Newspaper Page Text
4, J i irtwnii mmwi jii m ; jlk jS kWH !Tli ! II J"iftf ff t i 1 I ;- ! s 4. TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR FUBUSHJSp EVJJUYJEVSNUiQ 1 (6nxDiT xc&rnu) y-r Win. Hattich. Editor and Proprietor. AHbucrlpUua Kates. Oae Year flO 00 gii Months 6 00 TbreeMontbj 3 00 OaeMonth. 100 Delivered by Carriers for 35 oenU ptr week. CITY AND COUXTC OFFICIAL PAVER FREE COINAGE 16 to 1 -- -r-f For'Presideutand Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. (j.iuek which "We are unalterably 'We are unalterably opposed to the single opposed to every meas- raid standard we de orecaicuiaiea to aeoase oar currency or impair the credit of our coun try. We are therefore. mand the immediatr restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of cold and silver at opposed to the free the present legal ratio of 10 ta I. witiioul fealt coinage 01 sitter except by4s:ratts;sal are ment with the leading comraercial na'iou of the world, which we ies; for the aid or con sent or of icy other na tion. We demin d that the standard silver dol pkdse ourselves to nromote. and uatil such lar shall be a full Wa' tender, equally w th .agreement can be ob cold, for all debts, pub tained, me ensung gold standard must be preserved. Republic an lie or private, and favor such legislation as. will prevent the de cionetixation of any kind of legal- tender p attorn, St. uouis,unc IB, 1B90. money by private eon tract." Democratic platform, Chicago. Crocker's indorsement ot the Chi cago ticket means many voter for Bryan. The country is still anxiously wait ing to hear how the continuation of ths present currency sj stem is going to help the farmer. Did we have an international agree ment to democeiizs eiher in 1S73T Why call on other nationsjo help us undo what we did then without them? According to the estimate of the St, Louis Globe-Democrat, a goldbng journal of the class which does not in dulge in argument, preferring bold assertion and sneers, McKinley and Bryan get an even start. The states counted for the St. Louis pisiform cast 161 electoral roles while the stales counted for Bryan cast 159. The difference to begin with is only two rotes. As the aucceeful candidate must receive 224 votes, the balance may ba looked for in the doubtful list, cssting 127, and including, in the GIobe-Democral's opinion, such states as California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, MarylanJ, Mich iKJ, Minnesota, Oregon and West Virginia. The average free coinage advocate rests satisfied with this doubt ful Hat. I MAKE .MAN. ConsUaatl a n. UxImm Fall Uc inu tlons, Ncrvouf twl-cblnx al ta rf aa1 ct.r parts. 8'rejtl ro. lnrUorar ano ton., uw entlr sy.teio. Hnrdta -os l.), Ncr , irm. ul ! vlo ai rtire. rem. J a In the b' lam lf . . or pis' tn Vn dared fcr ih Latdiac dea USe ma at ssarop. iu4 Aaiertca. U idjras la orrlv reta- laVe-fludru atapa Trcms tarrn.a.or SM-oiscsarga la SOdar. Care L3ST umm. 9d a'tkl; UTII !, i "?'. ,9pW:SWW'' ,-.m..i IsfonteBST la fha Bri stac. It It a iynr-toia at antlDl wkiw-rf' M barreaae-a it caa (wypvu ua m u-j lir b u-a oi Modyaa. Tbanw Utromr watxoada brhPv-tl late of tue o4 faaima Halsa Madleal las t lata. II U tfca atrontrat vlt.lisar mat. It u Tarr roarla. tnrt harmi. lraa th et.n1 truta f-h.alifa, aaae TmnaU a naa icaln b ilor tlr Oallloralan remedy. Tun aDnl at it from tbar Hadaa Mnflrsl laiUmts wnt. for ( v. rursulan. otai for taf.iasanlal aad circular tne. HCaMSO HEBIC CC IKHT1X17TR autek'oa. Market and KUi bta. as raaaoaco. risHstals. 1 v J Tiifj m a orJliarr 2U- . SSSRSSSSB "" luteaator la sstiSBsBsf Ilia aoit woo- KzSBssl 4rfal dlveov- BH err -t ta . iHEH ltbatWuian- . ssKssassva SssHssssi WlMftfcf "r;.r vMlE?i- THE FUN OR THE MON? From tl e expression upon our friends face be is evidently hero for neither but as for us WE ARE HERE -JETO JpUH We are handling Which for easy and perfeqt washing cant' bebeat. Cottolene Cottolene - Xottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction "We have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pails JlC are well supplied with " " for use during this hot Boned Turkey, -Boned Chicken, Boast Turkey, Boast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups i in variety, French, Enelish and.encanlslackeral, in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and-Ham, Ham burger Eels in JeUy, Botonr Baked Beans plain or in t Tomato Sauce, .Ant? -many other Goods too numerous v to mention . Also in regular receipt 3on't Forzct that we are sols ents for Tombstone, and ricnity lor Cte & Morns seal Braid Coflee. I-Jl. ' 1 BssssLal "" issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssLf SssssssssssslisSSUSsssssssssssBa MconvS aLssssssssssssssssssssssssssssn r 'SssssssssssssBviW'-' .