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feaaaeiaiBisgpjWJw i jtjrf3i'"i"W v ,. ...-.rwTi ,lnM tz a ' K IC Frf". I v ii . f.w if ii- i ( 1 i ssssT1 aJK&J fc " ..-sMrfiih. 1i SSBBarT,' -T- PAUCE and 0- K- Livery and Feed Stables, MEr TURNOUTS IS THE CIT.Y. At reasa?)le rates, ami on short' notice. Ti? intr! 8MM 01 I of the public is respect- nlly and satisfaction aranteed GRIFFITE fc ADAM, Proprietors. BlSBKK. ASTZOSA. Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OT CO GlESENHOFFEB. Prop Fioe Restaurant la Bisbee. Private Rooms for funnies or for private parties. Fresh Oysters and, all kitids of Game in season. The tablesuvvlied with Hie best tlie market afford, Fashion Saloon J. W.SUEPPEBD, Prop, FULL LINE or Wis, Liquors and Cigars. r! aad Pool Tabtel attached.' Ice cold Beer on Draught. (Jlub Rooms AttacJied. liir supplied with lie beL Glra 1! a ca!L Main Street. OWber. rli. F. M. McKAY Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, ilatl the best brands of Cigars. Ice Cold Ber on Draught. OiliB HOOMS ATTACHED. aoi a pleasant, social time, and courteous trot jnont, call on McKay. Bisbee. Arizona. BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, FUSE, FBEXH MILK DsiiTered to all arts of the city every "" -eaiig at the lowest market price. y -j'r patronage solicited, Guaranteed. Satisfaction LiStve orders with Union Market. J. BEEBEE- MOUSE & SIGN PAINTING iPER HANGING AND GLAZING Made a SpeciaUu bit Him. A. O II. W. ,- rJ- OUSKN LODGE No erery ."Saturday evening IX MKETS Visitinifbrcrth-4 - rrs cordjauy intruea, Auvs Kindred. IL W. lr. a. iO Baukf.i Rec-vrler. H. C FaaSES. Financier. II. SCHMIKDES't, J&l'ELERASD DENTIST. ALLKINDS w dental and jewelry work la ail branches performed wirtm4trrs and dispattb. 3oex aifbecard femuone. Dr.- i:.w?'FXRRf.v ton? dentist. All work in the liae of Dentistry done in a jrofcncal saassTT ai ilujnn ffturanfed. birgeaaie -very reasonable. 0.ncel.Sbearer ): A. OVERLOOK. UNION HiJARKfTANDBAKtRY Brewery Avenue; bisbee hfizona. gh Bert and MuUoii,0'l8..eca'so StttfrFork and ' Aw7 T 47 f7lWo of -7.7. ?. V Isurrvew aw a" ax M9hMr& FU andCates every da. Awifhin in the jaggrg ttMHtkmPA EES PHOTOS Visit Markey.s Studio lor up to date, doss photography. high CRAYOSS, JSK, PASTELS ami WATER COLORS. To sscrt outside competition I will mke y u a highclss life site Crayon for $3.00. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin tjpe Urr-EK Main street, Bisbee, Arizona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived daily. WISES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods deliTered to all puts of town. 10 per cent off for cash. 31. .ttKOiaOVICII. 1'ropr. THEO. F. METZ, Pioneer Soda Ms. Soda water, Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Latest improved machinery, and rone but the very best of malereals ever used. Bkbee, . - Arloa. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE MANOrACTTHKR OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Made to order on Short Notice. A full line 01 - GESERAL MERCHANDISE CbnstanJy on hand. Consistingof Boots. Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, and Gents Furnishing Goods. A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality ot goods considered. DDBACHER & MU11EIM, Brewery Gulch, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Hand. Our Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, Wholsale and Retail Dealc in Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQUORS, WINES CIGARS AND TOBACCO, f APTISTA CARETT0 DEALS IN DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE k. SAUSAGES Also DcsJtrhs Wood. " " - - .