Newspaper Page Text
"" ''liWlMMftfciriMitif - t -rrsr rjy-. nr g? 9ftv "fffitririmiin i . -yr&z ij.TcaJvx fj? riTHiirt nirtiii h ?! o i'ifi 1 BBS FRII ft I i i i& y r Lr ! I J FAULK" af 0-1-' Livery and Feed Stables, BEST TUHSOUT3 ' I THE CITY. At re Viable rales, and on 1 short notice. The patrol tp of the public is respect fully Vwted and satisfaction" guaranteed QRIFFITU ADAH, Proprieton. Bibbbe, Arizona. Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GtBSEUHOFFEK, Prop Finest Restiunnt fa Bisbee. Private Rooms (or families or for private parties. fresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. Tlie tablesuvvlied with ihe best the market afford THEO.T.IETZ, Pioneer Ma Worts. Soda water. Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. LaUtt improved machinery, and none but the very best of matereals erer xued. BUb, - - Anions. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE UANOFACTtlSKK OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Made to order on Short , Kotie-e. A full line ot , GENERAL MERCHANDISE ConstanJy on hand. Consistingof Boot. Shoes SUrts, Underwear, and Gents Furnishing Gxiis A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place tn Bisbee quality ot goods considered. F. M. MoKAY a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISHC AND BOURBON WHISKIES, Arvd.tho best brands of Cigars. IcelCoid Beer on Draught. " -& 3 ' - "OZUBk BOOMS ATTACHED. 3; plsuant, social time, and coortns Irot , jkut, call on McKay. Bisbee. Anasna. BISBEE DAIRY. ' Ben Franks Propi, POKE, FKCstll 3IIX.K Di!ftredtoall parts of the city every tfiisj st the lowest market piice. lOur patronage lolicited, Satufaetion v Guaranteed. ,; L?ie orders with Union Market. A. O-IW. OUEEN LOD3K No. every Satordar evening' IX MEETS Visiting broth. - erscoraiiuyinTOea. . Xswabo BAt Recorder. H. C Fasik. rinanaer. If. 8CHMIEDINU, IKWE' ERAND DENTIST. ALLKINDS L-( dental nd jewelry work in all branches fperfo-m-l with neatneiss and dispatch. Ortcti. BlsUee atd Tcaibstone. "iSr? iW.tFARSlMTOK. DENTIST. ' -I J'All w k in IbeJiaeof .0-ntJstry;tone tn a irufssJon-aVmiaarraiidiatfaUrioo eTttrant -ed. hMiat.errTejMaablev. Official ibarer fldinj Jr C:;A.' OVERLOOK. sJNlON MARKETNDBAKfcRY ' Brcueiy. fa'enue, tosbee Arizona, 8hBeetanL Mutton, PorhVetc.:alsotiailt Portland Cornedllieet. AlLkinrfjqfS'uiszgexlwa'JsJ on'.hano. - - rsth Bread I1cs and Cakes evrry dw n thin" in the jmktrv ma1 ""' " nc . . . . . NELSON ' THE TAILOR, Leads tie Fashion I.X NTREKT.IIWBKE. BISBEE v Steam - Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. All kinds t laundry work den. with ceataess and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE. Deliver wagon collects and distributes erlc Give them atrial. all GHO. DREYSPRING. - - Manager OM With Marks & Wittig barber shop. Visit MarVey's Studio or up to date, diss photography. high CRAYONS, INK. PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet outride competition I will mike yea a high class life tut Cravon for $3.00. A od enlargement can be made from card. abinet or tin-type Ul-PEK Main street, Bisbee, Aritona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all 'kinds re ceived daily. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all puts of town, so per cent off for cash. 91. JsKUIGOVICII. DUBACHER & M01IE1M, Brewery Gulcli, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly oh Hand. Our Bar is Sctp , plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. v.' Q. MBDiaoyidH,. Wholsale and Retail Dealc In Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQUORS, WINES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA CAITTO -.. D8ALBH IN DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED" FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED - i . ; LIQUORS AND CIGARS, , EGG8; BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE de SADSAGE8 Also Dealer ia Wood. h?H v bt FINE PHOTOS Cneap Casl . . l NEWS l i n Daily Happenings at the1 .Great Copper Camp. Budget 01 lntei-estiac IteM froM our Rfgttiar Cor-" resMBdent.