Newspaper Page Text
"&- .aebtoUmmamimMiMi vMIMNMMMMadw imu-amj i iii, Jt i ,-. ' ;iV; t--; i EOBl 0li If va r f J rj 81 i tun tit; fi.f ' Sfl ii f a . J 1 a r - M ! 1 J TOMBSTONE RROSETOjJR PU BUSSED; EVKKY EVENING (60p.t Excwi) Wm. Hattich, Editor and Proprietor. taascrlplla O-Y-r H :.UOJ0 Month. 6 00 ThreeMonths 3 OoeMonth. l Delivered by Carrier tor M oasts yu weelt. CITY ASP OHIKTY OFFICIAL PAPER FREE "COINAGE 16 to-i N For President and Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR -SEWALL, Maine. ukR wtiicii We are unalterably opposed to the single t gr. unalterably opposed to erery roeas- urecAJcauiea to ucuasc our currebcy of Impair the credit of ourcoun irv. We are therefore, rnand .the immediate restoration of th4iree and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the, . present legal ratio rmWh4 In th fre i coinage of silver eace'pl ol to to.i, wttnsut wan lag for the. aid or con uat nr of anvotber na, mect with the leadinc commercial nations oi the world,- which we pkdje oursehes to promote, and uatil such agrerment can be ob tained, the existing twv, VW -ixna d ik thstHhe the, ttandird ailrer dol lar haU beaJull lega' tender, equally with ftM for all debts. tvib" he or-riate. and we gold standard must be -braihican tarorc -sucn legislation as. will prevent Ihe. de- p'atfom, St, Incuts, lane rnnnrttfitinB. nf any 18, isoo. kind of legal tender money Ty private con tract." Democratic platform; Chicago. An actress it suing an eastern mil lionaire for breach of promise becanse he wrote ber letter calling her a dear little chick. If be bad called bar an old ben the would probably bare abet him. T The "sound money." democrats of New Mexico will be rei resented by a delegation at the Indianapolis conven tion next month. The organization was made at Abnquerque last week. It seems strange that New Mexico could produce even a very few such believers. There will bs none irom Arizona. Here is a sample from the Phila delphia Record: "TLe Indian bic ycle works at Indianapolis, employing 1,500 hand, have shutdown till after election as a matter of business pre caution. It will be folly to expect the wheels to Turn at 'all aolonz as a pos sibility shall exist that anarchy msy vault into tb9 saddle .and grasp the handle-bars.' The Herald, published at the city of Mexico, in-re'vlewing": the -prosperit y of that country, AtUibules-il U the jrold. standard in the United States, madsays : "MeKinley'd election is for Mexico's interest. Twsnty-five years more of appreciated gold in the United tttnsind-tbVtViniB period "ol cheap ".1 ver here. will maertbJs.k rich and powerful nation." -. - ' Among the humeroas persons wno have. been cured of reheumatlsm by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, "mention should' be made of MrSTEniily 'Thorne, of Toledo, Wash., who says "I have never been 'able to' procure any medicin e that wonld relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm., I bave'al.o uitdlt'ior'lariie back with great 'snece'ss It is ths best. liniment I have ever -used, and I take pleasure in recommending it oralriendi'' For sale by Druggists Tb fcauJ oi la;, borers era tiM aovlM. the rest) wl.o la er.w iar Uti2 Un tup o: l., to the Siot. I: t. feiritj "h.rror to be as trvnt as as nx I -lar, lo be. weak at a ktura lo-x&orrow. -ft ti a'aCrlema warmisc ll laoiJS t teJvt. I it. a xounaU- la the Bits "of xiaaaK. U joa ai'svr u iy )oartf 'b ' CRKT HtTSViM wlO lIr rco- J ! fasrlr ctaila stsr-araUon. bat U a powerfal on. Budraa rutorti.'aS.allJa, mtn ttx BrMOt Ufa, Jt la for man. 1: la rnaa teat frUOjL . B T&w awCar. froa weakBM. trom tnpaTred orloM' asaahcoil, lt.ra hae.ie4arsar khTofa or lajuretr fStfr llirr rocibsuld writ sast tcara aU atooataby Cri Uitljtn. Clrralart and i ssssastaisfm. - h & - ' " SJDStie HIEOICAI. XT KTJTCTC Uczto , Uarkitaa4 XUls tta,, Saa yaajECaco, Cauianla, jHRpS. m faSSaSMaiaSlaaSi What Are We Here For? ;THJE FUN OR THE MOP From tie expression upon our friends face, lie is evidently here for neither but as for us WE -ARE HEEE FOE, BOTH. We are handling JF-HVISTJK: Whicli for easy and Cottolene Cottolene - Cottolen. That perfection for .shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in . 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pailsi WE are well supplied with for use during this hot Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Boast Turkey, Boast Chicken, Sardines of allkinds, Canned 'Soups. in. variety, French, Enelish and AmericMackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato--or r, Mustard sauces, ' Deviled' Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Earn, Ham- burger, Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain' or in Tomato Sauce; An? fmany other;Goods too to mention. Also in regular receipt American Cheese. 