Newspaper Page Text
TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR OUR WATCHWORD- "COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. n - n I J.J. rj VOLMK rHE tlos TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 12 iSq6. No 276, h w- -- The raosPECTOR ity and County Official Paper. tUUJ.JBHED EVER EVENING (ExCKIT SUXDAY.) BV Hattich Editor and Proprietor. J& r'rcui'.nt 8t., Opposite City Hall THK.PSMrtCro. will oat hold itself respon sible lor any of the articles or sentrmri Is ri pressed by any of its correspondents Entered fa the Tombstone eond Class muter. Postoftce as PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILIY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cues a specialty. Tombstone, Arizona. w M. C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public, Tombstone, Arizona, HERRING HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Office on Toughnut Street, between Second and acd Third, opposite the Court House. t"ED. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT 1 I J. WiUpracriae in all courts of the Territory. Tombstone. Ariaoua. S. CLARK, ATTORNEY ANDCOUN- selor at Law. otnc tn I ourtn Mreet. between Allen and Toughnut, Tomb stone. Will practice in all the con Territory. of the CV1ARLES GRANVILLE JOHNSTON. jv Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notsry Public, 421 Fremont street bet. ita and 5th streets. Anwauberot the Baroi tiie .vtprcme Court of the Territory, and will pr icCce in any of the court therein. EkTHA KEKKING, TYPEWRITER aid Notary Public. Toughnut Street, Tam'stone. Arizora. A. WENTWORTH. COUNTV RE- rorder and Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn- shed pro-Dfttly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. f Office in Court House. Tombstone, o. E. ALVORD. 1USTICK OF THE Peace. Office on Allen Su bet 3d & ata, tombstone. L KOSKA. IUSTICE OF THE PEACE. . Odice on 4th St. bet. Alien and Toughnut. Tombstone. Hi, S. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND burgeon: Office adjoining his residence -sn 4th street, '-Calls attended at all boars day and ui$fct. Fc. ear'-ie; ASSAYER and META lugica!. -"Laboratory. O&ce Na 319. Fremont St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS- F. & A SI. K" rING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5, meets third Saturday in each month. Vtsitine brothers cordially invited t al ien d. w, m.,1 h Mcpherson. A. L. GROW Sec'ty. K. A. M CkOCHISE CHAPTER Na 4. MEETS 1 ikird Wednesday in each month. Vis ion? Companions cordially invirew to ar ena. TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. S. of A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening 1 each month. VU ltiag Comrades cordially invited. I. W. CLARK, President. A. L. GROW, Secretary. A. O. V. W. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W. meets 1st and 3d Thursday in each month. Visiting brothe cordially in .Ilea. h03T. BEST. M. W. W. D. Movmohieb. Recorder. K. of P. A RIZONA LODGE"! KNIGHTS OF i3L Pythias, No. 4., meets every 1st and d Mondays' in each month. Visiting brother trrdiiny invited W. D. MONMONIEP, K. of S. fyv jTrxrnoN hoe company no. 3. me:ts First Sunday in each raonU. ot their nose house on tb corner of Sevenfj and Fre -no .! streets, opposite the schoo botre. WM. GARKETT, Foreman, TOM SVITH Secretary. R' lEUE HOSE COMPANY MEETS First Sunday in each month at City Han, Fr-ort reet. 1. V. V1CKEKS. ,. EN rWORTH. S-etT. P.e Went. I .-. Mcdonough. Foreman. I:gis company no. ., mcts 'j 1 f -jandty in eaeh month, at hose bouse, tn t. c ler of Fo- .i.ui and 5th streets. JOSEPH LIPPERT. Foreman. HENRY DUNKEK. Secretary T)IN10iN" WATER WORKS F CALVES. TVnp IValf p let Bnnvi, - 23 Cent' Per Buck. - 5 Oh.. MOM FT bKRVlCt. ledukd Rales by the Month Luttcricrt wtth T-agrm. a ax b saMSsW Xr OoriiiM tad m. I 1I. t!e.lfumll IAW. sbVBi Ml. fX i .'. rrMvVl-. V Jk S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, 01 1 cm. THE DRY GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S FINISHING- DEPARTMENT A. Specialty is -nade of this Department and the price, style and quality arc bound to pleaso, CLOTHING SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD, m m SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other lar.ious Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoe3, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers,5Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. XIV TIIE DEPABTMENTS A full stock iccarriedj:onsiBtinpof Glassware, Crockery, Cut.Glass, Fancy Caps. Canvass Tents, "Wagon Covers, iMatraugeK. Everytidng at Lowest Eastern Prices, S. M. BARROW. DEPARTMENT TT t 1 ! H nrdware, Tinware, Gnns, JPistolM,11 Ca tridqreslEte Harness Saddles, 1 8pnr, o o If other teas were roasted fresh like Schilling's Best, would they be as good? Wait until they are we shall see by-and-by. Schillings Best (and your money back if you want it) at your grocer's. Schilling's Vest coffee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring-extracts, are also money-backed. A Schilling S Company San Francisco it An Oklahoma editor made the fol lowing announcement in the columns of his paper: ''Yesterday we were married. I', will be remembered that both our former wives eloped with the fore ma a ol our office. To avoid any further inconvenience of this kind we have this lime m.uried a lady who it herself a comporitor. and she will ret type while we-hustle for the ducts who are keeping their goods on the shelf because thev do not advertise." 