Newspaper Page Text
Jtl wWaitiBia, ri . . 1.1:1 !i J S5 a1 t F 'i sU rtgi The Prospector. AUGUST. 27 896 RAILROAD TIME. TABLES -KIZONA SOUTHKASrERN R. R. Worth 1 l r II 3 B COFpt Sua&v 1M 8.11 S.SO :M 03 TIM 1ABLX So . Julj M 1885. SUUotn ?2 J : d no 5.S 0 IM jj 0. I H.W Ar&SJ f 0," Dn Lolt '.II 11-4 r&rkud M rts.r wtr Tok aa.1 P.S A r lrbnk ... .Lt,'10 ,8 Lt FUrtnnk . '.Ar.lS.0 .Ji.U.AA.Crofcin(... ... Land ontontion .. . Bauon Ia 17.7 1S.7 .5 O Bovth Flirt unr Vxtpt M 3 (A 1 1 l. roo KM 11,10 n.o Pacific nr. uUisl Stop en ' ti!. In Waui, SaprrinteDdetit. SOUTHERN PAOHC R. fetft it.loaroj .ooar fi 9 a mi t.55pm 8.41 am' STATION'S.! ,...Bern , ..Tucson,. ..., ..Maricopa ... .....Yam ..Los Anteles ait Art 5 40 p in J 7.05 pm vio.5pn I 3 5 a m 1 i.oop ra 8a St, UmlU.1. cut" bound, Mooi.ji mat th ndijn S.19, Benon' 8nn S. Iiraitet'wcrt brinl, WedDefdarl in oitwUri, ICS Bcntoo y.-H' . i .. .i. agw . .. NEW MEXICO ARIZONA SVjIt STATIONS East .otpvn Lv ..... Bensan...... A '040A111 t,o ..... F5rhnV 1.00pm e.ooam ......Knctiuca..... x:.Topn l.4-a .... Crittenden .... lo-ioom m.Tarn .... CaUVwal .... 0.00 am 1.15pm Noealei ..... a.oam ally except ndr. Pictfii time. T. J. FSV Goners! MTe,er. A. NAUCt-E. L. II. At-BRB'HT. Vvtstv General Maaarer, Train MasW. MARICOPA PHOENIX R R. North STATIONS South to pmLr Piomx Ai iis 8.35 pm ......Tempe tsoam 9.00pm Kyrene 1155pm 9,35pm Sacaton 1330pm 0.45pm .....Marie pi. ... . 1310pm . H. Hoshelu Gn. Saw. LOCAL NOTES. (silver It quoted at CO -- Dr. OatT, surgeon. Beaton Physician and U Mn. J. Miller and daughter return ed to Bubee today on the special. Otto GeisenhofTer the genial BUbee caterer returned to the copper camp today. "The citizeni of Nogalei are going to petition the war department for the establishment of a military poit at that point. Considerable placer mining is bcing done in the Dot Cabez tnoimtaini and the miners are reported aa mak ing fair wa;es. The annual fall round-up by cattle owners of Sulphur Spring valley and vicinity, north of the S. P. railroad, will begin at Hooker'i Hot Springs on tho morning of Sept. 1st. sn The petrified body of an Indian gian tess who was probably buried 300 yeais or more ago, has just been dug up near Fort Scott, Kant., was bought for $1,000 for a museum. Quite a gang of hobos have been is Wiilcox during the past weeV. They are of the most worthless class and citizens should not encourage them to remain by feeding them. Wiilcox BUCKLIN'S AB5ICA SALVE. The best'jalve in tbe world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all slun eruptions and posi tively cures Files, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction or money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale ' Tomhione Drug Store Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair, ARIZONA'S CLIMATE Proseunced tbe Best in North America. The following from tbe Globs Silver Belt it true and to tb point. It should be afforded a wile circulation among eastern people, whose ideas of Arizoua are merely fathered, from such yarns as tbe "soldier" stoiy, quo ted by the Bell. The Belt says that Arizona has been much derided by eastern newspapers on accout of iu allt-ged swealleriug beat, and they have frequently grown facetious at our expense. Tim story ot the soldier whose terrestrial quarter when in the flesh were at Fort Yuuia and who up on pasting in hie checks was relegated to hader, and sect back for hie blan kets, fearing that he might freeze to death iu the nether world, has done service for many years and become a hoary chestnut, and since the recent torrid wave throughout tbe eastern states, it has ceaied to excite the risi bilities of tbe variest tyro. In every one of the cities east of the Mississippi the excessive heat of the past two weeks has been very destruc tive of human life. In New York city alone more than 500 persons died from the affects of heat in three days. Contrasted with the atmospheric conditions prevailing in Arizona dur ing lbs summer season every one til the eastern states as far north as Mich igan makes a very nntavoiable show ing for salubrity. In Arizona the air is so dry and evaporation so rapid that extreme temperatures cause but very little discomfort, and prostrations are almost unknown. A Phjsicianwho hai travelad all over tbe the world to investigate