Newspaper Page Text
, saasses -?; SW" MWiWHttaM baem rTT5r JE.-" ,, ,.,-ifi ii.imi iirininiiwiirnaur -I- . ,". -iii : I ""--." -., 'i k i W "I-"-' - V 'Sh'N -i i. ,. . w .- . THE TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR OUR WATCHWORD-"COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD A-TERWARD. ; f VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA THURSDAY EVENING. - AUGUST 27. 8g6. Ne. 289 p t I ThFrospector Sty nd County Official Paper. I UUl.lixHED EVEEY EVENING (ExCKFT SUHDAY. j BY SVm. Hittich Editor and Proprietor. Premoiit St., Opposite Ctty Hall Tllk lli-sracToa will net hold itself respoa Ib fur any of the article! or seatimrtts ex pressed by any of its correspondents Entered in the Tombstone ccond Oats matter. PosloOice PROFESSIONAL OARDS. JAMES REILIY. ATTORNEY AN'D Counselor at Law. Ixnd and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone, Arisana, W M. C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public, Tombstone. Arizona. I JEKK1XJOA HERRING. ATTORNEYS ri ani Counselors a' Law. Office on Toughnut Street, between Second and acd Truri opposite toe tourt House. r"Eo7 W. SWAIN." ATTORNEY AT. I 1 La. Will practice in all courts of the Territory. Tombstone. Arizona. ( KCUVRKjATTORNETANDCOUN. selor at Law. Office to Fourth Street, lte-n Allen and Tougbnut, Tomb stone. Will practice In all the cou ol the Territory. "HMtl.ES GRANVILLE IOIINSTON, Ij Attorney and Counsellor it Law and Nottir Public .is r Fremont street act. it a uid 5th streets. A member e( the Bar 01 iLe .Supreme Court of tht Territory, and will pricCce in any of the. courts therein. B EK1H HERRING. TYPEWRITER ard Notary Public. Toughnut Street, Tombstone. Anzora. AWENTWORTH. COUNTY RE corder an 1 Abstract .Office. Abstracts of title to real. estate and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Cice in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD. IUSTICE OF THE Price. Office on Allen St: bet. 3d & " 4th. Tombstone, A,,I, KOSKV JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on ath St. bet. Allen and To-ohnut. Tcmbstone. I S. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND III burgeon: Office adjoining his residence eoath street. Calls attended at all hours day and aigbt. FC. E4RLE. ASSAYER AND META lugieal Laboratory. o6 N'o 319. Froaostbt. opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS- Y. & A 31. KING SOLOMON I.ODGE N1 5, meets third Saturday in each month. Visiline brothers cordially invited t at teaa. W..M..J H McPHEKSDN. A. L- GROW becty. 1C A. 31 OOCHISF. CHAPTER No. 4. MEETS th'rd We jiesday in each month Vis itin" Companions cordiallyinirev,io at end. TOM LOWRY, II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O.'S. of A. WJSH1NGTON CAM NO. 1 MEETS ut Friday evening va each month. Vis llini Comrades cordially invited I, W. CLARK, President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. TOM8STONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. meets tst and 3d Thursday 01 each rror.ih. Vliiiiaz Lrothe cordially in " ,,ei. KOBT. BEST. M. W. -- - ' r-JowfcfrtMiF Kf Recorder. - k. f p. RIZflNA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pytiias, No. 4-. meets every 1st and i MoncWys' in each month. Visitin g brothers . .-.rtm,- 1IEMASUEU cc - W. D. MONMONIEP. K. of S. TV JTEC HON HOE COMPANY NO. 3. r .. r-t jnuii. In .rh mnntL ot their aose home on to comer ol Seventh and Fre- o tt strrrts. opposite the scnooi nouse. W1L GARRETT. Foreman, TOM SMITH Secretary. -F. HE HOSE OMPANY MEETS S First Sunday in each month at City Hau. t c . ..m 1. V. VICKEka. W B.NTWORTH. S-ctr. Pre ident. I S MCDONOUGH. Foreman. H IGI.K COMPANY NO. .