-, . . Bisbkk, August, 27 1896 COPFKBtSOt.- Mrt. Millar and children rs turned froat a abort Wlp to Torabilon. Mita Alaca Brady rtturn4 from Toabston whar iba has ban rutting for'idtne week past The outward travel on the train this morning amounted to almost nothing, but quite a number ot persona came ia this evening, T. H. Jonea returned from Califor nia, He ''left bjsjaroily there, how ever, and does aot azpeot them back for a month or so. Otto Gtieeaboffer also, returned from hi trip to Tombstone. He doai not look any the wOrre f rem the effect of his herculean attempt to aatoh the train the other morning. Mis Edith Stow and her mother returned from a two month' vacatien in Southern California and the e atd. They spent most of tha time at Long Beach and thoroughly enjoyed teem telver. They both look the picture of health and think they can stand off the, Bisbee climate for another year. In our artielin regard to the Bisbee bicycle crsi a few day since'we took time by this forelock aud elated tha't in oar opinion the fad wa about . Wegur tha people roast be trying to how u that wa don't known any thing about it by the, way they are' turningrout now in tbe evenineThe arriTal ot a number of nieenev wheals' at Blackburn', shop may have bad quit a,with.theJteslj start butataayrale our ayoung folk, are still at it. ItisTayery nice pastime to take a spin down the road dunag he leng evenings and, a tha boy hare about" etopped racing tipTind down the mainVtreet, we are pleased to see so many eajoying themseWee. For the benefit oftb'ose stilf unposted, w will state that a number ef goad wheel ar always on, Black burn'. ,: ' J -' - Ia several article printed in this column during. thajast few day. wo have endeavored to ebow that certain artieles TarimUd abeut u ia lastTSat- tirday'j uro . wsrejcaitogemer jneor-- reel and Have alo aaaaa .a W .for jour (ust share of tha Bisbee patrorsaga accordin g tb eur notion. Tfej on tonr part are the aiterret where it is. presided that .our, mead on the OrbjiUaT skill "actgo ssy'fsr th.r. tThyr SiUisxlji -ssds, a!ish mistake in regard to db last weak, but we bslievewe'.have fully esonora ted ounelve and are . willing, to ".overlook the metUrjHwwevar, .hould any further assertioat of the klad be made In regard to V, we hope our friend ... fr: rr .. r - j..iL.f.., ,i-u. Will IOOE M IIBIU III M HUUUHUI ItKUk until we have a cbaiire to be heard on the (object. With- all due. reapect le the Orb, we silently await their fur -her action. Bine of the ladies of the Weed men's auxitiarv here are rtrj muoh provoked over the action of a certain person of tha aez usually denoted 'a aan. The wretch ia question had the audacity te Uke'up a position near the Biabee Rink last Thursday even ing and to ll-Un to all the procse dtnge f their lodge rneeting. This fiowver was aot oMoBt;but be mut'alsv disc Vase their most secret lodge tnaU ten to others partiM ad aleoT.'akf fun at their asethod. Aceordisfte) the ladie' oatmoa 'the peron7 'who doe not deserve to b called a nn should be tarred and feathered and escorted oat ef tow on "rail. It U only a personal regard for fa! t family which reatraiaa certain partite froiv laying vieleat band sa bias and we araastlye41arth-te)atlawirq'ai5-Tra """" ' Ksbee,A.T. ain at boaa,ia JHtnx. JJ -aayetL.. tbe nHwa!orgattlj(5f -jgpL amd dyaasmtte maeeitiee aver snavena lise be wfll awely b blows late kiag dataMMie.MaBwtTeataw. Leek 1 . - QUEEN and MANSION J, LODGING HOUtlE AS.LETSON,Pro. Clean beds, well ventillattd airy rooms. Charges 'reasonable. This well known house is centrally located, and convenient to the railroad depot, and is head quarters for the traveling pubJ lie. ' Patronage solic ited and satisfac