Newspaper Page Text
i u !. The Frospecto AUGUST 15 ,89tt RAILROAD TIME! TABLES Arizona southeastern r. r. , Eg if in . g ! cu atorpt Ml 0 T3T It. MS lit 3 IT. Of . J tS.S s Ja t TIM TASUt CUUam Blb At .....Doo Luis. , hctoH... ,...wtr T- A r irbuk .. .Lr: Lv rtlrbMik ...M H. M.aA.Cnf... . Idlta ., ntrnUon .. .. ....B6oa......Xt W4 P1.1 fit. Wl .S ISO no ir.T 1S.T MMMJ Tint MSS -aclac tln Hf station, tof M mala, ttat Williams. 6epri&!tntBt. aa 39UTHERN PACIFIC R. tEast n.laam tt-ispm l4SnJ STAT10NS. Ul ....Bensn ....Tucson.. ...Maricopa .... Ynnr. ...... ...Los Angelas ... At) 5.40 pm I 705pm I 3 35 a m I 1.00 p m I tta St, Uciltat, et bound, Mo4r and k radar S.lIIwo '"'a Set, tnitei1 wet bunl, WadoeMars aturdmrs, 1M Bnor NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA Wall f. so pro 1.5 am .oam t.40an -J7aro I.iSPtn STATIOVS Lv, .....Bensan . .... Fairtnnk ..... ....Haachuca..... ... Crittenden .... ... CaUbaus .... .....No?aj Arl East 10.40 a m t.oopra 13 topm taaopm 4.eara ally except Sunday. Picific time. J. J. Fkt Gni-il MiRagrr. . A. Naucle. U II. Aui.iir. Assist t General Manager. Train MastT. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. Nona I o pra t.5J) m 9.00pm MSP" as v ; ...PYraix ...Terope ..... . .Kyreoe ...Sictton ..Mane spa. ... .Ar Soith a Ooa an 1 20a a ic 55pm t3 30 pm 13 10 p n IU. II. Honshsix. Geo. Supt LOCAL NOTES. Mlver is quoted at 67 Dr. Gaff, Benton Physician and surgeon. U m A Joeru it over form BisbM on ft business tnp. s s A, 10-year-old boy at Solomon Tille named Jom Gonzales, who was kicked on the leg by a borte some tiro ego, died a few days ago froau the wjund. The headquarters of the Bimetallic League on Allen itreet i being ruuo TOted and "ill anon be ready for use by member of tbe club. , i Mrs. A. Hill and daughter, Mist Anna, left IbU rnerniag far a trm weeks Titit to San Francisco and Sae lamento, their old home. Tbatwo, .little son of J. B. Angus, c-Wno'have been visiting in Tombstone for the past two or 'three week, left ior their home this morning, Mr. I. A. Miliar and children, who hare been in Tombstone for a fort night visiting her sister, Mrs. Sydow, returned to Bisbee thisaaorning. a Unlike erery other tea Schilling's HowT Pure no coloring, no adulteration. i Thb aaaeasable property of Qrabam county as equalized by tbe Board of Xqualization stands at 11,992,812.19 st increase over last year of about 1170,000. 1st Olatea .riaars. Taoole overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial affects and satisfied with trancient action ; but sow that it is cenerally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently vercome habitual constipation, well imfonned people will not buy othr lax atives, which act for a time, but finally jure tbe system. J Awarded lUchest Honors World' Pair, oa VWCft UEAM BAKING rWDfl. MOST PERFECT MADE. A jmCrspeQeamef Tartar Powder. lfsa taaa Aeaaaonia, Ahkn or any ether aaWtscaas. aatiMts. THE FIGRT. Further Particulars From an Eye Witness. The particulars of the fight between tbe posse and tbe Nngitle bank rob bers at Bkel-ton Canyon and tho killing of Frank Kobsou.usaiiuounceil in the PitOsrsCTOR vtntenlay. lu that tbe rubbora were lixnl r r;sit. and realizing that a fig -t tuurt etuue, resorted le the cowardly tuauuer of ambuhing lbs officertand openiog fire with the intention of slaughtering oil" tbe bounJs of the law. Particulars trceived from Uubee where tha PaofcFKCruK re(Hirier inter viewed Sheriff Le?therood aui Burt Cogswell, whu brought the nt-w, slate that at the first fir the uufor.uuaie Robsoa was killed, one bullet enleriug his Sorehead and ttie other through tbe temple causiug instant death. Robeon'a horse carried him a little distance when he ftlt off, his body bting robbed of his watch, rnuney, six-shooter au J riile while tbe kutse was captured. At tha next instant the horse which Sheriff Underwood was tiding was shot from under him, as was alto Mr. Uildreth'a auimal. Both gentlemen barely escaped being shot. Sheriff Fly and Deputies Alterd and John son were sbowrred with bullets but weiejnot hurt. Tue posce bravely stood their ground and pumped lead into the enemy who were concealed all th4 time. A cry heard Irom the robbers camp during th fusilade leaditbe authorities to be lieve at least one was shot but they think that two wero