- - hanci. f ' ' sveerrs mxaut up Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget of interesting Items from oar Regular: Cor respondent. BlSBi:,July,.30 1S9G. corrKaiNGs. Mr Robt. Reay who has been stop, ping with' her family in Bitbee for some time past. If ft for her old home in" Kingston, New Mexico, this morn ing. Mr. Lewis Williams left this after noon for a rather lengthy trip baok cast on Company business. He goes east by way of Prescolt to Newfound land, where be it to look smelting methods used into the tu that country. Cat. Dan McCunntnham, U. S. ins'.ector, came in this The C'.ptain gts around to Vubea every oi'ct in a while and i haarlily wel comed. Wa hope to near some mere remarks from Mr. McCnnningbam in regard U "blaric cats and white cats" tefon ! laves again. The family of Mr. Lee Kelly were among the arrivals on the train this evening, aad a number of hsppy facee was the result. Mrs. Kelly U Jack Mavhias' eister and the mestitig looked to us something like a family reunion. We wish the folks good luck in their new home. On taking a trip into the Com pany's store last evening we were struck by seeming difference in the grocery department. Tne direct cause of this was not discernable at once but on a second glance we noticed what we thought was a stranger's face behind the counter. On inquiring of. the other boys however as to who tuo stranger was we wer informed that we were afflicted with poor eye-ight and that the gentleman was Mr, F. V. Johuttou who had been dlerl.uriug himselt by toiiowiag iiio imSmOu. mi shaving oft bis ruoustash". W kept quiet a day or so after tasking ttiis break but hsard of anoiber incident today which leads us to believe that it was not much of a mistake on our part after all. It seems that the gentleman in q-iestlon wanted to sur prise hit family a little and gut shaved smooth, ei pec ting to have a little fun on returning home 'that evening. He "had it all iight,too. He went home at the usual lime for his supper but the look of blankncss with which bis wife and her mother mt-t him on his entering the dining room was even more than he expected. The next surprise was a "welf, what do yo j want," uttered in rather irritat ed tone of voice. He replied "my unDer" and was promptly showo to the woodpil where the infor mation was furnished him that hie way of entering house was ra'her cheeky but that they never turned anyone away who was willing o earn hiiupper. Abont this lime, Frank, concluded that the joke had gone far eaough and tried to explain who. he was, bu;,ituwa.tionf. II j tried Tri-nns-me'hcHl it vaitx and finally in desperation shnwrd them-bis nane Eobroidrr-d .,n hi shift by their own hinds."- Tin,' of course, was conclu sive proof of his identity and enabled hjm'to.get his, supper -without the necsIty"of cutting a supply of, cord- wodi--HU-experience, however was sil ho wan is in 'that Jine and if he r L.'Cait' again he .declares, bell give thrfe'weeaVwritteB'notic1. a fThe-ahndond-rritlitry reservation ofJFerwMeDowelC -will he sold by the gevefBsneat. o "September 2z. Th: d atfs.eijr; i-otvihetberabnr3oal: q lonsrs,vasflpuriajnuen,ijoTrBj. berffij tmiGiLtiOcwbt?I3 : Camp" GJodwiD OsHolJer"27. ' Si . IUr(ee;esewtI. lr-J. WiVenablej of Dowaev a pionierofLos Art'Ies Cocnty, CL, sy: '-Wheneyer"! am troubled with a p.fln-taTljrotfntrroYwi.H'" dlarrKoea I use Cbaroberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it for year, know it to be a reliable remedy and recnmmed it to every eae." For ale by Dnjku STLODISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ. SHATTUCK. & KEATLXG. Proprietors. Agent or Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association. Wholesale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT lEMMAIION LODGING HOUSE .TAS.LETtsiON,Pro. Clean beds, ell ventMatt d airy rooms, Cuirges reasonable. This ell kiown bouse is centrnlly located, and convenient to the railroad depot, and is head ' quarters or the traveling pub lic. Patronage solic ited aad'srtisfac tion guwan-, teed. BISBEE. ARIZONA. Miners Exchange j Main Street Bisbee. W. O. SMITH &. CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Every courtesy and accommodation extended to rpauons, Reading and Card Room Attached. C. W. BLACKBURN. S-sfisT ffssVSt- 1?rrwiT- J7!