the effect of beat upon the human body io health and disease, gave it as his experience that the cli mate ol Ariz ma was superior to anv other section of North America. BAKING POWMR MOST PERFECT MADE- k pure Crape Citam of Tartar Powder. ftt feara Ammonia, Afcui or any other aduKersat a TEAKS THE STAMsMU Two JLfves vMl Mrs. PhoebsThom4 of Junction City III., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was -no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. "Ihos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching ennsump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturaily thankful. It is such results, of hich these are samples, that prove tbe wonderful efficacy of the, medicine in cqughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and liisbee drugstores. Regular size 50C and S1.00 The tax rate in Maricopa county is $2.21 per $100. In Pima county the rate Is $3.50. Thepostoffice department has or dered th? name of the posloffice at Carlisle, N. M., changed to Steeple R ck. The change takes place on the first of October. The bimetallic League meeting last night was largely attended and tbe secretary reported more money being ontributtd, swelling the fund to a re spectable figure. Next Wednesday evening District Attorney Swain is to be tbe orator of tbe evening on the silver question and a crowded house is looked for and assured. A numerously signed petition bss been forwarded to Gov. Franklin. from Preteott praying for the pardon of tbe Burton boy, now serving a term in Yuma for burglary. Burton's mother is in tbe 8istera' Hospital, tuffenng fruQi isrisss :J2ri"tined in a runaway team accident, and there are several small children dependent upon her. Two companies .of cavalry nnder command of Lieut Bullock arrived this p. m. and are located on the old base ball ground. There are about T5 soldiers and 15 Indian scouts. The troops are on their return to Ft. Grant from the line where they have ben hunting for revolutionary Ysquis who have escaped to this side Tbe Lieutenant states that nearly all tbe troops have been ordered to their posts the trouble having subsided. The troops leave here tomorrow for Ft. Grant via Dragoon. They made the trip from Ft. Huacbuca bere t,dy. A press dispatch printed two werks go aaid K. it, Clark, formerly of Glen Falls, and a companion had peruhed on tbe Mobave desert in Arizona. A letter received by Herace Ball of Phe- nix, threw some donbt n the truth of the report. The letter was from J. A. Gallup, secretary'of tbe Masonic lodge at Pomona, Cal. Mr. Gallop said a report was Pomona that . M. Clark bad read njs own obituary while sojourning in Texas, principally ia 1 Paso. It is now definitely known that Clark is alive and well and did jt perkb oa the Mohave deeert. The Bryan-Sewall club t Phenix invited Mark Smith to be present at their ratification. Mark mo I his re grets and owing to the illness of ids wife could not attend. Tbe followiur is bis letter, Uon.T. . Farish, ohairman ratificf- lion committee, Phenix .Arizona. Los Axgei.Es, Aug. 22. My dear sir and friend: It is with regret that I inform you and my Arizona friends o! my inability to be present at your ratiticttiun meeting next Monday night. It would afford me great pleasure to be among tbe sturdy de mocracy of Arizona and lend my humble ability to the cause of Bryaa and Sewall, but tho dangerous illness of my wife precludes the possibility of my prertttncft. Pbyticiaue bold cut the hope of her recovery, but my du'y Id a patient, loving, wife keeps me at her bedsie. The moneyed power of :bn nation is fighting its life's battle Ilanna and his Wall street cohorts ar utilizing the wealth filched from the toilers of the nation to forge further chains for labor, but before this ag gregation of greed and plunder is pit ted the yoemary ol tbe republic, and in this free country, law and order. and justice invariably prevails. With best wishes for the democracy of the nation and Arizona, I remain yours to command. Mahk A. Smith Free Pills. Send your address to H. . Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A tna will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are panic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Tombstone and liisbee druggists. RAILROAD EXTENSION. Probably Work will Begin Within Six Months. According to the Star, no recent in formation has been given out on tbe subject of the extension of the Gila Yalley, Globe asd Northern railroad, but there is a feeling along the line that within the next six months tbe road will be pushing its way across the San Carlos reservation, Captain Myers, of Sao Carlos, says that tbe complications which stopped the road at Geronimo may be easily and quickly removed. An accident connected with tbe late establishment of apostoCce at Geron imo indicate that the tail road com pany does not intend to allow that desert station to remain tbe northern terminus of tbe line very long. The pretent contract with the government for carrying tbe. mails provide! for service only as far as Fort Thomas. Since the new office was established aud the station agent at Geronimo was appointed postmaster, Geronimo mail baa been seot on to tbe terminus but the railway mail agextt'bas not accompanied it. All mail for San Carlos and Globe is forwarded directly from Fort Thomas, The railroad company was asked by the government to submit a bid for tbe extension of tbe service to Geronimo. President Garland replied that tbe line was r abort that it was hardly worth while but that tbe company would carry the mails for nothing. 8 . the service between Fort Thomaa and Geronimo aa well aa the postofice at the latter place costs tbe govern ment nothing. It is inferred IbaPlhe generosity, of the railroad company is inspired by the knewledge that it will soon be able to offer a bid oa a larger toute. FEARFUL SHOCK H.M. Willis Narrowlv Escapes Death front Lightning. FOB OTKB FIFTY VEABI, An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Window's Soothing Syrup baa beea used for over fifty years by millions 01 mothers lor their ehildrea while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothe me child, sol tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and U the best remely for diarrhoea. It ia pleasant to this taste. Hold hr itnimnii evtry part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Ite valae is incalcu lable. Be sore and ask for Mrs. Win slow'a Soothing Syrup, asd take 00 other kind. A recommendation for the pardon of Oscar Rogers, tbe train robber aa- der sentence of death, has beea receiv ed at the governor's office. The paper is signed by Judges Hawkins, Souse and Beth one aad the district at torney.ef Pinal county. H. M. Willi, the young attorney of Pbeufx, su s the Republican, narrowly missed beiog jerked benoe to the hap py bunting ground during a thunder storm. Willis lives on Center street near. Judge Aintwon'tf, and during the progress of tbe Uurm yesterday morn ing was standing near a window look ing into the rear yard. He had )ust teoped over to pick up his spectacles when a sudden flash almost blinded him. Simultaneously there was a loud roar like a fire of musketry. Willis threw his hands to bis face to bide the awful glare and felt himseli propelled backwards until bis flight was stopped by coming in contact with a door leading to a bedroom just fourteen feet from where he was stand ing when tbe lightning struck. He was uninjured, save tbe breath was knocked out of bim by bis violsnt contact with the door. Tbe shock to bis nervous system was sueh that be never fully recovered himself all day. The lightning struck viitbin fifty feet of the bouse, attracted no doubt by a roll of barred wire. After strik ing the earth it was deflected and knocaed a few sbingles from the roof of Judge Ainsworth'a house. The bole made by the bolt in the earth is about a foot in diamet- r and Willis says when it struck the dirt was thrown ten feet in the air. ta Olden) lmt-. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and Wtfre satisfied with trancieut action ; but now that it is generally kuOwn that Syrup of Fie will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well informed people will not buy other lax atives, whtrh act for a time, but finally injure the system. J l'Utl.1 1 Y BKl'OKVH. IACATIJH. Arizona Mine Chiricahua District 3. Sullivan, Mogul Mine, Apache Pass Diatrict, C. Gardner, S. S. Gage, Z.Taylor. It is well known that the average doctor does not like these traveling physicians who lecture and stll medi cines on the street, but generally they make no open figbt against them. Recently at