Newspaper Page Text
TTrmumi owtmi taitavwiia.aBaiSSieEaarsa f r r J. U 1 n ! !'" t ri-f IZA ! i 1 The Prospector. AUGUST 23 896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES - IZONA A SOUTHEASTERN R. R. ?2 sUrtfa 1 M TIM TVBLt Ho t. SaU : s I S E Flrrt Station - llljr dalhr VxreH huada .l sa t 14 l. 100 0. BUW .....Ar '&SJ ,.,Dm Lul. 1.1 ....Ftokud kt. 11 a.. W..L. MA 4 O 73T LIS :st S3 :li os fa.': : frv.-. ,. ChvlwUa .j....J e. .?!-.... F trbtnk ... .LrilSO rVr.CI.V ...Falrbuik.. ....ArlS.0 .Jf. It. & A. Croais(...Ltr.T 15 3 . Land 111.7 It Si onttntfou., ,.Buon... .... .l lactic .tint. Flf stUloEa. Stop en a'cntU. BaxWiuuM, BuixriatrnSttit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. Rut STATIONS.! ut ii.loara ,'4.90IO . . Benn ..... ..Tucson ..Mancpa ... ...Aura...... ..Los Anjdei Ar 5.40 pm 755pm jam 10.05 p in IMiPH 3 as am 1 oop m X.4J "' 9m Stt, Limited, cart" bound, Monitri tad Tk rliy t,U, Baii' 8ua Srt, fitl' cit Iwuni, Wtdneslar a aatardaj-s, 4.44 BMoai ,-v..c' '"JJJ:iw NEW MEXICO ARIZONA eit STATISSJ East &aapn Uv Bnvtan Ar O 40 am J,50m ramnn ..... t oop in .oaro Hmcnucx.,... 13. to pre IO.MPO taoarr .... Oittendn .... aj7tm .... cana"j .... 0.00 am t.o 1 m I.igpm aoyi ally except Sandar. Piafie time. J. J. Fair General Maaa?er. A. Nauot-s. L. H. Albscht. Anlste Ger.eral Manarer. Train Mastr. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. .North South I o pm I.35 p m t-T Pionti ., .Tempe .. .... .Kyrene.. iKaton.. Mane jpa. ...Ar ajooa ra t aoam i5Spm ra -opm 13 10 p ra 9 opm 9,ajpm 4SPn TU. II. Hosshill, Gen. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. ' sliver is quoted at CO Dr. Gaff, Beaton Physician and surgeon, tl W. De H. Washington the well and favorable known Pearcite ia paying Tombstone a visit. P. A. Lofgreen waa up today from St. David after soma materials for the linking o! his artesion mell. . Charles Ovtrlock, the hustling batcher is over from the copper camp and is greeted ay his legion of friends. Mr. H. Hatslwood, Mrs. Dan HudJy and children and Miss Ethel Robert son arrived today lrom Pesrce on a viail to f tiendsT" A. Schilling A Co., den't expect you to thank them for selling you better tea; but they do expect you to buy Schilling's Best until a better turns up. A report was current today froaa Pearce that Leonard Herupeeib, a Tombstone boy, had been hart by a bucket falling on his besd. No fur ther particulars were received. " n Another ssi2istT on record. Rev. Tbos. UtmII of Denver, referring to the statement of an opponent, said : 'That's the biggest lie ever told by any man oat of bell." What is getting into these ministers, anyway? e A well known authority claims that there are now employed in tho state of California 18,000 miners. Tbfsis 4,000 mere than was employed In 1894. Previeus to the suspension of hydrin!;c mining it was generally conceded that at least 24,000 miuers were employed withia the state. Awarded Highest Honor World's Pair, DR. vwcfx CREa4M BAKING PWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE. A Swc Crape Creaai of Tartar Powder. Fat mm mameaa, Alun or any olaer atk " & TSABS im STAJWUV Sii 1 1ya mmamiJiiiiii THE H0NE8T DOLLAR OF The, Plutocats. What Does it Mean? Uow Did it Cone? T0U8TONE, August 27, 1897. Editor Pkosfector When I v. at iu Bibe about ten days ao I met an old fiiemt, a man of more than average education and intellit;, nho i peared to be very much surprised that I bad bedme a Populitt.auJIo etroue terms bemoaned the possible tlectku of W. J. Bryan to the office of presi dent of the Uaited Stat', and the coasequent triumph of what becalloJ populittio heresies, end aid : '! hti- you will get all you want (uieauiog the election of Bryan, free coinage, etc.) and thenjoa will see 4 years of iuch stagnation, distress and sufftring that the p op!e will rite up and drive out Of politics all these modern dem agogs and cranks with their heresies and fads." These are not his ex.ot words, but I think I give bis meaaing fairly and moderately. Now, it appears to me that this gen man, whether from his early training or from the reading of gold-bug liter ature, has imbivcd false notion that no dollar can be honeat except a gold dollar, or a paper dollar purpoiting to hae gold behind it to redeem it when called for and, as it also appears to me, that this gentleman and other of bis kiud, are honest In expretasd couyiotioci, I think it becomes me to state for their their benefit my views i this so-called "honest dollar" and my reasons therefor. SOME