'Ve had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity las: summer,' says Samuel S. Pollock, of BriceUnd, Cal. "I was taken with it and:utf:red severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain s Lone, Lholcra and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Isifore one half of the boit!c had been used I was welL I recommended it to my friends and their experience wis the same. We all unite in sayiog it is the best." "or sale by Druggists. NOTICE. rpHE. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF -a. Cochise county will reeeire scaled propo fals fo furnishing ihe county witn-so cords of B'ack Jack ood and 5 cords of Jua'per wood to be de ivercd at the court houe. For further particulars seethe clerk of the board. AH pro posal mist be filed with jhe clerk of the beard on 01 before the 3th day of August. I89A. at a p m. JOHN & WILLIAMS. C'iCr nan. Attest A. WENTWORTH, Oerk By W. A, Harwood, Dipuiy Clerk. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Denier, ( olo . August 1. 1S96. Sealed pro posals in triplicate subject to tl e usual condi tions, will be received here until n o'clock a. m August 15 1896; and then opened, for transpor I'tson of Military Supplies on Route between Ksbee, A. T., and San Bernardino. A. T dur. ing the fiscal yearcommendni'Iulv 1. 1806. U. S reserves right 10 reject any or all proposals. In- lormaiion lurntsneo on application, tnrelopes conuininc proposals should be marked: "Pro- posals frr I ransporution and addressed to E. I B. ATWOOD. Major. Chief Q. Ai d4t. WA ITED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewall and Free Silver" authorUM by B-yan written by R. L. Metcalf. editor Omaha Wo-ld Hera'd appointed author uj uran. contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents: a free silver mine for work ers; only $1 50; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit glvei; freight paid; outfit free. Begin now wiin cnoic 01 lerntory; permtnent, pron UIA; u,i for "vi. Addreu 1 he Nitiosal Sssk Concern, Star builiiog, Chicago. at ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSErT, PROPRIETOR Pure ice delivered to any 'part ol the city .a 2 CENTS PER F0 UjYD. Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. IxyOFFICEAND ICE HOUSE 5TH ST.-Va ( Opposite PosioSice. ! GUM PMXEY, A'ltn S:. car 3!, (Old CattaH ou-e VEGETABLES, FRUITS, iLTATOES OXIOXS, ETC Frtth California fmii received every day by express. Everything sold at loirest rates. Goods delivered rte to aU oarts of eitx. & :MAILAKD STAGE LINE.JS3 FRMK BUTZ, I ltrilifo. Will makersemi-weekly trip to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one day, carryingj'he U. S. mail an J passenge FAREr;uad trip) -4. Khuulil Get lu Line. The ttr.itories have no voice in the election of a president, eaya the Denver Republican, but it would bo well for thent to put lliemfelvds in line with sound policy on public questions. This ought not to havo auy elfrct upen their chances of admission as states, but if the eilver causa triumphs this year it will ba earier to secure the ad mittance of Arizona and the other ter ritories if they have planted them selves tquarely upon a platform iu favor of the unrestricted coinage of silver and L")ld at a ratio of 16 to 1. There in some sentimeot iu favor uf I McKinlev iu probably all the territo-! ries, but it u no. a natural sentiment considering the geographical position of thete communities and the true in terests of their inhabitants. Closing out. an overstock of stee and wire nilU a-il Corrugated Roof ing, No.8d 10d,20J.40J and 00.1 steel and wire naih.pcr keg, $4.25; JTo. 27 Corrugated roofing, painted, 7 and 8 feet lengths, ?3.C5 per square. The above prices are delivered at Fairbank A. T. free. Terras cash. Ad.frtg Geo. B. Marnh, Xoglen, A. T. j27w Gladness Comes With a !ctter understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts plcawmt efforts rifrhtly directed. There is comfort in the leno'.t ledge, that so ninDy forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis-ea-e, hut simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascnt famil) laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the onl remedy with mlllionsof families, end is everywhere esteemed so highly hv all who value Kiol healtlu Its beneficial effects are dua to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore aU important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the penuini! arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by aU reputable drupgists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system isregular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needsd. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physiciaus, bet if in need -f a laxative, one should have the best, and with tha well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stcids highest and is most largely naed and gives most general satisfaction. i- - Wanted An aeent in every section to cant vas, $4 to $5 a day made; sells at sight also a man to sell sMple goods to dealers, bes tide line, $75 a month. Saury or large commis; sion made; experience unnecessary For sealed particulars send stamp. Clifton Soap & Manu facturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. SPRING FLOWERS. LADIES AND Misses Hats Latest Styles, Eastern prkesa Barrows. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Frewo t street, oppcs: e Pr ispector. FAMILY PHCT0G3AHS HUH SPECIALTY Carrfnl 'ln"'i'' rite OWtTingo t th' Fitvsl ri'jrjr and pu hire of all sises in a taosf nrt'ntie mann'T, superior finith inrf tone. 3J JL JTst?'HJ3Ei Taken on short notice. Groups a s e ci.thy Chbinet, panel and standard" W. O. ABBOTT,' PRICES FOR ASSAYING. 3 TOMB3TOJSE, A.T. Gold. fsf.os Silver 1,0 Lead... 1.00 Gold and Silver, one sample............ x.25 Gold, Silver and lead, one sample....... a 00 Copper.. 1.50 Silica. ......... 1.50 Xfanfanese. . ..... .... 1.50 Iron....... ... 1.50 Zinc........... ...... 3.00 OflkeandlResidence Overleck Bane. Highest of all in Leavenin.Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report uz&zrsa ABSOLUTELY PUBE THE LATEST IffS Heavy Electric Storms With Some Fatatilies HEAT AND SUNSTROKES. Bryan Greeted at Philadelphia Bland Visits McKinley. Ilains in the East. THE FAIR WILL CONTEST. Gcnernl Ilaiipeniuirs Throiijrli out the Country. Dstboit, Mich., Vory heavy elec tric storms prevailed over Michigan early yesterday morning. Many bnil dings were struck by lightning. At Luring the storm was terriffio but the damage is not great. Saginaw, Mich., Lightning and wind caused $100,000 ot damage to this city and viciuity early this morn ing. Jefferson Avenue M. E. church a struck by lightning and damaged $ 0,000. Fifty other buildings and factories were unroofed or badly wreck d. Hundreds of trees were blown down and wires were prostrated. Stirling, Kas.. On Saturday the mercury was 100 in the shade and yesterday 102. Corn will not make over half a crep. Whole fields look as If a lire bod passed through it. Foist Scow, Kas., Vegetables and fruit are withering from the extreme het. At noon it was 102 iu the shade. St Louis, Mo., The death in this city due to the heat since August 1st number 85. Two-thirds of the fatal ties have been among those addicted to drink. Gkand Jrxcriosj, Col., Senator Henry M. Teller arrived in this city yesterday. When asked what truth was iu tha report started by Senator Thurston that Bryan was employed by a silver syndicate, he said: "Thurs toa knows batter than that. He had no business to assert such a falsehood. I feel like calling him down mysell but I understand It will ba done by Uryan in a proper speech. San FkascI;Co. The taking of the depo-ilion of Mrs. Nettie Craven was returned today. She told how she has consulted Coyernor Budd. ecdj hai told him of the existence of the pencil will. The jovernor tolJ her if she did not produce the will he would send her to the penitentiary. Caxtok,, O., Among ths distin guished ullers 'who vieiied Major McKiniey today were the Hon. R. P. ami Mrs. Bland. They Caiue here with the committee from Pittsburg, which made the trip from the iron city to meet Hrjan's party here. The time spent at tha McKiultty home was apparently very agreeable to both the honored called and to Majur and and Mrs. McKinUy. Frmsroa, P., The Bryan meet- E Baking ruivucr inx in this city has proven fitting cap sheaf of the day' triunphs. It has excited the amaiemeat of the people of Pittsburg, and tn joy it bat afforded Mr. Bryan and the redoubt able "Silver Dick" has manifestod itself in their beaming features sine they struck the city limits. When the train arrived it was surrounded by acres and acres of frantic peopla. When Mr. and Sirs. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. Bland entered their carriage! the relentless throng elosed -aroand them and seemed to bear them along with it. Among the numerous persons wno have been cured of reheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thorne, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I have also used it for lame back with great snecess It is the best liniment ( have ever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it o my triends.c For sale by Druggists The Worlds Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great In leav enlng power ns the Roysl Who do you think cares most for your interests the tea-shippers in Japan, thousands of miles away, or we, A Schilling CV Company oi 'San Francisco, who depend upon you for our support, who can't afford to lose a single user of our tea. Our interest is yours. Our tea ought to be yours. Schilling's Best at your grocer's. Your money back if you want it. Also pure and money-backed: Schil Unjs Best coffee, baking-pon der, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts. A Schilling &.Compny Sus Francisco FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. GEO. G. McGEE, Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA. Headquarters for visitor from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE! A FULL LIXF .OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS " AND TOBACCO "' Coistantly kept on hand, ratronaje sotoate FAritBANK. ARIZONA. Wat Restuial FAIBnAKK. AEIIONA. rMKS, K. II VR KINGTON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Charges reasonable Parties going from Tomb stone to Bisbeewill bare ample time 16 dinner before the tarin arrives. Pub. lie ratronage a rescenfatrj cited. FAIBAIEICRANC-E tr. nnQHl t.yn. 3 :i -J? trm x