Newspaper Page Text
lLssxmsttwiinaiiKaBm , -a. . I -I - . I " 'l' "fc"l" " r--,T., ii ' f- - '-4s- W ... - - . f 1' - n-i-Ln-i-.....- T 1 , l Vt) N JV Av : ' I MfJ r Mi '! R 1! u V r , Cbf a1 pj,i S' v jr - BISSIBESE 3pEIDja.$?,1?lwi:iE33&Q"?r- " pig PALM and 0-1 Livery ;tad Feed Stables, BE3'r TU11NOUT8 IN THE CITY A retshle rates, and on notice. Th; patron L 'he public is respect fully xTiited dtad satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH &, AD Ail, Proprietor. Disuse. Arizona. n- Chop House, M im street, Bisbee. OTTO GIUSKNHOFFJSB. Prop Flne Restaurant ia Bisbee. Private Rooms for tamHies or for pnvate parties. Bresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. Tlie table suvvlicdioith the best the market afford THEO. F. METZ, Pioneer Soda Works. SoJa water.Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gn2:r Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. I.aUtl improved -machinery, and vine but the. very best ofmatertaX trer us'd. HkbN, . . - AHionn. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE UVSOrACTPBKR OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Hade to order on Short Notice. A full line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE CoiUinJy on Innd, Consisungof Eooti. Shoes. Shirts. Underwear, and Gents Furnishing Goo is A well selected stock, anil the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality 01 goods considered. F. M. MoKAY Kee; a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, Aid Ihe best-brands of Cigars. '' lee ,C'oll Beer on Draught. OJIB. BOOMS ATTACHKD. at a pvsasint. social time, and courteous trwt. B-nt, call on McKar. Bisbee. Ariiioa, BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, lUitE, FKKSJl niZ.K Dsilvtred to all parts of the city every tair-s at the lowest market price. Ywr palnnage ioliciUd, Guaranteed. Satisfaction Leave orders with Union Market. a. oi ii.;iv. Q .UK'.S LODGE No, IX MKET.- v-ry atur-lay evening Vis.une Droin- si cordially invitej, . AUOS.lClKOKCO. M. W. 1M-.153 Baxkxb Rec-mter. If. C FrfASta. Financier. if. scnancDixu, J EOILEaAND DENTIST. At,!. KINDS oJr'entil and jewelry work la all branches peHonn-d with nettneiss and dispatah. Iic- B .beeard f S'.Tfsi iTlKlN VTDN, JDENTIST. ,111 Vy-t ia the line of,' Dentistry none in a ;-ofisJj C?ainV4snd tatLCttfn yaranued. h iin i' v.17 reason sble. Oific at "hearer iiliii. OJWOVEKLOCK: UNIOtiMPKEIANDBAKhRY i B reiver y Jucnue, Bisbee Hiizona. sh Beet al' Mutton, rarne.Ll.Bccf.All MitvZs'brS'wtsxge ulwu-'s onhand. s;h Bread Hrs andCikzs every dart jl thin' in the ,m.kcrv ine marts to nner nn shorCnoH&& NELSON THE TAILOR, Leads ice Fashion. Ih41. NTKKCT, DINBKE. BISBEE Steam - Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. AU kinds of laundry work dont with neatness and dispatch PRICES REASONABLE. Delivery wacon collects and distributes all work. Give them a tnal. GEoOdREYSPRING. - - Manager. OSce With Marks & Wittig barber shop. Visit Markey's Studio or up to date, high class photography. CRAYONS, INK, PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet outside competition I will make you a high class life sue Crayon for $3 00. A good enlargement can be nude from card, cabinet or un t)pe Vppts Main slrtet, Bisbee, Aruona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived daily. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. AND TOBACCO Goods delivered to all paats of tows, so per cent off for cash, n. .tlKDIGUriCIl, Fropr. DOBACHER & MUHEI, Brewery Gulch, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwazikee Beer On VrautfM, Constanth on Sand. Our Bar is Sap-plied- with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, Wholsale and Retail Dealt, to Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQUORS, WINES,' CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA CARETTO DEALSS r DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIEiy FRUIT?, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, ' EGGS, BUTTER AST) PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE fe SAUSAOEB