wounded as shortly after the robbers decamped, in the meanwhile keeping up a fiuilade of shots, Ii was impossible to continue; on the trail as it was dark but Sheriff Fly and the balance of the party re mained orer night to continue ttie hunt at day-dreak while Sbcrifl Lealberwoodand Bert Coggswall came to Bisbee. Unbson's body will be brought to Tombstone fer interment if possible. Taogool hordes belong ing to the robber were captuud by the posce. The robbers Jo not attempt to con ceal their identity as they have step ped at several ranches along tbe route and eaten at each place. They are a (earless set and everyone full of fight. CONVINCING ARGUMENT. Patience Rewarded After Lone Waiting Sometimes one-' better half bears with tbe short comings and pure cus aedntss of her liege lord. until forbear auee ceases to be a virtue, and when that stage arrive, occasionally resorts to extreme measures to bung her lord and master to a proper appreciation of his duties and obligations as the head of the family. vetita"of this nature are occa sionally rsported in Tombstone, and not a few days since did an almost similar repeliiioD of v;bst the facile pen of ttie Wintlow Mail man reporte occur, wbiob says: Tbe wife had tried aru-nsnl, persua sion and ktad treatment without effect. Finally tha husband went home one night considerably under tha influ ence of tarantula juice, which so exas perated the long suffering and patient woman, that she picked up one of his boots by tha leg, wfaioh happened tn be lying convenient to band and began swinging it around her head, and in doing so the heel of the boot came in contact with tbe loft optic of tha hus band, who fell backward as the result of the contact and tbe aext morning be was unable to see out of that eye. fie now says tbat he has been on his last jamboree. It requires a knock down argum-nt to convince some men of the error of their way. JuJgs J. D.Bethune pasted through on the morning's train to Pbenlx. He is just from California, and says it is safe tn bet that tbe Golden state will give . a majority of 25,000 for Bryan and e wall. Tempe New. A number 'A our silver men are westing very gnione silver badges It is a si'ver bug, wbiob when a spring in tcuclieJ, tbe wings are shown 00 which are tbe.likeaeseei of Bryan and Sewall. The cyanide plant about Tomb stone arc all runniag continuously witn successful rosulte. Tha enlarg ing of the capacity aad erection of sew OBswsUiBg plaau aemonraiee Um Ijlihi of lb sjaieea. ' v-A is luipor Jaist i:xf crpriar. On Saturday last before Notary Public Ed Williams were signed the Articles of incorporation of the Cala batas Irrigation Land and Water Com pauy. The incorporatois are M K. Wise, A. O. Brummel, D. F. Menlove and Hubert K. Key, and the capital stock "of the company is $3,000,000, ditiJrd into thrve million share of the par talue of one dollar each. The principal place of business is declared a Pima county. Tbe utjcts of Clio company are to acquire r.)l ntat) by purchase or other lawful inatix, to sink artesian wells, and to construct reservoirs, mains, ditches, lansl., ate. for storing water. In other word, the company propcie to r claim ttiul irrigate the great Santa Ciiiz vullb). The officers elected are Morgan R. Wis, president, D.F. Man love, vice president; A. O. Brummel, secretary and treasurer, and Robert E. Kay, general manager. Tae undertaking is a splendid thing for the whole of southern Arizona and should receive the assistance of every ciixen of Pima county. There is no more fertile land anywhere in Arizona than the acre ol the Santa Cruz val ley, and the controlling and reclaim ing of this vast extent, means millions of dollar added to tbe taxable wealth of the territory. Yidett. m m m Two JLtves Saved Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City 1!L, was told by her doctors she had can- sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles ot Dr. King's Aevr Discovery cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eecers, 139 Horidi ht. Sin rrancisco, suffered Irom a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of the, medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone -and Uisbee drugstores. Regular sire 50c. and J1.00 The secretary ni A. O. U. W. Tlfcll Association, at Tucon, according to the Citizen, has received