-, MEETS 1- c. i 4h itiAtiin. at nose ikiuc. . r .nil eth .lfeefi . s- w JOEKH L1PPERT. Foreman. HV.1SLY Dl NKER. Secretary rjivioiv ATER WORKS F CALVES, Prop. tt'atei l'ei Barrel, - 23 CenU tt'atrr. Per Backet - ti Cents, V NtOMFT SERVICE. deduced Bates by the Month Leave nrle? -with waeon, or at thi WaOiiSmMiUMM If 4VW9K9 a iwiita a im ajpeMBs."1 j " m S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST. THm GOODS Ts Complete, Embracing all Textures, Patterns, and shades ol a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Ohecks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S FINISHING DEPARTMENT - A Specialty is made of this Department and the pric, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYSVILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. m Al SHOE Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and Ladies and Children Dongolla and RuesetShoei, Buckingham fc Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. V 0 IN CROCKERY. RAMA! AND SADDLERY nriniT.rriirniTnifi A full stock is carried consisting of Glassware, Crockery, Cat Glass, ' Fancy Cupn. CanVass Tents, "Wagon Covers, -.; lAfatrasssew. EverytMng at Lowest Eastern Prices. S, M. BARROW MflllSlllL Ill till ii DEPABTMENT the latest Styles."Designs, DEPARTMENTS " other fanious Hats, THE t-3T. H ardware, Tinware, Grans, Pistols, CatrldgeH Etc Harness, twaddle. ttpOTH,' T?. f Important Your food and drink'should be not only pure but good tasting. "Laugh and grow fat" means: enjoy your meal and it will digest better nothing more. So don't let 's have anything at the table but good nature and good food and good coffee and good tea. Good tea means Schillings Best. It makes a plain meal teem almost luxurious. Money-back tea at your grocer's. Nothing but coffee iu Schillings Best coffee same is true of Schillimf't Beit bakinj-powder, soda, pic, seasoning flarontig extracts. Pure and money tacked. A SehUliitf y Company San Franciscm PRIMARY ELECTION. Satvhdt, Settembes 19, 1S9&. The voters of the Peoples' party of Cochise county will hereby take notice that the d.te far holding primary elections for election of delegates to attend the county convention which M1 be held in Bisbeeat the call of the Peoples' party Central Committee and published in tbe news papers cf the county has been set for the 1 9th day f September, 1896. The fol lowing is the apportionment of delegates from each precinct: Bubee, 7; Tombstone, 4; Pearce, a; Wilcox, a; Hereford. 1; Millers Canton. 1: Fort Huachuca. 1; Huachuca Siding 1: West Huachuca, 1; Fairbank, i;St Darid, 1. Benson, t; Tres Almas. 1; Pool's Ranch, i; Rossrilrille. t; Dos Cabesas. 1: Teriston, 1; San Simon, 1: Bran nock, t; Taylor's Ranch, 1: Galeyrille, i;San Bernardino, 1. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, faror ot John Gates, and endorsed by me. as same has been paid, and I hold Mr. Gates' receipt Said paper has been lest. T. a CHATTVAN. Pearce, Aug, I7..1896. H are you seen enlarged portraits at Procure a ticket and get on WoJcott'i? free. WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN TO establish branch office here iteo. dit month salary. For full information, address Room 6. 373 S. Main St. Los Angeles, Calif. Viricide Chemical Co. WAI1 ED SOLICITORS IOH CAM PAIGN Biok "Brran Sevrall and Free Silver" aiilhorir -d by Bryan written by R, I. Metcalf, editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents; a free silver mine for work ers; only St 50; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit given: freight paid; outfit free, Bejfr now wiuj choice o territory; permanent, profi table work for 'oj. Address The National Book Concern, Star bcflling. Chicago. ai Wanted An agent in every section to cant vas. S to J? a day made: sells at sutht- also a maa to sell staple goods' to dealers, bes rideline. $75 a month. Salary or large commis; ion maae; experience unnecessary r or sealed particulars send strap, Clifton Soap & Manu facturing Comoanr. Cincinnati. Ohio W. O. ABBOTT. PRICES FOR ASS4 YEVG: Tombstosk, A. T. Gold. 'Ji.o olive 4 ) ''.- X o , Gld and Silver, one sample 1.35 bold, surer and lead, one sample a 00 Copper..... 