Newspaper Page Text
riMWMMMkMKftM " .frrffifflffifflsivvv m ,n . KjffiAlteitoeMMMptiMj jjj - ' . HB B" .1 L. r"" "i - T "T I" I 1 -V I!' II r w- a. . jr lnj j ff Wi - PS kkV 1 & . :; vcjL 1c I Iff . , -J r.'4' W srft - .if ,. t-M r.?iV' V f4ean!r-utor TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR. 1 I J. OUR WATCHWORD "COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. A.RIZONA MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 31. 1896. No 2c: El lip T HR iH r!OL Prospector Mty Mtl:..unty Official Paper. HUBUSHEP EVERY EVENINO (,KCrT8CMAY.) BY R'b. Hattich Editor aid lrtpriftor. Vrciuatst t . Opposite Cltylfall Tkk Pxesreci o will not. hold itself respoa. tMt tui any of "th- articles or sentimrcts ! -sjiesied by anvof in correspoadeats ' ;nteted in the Tombstone Vcond Class matw. Postoffice as PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES RE1LLY. ATTORNEY AND Cvanscler a t Law. Land and Mining , , cases a sprcnlty. Tombstone Anion. M. a STAFHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law 2nd Notary Public, Tombstone, Aruooa. hi EKR1NG & HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Lav. Ctfice on Toughnut Street, between Second and ard Third, opposite the Conn House. "(a EO. W. SWAIN, ATTORNEY AT- La, wui practice in au courts 01 me Territory, fombstone, Arixona. ! S. CLARK, ATTORNEY AND COlfN. I seta-at (.aw. Office on Fourth Street. T rjctw&ra -Allen and Tcughn. Torab- .rtooa. Will practice in all the coo of the Territory. CHARLES GRANVILLE JOHNSTON. 1 Attortev and Counsellor at Law and Not try Public, aa 7 Fremont street bet. tin ind 5th str-ets. Aiixruberef the tiarot tUe viprcme Court of tht remtory, and ill r ic:cc is any of the courts therein. B ERTHA. HLRKING. TiTEWRITER asd N.t-uy PubUc. Toughnui Street, Tcanhstoae. Amori. A WENT WORTH. COUNTY RE coTder an 1 Abstract .Omce. Abstract of title to real estate and mines fum-aru-d promptly and acarately. Complete tran. acrpts. Cfiice in Court House. Tombstoae, a E. ALVORD, 1USTICE OF THE PeacK Oice on Allen St: bet. 3d & 4th. Tombstone. L KOSKA. J UaTlCE OF THE PEACE. k OrTice on 4th St. bet. Allen and Touhnut. Tombstone. HS, GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 1 i urgeon: Office adjoining his residence "n fth street, Ca3s attended afJJlhours day and 'might. FC. EARLE. ASSAYER AND META lapcal Laboratory. oce No 319. Fremont St. opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS- F. & A M. KING SOLOM'N LODGE NO. 5, meets th rd Saturday in each month. VUitme lirothrts cordully invited 1 at teaa. W, M..J H HcPHERSON. A.L.GRO.V tec'ty a. a. 31 tijd We-aescUy in each month Vis- itin Companions corcaaiiy invirew 10 at eud. TOM LOWRY. ii. P- A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. P. O. 8. cf A. W ASHINGTON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday erenin; la eacn monta. vis iting Comrades cordially umted. I. W. tliAKrv, re'uenu iZ L. GROW, Secretary. A. O. U. "W. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. meet 1st and jd Thursday in each month Visiting brothe 'cordially in ,ti. riOBT. BEST. M. W. W. D Kotvomu, Recorder. k. or p. A'RIZirlA LODGE' KNIGHTS OF V Pythias. No. 4., meets every 1st awl i M oral jts m each B.orjth. Visiting brothers ITrdiifly invited A. H. EMANUEL, CC V. D MONMONIER K. of & SlOTFCTlON HOE COMPANY NO. 3. .T rrets First Sunday in each month et their brae use on the corner of Seventh and Fre au v streets, opposite the school bouse. WM. GARKETT Foreman, TOM SMITH S-cretary. R" ESCUE ItOdE COMPA.NY MEEIS First Sunday m each month at City IUL Fremortstfe-t. LV.V1CKERS. ..VlENTWOKTlI.Sir. Pie ldtnt. 7 I. n. Mcdonough. Foreuua. PISCINE COMPANY NO. , MEETS 'j last Su&tl.y iu each month, at hose be, en t"ae corner ot ro-ignnnt and 5th streets JO-EPH LIPPERT. Foreman. JsKRYDlNKEK. ecretary nivxoiv WATER WORKS F CALVES, Trop. Waiir i'w Bartvi, - 25 Ceste W'.-trer. rr Bucket - 5 Cents. 