subscriptions from brothers Daniel Han kins, City shares and Edward Barker forty shares of the A. O. U. W. Temple slock. Boti n't 'iifmbers of Queen City lodge at lii-i. e and are enthusiastic work- Eggs arc plentiful in the Phoenix market at ten cents a dozen. SERI0DS INJURY. A Tonibstoner Victim of a De plorable" Accident. A letter . received from Congress states bt Kermis Di-fSSd, wall known' in Tombstone and who re aently left here for Congress met with a serious accident at the mine, mash ing his autla and making the ampu tation of hi only leg probable. With a tool packer Durand was on tbe cage carrying eoao drills and timber to the surface. In some manner a drill elid out and hitting the track upon which the cage bears, caused the collision and both the tool packers and Durand were seriously injured, The litter's ankle being caught under the "go devil" and every bo'ne shattered while the tool packer bad bis band injured in a'.similar manner en the opposite fidav Durand formerly worked for the Chirircahua Cattle Co., here aad will be remembered a only having on leg having years previous met with an ac cident which necessitated it ampu tation, but tha second deplorable ao- I aidant will now probably leave him destitute ol any means ol locomotion and indeed in a pitable and sad con dition which cannot but excite deep est feeling of sympathy. Xbc IlcTSjry ItarsMl hie g.lfe). Mr. U.Cailloaette, Druggist, Beaver viIle,HL,aye:MTo Dr. Xing' New Discover I owo my life, Was taken with ! Urippd and triea all tbe pby sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King' New Discovery in my store Leant for bottle ad began its use and from the first doaa began to get be t tcr, and after using three bottle waenp and about again. It is worth tts weight in gold. We won't keep store or hou "without it." Get a free t.iall t the Tombstone Drag Store. . a On Monday C. H. Wild the eficieai postal clerk on the Ni It. k. A. leaves for Los Angelee where be goes to take part in the-examination which are yearly required of each nail clerk in active service. Mr. Wild is one of tbe mist popular clerk in tbe Arizona No eastern, mail arrived last migbt ninr in tha fact that the S. P. west bound train wee late in arriving ail Benson aad ao eesmectioa wa wilbtbeK.M.eastA. '" THE INSURRECTION. Yaqui Preparing an Attack on Calabasis . The fo'.lowiug sptcial dUpatcu to tbe PjiosrECTOK show that tbe insurrec- l'.n at No a'ea has quieted down cor- eiderebly, however tear are entertain ed of an outbrrak at Calabasis. Fol lowing is the latest news: No news this morning from tbe Indians. It was reported last right that the soldiers had them surrounded in the mountains just north of Cala basis. Many of tbe Indians ha e been captured, one ami two in a place, in fact every suspicious character is taken wherever found. News U look ed for this morning of an engagement near Calabasis. Tbe Mexican and U. S. troops are operating together actively and would make short work of the Indians if found in a band, Marvetoufc Resalla. From a letter writteu by Rev. J. Ounderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: 'I have no hesitation in recommend ing Dr. King's New Discovery, as tbe results were aim on marvelous in the case of my ife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at River Junc tion she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she couM not survive them. A (rlftud recommeaded Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quuk in its work aud highly satisfactory in re sult. Trial bottles free at Tombstone and any Drug Store. Regular size 5Qcand $1.00 The Fbeniz paper have been pok ing fun at Yuma's climate and the the Yuma Sun eetalKte by sajing: "Passengers going to Puenix are trans ferred into refrigerator car as soon as they rearb the valley and are then conveyed in ice waxous to the relrig erator rooms of the hotels, where by graduation they are Introduced into nature'r greatest crematory." Tbe total taxable property ol Pima county for 1S96 is $3,331,529, which is a decrease of about $155,003 from the amount returned for assessment last yesr. SCHRADER EYP03ED- Ah Angry Mob Throw Stones and Stale Eirga at Him. A dispatch from Fort Worth says : MtM.w, . i:71C .!?', !a shaken tha dust of Fort Worth from bi brogans, for Waco, His seanc at Tyler Lake was