Newspaper Page Text
S fcllt ,111 I'll til BB TOMBSTOKE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVEKY EVKNIKO t (SilKDtT EXCWTTD) ,T Wm. Mich. Editor and Proprietor. SiibkcrtpUva mm. One Year is Month! 6 ThreoMontha 3 00 the Month. ' -9 Delivered by Carriers for 85 oenU par week. CITY AW COnSH OFFICIAL PAPER FREElOlUlWi J- r-t j " '.( - -llili' AB w ' " aT mJM nnai Ais Yvu nun, rur. ForPresidentand Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. We drmaad the manllitc realarallaa rtaefrte aad unlimited rnlf'f ft aad ativeral the, prraeat lel ratlaaria la I. wllbtil vralllax far lac aid r il raarstatr alallai. WVdrmtad thai law ataadard silver dtllnr ahall br a rail lesral leader, equally with gatd. Tar all debla, pablle aad arltate aad' ravar'aaeH Uxla. atlaa aa will prevent Ibe demeaelUatlaa r'aajr kla't r lecal teater maacr by private contract.-Democratic Kational Sllrsr Watforra. "&' v- THE FUN OR THEMON? From the expression upon our friends face be is evidently bere for neither but as for us WE ARE HERE FOR BOTH. PONY SLOONU JlA.KOSKA Proprietor. Finest Stock of Wines, JAinor and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE' CL03 ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly en Hand. You tfii find uAl" hoine, on Alter, St. bet. 4th and 5th. Cochise county's assessment roll will show an increase of about $200, 0X aboTe last year, wh'cb is not a bad .showing and will compare favorably with other counties of the territory. We are handling "mmmr"9WWl rWaraTWav0 FVR. AlVXt SIDDALLS SOAJP Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI.Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Courteous Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & Gtli. Tmubsioue Wiley E, Jones is prominently an-' amnced as one likely to be presented for delegate to congress. Mr. Jones is made of the right kind of material is an able lawyer and eminently fitted to repreeent Arizona. If nominated it will have been done in recognition of Graham county's staunch democracy. Tux Western. Watchman makes a pertinent suggestion by asking "why not ap.My a little of, tb Monroe doc trine to this money question? A little over one hundred years ago, when Washington was president. Hamilton secretary of the treasurr, and Jeffer son secretary of stale, and we had 4,000,000 of population as agaiutt the British 32,000,000, they did not ask Great Dritain what -our financial sys tem should be." Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. v Ihe Finest and Best Htted Bittiara Parlor in the City. , TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op, Well Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pare and Freak Drus and'Medi """ cinesoB Hand. Fall line of leading- Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded "by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescripttdnist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TOILrTCQODS, PERFUMES PIONEER. BARBER SHOP, JftSRPIf LTPPERT. Prop. Everything Seat, Clean and in First Clatt Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. The OUhtt and Most Favorably Known Barber on the Coast. Pay Him a Colt. Alleav. bet. 4tb dc Sits. TarasaMtf one Importtr of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Table in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinls a Sperially. Private Club Room. Allen, bet. 4th A rtth.Tombston Cottolene Cottolene - Cottolene. COMET SALOON CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, .1. B. M1AN0, Prrprietor, Hair .Cutting, Shaving an'd "Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious tilth Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Year of Practical Experience, make thi Sharing Parlor a most J'opular Resort. Allen, uearfar, 5lti."ToiwlaoBe. I -.' uA msnsxsss&tssBS PIONEER Carriage Blacksmith jl. H. EAIANIJELFi'op "Sorrier Third an.l Allen. "Ins IflCfT nm1 Il a-a T?-.. ...! Ta -t 1.1 . ..r 1sI 1 ! .aiwi ...u atai CUlJjpCU CSliU stSUIJlCUl Ul ll JVIUU JO J 1 the Territory. M " All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promutlv Done. BUCKSMITHING fiNO HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OTuIl assortment of hanlwood and iron (or joie. sS mammmmsm G. L OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. STH AND FREMONT STKEET8. Tliat perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pails for oviiit rirrv veaen. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used ibr over ufiy years by millions tji mothers lor their children while teetju ing.'with perfect" success. It Bobth'ea the child, sollens the gump, allays all pain.cure wind colic, and is the beet remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. JSold by - druggist in every.part-of toe-world. Twenty-five cents a bottles- lis value is incalcu lable, IJe eure and sk.for Mm. Win sldw,8 Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. 1 I I aa 4tkWMMf - ftp. 0 WE are well supplied with prepared goods of all kinds for use during this hot weather consisting of: ! dim aad black it hat vfeorror Jar. ma. I da. not Ilka tae rat' . wti'n I recall th raat I recall tbal I -mmt a roor. waak: lssmatored Jrreaolate nan.. " 1 recalled n Ighra of qaiet jet fearlol tertara aad Cajt aad daja ef lnietlalaa Tfffl IstA " I x r rVfmlflt '111 - aaaatW 9 d ' mti i m i M aaaT 4bbbT uS r. t w-i - I Hlore I oaed tne remeiuca i c,t tha- Kiulaca Medical la. THAT -WiMbtton I bad, italea tha'(Tat jTadrao. I loaaa nujaa waa iwwu m, woaderfal (Mclac. I foand snrUfaUtiarraat Hadyaa. 1 ioaad Undraa doaa cor. eaaes of weakaea.ot loaves Xj dar r BtW. 1 caa aaw a la ivfitt sPV .Saaa. aaaaaaV WM mBT Wi B JW y : lb it BaSrao lta art nenltr lulraTaasicc Is U a aewtr. It earea oartala eaaea lrine abllltr. aarreaa aitiaetUoU vetkanaf liter and kldaar eaaialalatav . If T9 farTer ! did rlta Id la old tf ortsi. rar eliraUra aad teatluioiila:. nt, tkaireal Badraaaad rca wl'J set itxm raxi.., . fVSV-a.'VV--Vl ' CircislaraasWtiTaatiawesilsfs 4rftkesraa.irtiDYAfree. ICDSON.MEDIGALKSTITUTE MKktM. Harkct m4 ram su -1 Smm jnraaWsca. CaXlfajiaa Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Bcit Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans. Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or in Tomato Sauce, And many other Goods too numerous to mention. Also in regular receipt of Holland,' LimDurger an'd American Cheese. GARLEVATO PALA, Propr, WINES,HQUORS & CIGARS. Dealer in Bourk Irish and Scotch Whitiy, and Other Well Known Brand. A Specialty made of best Claret and Wine. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Cf'Iest Place in Town. Allen, bet. Cth & 7tb, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOLFSALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL USDKRTAKIKG PARUB8 OF 0. B. Tarbeil Collins, Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made, Don't Forget that wc are sole agents' fdrTornbst6ne'and ucnity for fee & Santas Seal Brand Coflee. aSaaaaKfaaaaaaaW GEORGE I FITTi Vaafyfgftfjffraa?iyTaEJ jJ-J Waaa, "aaaBaaaaaCaaaafiaB99 JM T TaaarVi. WW BLABTIN C08TELL0 Atfent tor Anheuser Busch Beer. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE aad Is las mart a! colds aad mdiea tliatttic caaagss. 1 1 cut ta cored by a plaaaast reiaadrTUea laapplladdl. recitrBtelbaUMUIla. Be teroatcklr stiaorted li flTaa Br's Cream Balm IsackaoarMeed to be the moat ttoroorh can 'ft jtiaal Caurru. Cold la Head and Hay Sent ef aT. retaadiaa. Itopenaandclearaeatbeaaaalpaaiacea. aBars paia aod.lnff imiratlnn , heala the arec.-pro-leeMfik aMmlxaDe from eolda. raatowa tta aeaaaa ataaaWsadamelU PriceSOcatDniCKlaUMbrBuil BLT SKOTHEES, SS Wama Stnat, New Tori PI n LOOP POISON A8PEC1ALTYS1;S Uajy blH)l. roLSOH permanent!? ats vVu tajsV M OH OH Xm UVatOt ss rI9fCVsB&iaaIMV4inia4daBBaniaarnt.a- t Ti X t TOU. vrrl r to flrt fun mm ri ! i a. traettopST ttStrtma tmrmr feHe! MXfjliS err fcnada notaAh, and Mia br mehmini SSlji.MaBaSOtlalVAta-faalniaVnffl ttda Ta. aaaaTlv rtmplCrpieTxoT4ltipoU, Ulcn mmj yautuiuvsunnairorE1 THE Grocer, j CORNER OF S1X2R AW ALIEN STREEES. p Kiimm a.aiaZ at, H at Shis taeeoadarjr JtboOO PtUsoi JSTamBta lo rare. Wa aoUctt Saa moat ooata. ata caeca and cnallcne tbe world ror CSaS.SSoS3 jaaa;! matHKOOOi earttal tearodoaaSGS stooM eaanbtr.' A9oqteorcefatas:aaelaiaB aaJTataaoBlc Iwapla. CtTJCAWO. j&jT MLL FOE 3 ALE. A lenUrop mill cmrvm, 6 pons, 3 set tlers, an agitator, t-.o 1 3-foot rrrolnoc concen. tratars, 16136 Cotlu enp'ne, two boilers, all in jood wortinc order. Buildinj nearly new Can be moved PS it s rlote to railroad. Must be sold, sod eta t-e bgbt for $.ooo csnh. Addiesa sosrECTCOt oaacaJJ'otnbsaiae Art Tho Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodiet Temporarily or ' Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Proceu. For yenf Proteetlon.