'ccuy Rates by the Month Leave orJers with avion, or at th S. M. BARROW 450 and 452 Ml It II 1 1 THE DRY GOODS 535 Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Style8Dsigns, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large " and welL selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S FINISH DEPARTMENT A Specialty is made of this Department and the "price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, VNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYSVILLE AND OREGON VNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROiT $10 AND UPWARD. -BAT AND SHOE DEPAHTMENTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other iamous Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham k Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. IN GRBCKERY. BAiffAI AND SADDLED! DEPAfiTMENTS A full stock is carried consisting of, Crockery, Out; Grltiss,' Fancy OYipw. Canvass Tents, Wagon Covers, iMatraseki. Eversrtldzig at Lowest- Easts in Prices. i -c- St M. BARROW ALLEJV ST, DEPARTMENT THE 13. ardwaro, Tinware, CrTUlS, JPiStOlM, Ca-tridsres Etxj a.raesBt (Saddles. . purs4rr t,ff v"' Do you know what tea tastes like ? Most Americans don't. They drink what the Japanese leave for us Americans tough . leaves, weighted, painted, and roasted, by " enterprising," "wide-awake," "smart" Amer ican tea-shippers not in Japan for their health. That isn't tea that's tough leaves and gypsum and Prus sian Blue (poison). 5 Tea is the first pick from the finest plants, roasted in San Francisco, fresh Schilling's Best. You can spoil even Schil lings Best by poor making; so we give simple directions in every package. Quick grocers sell it. Also pure and money-backed: Schil ling's SescoSec, bakin-poa'der, soda, pices, and flavoring; extracts. A Schilling & Company San Francisc0 DEMOCRATS. ATTENTION. A meeting of the democratic couaty central committee is herrby callid to take pHce at the county court house on September 8th, IS96, at the hour of two o'clock p. at. for the pu-pese of .selecting delegates to the territorial conven tidn: The arranging of piimaries and date of county convention, appointing of offi-ets of primaries, rd the transaction of all such other business as shall properly come b-fore the cora m ttee. A full attendance is much .desired, as Ibis mil likely be the last meeting ot the present committee. ALLEN R. ENGLISH. Chairman. County Central Committte. Dated Aug-6-1896. PRIMARY ELECTION. Satordat. September 19, 1896. The voters of the Peoples' prty of Cochise county will hereby take notice that the date far holding primary elections for election of delegates to attend the county convention which will he held in Bisbee at. the call of -.the Peoples' party Central CommiUeeand published in the news papers cf the county lias been set for the 19th day f September, 1896. The fol lowing is the apportionment of delegates from each precinct: Bisbee, 7; Tombstone, 4; Pearce, a; Wilcox, s; Hereford, t; Millets Canyon. 1: FortUuachuca. 1; Haachuca Siding 1; West Huachuca. s; Fairbank, 1; St. David, t; B?nson. 1; Tres Almas, 1; Poors Ranch, t; Kussdlnlle, 1; Dos Cabezas. 1; Tension, 1; San Simon, i;Qrannock. 1; Taylor's Ranch, 1; Galeyvile. t;San Bernardino, 1. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiatmg'a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor oi John Gates, and endorsed by me, as same has been paid, and I hold Mr. Gates' receipt, bald paper has been last. T. B. CHATT4 AN, Pearce, Aug, I7, 1896. ")T anted An agent in every section la cant T T vas, J4 to Js a day maoe; sells at sunt, also a man to sell staple ?oods to dealers, bes ide line. $75 a month. Salary or large romnus; sion made: experience unnecessary Fur sealed partlcclars send stamp. Chfton Soap &-Mana-facturini; Company. Cincinnati. Ohio A 4TED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewall and Free Silver" ! authorise by Sryas sr-.ttcs by R. L. Mrtcalf. CUlIOr UQUDA WCT1U nCI&M MpUIQlCU 3IUUKr by Bryan, contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents: a free silver mine for work ers; only St.50; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit given; freight paid; outfit free, Bein now with choice of territory; permanent, profi table work for '96. Adlress The National Book Concern, Star building, Chicago. ai W. O. ABBOTT, PRICES' FOR ASSAYING: ToMBsroxr, A.T. Gold. Slver .