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!9S i i ej a L X, -dk b i f L Sj H H mm and 0-1 Lfrety and Feed Stables, DBS l' tV HgTS shWrt i IV THE CITY. ,4 rtsaM? rates, and on iiotuie. Tli pauonige of the public is rcspvct- fulty solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH & ADAH, Proprietors. Bisbbk. Chop House, s Mainstreet, Bisbee. OTTO GIESESHOFFEK. Prop Finest RbUunnt In Bisbee. Prirate Rooms for families or .for private parties. Hresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. The table suovliedwith ilte best the market afford Fashion Saloor ,T. W.SHEPPEBD, Prop, FOU. LISE or Wins, Liquors and Cigars. uJ aid PoolTab'es attached. Ioe cold Beer oa Draught. Ula'j Rooms Attached. bar supplied with the best. Give kirn a call. .TI ill at. Street. Blubec. arl. F. M. MoKAY Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, And the best brands of Cigars. Ice Cold Beer on Draught. OrAJB ROOMS ATTACHED. SM a pJeisant. social time, and courteous treat ment, call on MCr, Bisbee, Arizona. BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, PI! HE, FKE11 JIltK iitred to all, parts of the city every -eaiJJ M the lowest market price. ' ov.rKpatr0 nape solicited, Guaranteed. Satisfaction L-ive orders with Union Market. J. BEEBEE- s. - HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING VPEtt HANGING AND GLAZING '.? Made a Specialtu 01 Him. A. O II. XV. OUEEN LOD3E No. every .Saturdar evening IX MKETS Visiting brolb- t-, crs cordially izmua, Amos Kindred. M. W, Edward Bar ices Recorder. H. C Fkaser, Financier. 41. SCHMIEDXNt, JKWEEP-AV D DENJISJALL ? JDS of tUatal end Jewelry work 10 all branches per'nrtned with neunerss and dispatah. JSces. Bbee aid rcinostoue.'1 r s . b. i DR'I W. .PARKIN" T" DEVTlST. vAU,'k in Jhe-bae of C irfstrr done in a no'ruoual nanaer n -" " - hirers aie very reasonable. Office at shearer Udin" OA. O-VERLOCK. UNIONMARHETiNDBAKtRY B rewef y fiuenue, t& h Beet and Mutton, PorTttc also friltTbrk and ' Corned Beef. All kihds 6f-Si't?sxle .iltva' t', - . . Z -M . on, Zresh Brr.ndiTUs andCakis everu da: JheiGnv i?te imkerv line nuuut to nmer t short vjattem v . iP PALACE Lodging House JIR3. TIIOS. AV VL.ICCK. Prop. When visitin Bisbee don't failtoo'Jo the Palace, Rooms Inrge Ugh I and' airy We'l furnished rooms Centrally and Conveni ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable, u CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived daily. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods detuned to all puts of town. 10 per cent off for cash. SI. nKIIIGOTICII. Propr. THEO.F.METZ, Soda water, Sarsapartlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Latest improved machinery, anil vine. but the very best of matereaU ever us'd. Bluliee, - - Arlaona. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE MASCFACTPBtR OF BOOTS and SHOES Bepaired and Hade to order on Short Notice. A fti'J line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Consuagof Boou, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, and Gents Famishing Goods. A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality ol goods considered. DDBACHER Sc MU1IEIM, Brewery Gulcli, Bisbee, Aril. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On T)raxcsht, Constantlu on Hand. Our Bar is Sup plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, WhoUale and Retail Dealt in Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQUORS, WINES,; CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA GARETTO DEALER IX DRY GOODS. GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT?,- WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE & SAUSAGES Also Dealer in Wood. Sisbee Miizona, hani. Cra A. Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget ot Interesting Items from our Regular Cor respondent. Bisbee. August 4, I89C. COPFEK1NGS. A. W. Zeigler who has been acting a.s blacksmith in the cou verier pit alio went out. Walter Douglas took a trip to Ben on this morning to meet Mr. Ben Williams who id returning from a ttip up North. C. P. Taylor and'Jno, Mazfield, who hate been employed in (he mine here for iome lime past.lelt thU morning lor pastures new. Mig Cunningham, eistcr of ilr. Mike Cunningham, came in on the train today. She expects to make quite a visit in Bisbee, and rosibl conclude to remain with us for a time. Misa Vaughn of Benton and Miss Moore of Willcox, also came in today. The young ladies generally bare a good time when they come to Bisbee and we understand that they are no, to be disappointed this time an some of the buys are getting up a party for their benefit. Notices were posted (his morning that pay dyof the Copper Queen would be poittpou'd until Mr. Wil liams relumed. The very wriest looking faces were quite numerous about town, but as Mr. Williams re turned this evening we guess that the hard pressed individuals will not have to wait very long. Sherifjs Fly and Leaiberwood, Bert AIvord,nnda number cf others left town early this morning to take the supposed trail of the Nogales robbers. The