HISTORY. In 18C1 at the break eut of the war, cengress by tot authorized the enlist ment of 90 days volunteers, belietlng that sufficient to suppress the rebel lion, and also authorized the treasury io issue one hundred million dollras in treasury notes (tome say more some lesi, but the amount is aot material) to be a legal tendtr for all demands public and private. These treasury notes were never discounted though there was no gold to redeem thm nor any expectation of redemption in gold or silver, and they could not be dis counted because they were as good as gold in payment of eustoaas duties, internal revenue and taxes, and all men were glad to get them. About this time all, or nearly all gold and silver had disappeared from circulation and been hoarded by the banks, with the expectation of con trolling the curreuey and all b'liiuess; but soon the banks found that their gold ad silver was lying idle on their handr, as nobody needed it, treasury notes being good enough for all other people. Tbeu it was that the money ehangsrs of London with their agents in New York and other cities of Amer ica seeing that a continuous issue of these treasury notes would stop their profits and curtail their power, be elegtd congress with whttle battalli os of lobbyist?, male and female, and rbetber by persuasion or bribery, or both, I cars not, persuaded that body that the treasury must have gold to suppress the rebellion. The old story "Try wbal you please, but tbete is nothing like leather." So the next issue and all issues of treasury notes contained the joker "excepting duties on imports and inUrsst on the na tional debt" from its legal tender qualities. This of neoea.JJy cre:Ud a dssssnd for gold and silver eoia as an import ers must have it to pay duties and the treasury must have it to pay interest, and thereby gave the money changers the power to reduce the treasury note to a discount of from 95 to 34 cents on the dollar as measured in coin. Thus the treasury had ta issue bonds payable in coin, and the money chan gers bought the treasury notes), called greenbacks) at the discount men tioned, probsbly averaging 50 ets. on the dollar, and then got another act of congress paved by the same means authorizing the treasury to issue bonds, dallar for dollar, payable in coia to redeem these SO cent dollars, So that by this thimble ring gametbey got ooe hundred dollars in bonds for very fifty dollars paid, and oa all these bonds, except these redeemed, they have already drawn over thirty years interest at aa average of 6 to 7 per cent, making nearly two hundred dwllara ia interest for every fifty dol lars paid out. Bat that was not enough, it was barely enough to what the appetite of the S.ivlocks, and they again lobbied,' persuaded and perhaps bribed, andjgot another lawpsssed allowing tbess to deposit thee same interest bearing boads ia the national treasury and to draw ikertea 9 tor eaeb 4108 f bonds; the national bank rote to he lent out to the people at 8 te 18 per coat per annum, for about thirty years, an avenge of about 12 per otnl. per annum, or more than $320 for for each $50 first paid out. Makiiik all tcld $&30 In interest paid iu coin for every f 50 in cein paid out, and they still have the one Lundred dollar bond wliioh they want paid in gold alone, though the bond calls fer U. S. coin, wbich wa at the date of the bond goM and ilvcr. And this was net all the prtGt of the money changers, for of all the National Bank notes thus Usu'd and loaned out by the ban Is a considerable amount, some my more than one per cent per year, but at lcut one-half of one per oent. u burned uf'worn out, rotted or oth eiwisw destioj ed, aud the banks lave all the benefit o( this loss, making at lease fla more on eaeh elVU; a grand total of 9&J3 at least in in terest and lds profit on this f 00 tent to the nation in it's so-called seed.