tion guaran teed. B1SUEE. ARIZONA. STLOUISBEERHALL . BISBEE,, ARIZ . SHATTUCK & KEATING. Proprietors. Agents for Anhtmer-Butch Brewing Attociation. WhoUtale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT PALACE Lodging House. URS. XROS. "WALKER. Prop. When visitintf Bisbee don't fail to go to the Falace. Rooms large Ughl and airy Well famished rooms, Centrally and Conveni ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates ReassnaUe. C. W. BLACKBURN. Th KrfBiDroTor"White t-t-ruz Uacnui k KW af All. HoM6-iSStiBii Wan mwt tcrau byfl. W. BLVCKBMRX.O K Street, Ail MacUA Undine, tall Undi) w , c: .3. -No tan Public and Conveyancer. jr - t r - Miners Exchange Main Street Bisbee". w. c; SMITH & CO. Choicest of Wines. Liquors ana . ,-v Gigarsm Every courtesy and accommodation extended Sa Ipatiom, Heading and Carp Room Attached. FAILING MANHOOD 6eaeraLadJserYoai . Debility. Wrakn bf Body and -Vltod. Kaectr-ot-KiTora or Ezccwecln Old or Xoa'-x. 1 to fciutr-Nolle IahUol f uljy Restored. II ow IW fcnUrrvaod Mtrensthm Weak. Un 1 developed Portions of , falliD noma Treatment. L-lkCu In a dar. fan teatifr from BO State and Foreisa Ooaatrlea. Send for Descriptive Book. ex. ' jlissenm aad peuufs. maUedrtasalsd) free. uiiniArioi-fftii, h.y. -mjXQTICE' TO'ALLCWHOMSIT MAT CONCERN. '.Notice is erby given, that certain mmiag claims ca led the lam mea, aiciiinry-ana rar ageajsitiss'ledm.'the Warren mining district, and about one-half nuV north-easterly from tbe Hotbik)v6&tngJ works,, and ahout the same dists-WftiBD the town of Bisbee, A. T. ist As tbe above ssfined claims werr not located ia conformity with the U. S mining law, there fore, a second party, at a Liter datr, relocated tbe- same in full conformity with the above tamed laws, "and Is fully determined to protect Ms rights. Therefore, all pa sons 'are cao ticaed act to bargain for, buy or lease the alave aasaed e"". i.9; MAnaun. iirWo, Thi "of Ids "Fair Testa mm hiking pewO wmp-ttomm a ggggggeTajajajajajajaw aMBSgaaagajpji .aaaaaaH.'at?' BavBLaH lgggB t kaaVaBiaH '' H agUgaaaB r. r fiHggaLi22JtiAg fgggggflggggggggaeau 'BBBaweHfiiBWeBmaVerfttxri 4 v 9ay' Mk'NOfiILEr' Dealer in Fruits,Nuts.Candies, rMh FraiU Riceived Daily from California. Carries the Best Line of CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ever Broaght to Toabstoiie. poultry, E$gs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Bland. Fifth St. next to Postoffioe. FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Detcriptim, Call an WM. D. MONMONIER, Oppotite Maton Doree. Carriea a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Wiadow glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc Price the -Lowest Allen St. Bet Fourthf Fifth O.K. Li very Stable Full Line of Liven TKANUIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvecbin Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Or ders bu mail or teh raph receives vromvt atten tion.' TERM SUMREASOMAILY LOW. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Prop. i V. VICKERS Fremont Street, lombstone, Aruona. Real Estate, Mines Monev. Cattle ond In-surancer-. KEAL ESTATE Boaffht.old rented MINESBought sold m mated. , HONEY Loans negotiated and 'ia vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer rd r. INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Life, prompt Attention Given CoUeetiim. SUMMONS. la the Distric" Court first Judisiil distrl.a ol the remtonrofArixooainandfor thefCoaaty ofCoehi A.It,COIXINSJ plainuft. vs. ADDIE L. COLLINS, defendant. Action broaght in tbe DistrictConrt cf the first jadidaldUalct of the Territory of Arizona in and for the Coantr of Corhisr, and the corn plaint filed ia the said County of Cochise, in tbe See ofthc.CJerlr of said .District Court. The Territory of ."Aruona "sends greeting to rome l, ixiina. Yes grsLl'ltj -k l?1''!!' o anpear in an action-hvtmeht against yoa by the above named plaintir in tbe District Court of tbe fast judicial district of the Territory of Aritona, is- sd fbethe: Coantr of OccWse.. and ) to 'ansa sr the complaint filed therein within ten, 1 da vsf exclusive Of the dar'of service) 'after the servtee'oa yoa Of this sirmmom, (if served with.