Newspaper Page Text
miH 111 il mi n t TOMBSTONE JBROBPECTOR PUBLISHED. EVERY EVENING 3 (SoxdjlT Excvnxp) "it " k WavMicu, Editor and Proprietor. One Year Six Months Thx Month. Oh Moata.. i . . . . . . ...... $10 00 600 SOO :..T."-roo Wliat fire We Here For? 1P0NY' SALOON,! i Delivered bj Garrien for 25 oeaU m week.''" CITT'ASD CODNTY OFFICliLPAPER FREE COINAGE 16 to l ibbbbbbbw ' Ml 3 t. A jn-c r t ,aa-KSLr- SLy If f IBIl t J . A. K.OSKA Proprietor. finest Sfocfc o Wine; Liquor and " " "Cigar in the Territory. PRIVATE CLU5 ROOMS ATTACHED.- Best, and. Purest Brtnds.of Whiskies. Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand., You wil find "Al" at home, on Alter. St. bet. 4th and 6tk.- For President and Silver: W. J. TJRYAN, of Nebraska. For yice-President., ARTHUR SEWALL; Maine. VXDER WHICH ft lag: "We are unalterably 3 We are unalterably opposed to every meas- arecaicuuiea to atnuc ocrcurrency or Impair the crertit oi our coun- rt. v are therefore. opposed to the free ooinaje-of 'silver except .by international agree ment wun inc icauunt commercial nations of tho world, which e pledge ourselves to rjromote. and aatil such agreement fcan be ob tained. tiie eiistine or private; and we gold standard must be ipened td the single id standard. We ds- mand-the immediate!' rcstenuioa oi mn itcc and iniiunhcd 'UNiia of cold and silver at the present legal ratio 1 to to z. without wait' lnz for the aidTdrcon' sent cr of Soy btber na-li uon. w e aemaa a inat. the standard silver dol lar shall be a full lee a' tender, . equally 'with roid, lorauoeDU. puo lie THE FUN OR THE MON?. ' From the expression upon our friend face lie ig. evidently here for neither but as for us WE ARE HERE FOE '-BOTH. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr. i a Choicest line oi Wines and Liquors. m 1 Imported and Domestic 'Cigar, Cavrtteut Attention to Patron. ' Allen, bet. 4th & 5tb. Tenibstone DRUG -STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pare and Fresh Drua and Med i -cines" ok Hand. - '. M, JUne of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a' Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine Selection of" NOTIONS. TOJLETCO'OQS; PERFUMES We are handling .- t-a ' i favor- such Initiation preserved. Republican will -prevent the de- uatforn.St, Louis. June monetizanoQ ot any 13. ioa. kind 01 lfgu tender monerty private con tract; Democratic platform, Cbicaf o. Tbe letter published in another column from the pen of Judge Eielly it wall worthy of pen uial. He dear ly elucidaUs hit fuhject from .the ou- t by ,f cta and thowt the rteady ttgetofthe plutocrats, power and reign which bat brought about our nations bondage and thraldom to tratily the money tbarkt. It should be read kjelL ...,-, r -; I-: it j i- fr-) jpitvisriv: soap Which for easy-, and perfect washing "cant' he beat. Cottolene Cottolene- Cottolene. That perfection for shortening i Billiard Parlors, J.'N. BrcDONOUGH, Prop. Ihe Fineit and Bat Htted Billiard Parlor in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Table in Conjunc- v . tion. Mixed Brink a Sperialty. Private Club Boom. Allen, bet. 4th & Otb.Tombaton PIONEER w BARBER SHOP; JOSEPH ilPPkRT. Prop, ' Everything Seat, Clean and in ISrtt Clatt Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Hatrcutttag done in an Artistic Manner. -f PIONI Carriage I Blacksmith A. II. I3IV