3ont"Forge: .thatwe are scle ..i.erits lor Tombstone and4 , - " " vicnityjor ' Cbaiie & Santorn Seai Brand Cotee., aA - v "-fm CORNFB OF JS1X1R StDiO.AJ-.LS SO.AJP perfect washing cant' be '.beat: prepared goods of. all kinds weather consisting; of numerous of .Holld,,JLimpurgeiijind ' ' - , . i latercJ0 RATiOO -JAI03 .V HL FlifS- t Ttoi a c ai t e ttjK SssftSssSssSssSssSssSsssBsr r ssssssssassssssV C Bsssssrssssswl HpjsjitHp1' 2 1 BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJBJBSBBI Grocer, t ANn ALLEN 82REEE8. PONtAWNi J . A.KOSKA JProprietop. ttnetl Stick of 11'iWf, IAqttori'and Cigars in theTerritory. PRIVATE ClUajUQMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies ' . Brandies ind.Winei kept Con stantly ou Hand. You uUHnd "At" ut home, on AlUr. f ' St. let. Mh and 6th. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI,Prppr. Choicest line pi Winea and n, . r - t , rt Liquors. . 4- lmporttd and Domeitie Cigan, . I . - ' - Csitrffou Attention to Patron. Alien, bet. 4th & 5th. Tembstone Billiard Parlors, J. K. McDONOOGH, Prop. i . -. ' --J ' r 2A Jine-rf and B(st Htttd Bittiara Parlor in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. iUiard and Pool TahUt in Conjunc . tion. Mixed Drink a Specialty. Private Club Room. Allen, bet. 4th A' Ctb.Tombston COMET SALOON CARLiviTOtPAMPropr's, WINES.LIQU0RS& CIGARS. Dealer in BqurV Trith and Scotch Whitky, and Other Well Known Brand. A Specialty made" of bett Claret and Wine. Billiard Parlcr in Connnectioh and the Cedes Place in Town. " Allen, bet..Oth& 7Ui, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HILL JTra-pOSTELLQ , de'ril torttdnheuser Busch 'Beer, LDDDPD1S0W MMlauttost aara. Toaeaabatraatedai irr"yrettacnaaibrawwuiSC aaibiaaTtaanaadfanMiuiiinY.iKiit.Tl a. s ss UU Bwcoadarr BLOOD FOI8o4 aeSxdsS aiSaC&!- la tut ornrtSi w&n CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE aatfiaiJwrwaHaicwIaaaj utrtM eliawUc caanasi, , It caa be tared by a plcaaant nrnedr Mca It applied U racayiBtotataottrila. Ba jMustetiv aftawbtd tt (rfM Eh'sFian BaJn tittiMjwWead to ba the moit thoroaah ISaaal Catarrh. Cold In Uead and Hayeree of an I OHM, it opena ana Kitw m ptaal paaaaf, aSaya pate and rnflimmartt . heala tho aoraa, yn- f 1 1. 9ttm nmtMM twfim rklL wlnm thM ... s(taatandtiMn.v PrlceSfle.aitOnitvl't'orbysaaa.' su.1 jaWjiaup, w arrrn sine. new lore, MILL FOE SALE. A tenAtamp miEl' COSrIXTSl6 pans, 3 set tlers, anagiutcc;-two'f8-fobtieotiiiiC concen trators, 16x36 Coilisengine, twti boilers, all in good wtjrkin'oMer." Building nearly new Can be saored as it s dose to railtmd. Mast be sold, and caa be for JS.000 cask aosvmcxoa escc, somnstone An j - ' 11 ssFi 2iw!?a,siS!r"!?s I iSSSfSS2S!tSffi!l I jHjsaoaiarjjaCOOsVl SSysl aS?5l ssbsW3bV ear rot TOMBSTONE PrUIS ViSPflE, - . Op. (Veils Fargo Co. " " A Ckoiee. Stack of Pure and Fresh Drags and Medi , v y ciBespa;HiaL I Fall Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions 'Compounded by a Careful Competent ' and Experienced Prescriptipmst Fine Selection jof NOTION?. TOILET C0MS, PERFUMES " PIONEER' l w BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH LIPPERT.Projp. Everything' Neat, Clean and in First " J ' Cla Order!.' Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting f!one in an Artistic Manner. Jlie Oldett andfMoit Favorably Known Barber on. the Coatt. ' Pay Him a CalL Allrss. brt. 4th: Stb.TambwtoDe CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms. J. B. 31IANO, Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavine and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Hath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Year of Practical Experience muhes thi Shaving Parlor a mott Popular Retort. Allen, near Car. Stli. Tombstone. Undertaking Txuue of C. B Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Colnmbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodie Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Procet. The National. Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of mattine sulphide ores, such asnicUe, copper, gold and silver ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyritic, water jacket Matte Smelter has been re cognised 'with highly satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly tested on various pjratic sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of 3 to So tons (per day. It is the most practical, cheapest arid simplest method cf pold and silver ore , mature anJ concectcaung that is xnown today " " ' ' It requiresno erao-din.