-. . t.ot . X.OO . . zoo Gold and Sliver, ens sample Gold, Silver and lead, one sample. Ocpper.. -S Siha x.50 Manganese r.50 Ume..... x.50 Iron x.50 Tlac. 100 Officeandjtesidence Overlock House. GUM MAXEY, Allen St near 3d, (Old Custom House) VEGETABLES, FBUITS, 10TAT0E8 ONIONS, ETC I Frttk California Jruh received every day I by trptttt. Everything told mi loweaf rales. Good deUtertd rat la jmtt . Ko4e KwIea. Horts Kodeo will commence on tb San Ralaet ranch on the lit of 8p- tenber. Cattle rod en will commimr on tha lath of September. Weather permitting, the O 0 0 and Bigg round-tip will begin at Sulphur 8pringy.WedQadaj-, August 26ih. -N !! aesBn m Saa Pedro Bound-up Aieocialioo will commence work 00 September 10', beginning at the the Wakefield place. The annual fall round-up by cattle owners of Sulphur Spring valley and vicinity, north of the S. P. railroad, wiU begin at Hooker' Hot Springe on tbe"rnorning of Sept. 11. The general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Valley will commence work on September 7th from tha old W. B, Taylor ranch. tf. Two Lives Hawed. Mrs. Phoebe Thomat of Junction City 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Hi. King's "t Discovery cured ber and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturaily thankful. It is such results, ef which these are samples. that prove the wonderful efficacy of the, medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drugstores. Regular size ;oc. and $1.00 Piano for sale. A seven octave square piano, rosewood case, sweet toned and in good repair. Price $100; includ ing stool. Inquire at this office. Gladness Comes 1 1 7ith a. better understsndinr oi the transient nature of the many phys ical Uls, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant effort rightly directed. There iaicomfort In the knowledge, that ac many forms f iyb-n. are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascnt iedy nrwl eTerywhere esteemed so highly by all whovalne gooa neaim. us oencuau Sects are due to the fact, that It Is tna on remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organa on which it acta. It is therefore all important, in order to get ita bene ficial effecta, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, suirl the avstem Is recrular. laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, on ran-r b commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need ot a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is moat largely sed and gives most general satisfacuom. ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSEIT, PKUPRIETOB Pure Ice delivered to any part oi the city a 2 CEJVTS PER PO UJVD. Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers, t JTOFFICZANDICE HOUSE sTHT.H Opposite PostoSce. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLE Freaao t street, opposi e'Prospector. FAMILY PH0T06RAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful atteatioa given to turning o t the Finest vietet and picture of aU tit in a m$t artittie manner, rtptritr finUh and tone, Takes ea short notice. Grovps ate dally Chbiaet, vaaej laejifwatni fvT'lLliMwf mm 1 "" 9aaak7LaLBaaaBr Highest of all in Leavcninsj.Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report : ABSOLUTELY PURE THE LATEST NEffS Bryan's Voice Troubled From Outdoor Speaking. GOT LIFE IMPMSONMENT. A Brewery Fails Li Hone Chang A Disastrous Fire McKinlyites- TO SUPPRESS REVOLT. (aeaeral Happenings' Through out the Country. Knowlesvillk, N. Y. AHer a trolley trip from Buffalo to Niagara wiere Mr. and Mr. Bryan made a enjoyable stop, th party made a journey to this place. Several stops were made at mall stations between Niagara and Knowleiville but the candidal made no speeches. His voice was getting unmanageable. "My head is willing but my throat is weak," ha explained lo the people of LocVporf, who had chartered a band and burned gun powder to greet him. They persisted in calls so be said a few words. The same scene was repeated at Medina, where the farmer seemed to compose a majority of the concourse. Six Faaxcisco. Joe Cboyiosxi knocked out Joe McAuliffe in the fourth round Saturday. San Feascisco. Charles Becker and James Creegan, who swindled th Nevada Bank ot over $20,000, were eacb sentenoed to life imprisonment Saturday afternoon. Chicago. Secretary Bentley of the democratic state committee saya that Bryan will make at least mine speech es is Illinois during the campaign Axtva, Me. A big Spiritualistic camp meeting is open her today. Socrates, George Washington, Hia watha and others have signified their intention of being present. 'Ihe managers announce that. SrErxontLD, Mass., The Spriog field Brewing company organized under tha laws of New Jersey, with a capital of 9300,000, has been petition ed into th hands of a receiver. Nrw Yoma-. Hardly had Li Hung Chang who arrived Saturday txen settl ed la bis. spacious quarters at the Wsl-1 dorf when an attache of lb Bussisfe legation called to arrange a conference between the viceroy and th Russian minister. The conference will La held tonaoirow. MiLwaunx. A Special to ' WiacoB sin"rom Ontonagon, Mich., says: A fierce wind has sprang op and tb country sarreanding here it again in flames. Over 309 mea have beea sent to Igbt tb fi-aai save the remain ing house of tb village. IdWMur. Habw Ardaat MaKialay mj ei Ijajswltj art filial ina. uements for an excursion to Canton, O., for the purpose of isiting the re publican candidate. It is proposed to have a train of ten Pullman sleepers carrying about 250 excursionists. El Paso. Gen. Hernandez and 300 soldiers arrived today from Chihua hua enrouta to Oiinija, opposite MarU to suppress insurrectionist?. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., diicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's Nc Life Pills. A tna will convince you ofjbeir merits. Thesti pills are easy in action and are panic u'arly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in- vamaDie. sney are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by givtn? tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. The second payment on the Tucker mine, located about ore and one-hall miles northwest of Congress, has been made. Judge Barnes, of Tucson is handling this ground and tho price agreed upon for it la $30,000. Surface indi-ations are excellent on this prop erty while some davelopment work justifies the thorough working of it and the payment ef more money. Journal Miner. FOB OVKK FIFTY IGAUK. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soltens the gumi, allays all pain, cured wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It U pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and ask for Mr. Wiu-s1oa-'s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Dr. lu lies' Nerve Plasters 23c at all druggists. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. GEO. G. SlcGKE, Prop FAIRBAXK, ARIZONA. Headquarters Jot visitor from Tomb ttone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. DeMABTI GENERAL MERCHANDISE a full linf of groceries .and provisions cigars; AND TOBACCO ' Constantly kept ooTund. Patronage solldts FAIKBANK. AKIZONA. FAIBBAXK. ARIZOKA. MBS. K. HARRINGTON, .Pro TABLES SUPPLIED Y71TH TH BEST . OF EVERYTHINC Cbarges reasonable Parties grunt; from Tomb stone la Bisbee will have ample tune foj dinner before the tarin arrives. Putv lie ratrorwg is respcctfallf ' tcjkaed. FAIBAIEEIANSE mm. if sskaViV ,H Si Vic BLk 1 1 1 V. J? y-'nWfcOTSmcrrhrrO KTs' " M iWoaT"frc3tiirr,-ujTrtT-V lf& iieB.rn-ii'-iirt i 'ISffl By" BiMrwwiii anli n'l i mwcUBaii H it. " IT i