trail in question was made by a parly in which there were nine horses. It was discovered list night but could not be taken up till this morning and so the fugitives have about 13 hours start. It looks as though the chances of overtaking them from here are very small unles they are headed off by some other party. Mr. Jake Friedman, in relating a number of incidents of bis recent trip bick eaet a few nights since, gae au interesting account of a town in which he stopped in Missouri, I believe the name was Kirksville, but am not quite certain. Jake stopped there for a number of days and says that by actual coui:t there were five girls to every boy in the Gioups con sisting of fire cr six youne ladies are to be seen on all sides, and whenever the boys go out they are blessed with the company of three or four of the fair ones. Jake mentions this in a very friendly way and thinks that a notice of the kind might help some of our aspiring young men out of the way of k difficulty. He will cheer- j fully gie information on the subject to any one so ueeinng ana win neip them all that i in his power. Wr think it mfg'it b- a good plan for some f f our young friends to take advantage of this offer. It might aUo be a pious idea to b. rtd a couple of the boys back there to look th ground over and make a report on the situation. Fred Su'ter and OeOrgo Porter ought to do very well on a mission of that kind. "FRIENDS" DO NOT FORGET TO REGISTER. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I hrr berrie , Rrape nd prscbee jer mil, freau n.w'nen picked. 1 use tle CIifnrnU Cold procete, do not heat or tral the fruit, just put it up ctld, keep perfectly freh, nnd coata 1niit nothing; can put tip s huebel in ten minute. ms week I eold dir-ctioDa to ovr 120 families ; anyone will pay dollar for di eclion, when thev Ke the beautiful aumpUa of fruit. A a trier ar many people poor like rrtvaelf. I coneidt-r it ray duty to give mv ejperience-toeuch, "d feel con fident any one can makeone orrtwo hundred d(nar(f rqitjid home Jo a few dvi. I wilUrnail rample'of fruit "Bnd complete direction, to any or your readers, for eighteen two-crnt stamp, which ia only the actual coat of the ample, poaUf, etc to me. 13t JTKAICCISCASEy.iHLow.lfo. STLOUISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ SUATTUCK & KEATING. Proprietors. Agents or Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association. Wholesale and , Retail, ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT QUEEN anfl MANSION LODGING HOUSE TAS.LETSONjPro. Cean beds ell entillatf d airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This iell kiown house is centrally locatsd, and convenient to the railroad depot, and is head quarterifor the traveling pub lic. Patronage solic ited and satisfac ,Uon guaran teed. BISBEE. ARIZONA.'. Miners Exchange Main Street. Bisbee. W. O. SMITH & CO- Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Kvrry "courtesy and accommodation extended to patrons, Reading and Card Room Attached. C. W. BLACKBURN. The ew lmproTc4. Wbitr Stinnj Maenina rs Kingof 11. told on th ituUllm-r.i plaa on easy ttrrm byC.W, BLACKBURN, O K Street. All Macbtnk Flndinei of all kjJi Notary Public and Conveyancer. V.sit MaiLey.s Studio tor cp to date, high CRAYONS, INK, TASTEL-? and WATER COLORS. To n-.oor osuiue lOrupeUt'oo I will uue yuu a hth class life siie Crayon for 33.00. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabiuet or tin type Upper Main street, EUbee, Arirons. LOODPOISDH k SDPPI Al T-Y..1?iT.8i tWATV frfm. Utrr ltLuou voinv Mmtn. cared !n IS toU day. Ton can be treated si wamv v Mo in ujv souer who Kturaa tr If .70H prefer to owns hra - tri.iv.. oehajE. tract tO DST tallPOulfsrAandhrrflKlllr - OOl JtwIll to cure. If yoo hare takes mer- curr, toilldo potash, arxl tun lure che and Mini. M aeoolatclic la msnUi. hore Throat. Fiaple. Copper Colorvd Kpou, Ulcen oa esrrtotbetxxIj-.IJatrorETebrow fallta out. It Is tbU Secondary ISLOOD POISO cry. iodide Data casea and challeara the world for a r""'wecniiotenru Tills dbcmne hu aliran baffled the cklll of the mot emiDrut nhral clans. auOO.OOO capital behind oar noeoW a J Manmlo Temple, CBICAOU, aL NOTICE. TO-ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby giyen, that certain raining claims cabled the Tarn Bien.WcGinty and Par agon, sitnated in the Warreo mining district. and about one-half mib- north easte'Iy from ure Holbrock hoisting work and about the same distaice from the town of Esbre, A. T. isL "As the above named claims werr not located In conformity with the U. S. mining law, there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated the same in full conformity with the above ranted laws, ard is fnliy determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all pawns are cau tioned not to bargain for. buy or lease the alote named claims. C S. MANSUR. aie,-yn Bisbee, A. T. FOR SALE. Agood buelnes location, on Brewery Avenue adjoining the brewery. Terms reasonable. For for her prtIeaUni call at thlBJ-oiset. JU . J 8UTK flfclKKiaiiHBo!T2rvi -VsVaHsVsBtaRTii D NICK'NOBILE. Dealer in Fruits,Nuts.Candies, rd,H Pr riU Rjcoivad D.iily from California. Carries the Best Line of CIGARS AjYD TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone, Poultry, E$gs, Potatoes, Onions, etc:, always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postoffice. FOB Fine Stationery Of Any Description, Call on WM. D. MONMONIER. Opposite Mason Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, "Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest? Allen St. Bet Fourths-Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven tkancient and boarding stock carefully: attended Prosvecttnf Picnic and Ex outfitted on short notice.. Or ders ha mail or tel fraph receives vromvt atten tion; TERM SUMREASOKABLY LOW JOHN MONTGOMERY, Prop. J V. VICKERS Fremont Street, tombstone, Arizona. Real Estate. Mines Monev, Cattle nnd In surun w.-" KEI- E5TATB Boagbtsoid rentrd MINES Boaght sold manasted. MONEY Loans negotiated and In vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer nt if INSURANCEFire, Accident, Tjfe. JVowipf Ittenfion f7ren Collections. SUMMONS. In the Distric Court first Tudisiil diitrU.-t ot the remtorr of Aruona in and for the County ofCochi A. J. COLLINS, plaintirr. ADDIE L. COLLINS, defendant. I Action brooght In the DutrictComt of the first judicial district of the Temtory of Arizona in and for theCoantr of Cochise; and the com plaint filed in the said County of Cochise. In the office of the Ctarlr of said Disfflct Court. The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to Addie L, Collins. Yoo are hereby required to appear in 4naUoo brought against yoa by the snore named pUinUfl in the District Coort or the first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona, in a ad for the County of Cochise, and to ann:r the complaint filed therein, wnhm ten days (exdusiTe of the day of servic) after the service on you of this snmmons, (if serred with in this county or if serred out of this county, but in this district. within twenty' days; otherwise, .withii thirty days;) or judgment by default win Leu ceo jou according to the prayer -of said complaint'" ' The said actlorTIi brou;ht to obtain a dicree of li 'orce from the bonds of matrimony. ('urn u ler ny hml and the seal ot the Dis tnJ oun of Ir.e First Iudieul Diftrict of the Ternt'Ty of A izonA in ind for the county of Ocbe. t!is 13I tar of lane in the rar Of 'ur l-b.-.i o ? thousand eight hundred and ninetr tic SOTT WHITE, Clerk. By A H. Emanku Deputy Clerk. . J.xjtf. NOTICE. Registrr,tioB- of Electors 'for Cochise ComUv. The following tasslation was unanimously passed at a meeting of the board of supeivisors of CocHse county, Arizona, held April 7th, 1896. ResolVed, That; there be., and is erehy ordered to be made, between the 301b. day ol AraQ and the nth day of October, a reristratloa of the' electors of Cochise county, and that the Clerk ef the Board be instructed to hare shore order advertised once a week tor a period ot four months, next after first day of May, 196. ' W, A. HARWOOD1 lEAU ClerlM the Board oCStrperrisorS, Tarabstooe, May 1, ItVv, As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : ,-W;gX- Life-Size Ciayon Portrait. 5?" There is not a family but possesses some picture ol Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FJaArE. The portrait Company nas made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own styls. OTJJEt IPLJV Is to issue ticke'.s on your first purchaseof five :ents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLCOTT DealerZin Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OP HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. R & Co's. Exp. FARETOOaFROMFAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p. m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. 11, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAGOAO of Passengers'delivered to Office in the city free of Char g TENTH STREET DAIRY. lOHN HANLEYfl PROPRIETOR Pure'Jfresh. .Unadulterated Milk, delivered dailyi toal parts of the situ. j. . - ' Milk TVagGn in town- Milk by the quart, 10 eta, Redaction is made for larger quantities M Office is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John WeHand-Anheuser, Lemps. GMLir.THETBADE SUPPLIED TllCSOf, AKIZOXt. . Battled Weiland Beer fui nished to families in lombston by JOS.HOEFLER OYSTER PARLORS. ALLEN St. BETWEEN 4fctH uJN i 5 th. First-Class Jreals Best of Attention; Everything in Seasou BOARD PER WEEK : $7.C0 THREE 3IEALS SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners for Specal Occasions a Specialty. Try a Meal at this Popular Resor Firjt-Class Cooks only EmpIocd. Accommodations for Families. j C4:8jwR, Proprietor. CAN CAN ;RESTAU RANT The Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestern Arizona. Good tifeals at all nour?. FRESH OYSTERS AND GAME IN SEASON The Beat the Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons Family vtxanceon 4th St. Bannuets Specialty. , . wA,m.7jr it zu to all parts of the City. LAGER! .'... 1,C0