1.50 Jill, A. ................. . ............. X.0 Maaganese......... ..... ...,.. x.50 Lime. ...A t. ,......: . x.50 Iroa , .'. Bt-50 Zrac -a.oo Office and Resideac Overlook House. GUM M4XEY, Allen St ssear 3d, (Old Cus'osa House.) VEGETABLES, FRUITS, 10TATOE8, ONIONS, I ETC Frtth California Jruiireeeivedeiery day by txpreu. Everything told l lovettl rate. Good delivered ree to all oa.rU of oti. Tomlistone & Pearce MALL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLITZ, Prrtsr. Willvroake semi-weeklrBtrips'to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, matin? the round trip in one day. carryinr tbe U. S. mail and p .ssengers. 4e Notices. Hon Kedeo will oomianc on tbe San KaImI ranch on th lit of Stp Umber. Cattle roaeo will commtnii on tho 15tb of September. Weather permitting, the C C C and Rigga reund-up will begin at Sulphur Springs, Wcdnetday, August 26tb. Boasid.Up. The general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Vailey will continence woik on September 7th from the old W. B, Taylor ranch. tf. Piano for sale. A seven octave square piano, rosewood case, sweet toned and in good repair. Price $100; includ ing stool. Inquire at this office. Gladness Comes With a better understanding: of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ula, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant effort rightly directed. There is comfort In the knowledge, that so many forms of alckness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a coiu.tipe.teil condi tion ot the system, which the pleascnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is very where esteemed so highly by all who ralue good health. Its) beneficial affects are due to the fact, that it is tbe on remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acta. It is therefore all Important, in order to get its bene Scial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you hare the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and told by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxative or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most tkillfni physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have tbe best, and with tbe well-informed eTerywhere, Syrup of Tigs stands highest and is most largely e4 and giresmost general satisfaction. ABCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSEfT, ,lBOPBIET0K Pure ice delivered to any part ol tbe city" .a 2 CENTS PER P0 UjYD- Svecial rates to families for ice for repidar customers. jt)FFIC2AND ICE HOUSE5TH ST.1 Opposite PostoSce. MS filUluGKAfri liALLKRl, Freas t street, opposie Prospeoc. FAiSJLY PH0T06RAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention siren to turning 0 t the Finett ieie and picture of all rite in a mot artittic manner, ruperior " "finith and tone. 3aJLCGC"J3KaEI Tiken on shrrt notice. Croups a s r cialiy Chbinet, panel and standard TO THE SEASHORE. ExcursiouIRates to StnU Moa tea and the SeaCaaat Over tke S P. R R. FROM BENSON To parties desiring to go o the ser- sbora to spend tbe sumasr and enjoy the cool salt water breeze, sboald Use advantage of the exoorstea rate of 931.05 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Tickets rood far M days, For furthei iafomatiea apply te - t:js. webstkr, - Agest afBeasoa, Or T. A. GooBHAjr, CL 1. A. Bvs Frasci a. Highest of all in Leavenlny.Power. Rol ABSOLUTELY PUBE THE LATEST MS Bryan Lunches With Hill Which Looks Well RAILROAD RIOT IN THE EAST. Republican Silver Men Put Up Another Tit ket in Idaho Oregon Parties Fuse A RICH GOLD DISCOVFRV. Gesera) Happenings Through out tbe) Country. AiBjr, N. Y. The second dsy of W. J. Bryan' trip westward t-om the sedition ot Bed Hook was an event ful one crowded with a variety of in cidents of travel including a pictur esque reception at a summer hotel, a stirring speech to crowd of working men at the town of Kingston and cul minating in a great meeting at AlbanyJ where tbe candidate spoke to a crowd