IVTJEr Prop. Corner Third an.l Allen. The largest 'and Best Equipped Estarlishment of its '"" w..i.j. v .. Tiiirnnano. "o f 'fw IS To Mining Men; The PBOsrECTOK is always desirous ef gtvinK full and reliable newt of the mining industry f Cocbiso county, we will consider it a favor If those interested, or who are in position, would from time to timt end in full reports to this office. This will ne dbubvattracf alien tion to your immediate' distrietand naturally re nit in tbe exploration of the mineral deposits by capitalists. "Send in your item", wbether. they are few or many. BDCKLIN'S ABHTGA. SALVE. The best'salve in the world for cu's bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped Jbands; chilblains, corns", and " 'alI"sktn"efup!Ions ar.d'posi tivelr cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to. give peefecT stis a faction or money - refunded.-" Prices 50 cents per box. For sale at Tomb tone Drugstore ' I MAKE MAN. a " i- e 1 -' - - .n o'fftii .. giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pails llff are well supplied with prepared goods of all kinds " for use during this hot weather consisting of Boned Turkey Boned Chicken, Roast TnrkeyHot Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English andAmencan Mackerel- Brook Trout in either Tomato or Deviled JTurkey, in cans, Mustard Chicken, sauces, Tongue, and Eam,!ETlni- ' burger Eels in Jelly, Boston COMET SALOON t .j-. GARLEVATO PALA, Propr's, WINES,L1QU0RSXCIGARS. Dealer in Boar? Irih.and Scotch Whitley, and Other Well Knovm , Brand. A Specialty made of beit Claret and IFtrws. Biiliard P'arlcr in Connnection and the Cedes Place in Town. 'I , . ' Allen, bet. OJb&.7 tli, Tombstone The Oldett and Most Favorably Known Barber on the ' Coast. Pay Him a CalV. IthJtSth.Xoiwrwtowe CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, . J. B. MTANO, Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavine and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class yar of Practical Experience muke thi Shaving Parlor a most Popular Resort. Allen, sear Cor. Slh.Torabntone, All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Fromutlv Done. BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. ' Best Facilities for Doing All Kindsof Repairing in Wood and Iron. None Du First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. f Full assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. wmsmam v S t ST. LOUIS . TJSDEKTIKINO PjLRIOKB OF C. B. Tarbell Coffinst Caskets. Robes. Etc. From tbe Plainest to the Finest Made, O. L. CUM MINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. STH AND FREMONT 81 KEETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL :n lllBBntfflfr?kktas9JaiftlliCaE wdtaarr It HH nrfiS lalmort won? BBO.' tt" ' V "" lTbVwrn.n-V WtTaB- c" "' '' toned It th' ) MMrpirta, iMdia aclca- aM . Btranjtkeni. tits mb ot BQftH ' '"Tlrorat lairrfcs. " 4 aH:rr-"Ur '? 004 2rfsa BaVBBLMKBIUan4 ! Hm limthum V rftarea weaV Cam r KraMavlP Ik twek .J- lH-now mk.: K" lUtfr5?SaM 'l-e, t tb. a i?eVat;'.i WaeiwnH of tfc-J4.IaMij Jo Jim: su. It totn awcHirrtt TltJir .