- . A - GEORGE '.a THE cobnfz on aixm Here For? 1: " prepared goods of all kinds weather consisting . of- of Holland Iainojirger and 'J"ri'T!''t T H. Fim Grocer, AND alien sieeee& PONYLOON,! J.A.K03KA Proprietor. Finest Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in. the Territory. - Ml VATJE .CLBI IIQIIS ATTACHE.. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies - - Brandies and' Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. f v You wit find "Al" t home, on AUrr. St; bet. Mh sm&.Sth. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BUIiOTTI, Propr. Choicest line ox Wines and Liquors. ' Import"1 i.-J Dome i tie Cigart, Courteous Attention toPairont. Allen, bet. 4th 4b 6th, 't'embscone Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. Ihe Finest and Best Pitted BUliara Parlors in the City Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Cory'unc- tum. Mixed Drinks a Speeialty. Private Club Booms. Allen, bet. 4th A Sth.Tombaton COMET SALOON GABLEVATO&PiW.Propr's, W)NES,LIQ1J0RS& CIGARS. Dealers' in BoarJfs Jrtjfc and Scotch Whisky, and Other Well Jfneten Brands. A Specialty made of best Clarets and Wines. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Crc'es Place in Town. Allen, bet. 6th& 7tbt Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HILL MABTIN COSTELLO &cni ior JnheuserJSiisch Jieer. is , LOCAL, DISEASE mm tm aw rasan cawa avaSaa rflntatic csssaaass' It aa ka carad bra plaaoat ramaAr which ssamtlad U- iaJly tatulta rxatrilc Ba- Qfitim Bain ksaksetasd t ba tta saoat tbccowb can fct KaaarCatanb. Oald la Ilaad and Hay Tewr af alt minlln Itoptmanddnnasataanmlraaaatas. aSafS paia and lnSsmma tacts taa SMmbraaa from (ttaca aad roan. PricasOcatDrncrltobTa.t jSt SKOTHXBS, M Warm Stnct, Hw Tadb ODD POISON 'frlaiarr.Saa a sfuraow hm. i.lTHIHai utn..c:..;jm fnraaMawi.a 11... i i "'"M ttnsafaftoaoaiaaiaaawiaaaW wparsvtnaSankB4BMalkk.i lnal - - - -- - m If", as altf bt dMaaa MM?sm!I aCsTssJak ?- win raanasocara. WasoUdttlMsacati ra-aiittsrarwfSra thaakUlaftlM SSSZ inhiHniiiilimUMi.i.. coojstiaau)T oar zr. UHL FOE SALE. A ten-stamp milt cosrLKTX. 6 poor, 3 set tins, an agitator, t voj S-foot (Liuliius!' coaoeD-hatori.'i"Ci36"Cdr!iiVEiln-, two boilers, all in rood workme enter. Buildjit nearly sew Can be moved as it s close to railroad. Mast be sold, and ca bribo.ibi;tor$a.eos aaab Addicta wvrunc oatce, Tssbcsssm Ari iTjsSssBsssssssssVV P2 SsssssssTsisssssI SsssssW ns lssssssssssssssssssssfa7a DRUG -STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. AC(Mieed3tckffare -aad Poll Line oi Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by,a Careful Competent and Experienced Trescriptionist. FineSticctiaa of MOTstNt.' " J PIONEER w ' BARBER SHOP, snanMBa- JOSEPH, I.IPPERT. Prop. Prop. in Firsts. Stepthirty Ntat, Clean i and 4 1' ! CtaMM Oritur. Class. Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting "done' in an Artistic Manner. The Oldest. ands3fest Favorably, Known Barber, ion. tket,CJttl , PaSima Call AUcm. fcf s4ttUi.TiBsslHitaai; CITY BABER-SHOP AMD Bath Rooms, J. B. MIANO, Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavinraod Sharnpooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Years of Practical Experience makes this Shaving Parlor a most Popular Resort. Attest, assr Cr aUh.Taa)tBe, TJSDKRTAKINO PlEIi,pF C B Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Robes. Etc From use Plainest to tbt Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Emhclmed by the latest Promts. Tile .National MajteiSmelter. A practical and simple method of mattinc solphide ore, such as ruckle, copper, gold and silver ores. In localities .where .lead ores .aad fuels are scarce and almost Unattainable, oar prntic, water jacket Matte Smelter has beat re coenltid ' ith hleblv 'saustactorr recu'ls. and has been fhoroughir tested, on various piratic, sulphide aad'arsenme'ores.'jn capantr of a to o tops per iday. , II IS. Ice most 'prctic