estimated at from 7.000 to 10.000 T packed in City Hall square under the shadow ot the state house. Before this demonstration Mr. and Mrs. Bryan sat down to dinner with Senator Hill and prominent Albany Democrat at tbe senator's magnificent home known as Woollens Roost, whither they were driven directly from tne depot rvbeie strong lunged crowd nearly mobbed them on their arrival. For nearly three hoar Mr. Bryan was the guest of the New York senator and Although yerv participant in the dinner averrd that ' was a purely social affair their descriptions were taken with a grain of salt it beicg the general impression that an unlsrstarding was reached which will insure Mr. Bryan the sup pert of the i'rtr organization in tbe i !te.. Boisk, Idaho. The two factions of tbe republicans will meet in separate conventions tomorrow. Each side will nsme a full state ticket. The ilver men will indorse Bryan electors named by tbe democrat and the Mc- Kinley kinn will put up a straight McKinley electoral ticket. Senators Dubois and Shoup are here leading their respective siJes of the Gght. Chaxkixo, Mich. The city of Ont tonsgos, Mich, is burning, and people are fleeing for tbeir lives. A special train has been stnt from Green Bay. WjiaiaMstows, Ky. A telegram has iut been reeiered from the inper inlendtnt of the Louisville k Nash ville railway, requesting that officers be dispatched to Eagle tunnel, near Eliistoa, where a railroad not was going on. The dispatch states one esan has been killed and another fatal Ir stabbed. A pos;e left for tbe seen. Night Hawk, Colo. This camp is excited over the discovery of gold ore Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder carrying a value of 180,000 per ton. The prospector who shows tbe rich samples refuses to reveal the ei'ot location until bo can make his title to a claim secure. Foktlanb, Ore. The democratio nd populist state oentral committees in joint session this evening agreed up on a plan of fuiion. The democrats sttrreDded entirely and the ticVet in the state will be Bryan and TV'ation. ?iEW Yohk, The clearing house loan committee met today and ad journed without receiving applications for certificates. IfansaaCify Cnttle .Tlnrket. Kansas City. Light run in Texas division ; good market on cows. Deri-and for stockers and feeders gocd Arizona stock era; $2.30 (32.35 above 1000 pod ndi; Arizona feeders, $2 75 above 1000 pounds; N. M. steers, $2.40 2 70 above 1000 pounds ; N. M. cows 11.20 above G27 pounds. Keada Vyi and Xeuralgia cure-J by De. BIIBi.BN WLLS. Onecenf.adose." We shouldn't dare say, your money back if you don't like our "cheaper" teas. We should lose money ; everybod) would want money back. But we do say money bach on Schillings Best there is no better tea. Nobody wants moivey back; everybody wants more tea. Pure Japan tea no color ing, no jjypsum, no soap stone at quick grocers'. Also pure and money-backed: Schil ling's Bfsl coffee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts. A Schilling & Company San Francisco FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. GEO. C. aicGEE. Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA. Headquarter for visitor from Tomb ttone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept en hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. i DfiMAS1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE! A FULL LINK OF GROCERIES AND'PROVISIONS CIGARS, AND TOBACCO Constantly kept osfhaad. Patronage jolicite FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant- FAIBBAKK. AEIZOSA. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pro TABLES SOtPLlED WITH THE BEST -, OF E ERYTHING Charges reasonable Parties going from Tomb stont t Bisbee will have ample time (a dinner before tbe tarin arrive&XPisc. lie patronage is respectful I solicited. FAIBAIEICBnlE 1 V l a SVwl r- I, Ml tBIPT vWWI " IFAREUswnd trip). txgs: ISJT ISJS-T Z- "s- HI -ry- I sssssjBiwiasstwiaaJii Ji