Newspaper Page Text
PROSPECTOR -r- ill . OUR WATCHWORD -"COOhlSE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AR"ERWARD. VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING. "AUGUST 1S06. No. ?9. TOMBSTONE 111 m m B .JH ..H ..H x The Prospector County Official Papr. HED EVERY EVENING (ExCKFT SlIKDAY.V BY iVm. llittich E-litor and Proprietor. rVrru..t.t St., Opposite City Hull rK VkOtrm.rO- will not hold itself respon SilAe fjr y ol the article! or sentimetts ex rcssed I'Y any of ill corresponderts . b-ttml In the Tombstone second Class matter. Postot&ce PROFESSIONAL OARDS. .) VMES REILIY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Lirid and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone, Aritona. W M. C STArHLE, ATTORNEY AT Li and Nourj Public, Tombstone, Arizona. H' acdl ERSING & HERRING. ATTORNEYS nod Counselors a Law. Cmce on Tbiiabnnt Mreet, between Second and aed llurd. opposite the Court House. G' f"EO. W. SWAIN, ATTOKNEY AT- la, um practice in sui courts 01 tne "Territory. Tombstone. Ariiona. o. S. CLARK, ATTORNEY ANDCOUN- s-"'or at Law. Othce ,n rourtn MTrt, l-tween Allen and Touehnut. Toroh- stone. WJ1 practice in all the coj of the T emtorj. -HARLES C.RANVILLE JOHNSTON. .t Attornev and Coonellor at Law and Not try Pubbc,42J Fremont Street aet. tn ind JTh streets. A iu.-n.brr of the lUrol Uus v.rfi.-!is Ccur: of iht rcrri'ory. ad tJI jit tct:cs in'any of the court therein. BERTHA HERRING. TYPEWRITER and Notary Public Toughnut Sticet, Tom'staoe. Anion.. A WfiS I WORTH. COUN1Y RK corcW and Absinct.Odice. Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn died pronndr and acuratel jr. Complete tran scripts. Crfice in Court House To-nbstone. o. K. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE Pease. Ofice on Allen bi: bet 3d S 4tli. Tombstone. I. KOSKA, JUSTICE OK THE PEACE. i- Omcc on -jth SL bet. vuiea ana Tcajhaut, Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND burgeon: Office adjoining his residence on 4th street, CaUs attended at jJl hears day and oijtt. FC. EARI.E. ASSAYER AND MfcTA luical laboratory. oc N'a 319, Fremont bL. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS- V. & A M. K' rING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5, neets third iuturdiy in each month. Viiiunir brouVrs cordially invited t at- cend. W, M.J H McI'HEKjDN. A. L. GROW ixx'ty. 1C A. M CI OCIIISE CHAPTtR No. 4. MEETS t th ni We mesday in each month. V kin" Companions cordHI'vinvireioat ead. TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. S. fit A. W ASIHNGTON CAMV NO. 1 MEETS it Fn lay erenlng n. esch month. is lurnr Comrades cordiallr initrd. 1. W. CLARK. P.xjident. a" js.'L. GfiOW. ScueUry. A. O. U. AV. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. meets istand 3d Tharsday ',n each mocih. Visiung brothe cordully in tited. hOBT. BEST. M. W. ,WvD. Movmosier, Recorder. K. fP. A RIZ'jVA LODGEi KNIGHTS OF - -. PythUs. No. a., meets every 1st and d V.ondas" m eacli month, 1sitins brother iwdiiHr invited A. H. "EMANUEL, CC. V. D. MONMONIEP. K. of S. tR3TECriON IIO'-E COMPANY NO, 3. meets Krst Sunday in escb month o their aoshoieoo the corner ol Seventh and Fie uo :t streets, roposite the nJiool house. WM. GAR K Err, Foreman, TOM-SMim Sa-eury. RECUr. HOSE COMPANY MEEPS Firs Sunday in "each month at City Hill, Fr-mont saeu J. V. VICK EisS. k ENTrt JRTH. Star. Pe idcnL 1. N McDONOLGH. ForenMX I.-.: G1NE COMPANY NO. s, MhETS 'j last ;mii Jy in each month, at hose house, ;o '- ii.r .T roritm ami s!.i directs. JOEKil UPPER r. Foreman. HEJ.'RY qL NKER. eerrary vrVATER WORKS K CALVES, Prop. .(tcr I'erJIarrCl,- 25 CenU Vater. J'er P.rscket - 5 Cente. l'l:02UT SERVICE. icducea Rates by the Month Leave orders vrith wagon, o" at thi iuwi rjp i t'liLV? Bin S, M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, iifiDijitinu. r-DRY GOODS . DEPARTMENT 1)11 li i Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. OTS F01ISMG DEPARTMENT A Specialty is -nade of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, UN DERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. HAT AND SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Pedora, ICenton and other far.ious Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers Ties, and finest Kid fchoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWH SHOES. UN TJEUE GBOCKERY. HABDTOE AID .SADDLERY DEPARTMENTS A fulljstock is'carriedconsisting'of Glassware,, Cioclccry, . Tinware, CcttGrlass, KJmns;, JPistolM,! , Fancy Cups, Oatridj?eIEtc Canvass 1I7ent4, Harness Wagon Covers, Hatldles, - iSIatrasse. pnrs. Everyttdng at Lowest Easte rnlPiic & M. BARROW, v i Always ! It lias been said of Emer son that, no matter how high his genius may soar, his feet are sure to be on the ground he is ahvaj's sensible and honest This is true a!so of Seiil ling Jtcstcz. It rises to heights of delicacy and poetic charm heretofore unknown to most drinkers of tea; but it is always pure and honest, healthful and invigorating. It is always money-backed. At quick grocers. Also pure and money-backed: Schil ling's Beit coffee, baking-ponder, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts. ASchillin: & Company San Francisco "'We had an epidemic of djsemery in this vicinity" last sumnier," says Samuel o. rouocK, oi tiriceund, Cal. 