- , Again these cormorants were not sati.fied tor in 1873 they again .lob bied, and I btlieve bribed, fori eannot believe that all the members o! both houses of congress were ignorant ef the effect "f the law, tbongh a'l except a few who were on the inside, were deceived, and got- the law passed de monetizing silver, thereby depreciat ing all products ef the people of Amerioa. which were the only means of paying the interest on these bonds and the only hope of finally redeem ing tham, without issuing more bonds; and this is the '-honest dollar" that eur treasury is now paying interest on in gold alone and issuing more bonds to get the gold. New, if weoonsult statistics, we find that the bended indebtedness of the U. 3., including states, territores, mu nicipal and private corporations Is more than forty billions ef dollars bearing interest, averaging 5 per cent or two billions per year; in plainer wordi", two thousand millions per year for interest alone. Now, a, the press nt lira, states, ter ritories municipalities and railroads and other corporations are annually issuiDg more Londs, through inability to pay tiii great interest oharge, and even the U. S. in the last three jears baa '.curd 502 millions of bonds to pay iu share of that interest between 40 and 50 millions annually. Now, Mr.MHoaest Dollar" man, with wheat at 50 cts., oats and corn at 5 to 10, and cotton 5 to 7 cents, and all othsr products of the industry and en ergy ol seventy millions of people at a corresponding price, when will we sue ceed in paying this debt? How loDg will we be able to pay the inUrtst without.iuuing more bonds, orimpoi ing excessive taxes on a people already tax ridden? The bond holder can answei these questions thus: He don't waa t these bonds paid. Ha ast wants the Inter est, no more, and it we can't pay when any set of bonds become due be only wants a refunding act issue new bondr so that he and bis childrsn and children' children can keep you, your children and children's childrsn in industrial slavery for untold gensr") ations. So that thsy and theirs may live in royal state on the sweat of yeur brow and that of your descendants. Friend, -'Honest Dollar" man, do you want IhisT Are you one of those fcho, being well to do. say the present system will last for nsy life and after me let the deluge come? ' Respectfolly, Jamxj Skilly. O. H. Filts has just received srasw typewriter. It is a small machine of seat design and new model of latest patent. The next thing in order is a hit and handsome typewriter to ma nipulate the keys. The Tombstone girls sbonld'aot overlook this oppor tunity and apply for the positiea. Drr G.u4us' today received a letter frena Kansas CUy which wives an-en-cou raging out look for silver is that section. Armour who has been en deavoring to coerce bis employee into Inn gold standard theory by unfair method is acting as a boomerang on the millionaire packer, the laber or ganizations eamesse have deneunced bis procedure and a general boycott baa been instituted. As aa evidence of the intense fseliag already exhibited it is cited that at date of writing 20 carloads of packed tneete bad beea re turned or countermanded by merch ants on account ef the boycott. M, D. Scribsler also received a letter from a life long republican of Saa Francisco and be reluctantly concedee the elec tion of Bryan ia the Golden State, the enthusiasm beiag overwhelmingly fer the people's standard bearer. These are but straws showing bow the silver eealimeat ie sweepiag tUal wave 4KertbeessMitry. EXPLODED. A Report of the Robbers Beiatr ia the Dragoons. The Star has an account of several suspicious characters smsrgiog from the Dragoons and takes the circum stance to be a suspicion that they are the Nogales bank robbers. From last accounts of the pursuit it is not pos sible that these are the robbers and the account may mislead many. Following is thu item : P. B. Yates, of the Wells Fargo who came iu yesterday from the east, says that day before yesterday four or five mounted stranger cams out ol the Dragoon mountains on the north side. There is a suspicion that they are the Nogales bank robbers and there is some apprehension that an attempt will be made ou a railroad train. The read through that part of the country offers greater faeifitlra to train robbers than any ether seolien along the Hue the only disadvantage being that it would have to be a daylight ro'.bsry. The Nogales rubbers are supposed to have gone into Mexico and the sheriff's posses tailored in that direc tion. The country toward which the pur suers were headd is so remote from telegraph or mail stations that it is not thought a messenger would have been sent back until ths robbers were taken or the pursuit abandoned. Last biht the soldier boys had possession of the town. They bad re ceived their pay at Fort Huaehuca juat tefore leaving on their homeward trip to Fort Graut, and most of it was put ia circulation in Tombstone. Ol the 75 men in both companies, nearly half were most beautifully jagged. This morning however all were on band when the bugte sounded for their onward march, but it was plain that many in the ranks thought ''things are not what they seem" wear ing a dejected look and making numerous assaults ea their water can teens. Tbey go from here to Dragoon camping there tonight. The boney crop so far reported through our railroad companies is simply enormous. The M.A P. re pot la fifteen carload?, and the S. F. P. A P. six oars," 'amounting in , rounds figures, estimating 27,000 pounds te the ear, to f67,000 pound. In the course of a few years this industry, in this valley, will crawl up to colossal proportions. Pbeaix HearlJ. r orricc .aUtCKWELL'S DUNHAM 1 Tom Huts Wb Retail TOBACCO. offered for a limited lime, ao orser t to-day. - Yours very tnrly, BLACKWELL'S . DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. ? Niksssss U raa kavaaar dMBcaHyraprocarlacr'"' oap, cat eat. till aattca aaC Mad It with jraar wear aa nmr wtaoUaal Carter. PIONEER COBNER 5TH A FEEMONT STREETS. DEALER. I3NT -i-M- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS' AND RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAGON COVERS' BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP Agent for lMrTKYXDAUMCULTUUI. IH n aad r ewei asC leldSKcdoe JOS. HOELFER PROP. There is a full money's-worth in every package of Schilling's Best tea; but the little book in the package is worth even mora to you if you do not know how to make lea exactly right. The difference between tea made exactly right and not made exactly right is greater than we dare to say you wouldn't believe it. We will send the book to you (free) if you ask for it; but you'd better have the tea too quick grocers sell it (money-back tea). Schilling's Set coffee, soda, baking powder, spices, and flavoring extracts are also good in their way and money backed. AScMUinz & Company San Francitct PROCLAMATION. TURTTOKY OF AXIZOH A. i Eyecutivk OtWCK By national authority the first Mon day in September, the seeuih day in the month, is designated as a legal holiday, to be known and celebrated as Labor day. This is but a just and proper recog nition of tbti great agency that ha caused our country to stand first among the nation of the world. .Kvery ship that rides upon the sea, all of the treat armaments of our sea coast, all of the grand highways of commerce that traterse our country, all the grandeur of our cities, all of osr splendid arotiiteotural develop ment, are monuments of labor. In no country of the world ha labor beeu more fully recognized and honored than In our. Among its other grand achievements It has been the mission of oar country to snnoDle and dignity labor, and nO people ot our republic more fully sympathize with the hopes and aspirations of the workmen then the people of our territory. Now, therefore,! Benjamin J. Frank lin, Governor of the Territory of Ari zona, by virtue of the power and au thority in me vested, do hereby pro claim Monday, lb seventh day of Sep tember. A. D, 1896, a holiday and I do recommend aud request that all place of busintsa and offices be closed on that day, and that hepsople of cur territory pin iu a universal ob aarvance thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto et my hand and caueed the great seal of this territory to be here- siauJ unto affixed, this nineteenth day of August, A, D.1896. Done at Phcenix, the capital, this nineteenth day of August, A. D.1896. By the Governor, BENJAMIN J. FRANKLIN. CHARLK8 M. BRUrx. Secretary of State. Or. aluea' Nam PlaaUr tSa. at all draasMa. or TOBACCO COMPANV. DURHAM, N. C Dear Sir: You are entitled to receive PR EE from your holesale dealer. WHITE STAR SOAP wit all the BlackwelTi Genuine Dmliam Smoking TobaCGO yon buy. One bar et aoaa Free wlus each pouad, whether 16 ox., 8 ox., 4 ox., or a ox., packages. - .- We have aottfletJ every whoto- cafe dealer ia the Uaited States that we wW sssppty them with soap to give yon FR EE. Order a good apply of aENUlNE DURHAM at eace, aad insist on getUagr year soap. Oiie bar of Soap free with each oojtntt toss buv. Soaa la IHMMIIlM ST0RE, PLMrra, m cxxxasUTXO TURBUn WIICDMIUJ. I P. B. WARNEKROS. CLOSING His Mammoth Stock Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL WLL BE SOLD AT COST. CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Iiespeclfully Solicit Tht Trade of All Residents 0 '. Cochise Co-urUy. JVb Trouble to Show Go.!. Cat7ai"ul Convince Yourselr of The ' -- We Mean And -Willf Sell a.1 A SACRIFICE. Gm USA CALL OUT! Business.; viSfc ( 7" - i n & 'W. 25- 31 - k. R P.-V ' sr I &r . . 1 . -wlr "rti. V "'-- - ? tVv-I r 1 h 11 limmmutmlmimvtui mmmmmmmmmim'mmwspi'3