-: in this county or if served out of tnis coaaty, put V-ithii thirty days;) or judgment by default will be urea against yotl according 'to the prayer 'ViSTriAmlAnr I .A 9"i r.." , The said actwojs hrooghc to 1 obtain a . decree of di o'ree front ths bonds of matrimony. t Given uader myjiand and the" seal ol the Dis trict Cecrt it1 Flrst1udieial"District of .the .Territiiryef AanA-""inndlforthe county of Cochise.. Jhls dday of June in the year VI (u et-Hea vuc tuwuaauwi ais hmuimhs w nroetr six; vr I T o ' . '.., .. , SCOTJ WHITE. A HEktANWU-'- -l ) . avrputj voters. !. NOTICE. is Z-iAi CT, & 1r txl Rexistr tiom' lef .Electors fr I CocbIm Cadty, The' following "issslatian Jwas acaaissomsljr, passed at a meeting of the board of tapetvisora of Cochise coanty Arisoaa, held April 7th, Jte. ' ' .-i 'lj'- n'' ' f 1 Resolved, That; there be, fcadris ereby ordered to be made, betweeu-tb 30th day of April and the 13th amy of October, a registration of the electors of Cochise coanty, and that the C3eTk'cstneBardba'tamtedto bsvrabeva brder advertised once a week for, a period 01 four'montts,' aerx after trst day6n4ay."i9Hi ; --Vl'-l -W,"ATrftRWOODll sbax.1 CleraM tbBoerd C5wpsrliars ' Tsietatnes laay 1. aaVS. as-w t. Asa compliment to our many patrons nd the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : -f1rffRlft-J, Life-Size Ciayon Portrait '7E$$0fr' There is not a family but possesses some picture ot Father, Mother, Brothe'r or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FHAIME. The portrait Company nas made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own styh. OUR PLAN Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five 1 :ents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of coat, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLCOTT DealerZin Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED SToCK OF HARDWARE AN?) TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. F. & Go's. Exp. FARE TO OR FROW FAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 r, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAQGAG of PMiingerx'JUlivered to Office in the city free of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. JOHN HANLEY. PROPRIETOR Pure, Eresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered daih' tool parts of the city, u 10 -1'' Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, lOcts, Seduction is made for larger quantities il OSice is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. TrsT"- Arsoilanei V -" W V VSAMUM Anheusery Li'emps. - ' GjVLI'.thetrade suppXibd AXHJJE' TZAJLL.? AeDt; ' - TOCHOV, ARIXOVt Battled Weiland Beer fuinisheel to families in lunibston by JOS. HOEFLER OYSTER A-IaLElS St. 13ESTTV3EE1V 4tli-.AJNJL 5 th Firt-Cl8g',AVreals Best of Attention; Everything in Season BOARD. PER WEEK...! $7.00 JL I SV JiSZi .......................... t. ...... ...... ....... 1VV Ol IN 2mjXU - M Hi A I jo..,.....wm........m... .............. Ov Dinners' tor Special Ocrastens a' Specislty. Try a MesI at this, Popular Resor" ' FirU-Class Ceoks only Employed. Acccmmodations for Families. a CCMB, Proprletsr. eawawawaaaawaawaaaaaaaaaawaaaawmaawaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaBaawaaa .CAN CAN RESTAURANT COJKJW JEIaW. krKJHC aE KTiHiar The Ol'deit' and" Best Known"Restaurant inr Southwestern .' Arizona., Good Mealsat all nourg. FRESH OYSTERS ANDIGAME IN SEASOM The Best the Market Affords Faaaily Vnknce onth;F( Bannuets a Specially. V to all parts of the City. & STAGE CO LAGER! PARLORS. .Always-Served to our Patrons l t n wtrt. R XI V 1 1 1 J X-jx, 3ft;