--CaUrrh "Cures" at Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to he takes Internally, usually contain either Mercury" or Iodide of Pitaisa, or both, which are injar iousif too long takon. Catarrh is a local, not a Mood disease; caused by sudden change to cold or lamp,v7atlitt-. It starts in the nasal passages., affecthij iya, rs end throat. Cold ,iu the hca causes, escessire flow of. inucuvaud, if reppattdly neglcUd,'the re sults of catarrh will follow; severe Twin in the head, A roaring sound ia 'the ears, Lad breath,, and oftentimes on offensive dis cUarire.' The reincdrshouldlwqufclt to allay inflamuiationandhdthemembrane. Ely's Cream Balm is the acTiuofKlcdgW crire for these troubles and contains no mercury nor any ipjuriona drag. Price. CO cents. Beef, Pork, Mutton, "Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Deliver)' to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI Fcmoii bet. 7th and. 8th. THE FOURTH WARD BOTCHES The National Matte Smelter. A practical and iotp!e method of mattin? sulphide ore', such asnickle. confer, go'd nd silver ores. In localities -where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, onr pjTir.c, water jacket Matte Smelter has been re cognized with highly satisfactory reu!u, and has been thoroaslily tested on vinota, piratic, salchide and arsenide ores, in capacity of 2 to 80 tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of cold and silver ore maltinc and concentrating tht is known today It rorruresno extrao-dinary aai3. no lead ores, no fluxm ; material, anc no fuel of any kind for. the neiier alter it is started. The sulphur in the ore is iu natural fu'l only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any sire or capac ity plant complete to substantia mining "people. set it up'and furnish our men to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications fumUhed with references and testimonials en application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5735 Cheltenham Avenue. St. Lotus. Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces fir Nickle. Copper, Gold, Silver and Lead O.e" jai.iy Notice, to Creditors In the Probate Court of the Coatrty of'Cochbe, Territory of Arizona. ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRY, deceased. Notice U hereby given by the nndersiged ad miniitratorof the estate ot Jaee L. Berry, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons lav Ing claims against the said decea-ed. to ihera. with the recess-uy voncher-. within four months alter the first puh'icati n of this nutice. .s the administrator, at WiBcos, in tne countvof Cochise. WILLIAM XL RltiGS, Administrator of the esute of Jane L. Berry, d'ceaied. Dated July 14th. I89 Consolidated National Bank. Of Tar.vs, Arl. CaniUI Stck - - 850.000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN, President. W. C DAVIS, Vice-President. H. E. TENNEY.lCashk. Issues drafts available at any point in the Unhcd Sutes. Drasvs bills of exchange oa a European cities, and makes a specialty of oot-of town accounts with, Invdiidoal, firms and cor porations. The V. S. Gov't Reports Rttyml Baking Pw4t tt TJie Choicest of Meats. Skillfull'' Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLIOITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, d successfully comr in with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light- Uses Three Cab Feet ot Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with doable that amount of gas. COST OF :L.A1VLE S2.75 Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. Ot'FlCK l.X BttfK IIIIIt.DIXJ. TOnRVrO.'vE, AHUM I, llOOHISE HOUSE. "" &!"" t Corner Fourth and Tougbnut Streets. EIEc&AlVTIl.Y FURNISHED ROOHirs aCaavViiiton to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel nd 01 offering ozcellent accomoiUtions. A LARKE AXD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME.S All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. IRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Central ly Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintiiafed Rooms. . Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Mrs. S.G ALLEN, Pi op Fifth bet. Allen and Toag .r.u. TomJistoBc, - Artzoik PARLOR FOR flUE Everything Made Convenient for Guests' Special Rates to Parties by tbe Wa or Morxh. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE ROOM FOR BR VMMERS. RATE." REASOA'AJTs HOTEL ARLINGTON i-ir TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA j NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE AIRY ZZ ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATION This Favorite Headquarters for Commeroa! Men h: ttf fly t en newl Cited renovated and neatly furnished throughout with spec.-- to the ira-elir f public. Rooms ensnite and single. Price Moderate. Everything naratrclaBB. Sanrole roo. for commerial nvtn K 9 y ian..." '