- i pow!iVot-Jrat.'';Uiifi rr2 tretitol Bflib,aVeJPor!I.5tainbr Mtas CalllornUm tvaitdf." YB can car iK ft Jr..m tt If odsotv, Hfccl Imrtltnt 'wiUfif'ir'nlarf. a4tor MtlnItU tat elrnrtart r. SflnMN XCDICAI. JIHaVrrrBTB. Motkw. VtAtt aa4 KUat Wa, ttji yaaBcmty CalMtralt Baked Beans plain Tomato Sauce, An n " .trt.. . , many other Goods too numerous' to mention. Also in regular receipt of Holland, JJmDurger and American Cheese. -...... . . . t '.l V TV . i ' Jon't Forgo: that we aYevscle ents ,or 'Tombstone and" vicnity for ....-. I Chase k Sanborn Brai Ji Cole AaiaHHHIII 1 " V k bbbbbbVo'SSMbbbbbW'- T- BBBBBBKasE SraiTjiaBBBBBBW V ' aBBWl92aV4BBBBBBT 'JBBBBBBbM -SSnafyBBBBBr 1 ' "bbbbbb2x&.bbbbbTL ' " iBBBBBBBNffE&ABBBBBBk. bbbbbbt2Ep95bbbbbbb1 r i -- BBBBmX-9AkBBBBBBBBl j I PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBr1' fp 1bP, v , t " u GEORGE K. FITTS- . . 1 L "THE' Grocer, fc'USW,PS Of'aWIH iB iLBW S1REEES. ' iT BBBB"-5 ll V MARTIN COSTELLO 'AfifntJor &ri1ieiiserBusc Beer. CATARRH r ... I -LOCAL DISEASE I aaa b Ike ntaHafetiaa aaa aaaataicliawlil caaaats. !iSUaK?&:fSi! E5i ncaVlata tba boatrtla. B- latakl7 atitorotdu gtvea nuaiatoscB, Bt's Cream Balm ' t , . . Ilk IV. mtsmt ,lui.iiuh "XaaslCatarrhVCoid In Head aad Hay Tent t all raaaawa. iiopenaapgciaii.a.c3iy,a.i., am pata. and ianammatka, baatt tha aerca, aro. aMaBtanasibraiwrnmcoIaa.KUKtaaaeBat jftaaaaadimelU PriceSOcatDniKzUUorbyBuiL fit SBOTBEBS, M Warren Btnet, Hew lot. aVs!CtJ(BaUaV BBw?Tra raarnfftB U7a nf J H JM Ma fVU IbSVA aW Buar bbbbbbbbVKX 0DDP0IS0H .-x.r": 'ia Forwia nMw.nMMw la It to2&4ra- Ton WCi??2 . 'parrattnaitfaraaiBtaetaiaUBMae a laU to aaaa. 1 roa haww mm. Z ' JP'vtVa cotaah,. anl aun bava aebaa ant BanMKaaaTMahaBlaDJoatii.8eW1rluiS arIaBrablaBBl .a . A , JT"""w r wina Wivant oawj MISOI wbnaraa! aafa aatat IBarnt; caaaa and cxtaBan-tlia) mrii W f!S 'if. ??? eur,- Tbtadlfaaaaaaaalwan yasJMBqtttiBBnoataiatoantaiKS: ataaa. NaM eanttal ta)t oar aaeoaS auwinwniianint MILL FOE SALE! A'ten-iuiip mill ct)i:rMtTB,'6 pan, 3 serv tlrrs, an agitator, two 1 8-foot revotvinir concen trators, 16x36 Corlis enjine. two boilers, all bi rood workine crrler. Bcildinr nearly aw Can be moved ash s clow to railroad. Must be sold, and csta be bo.-gbtfor jS.aoo csrk Address losrccica cc. TwnUteae Ati The Columbia Iron CatkeU kept Coc ttantly in stock. Bodie Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Procet. The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of mattinz sulphide ores, such as ruckle, coprer, cold and silver ores. In localities 'where lead o-esapd fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our prritic. water jacket Matte Smelter has been re cognized with highly satisfactory results, and haj been" thoroughly tested)On' various pyratic, sulphide and arsenide ores, in caparity of 3 to t tons It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of gold and silver ore .matting and csncestratisg lhit is known today It requires no extrao-dinary skill, no lend ores, no fluxing material.'anG' no fuel of any kind for the smelter alter it is started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural fuel only, and its cost has na' comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity.pUnt complete to substantial mining people, setit up and furnish our men to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. J736 Cheltenham Avenue, St. 1-ouis. Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nkkle. Copper, Geld, Silver and Lead O.e Jai-iy Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna ' Pickled Trip Choice. Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutlers. Free Delivery to all parts of the City., Your patronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI Femon bet.7Ui and 8th. THE EOUElH WARD BUTOHEB TJie Choicest of Meats. Skillfull' Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITED . sttrao 03 'aotx Jlaip aTomfm"Xir joit Lmziiat oa aututuoo ytre qarsivo .101 am paSpyjuoajpa "atjj si crrtji. xwsuj 9,1x3. "J TtJt 'nxapiii'tjaintri) tor .jiarrnao jossvj ioo j - r3ssf5 a. k fu"jy!M;ii a pn j qxv jo; aina ear -jaocfaariY,, 'jaamajajs sin; eiiirmlu. irss j " s'm oj ni!st raeaJ.") s,a'i3 papaammooaz Tjokshj iiio j "t ppn nir "?C "i4ia X MS. 'S a3wi 93 8aaHioau xrra Xpantaz air) J siuaci jvoi3 etrt !! liomap i lnaptnas (tna tuaaio- IH) 'aing J.i XH pou rpunjeo jcindcxr ?ora 9tr 10 parmn oq H!-' 'I"!0 nojoa8 sdiort to q-nu 'ao van 1 sdtaoat no Xtiuuiod?o Jabi'sr 1'IX Notice to Creditors'. In the Probate Court of the County of Cochise. Territory of Araona. " ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRY, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undeisiged ad ministrator of the eMate ot Jane L. Berry, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary voucher",, within four months alter the first publication of this notice. J the administrator, at WiEcox, in tbe-count Tcf.Cochie. - t .. fc rJ , - h-j- -z JrV'JI.LIAM-Nt,WOGS, Administrator of the estate of fane-L. Eezry, .deceased. Dated Inly 14th, 1896V Consolidated National Bank. OfTeetaa, A r !. CaniUI Stock - . - $50,000. OFFICERS. , it. P. FREEMAN. Presfclent; , W. C DAVIJi, ViceiPresMett. " H. a.TESNEVflCashiei ' Issoes.drafu available a anr point ia the United Sutes. Draws biHsof exchange oat a Etaroacaa cWet, sod mabes a specialty ofaf t.wmauaaiti o iavduteli. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMA.1T Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS L.IGH'l In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, ,.d successfully come ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF LAIVJOP. M2.TS Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFICR 1.T BA!K ItfTII.IHXJ. TOVBHTOnB, ARKO I, IIOCHISE HOUSE. I MRS. A. ih&yjso Proprietress Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELE&A3VTI1.Y FURNISHED ROOII1M 0F" .Vititori to this city will find the Cochisk a auperior hotel'end ot. offering excellent accomodation. A LiSE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE R00H POR COMMERCIAL ME All Modem Coaveniences. Rates Moderate; SAN d,QSE HOUSE. ,, .MRS, F: J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean am 'WelfVintilated Rooms. 3V Si Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made Convenient tor Guests' Special Rates to Parties bylbeW or Month. RenovatedThrooghout. SAMPLE BOOM TOR BBVMMERS. RA TEH REASOSABl Mrs. S. GiALL'EN Pi up Fifth bet. Allen and Toug .tu. , r. Torabstoae, - Atizoh PARLOR FOR (ill HOTEL ARLINGTON. AIRS. A.. VVJLX-iLAJVlSOlV, PrbprietreH. TOMRSTONE. ARIZONA -1 NEVLY FURNISHED LARGE AIRV --1 ; JR003IS. BEST' ACCOMMODATION- 3jt"?f: This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmaiercial Men hai rec rtl ' rn nwlt C tie renovated and neatly furnished throughout witbspecial reference to the ira eli pubBc. Roosas easuite sad single. Prices Moderate. Eery thing fiirfit-chvjat- Saatplc xocms for comraerial v.e: n VW -. f v 1 t TLi h ' 3-- &rsi S2Kj it, aaaii f lani atpatt y ".