Clifton Dr. Hotfler con cluded to break up a, lecturer's meet ing. He waited till the lectuer got hu crowd interested, then ha opered a barrel of beer on the next corner and invited evry one to come over and help thems- Ives. It was Weeks before the lecturer recovered. Lordtburg Libspal. Against the Law in Japan to make or sell adul terated or colored tea. But the American tea-merchants in Japan are not sub ject to Japanese laws, and they export almost nothing but falsely-colored and adulterated tea we put in "almost" be cause maybe they do export some pure tea; we are not sure. The Japanese, however, sell .and want to sell nothing but pure tea; and Schilling's Best comes to us direct from the growers. We roast it here to have it fresh. All other tea is roasted outside of America. Schillings Best at your grocer's, and he pays your money back if you want it Also pure and money-backed: Schil ling's &es coffee, baking-powder, soda, apices, and flavoring extracts. A Schilling cV Cfmanjf SanFrancUf PROCLAMATION. TuRWTORY OF AHtZOXA ) Eykcutiv Ofkick. J By national authority tbe first Mon day in September, tbe seventh day in the month, is detlgnated as a legal holiday, to be known and celebrated as Labor day. This is but a just and proper recog nition of the great agency that has caused our country to stand first among the nations ot fie world. .Every ship that rides upon the sea, all of the great armaments of our sea coast, all of the grand highways of commerce that traverse our country, all the graudeur of our cities, all of onr splendid architectural develop ment, are monuments of labor. In no country of tbe world has labor been more fullv recognized aud honored than In ours. Among its other grand aohi'vementa It has been tbe minion of oar country to enuotile and dignity labor, and no people of ntir republic more fully sympathize with the hope and aspirations of the workmen than the people of our territory. Now, therefore,! BeujaminJ. Frank lin, Governor of the Territory ot Ari zona, by virtue of the powr and au thority in me vested, do hereby pror claim Monday, tbe seventh day of Sep tember, A. D, 1896, a holiday and I do recommend and request that all places of business and offices be elosed on that day, and that he people of cur territory join in a universal ob servance thereof. In witnesa whereof, I have hereunto at my hand and cutd the great seal of tbi territory to be here- seal. untoafHxed,thisnineteenth day of Aueust, A, D. 1896. Done at Vhcenix, the capital, thi nineteenth riy of August, A. D. 1890. By lh Governor, BTRJVMIN J. FRANKLIN. CHABLE8 M. BETE. Secretary of State. erricc or LACRWCLL'a DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. DURHAM, H. C Mtrcbts lottl Dear Sir: You are entitled to receive FREE from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP wit all the BlackweLVs Genuine Durham Smoking TobaCCO you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or a oz., pacicngrs. J 7 We have notified every whole- sale dealer In the United States that we will supply them with :oap Co give you FREE- Order a good supply of aENUlNE DURHAM at once, aad Insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FR E E with each pound you buy. Soap la mTiS. frr x !!?! w rtVr to-day. Yo&rs very truly, A I di Aisrufm 1 e miDUsmM ' I TOBACCO TOBACCO COMPANY. If yon hava stay dlfflcnrty la procarlaf yanr oap. cat ot ski ostlca aad sand It with ywar order ta aar wtwtasal dotcr. r sssw OUTA! vr fr . P. B. WARNEKROS, CLOSING His Mammoth Stock Of Hats - , Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements WU BE SOLD AT COST. ill CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW PIONEER STORE, COBNEB 5IH 4 FfEMONT STBEETS. JDTSJkJLm'. W, RttlfuJly SvUcil .The Trade oj All Reside T Cochise County. No Trouble io Show Goods, cill aU Convince Yourselj of TJie GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS' AND RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAGON COVERS BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP Agent for nirxorsD Auucu .tubal in rLUtxani, an cixizxaixd TTOBUnt WISDMIIXS. i ..4 r ova asd W4 ecd C as aat- nJ f JOS. HOELFER PROR We Mean Business. .Ajaci IrVirL' SeH At A SACRIFICE. GIVE USA CALL , IT' i L-f m 1 HfJI .Sa - I 1 7 iisv C ( i I r mm y.J I- if ! IIIW Mil ." -a,c- " JXf'-C r?"