&i& -. --' -"., . The Xe tmpioTSd t'bite eror Jlaeline U Kins of All. fold o 1 th. itu- ! on eay Unm byG.W.BtACKB RS,0 K Baeet. n.l Machine Findings of all linlt Notary Public and Conveyancer. PALACE Lodging House MttS. TUOJ. WVLKER. Prop. WJien visitind Bisbee don't failtogolto tlie Palace. Rooms large light and airy Welt furnished ronnn, Ceitrally and Conveni ently located. Rrnovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. (talekIv,ThCTactitr, Frt-ver Core.1. ' r en cf ilvu va , sorter Berjfjit-u. 3 iw'niatwnrry.ttuwta J wt"tlol.l3.-w,,j-iii;but 3y enrljr excst! "Vic tims, roclalas your inanLoo 1, resaln your rigor;- Pon't t-rlr Send for hafi 'trflh explanation an.1 prcufa. Tailed (sealed) free. mi MEDIC31 CO., Duff ale, H. Y. . rNOTICE. " TO ALL. WHOM IT M Wl LONCEKN. Notice is hereby giren. that 'certain mining clahns called the Tarn Bien. McGinty and Par aon, tituated in the Warren ra'ning di-tnet, and about one-balf mil north-easte ly from th Itnlhmok hniitirip works, andabout the same rluiTwfmm ihetcnrn of Itebre. AT. 1st. As -thcahrwe mined claims were not-located In " . .T :.! .1 f, C m.T:v Imi tTi .i . conionmty wn wz w. o. mum.mi . ..w--foce, a second parly, at a later date, relocated the same in full conformity ith the abcre named laws, and is fully determined to' protect his rights. Therefore, all peww are cau tioned not to bargain lor. toy orjea ine avOri named claims. C S. MANSUft. ai5-im Rsbee,JA. T. FOR SALE. A good business location, on Brewery Avenue adjoining the brewery. Term reasonable. For far Iter oartieulara all at the aramiaec. w.J 'ssssswttlfii IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsLX. 'BBJs'B?t smsB BVSC9S3KlX75 i "'SSL-su: ,T?jyrgyis-r' A- - A NIOKNOBILE. Dealer in ifraits,Nuts.Caiidies, rjiU Pratt TljS3ivoi D.tily from California. Carries the Best Liue of CIGARS AJSD- TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, Ergs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postoflice. FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Description, Call on WM. D. M0NM0NIEK, Opposite Mason Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window" glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. Bet Fourth Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Oven TKANCIEXT AND BOAitDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvcctinf Picnic and Ex cursion varties out'itted on short notice.. Or ders bu mail or tel Graph receives TERM SUNREASONABLY LOW. JOHN aiONTUOMEKV, Prop. 1 V. VICKERS freraoal Street. tombstone, Ariiona. Real Estate. JUines Monev. Cattle ond In surance, "ssa K8M. ESTATE Bouht,;oI4 rented a MINES Bought sold manaeed. HONEY Loans negotiated 'and in vestments made. CATTLE Groer. dealer' fjc" ffi INSURANCE Fire, Acddcnt, Tife. Prompt Attention Given Collections. SUMMONS. In the Distric' Court first Ju'diiial dhtrl.:t of the Territory of Arizona in and for the Cousiy ofCochi A. J. COLLINS, plaintift, vs. ADDIE L. COLLINS, defendant. Action brousht in the DistrictCoort of the .first juiicia) dittiict of the Territory of Arirona 1 J . .W ...... l fnxtl.. A .Ti nun plaim led in the said County of Cochise, in the office of the Clerk of said Disfflct Cbuit. The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to Addie L, CoUins. You are hereby required to appear in an action t-ou;ht a;iin you by she abofe namel plaictiS lithe Dtrict Court of the first judicial district