'I ws taken with it and t ulTcred severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one- naif of the bott'e had been used I was welL Irecommeaded it to my Iriends and their experience w is the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." for sale by Druggists. NOTICE. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF a Cochise oxinty will receive s-alcd propo alsfo- furnishing ibe county with 20 cords of B ack Jack wood and s-cord of Jun-per wood Uibedeireredat thecoirt hjine. For further panicuhrs see the cleric of the board. All pro posal mist be filed with ihe cleric of the board on 01 before the 34th day of August. I896, at a p m. JOHN S. WILLIAMS, "a.".-mn. Attest A. WENTWORTH. Ork By W. A, Haxu ood, Ecpaty Clerk. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Denver, Colo , August 1, 1896. Sealed pro posals in triplicate subject ts-tl nsaal- coadt tions, mil! be received here until 11 o'clock a. m August 15 i86, and then opened, for transpor t tion of Military Supplies on Route beUeen Risbee. A. r., and Sin B-mirdino, A T dur mj the fiscal yearcommeccins July t. "890. U. S reserves nht to rejec any or all proposals. In formation furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Pro- rvrtI fr JJV-... jl- .-J 4j.-.-j j- j. b"AI WOOD. Kjor, ChiefQ, V Ai d4t- WA 41fcD SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Bool. "Brvan Scwall anl Free Silver" a'llhoni d by B-ran written by R. 1 Metcalf, edi'or Omaha Wo-kl Hera'd appslnted author Dy rrj-an contains speeches and platform A bunania fo' aeents. alree silver mine for work ers; only ti 5": the only authorited hook 50 per cent, creail give 1: freight paid; outfit free, Bej n now uitn cnoice 01 lerniory; permanent, pron table work for "0. Address "Ihe National Book Concern, Star building, Chicago. ai Wanted An agent in every section to cant vas. 1 toscadav made: sells at slht. also a man to sell staple goods to dealers, bes jide line. $75 a month. Salary or Lirg-commis; sion rasae; evpenence unn'cessiry. 1 or seuea partic-Sars sesd staap. tiftoa heap iJIasra faaarinj Company, Cincinnati. OhiA, ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSErT, PKOPHIETOB Pure ice delivrred toanypart cl the cityjja 2 CENTS PER PO UJVD Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. E 3"0FFICAND ICE HOUSE-jTH ST.- Opposite Postcffice. GUM MAXEY. Allen St near 3d, .(Old Custom,Houfc) VEGETABLES. FKUIT3, O CATOES ONIONS, ETC Freth California fruit receixednery day by exprtu. Everything told at lowest raUs. Goods delivered rce to all varit of eil. TomMoiie & Pearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BUTZ, Proprietor. Will make semi-weekly trips to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying the U. S. mail and p .sseners. FAKEUound trip) --..4tj 4.KKIVA1.M KOCHISK C. W.Wise. St. Louis. I ALAOt. W. C. Vanugli aud wife.Ritncb, Wiu. Kitlew, " .8 AX JOsK. D. Brown, Denver. AltLI.NOTO.Y J". EiiMell, San-FrBnciiieo. rrelty Uold Talk. For some reason or other advertiser dcti't. like to cll a epade a ppadf. If they linve ny Krievancea againn a rival, they ueaallj talk about it in general terms. But A. ShiIIing & Co. of San Francisco are coming right out in Ihe plainest kind of talk. They eay that the teas most largely consumed in the United S'aten are adulterated and falsely- colored. One cac't very well accuse this firm of mUrepreeentai'on ; for they hae the Iiigheet poiaibls t-tanding in the trade, and what U more, thtir state ments reflect not only upon teas sold by themselves. We guess tlicy will be believed. FOR SALE Hone, buggy and harness Horse, large and easy kept, gentle; buggy in good ronditian. Entire outfit for $55 cash, mu t be so d quick. A banjain En quire of the "Prospector" office Gladness Comes TXitha better undcrstandintj ofthe irttliarctili uuturv 01 luuumuv piije leal ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in thekno-.ledre, that so many foniiof sickness arc not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxativcSyrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with mlllionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value pood health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene fisial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine Arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig" Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system 'is regular, laxatives or other remedies arc then not needed. If afflicted tvith any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need ..f a. laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figsstc)ds highest and is most largely ased and gives most general satisfaction. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fremo t sirret, opposi e Prospector FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS fuP SPECIALTY Careful attti'Tor;iver- 'otuinrgo t thr Finest ni'tr and picture of all sixes in a rujst arthtic manner, superior finish and ton. Taken on short notice. Groups a t e cialty Chbinet, panel and standard W. O. ABBOTT. PRICES FOR ASSA-YWU. Tombstone, A. T. Gold. Silver............. t.oc Lead... ... t.oo Gold and Silver, one sample....... 1.35 Gold. Silrer and lead, one sample 200 chopper.. .............................. 1.5Q 0llCa. a . a ............. ............... I.JO Mtn;anese..... 1.50 I ,ntcv a I0 irOi.r . 150 Zinc 3.00 Ofkeaad Residence 0 verleck Brae- IIOTKI. Highest of all in Leaveninjr.Powcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Roy. ABSOLUTELY PURE' THE LATEST If S Bryan is Satisfied With Ills Reception. NEW YORK TIMES SOLD. Another Bank fs Held Up And the Robbers Secure Money. DISGUSTED WITH.ALASKA Geaeral Happenings Tlirougrli out the Couutry. Ciikistiania. Verdenagana, a daily newspaper of this city, has received the following telegram from Dr. Nan- son! "Home safe after a fortunate expedition." New York. The New York Time waa sold to lay under an order of the court. The property was bid in bv a reorganiz.tion company headed by Spencer Trask for 188.O0O. Adolpti Oohcs of Chattanooga will become Dtiblixher and general manager of the New York Times. Si York. If Mr. Bryan had uny loubt'of the succets of hit speech last night be did not show it this morning. He was up eatly, read the newspapers, huersiews and comments. Adverse articles did not semi to worry him in tho least. Ho was especially gratified in fc, all the newspapers printed his speech. Asked for his opinion on the various articles and criticisms, he said with a smile: "I lid not expc. to overcome all pre judice at one blow. Neither did I expect to set North river on fire with oratory. It was not the time for oratory but for seriona argument and discussion. I am pleased rrith :st reception." FoaTTowssESD.Wash. Theeteam- ship, City otTopeaka, arrived today from Alaska with 185 passengers, forty of whom are miners returning from CooW'u Inlet. Among them was O. D. Fairbanks of Adrian, Mich., photo grapher, who went to Cook's Inlet for ihe purpose of making panoramic views. Ho asssrts that not a single tind of gold has been struck in that country and thatatSunrise City there are now 1,000 man who are without money and have only enough provi sions to last a short time. Fairbanks says that unless the government sende relief many are destined to die of starvation in th oearfutnr. Demvek, Colo. A special to the Re publican from Focatello, Idaho, says word was received here this evening from Montpeher, Idaho, that this afternoon t'jree masked men rode in to town on horseback, stopping vin front of th? Bank of Montpelier. They dismounted and compelled ' six men who were standing in front of tho bank l go- iaaid. Two ol tb desperados then coverrd the men with revoUers while the third went behind the counter and emptied all the cash, in sight into three sacks. The robber then mounted their horsei and rode out ol town. Shenfl Davii organized a posse of men "-to are in pursuit of the robbers thirty minutea behind. A man nmed I. J. IVakelin report ed at Phenix that near Ibo Agua Fria river a mile north and a couule of hundred yards of the Beecbatn place he came upon a camp situated in a bnnch of metquite. There were plenty of provisions and camp utensils but the aspect of the plsce showed no one had been present for several days. He is one cf the opinion that that the parly, evidently a Mexican had got lost on the desert aud perish- rd. Farmers and dairymen of the Sail river valley have decided to start a crenmery and the onlysurprise is that they did not do so long ago. It will be erected in Phoenix and work is to Detain as soon as a site is selected. Wm, Collister, a teamster for J. P. Finrgan, was working with a fractious horse at Chloride, near Kingman, when the animal kicked him in the head, breaking his jaw. He is badly injured and it will be some time be fore he will be able to go to work again. Church UN ot ices. MetlicdtKt Chitceb. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching at the usual hour in 'the evening. A cordial invitation is extended to ' D. Roberts, Pastor. Catliullc Church. Sunday School at 2 o'clock p. m. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. FAIBffiEXCrM&E GEO. Q. McGEE, Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA. tTezdjuarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always ;. kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ajfull jlinf of groceries and pr0vi8ipn8 cigars; and tobacco Constantly kept on hand. iPatronaje soKdte FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. .TlhriT. FAIRDANK. aRUOSA. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH TH BEST OF EVERYTHING Charge, reasonable Parties .joihj from Tomb stone t Bisbee win have ample lima fe ' dinner before the tarin arrives. Pah. lie patronage is respect? ullr . DeHABTINI FairDank-Restanrant - ?, ,. a