-UTr skill, no lead ores. no fluxing material, and no fuel of any kind for inc. tneiier aiier u is stance;, ine suipnurin the ore is its natural futl only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any sire or capac ity plant complete to substantial mining people, set it up and furnish our men to run ir for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham Avenue, St. Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle, Copper, Gold, Silver and Lead O -e jai-iy Thla Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, rah or etamps, a cenerons sample will bn mailed of the most popular Catarrh ami 11J XariT Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) aatHeicnt; to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BEOTHEKS. ZG Warren St., Kcir York City. Ber. John Reid, Jr.. cf Grrot FallsMonL, recommended Ely's Cream Iiahu to me. I can emphasize his statemint, "Itisapcsi Utb cure for catarrh if used rw directe.,, Rev. Francis W. Poole. PastorContralPrea. Church, Helena, Mont. - Ely's Cream Balm; u, the aclmowledged cure t or catarrh and contains no mercury mot aay injurioos drug.- Trice. CO cents. Notice to Creditors. In Ihe Probate Court, of the Ccuuty of Cochise, Territory of Arizona. ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRY, deceased. Notice is hereby Rtvrn by the undersiged ad miniarator of the eatate of Jane L. Berry, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons tar ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary Touchers, within four months alter the first publicati'n nf this notice. 13 the administrator, at Willcox, incth'countyof Cochise, ' - - nikuuii..Muuo, Administrator of the estate of Jane L. Berry, deceased. Dated July 14th, 189&. ! Consolidated National Bank. OfTsctes, Arii.aa. CaniUl Stock - . - $50,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN. President. W. C DAVUjVise-PresMent. rC B. ENN:Caahlea Issuesdrafts avauabls at.aaypoint is the United States. Dtaws biusof exchange oa a Earopeaa cities, and makes a specialty of ot-ol towa acccasnii with, javdiirlnsls. faaaa ss4 oa I' ai ir ii i it . mttmmmm tMasaiaaaasssasanspssfssnj IKkJSS aA.aV aSHna Rk twK0'WWWVtmKtttMmmWMm M PIONEER Carriage Blacksmith a. ii. EivrivtJErii'op. Corner Third an 1 Allen. The largest 'and Best Equipped All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promutlv Done. BLMSMITHING 1 Best Facilities for Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. I SATISFACTION SSTuU assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. LL SmSS5flB8ffl2(g5BmB; O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COB. .rTH AND FREMONT SI 1CEETS. i Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your p Jtronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI .. Femon bet.7th and 8th. THE E0UETH WARD BUTCHER Tlie Choicest of Meats, Skillfull" Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet Low Prices, Good , Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, d successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF1 J-AMOP t2.75 Placed in Position Without- Extra Charge. Orn.:K IX BASK BWI.IM.VU. TOWII4TO.VE, AKIZOH ft. IIOCHISE HOUSE. MKS I, ) Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGANTLY FtXRlVISIIEr BOOD1S 'tM7 Visitors to this city will find the Cochise a, superior hotel sad oi. offering excellent accomodation. A LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE BOOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME AU Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. JVLRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Largef Clean am W.ellVintilated Rooms. Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made Convenient lor Guests Special Rates to Parties bytheWt or Month. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE-JiOOU FOR DRUMMERS. HOTEL ARLINGTO MDRS. A. AVJLLXATVISOPf, ProprietresK. rr TfiMRRTnUF. ARIZONA I NEWLY FURNISHED" LARGE AIRY 1 ROOMS. .BEST ACCOMMODATION- This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmercul Men hasrectntlt Itrnn'wly utte renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special teicieiice to the traeltt. public Rooms ensuite and. single Prices Moderate. Everything fiirst-claie. fkwifla MBa for comraerial n.e: Bv am? vC E EsuHishment of its K? the Territory. ,& - Sal-'' j HHl Ekin AND HORSESHOEING. Doing All Kinds of GUARANTEED. i) Proprietress Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi op. Fifth bet. Allen and Toug .r.u Torabstonr, - A izon PARLOR FOR (1UE RATES REASGSAB1 mgmgfflgm r- w t f f v I N 1 .' ; 41 im rrnmm fr ffiS-i aiMaMw aSW? . ?j&'.e