suddenly terminated A sound man was carried to him all doubled up on a chair and suppostd to be amicted with tbe rheumatism. Said the healer, "You are paralysed aod if you had not coma to me you would have been dead in two weeks." The supposed patient then jumped to bis feet and walked off. "A number of the crowd proposed to take the "healer" to the lake and make hiai walk on the witer or throw him in. He and his mntmr caught oa aod made a break through a side door of the pavillion to a street car. Stones and stale egg were very much in evidence and the persecuted parly took, refuge in aneighbsring house until tha storm bad peel, when they returned to their hotel, secured their belonging and flitted." Picture tea-roasting In Japan. Tea in hot basins; sun hot; every thing hot sweaty men and women (the lowest and dir tiest) standing over the ba sins, mixing the tea with their dirty hands, mixing in dirt and gypsum and poison (to color with), dropping their sweat into the mixture. They won't drink that tea they know what's in it. That is the tea you 're drinking, if you drink any other Japan tea. than Schil ling s Best. Schillings Best is young tender tea-leaves, carefully picked, and roasted by ma chinery in San Francisco clean. At your grocer's money back if you don't like it. SeAiUiirf't cofTce, baVing-pow-der, oda, spices, and ilavorinc-xtract5, are also mency-backed. A Schilling & Company Sin Francisco P. B. WARNEKROS, CLOSING OUT!! His Mammoth Stock Of Hats' Trouble Willi Cattle. Captain Lnbb, the government In spector, was suddenly called to Darn ing this morning this morning to lu veetigate the llegel unlawful deten tion by the Nw Mexico quarantine olfioialn, of a shipment of bulls Irom CUy county, Mo. General Inspector Albert Dean, o' Kaaea City, wired Captain Libb to ascertain immediate ly the cu e of tho detention, and there isno doubibut that the action of the teriitorial ofliciaU aitl be set aside. The bulls belong to Ryan Brothers and art. in tram-it to Arizona El Paso Herald. TI19 third cr-ip of ullalU has U now about ready to harvest. It was the general opinion among ranchers last spring, when the April froits razed the alfalfa down to the grouid, that this would b a bad year for farmers along the liver country, but it has proven au average year, and with no bad luck from now on. The fourth crop will be in the stack before frost comes 'Miss Louise Howe has been reap pointed as teacher of tbe school at Fairbank aad will open that institu tion about the first ot October. She is at present enjoying a yachting trip on the Atlantic coast and will not re turn here until the middle of Sepiem bar. Orb. Stewart Koight, a cowboy and well known all over Arizona, having partie ipated in nearly every cowboy tour nament ever hrld in the territory, died recently at Mohawk, Yuma cou'ity, He was only about 31 year :u. . . A Colorado editor, who Um evidently formed a not very txliiUed opiuion ol the veracity of his con temporaries, hs hoisted at tho head of his paper the following: 'The only truthful psper in Colorado." Ha is now known among hi brother editors ne "Old Truthful." The Stanton TexNews rays: B. C. Plaster and wife arrived Wednesday night from Arizona. He wants 'o buy a large forty or tifly-ssctionj pasture, or two smaller one, together with 400 or 500 head of cattle. He is alto rep resenting Henry and George Aston, of Arizona, inlooating them in this conn try. Thev are all well-to-do cattle men, and if ihey settle here will prove a valuable accession. The Worlds iair Tests showed ao baking powder so pure or so great In Icav' ening pewer s the Rnyat BLACKWELLS I WANT SfcS&UlfflAH pnwuint SEE? Hi BU IHslLKft - 11 - i JHIf.YV Tk 0 I DURHAM VWyfe 1 I -. i3iSl5areosP,W jaTevibs stCTC7:1EaKiVJss sHpBUKAtwMsafaK ww arCCkasBv. Wf T7P if n Taw will ted mpsa ISMSaW amcla twa saaet kas;, sutsl two msisp iawUa sj on basr of MHacfc- waB'a Dorsum. Bay a kasr ST SSUa elefcratMl tak aatat read taw emnynm wfcUh at Hat af rmlukW sma- ALL (TILL Liquors Wagons -Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements BE SOLD kfi t 4s CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade of All Residents 0 Cochise County. No Trouble to Show Goods. CalJnand Convince Yourself of Thz Business. We Mean Ajolx TsTViii Soix aV A SACRIFICE GiVEUSA CALLf'f-A T- '. j ."-j .i