cheapest and simplest 'method of cald and sll ore rnattins' and conceairaune Dial is known soda- ' i " - . ' c It requires CO cxtraordiaarv skill, no lead ores, no flaxing materiU, nC Ba fuel fit any kind for the y.oeltervaltJT it is'started, The sulphur ia the ore Is its natural fuel only, and its cost has na companion wttn any otner process 01 con cen tranor We are prepared to furnish any site or capac ity plant complete to substantial mining people, set it up aad furnish our men to ran it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE ft REDUCTION Co. J736 Cheltenham Avenue, Si Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle, Copper, Gold, SuVer and' Lead Ore iat-ty wraw.og Wjar1'nllL?,,9H,lfa! S? f paSpsikoaspw "ir mrQ 00123 $. " joore tropH ,o Msps7i pn v. nr,,,0 soioa tun jsoa m f Vl.j 'utmii:i trq oiswrrdma irao T an oj nir5l nrra 3 ,tV3. ppaaroi033 -icopiiii i"o j" "v "wu nir "a jCjia xi & '"S V3UA 03 Baarrxoyu XTi Xpaeaal errj ;o ajuata ;uia ir) artq oonp at laapujBs (.miuu iuiy a,ti; T jo PiCno 1 II'.-54 li jncuaa adanrja so tr 'ijownVi josdwa! bo Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court of the County of Cochise, lemtory of Arftna. ESTATE OF JAE L. BERRY, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersized ad sninijtrator of the eitate ot Jane L. Berry, de ceased, to th creditors of and all persona bav inr claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary Toucher, within four months after the first-pirhifcarfio of ths noooe. o the admtaistrator, at WOcox. m the countypt Cochise. , r-" --.- -i tv WI.U1AMM.R1WJS. Administrator of the-' estate of 'lane L. Berry, deceased. Dated July 14th. 189$. Consolidated National Bank. flacwi, Aritsw ' CswiUl Stock- - 950.000. OFFICERS. M. r. FKEEMAN. nMeaC " lss.iaftsavafatx,jJa tte UoteolStatca. Diawsbillsaf ezchastcotsa Etrnpcaa ddet, aad snake a specialty of tat-aJ wssmaisTisiiili.1 PIONEER .Carriage i V. HL. EIWLA 1VTJE1L. Prop. Corner Third an 1 Allen. Thelaxgend Best Equipped EstaHishment-of-JC KinJ in the Territory. -vw.s- Alliiids of Buggv,. Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promutlv Done. BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Bg$i Fi'dlities for Doing AH Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. JVone but First-class Workmen Employed. 'SATISFACTION M"Full assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. C. L. CUMMINGS. Wholesale and COR. 5TH AND FREMONT S1REET8. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI Femon bet. 7th and 8th. THE FOUBTH WARD BUTCHER The Choicest of Meats. SkiWidlT Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet Low Prices, Good TT eight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITED . TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT la General Use throughout the United States arid Europe, -d successfully comr injj with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet ot Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF L.AMDP JS.T-fiS Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OrniJK Ift MAfX BITII.DI3U. VoMH1TO.1i:, AKIZBH . IIOOHISE HOUSE. '" U Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streeta. ELEGANTLY FUJRIVISIIEO ROOMH ifssT" Visitors to this city will find the Cochisk a superior hotel sod 01 offering excellent accomoWaUons. 1 LARGE AXD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. " AIRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Central lyj-ocated, Large, Clean am Yell Vintilated Rooms. -v. Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made' Convenient lor Guests Special Rates to Parties bytheWa " or Month. Renqvated 7 htouehout. SAMPLE JIOOM FOR DRUMMERS. HOTEL ARLINGTON IRS. JL. AVJLlL.IAIvlSOlV, proprietress. rr TfiMRCTriNg. ARIZONA. INEyLY FURNISHED LARGE AIRY 1", ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- , This Farwite. Headquarters for Cctrunercjal Men l..uctntl betr nly ittc renovated and really furnished throughout with special icftrence 10 tie trat elm paWc Rooms easalu attd single. Prices Moderate. ETCirtMnt fiirsUlai.. Stuiiple xiMua for commerial &; HUHHili Blacksmith GUARANTEED. Retail Butcher, DAF.S0 Proprietress Il Mrs. S. GALL-EN, PtUV Fifth bet. Allen and Toog ,r.a, Tombfttrme, At lzo PARLOR FOR UVJL htoughout. RATES REASGA'JBl T, I A K. t-i $81 's-l rr ii x 1 w S rsaawsi. s: . rxga r 7: " aeWss