinthrop and bis confederates who so cruelly ter tured the old man. Ket Yoar. Three rircz pros trated yesterday by Ueat died todaj. the total numbsr of prostrations offic'ally reported yssterday waa thirty eight. Lakxsd, Kas., Both the congrsss- ional conventions Populist and made Jerry Simpson their candtJate from thi i'-o sevoul district. Both cenventions declared fur free surer at tt4 rotie of 16 to L Sax Fiuifcieco. fhe Demoeratia state oommittee met .today. A reso lution adopted by the advisory com mittee subject to (be approval of lbs state cobs nit tee was read. It provides that the chairman be authorized to appoint a committee seven to con fer with tbe Populist and silver organi zation in state the witb the reference to fusion witb the Democratic party on the 'election of presidential electors and congress. IewaCrnr, la., Grinaell was readi ed by the Bryan party at 8:35 and 2, 000 people were waiting. In tbe midst of handshaking there were many Invitations to speak. Mr. Bryan auade a abort speech. About 100 people hJfly farmers gave three cheers for Bryan daring a momentary atop. At Brooklyn about 500 people listened to short address which Mr. Bryan delirered front a wagon, At Viator when about 150 people were in waiting Mr. Bryan bad plenty of time to shake hands with all oi them m the train wae aid tracked to moot anotfcer train. At Ladera thare wera 200 or 300 people and the train stop ped joslong enough for them to utter a volley of cheers. At Marengo there were 2.00TJ people at the depot and a stirring manifestation of enthusiasm was manifested. At Oxford and Tiffin crowds greeted Mr. Bryan but stops were snort and there was no formal speaking. At Iowa Cur a ten-minutes stop was made and 1,000 people were voicing their enthusiasm through the medium of a brass band. At Downey 100 people cheered the train as it passed and at West Liberty where the train stopped twenty minutes for dinner over 1,000 people greetsd 3Ir. Bryan and a band played while he was eating dinner. Small crowds at Atalasia, Moscow, Wilton, Durant, and Wolcott greeted Mr. Bryan. HBORALGIA cured by Dr. M1W ?azn 7XLL4. 'Ou cent a dose.1 At an druggist? The reason your tea isn't good is: you get the wrong tea and you make it wrong. Boiling makes bad tea worse and good tea so bad that you'd better drink water or anything else. The right way is this: bring your water to the boiling point, take it off the stove; put in your tea; let it stand six or eight minutes no longer; then pour it. The right tea to use is Schilling's Best whether you drink Japan, Ceylon, Oolong, English Breakfast, or the de licious Ideal Blend. Good food, good life; Schillings Beit coffee, baking-powder, soda, (pices, seasoning, flavoring-extracts pure and money-backed. A Schilling & Company SanFraneisc S FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. n till lAl.XJiXUAJlUAl i AAui.IU.aJ CEO G. 31cGEE, Prop ZAIRBANK, ARIZONA. ffeadjunrUrs for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country . Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. I GENERAL MERCHANDISE1 A FULL LINF OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on hand. Patronage sollcite FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant ralSBANK. AKIZOKA. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Charges reasonable Parties going from Tomb stone to Bisbee will have ample time fo dinner before tbe tarin arrives. Pub. J lie patronage a reepeafallf tfATBAHmnn.wp.ff 1 XAAAxlllilJAu MARTIN frarwKI. AIJ- Inrt -- QgccarwsMf Qvcl k 7f r. - rMWM ir