of the Termory of Arizona, in and for the County of Cochise, and to ansarr the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclu-jre of the day of serno-) after the vrrrice on you of this summons, (if serred with in this county or if serred out ol this county, bul in tf.U district, within twenty days; otherwise, witHi thirty days;; or judgment by default will ne ta ren a?aiirst you actording -to the prayer f acsi-I com;4aiat rjwJ actior, il broujht to obtain a decree n .liw-csirtm the bonds of matrimony. .iren '-r my hanjl and tf.e seal ol the Di- ir.cij.'0-i't t'e Firt lndie-ai Dwtnct of the r"iL-rr of Arizona in and for the county rf O-ch--, th's ar' day of June in the yar M oar trd one tbuusand eight hundred and ii-,ty tiz. SOTT WHITE, Oak. Hy H.'.Kmamhh," Deputy Clerk. l.ijtt- NOTICE. Res.8tr.uion of Electors for Coehise Cotidtv. The foHowing testation was unanlmcosly passed at a meeting of the board of snpeivfeort of Cochise county, Arizona, held April 7th, 1890. Reso!red That; there be, andl is ertby ordered to be made, betwec the 30th day o AikiI and the tith d of October, a resistratloti of the electors of Cochise e innty. and that ihe Clerk ef the Board be instructed to hare abure erder adrenised once a week for a period ot four months, next after first day of May, 1896- . W. A. HARWOOD1 (sr.AU ClerlCot tie Board Supervisors. Tacabstone. May r. t8cS. ans-ws As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to glye. to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : r& Life-Size Ci ayon ...Portrait. -sygjpgp- There is not a family but possesses some picture o Father, Mother, Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable - for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FRAME. The portrait Company t,as made it conditiona upon us that wiiv each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own.styh. OTJK. PLAN Ts to issue tickets on your first purchase of five rents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WQLGOTT Dealer','J?i Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STUCK OF "HARDWARE AlO TINWARE, AT PRICES Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug-Store, 5th St, Carries P. S. Mail and W, E. k Co's, Exp. FAR610 03 FROM FAIRBANK 1.60 J?JLJSJLEm Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 r, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Mca!es and all "oints so"tb Arrives I2:-15 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 r. M. with eastern and western mail and passengers, BAGGAG of PMtentjcrsldeiirered to and Office in the city free of Char g TENTH STREET DAIRY. -i-OHN HANLEYrPROPRIETOB P ure' If resh.. Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail"l tool parts of the city, j . " Milk Wagon in town- Milk by the quart, 10 cts, Reduction is made for larger quantities? il Office is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited John Weilandu; Anheuser, Lemps. OjVL l'.TH L TRADE SUPPLIED ADOLF I?A.I.TL,.. Acnt; TCUXOV, AHIZO.Xl. Bottled Weiland Beer fuinished to families! in lurubston by JOS. HOEFLER OYSTER? PARLORS. VT-rTEIS St.BETAVEEX 4th AIM) 3th. First-Class Meals Pest of Attention; Everything in Season. BOARD PER WEEK ;. .r.$7.C0 i. XX TJZiMM i I- ljOe t i XaViU KSM Al J XjCj lUJjiAlJiatt.SSMIS(M(tt(Sf' ISISttH(HMtllIH(MI JJ Dtnrera for Special Ocrasiocs a Specialty. Try a Meal at this Popular Resor First-Class Cooks only Employed. Accommodations for Families. J CAESAR, Proiirieiei CAN CAN. RESTAURANT The Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestera Arizona., Good jIeab atall nourj. FRESH OYSTERS AND GAME IN SEASON The Best the Market AffordsAlway3 Served to our Patrom Family Entrance on 4th St. Bannnete Specialty. X2) 3 TO SUIT THE TIMES. to all parts of the City. LAGER! W4E.HI.