Also Dealer in Wood. Pdri?.efc. aUo'balbJfrrti and. FI tap ash BISBEE JEIS Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget 01 .luterestiBS Items from our Regular Cor respondent. The Jil rriTtd today nosn if It iU daily cugtonij And ai the aveDuea of news have dried up in-and about Tombstone, we made t rush for the ttloffiee poMetted of great expecta tions; and waited patiently about, like Marv'a larmb, for th wiodow op?n, when we fondly anticipated a letter Irom Bubco telling us all about.tte explosion of giant in the Bisbee mines, the clandestine m-etingof pretty Uiu Jonee and her gay channel ; the cap ture of tho-bank. robbfr. and many, other oatching items with which to fill ttiia column of the Projector and give it a start for the week's run that would only stop with the going down, of Saturday's sun. But just imagine. if you can, our surprise on being; told by by Postmaster Sydow that the'mail intended for tb,e PBOiPCtoa had either gone on to Benson, (tot lost on the road or bad never left Bisbee, be didnt know which. We could, take either horn of the dilemma, but that was all he knew about it; and now we don't know what to think, but confidently expect something from the copper, camp tomorrow. A ROUGH EXPERIENCE. Captured by Rustlers and Taken to Sonora. P, A. Lindsay whose .long absence from bonap at Globe, according to the Belt, caused hi wife and friends much uneasiness, returned to Globe last night, and relates a thrilling experi ence. He left there July 29, tor Fort riiomai, expecting to be gone ten lays. Having finished his business at Thomas, and when about to start en the return trip, he was appreached by white roan who oflered, Lindsay $40 to take him and three companions to Bisbee, which Lindsay finally agreed to do, and started the following more ing. Lindsay was paid, 25 jn advance aad nothing unusual occurred until -when within, in a 'few miles from Bis bee, lbs man who h,ad ajl along acted as -spoksman, suggesteJ , that they camp for the. night. ' Lindsay, at first demurred but uoallyconseMted to. do o, and was about to stop ' whrn he was told to turn into a road leading to the south.' Siirpnied.Lipdsay turned to rmontrate.whenhc, found hirn- self looking into the muzzle oi a six shooter. Lindsay drove on. In fact he never stopped driving until .next morning and bavin crowed into Sonora, tbey came to a cabin where. theyacetF two mn mounted ard heavily armed. Lindsay had been relieved of hi money, $57.50, and watch and chain, and after resting the Lores, four of the party 1! rote off with the amIeaving Lind- -ar with two of the menwho had ac-' companird t.imfromJ'ort.Tbomas. .. The following day hey saddled hor ses and rode some 20 miles or farther into the interior, where Lindsay was abandened and left to his fateFor four days he was without food, .and when about to throw up the sponge he came tojs Mexican's .cabin -near the line, who directed bin to a ranch in the San Simon valley ejd'sftiranyl vicisitudes he reached Bowie station-r and look the train to'Geroeimo'tnenoe to Globe. Lindsay feels tga.t.bejsq.cky to be alive, and we regret that we have not the time and spae. to do justice to his tale of woe, whioh would make first clara material for a dime novel or. furnish, the plot for thunder play. a blood and BUCKliSMJtEIalCA-SALVih The best salve jn.Ue world fsTrfai braiseSrfjCvkersCTalt itonv,fevv. sorejeTRrJfJiarpid wndjj .ihUbUiai,' corns, and all slaa eruptions and posi tively cures files, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis-a (actios) or mosey setuaded. Prices 50 cents per box. Foe sale a Tsabioe Dt-C ',. QUEEN and MANSION LODGING HOUSE .IAS.LETSOAT,Pro. Clean beds, well vealilUKd airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This well kiowo bouse is centrally located, and convenient to the railroad depot, and is head quarters lor the traveling pub lic. Patronage solic ited and. satisfac tion guaran teed. BI8BEE. ARIZONA. STLOUISBEERHALL Bisbee, ariz. shattuck & keating. Projectors. Agentt for Anhevser-Buich Brewing Association. Wholesale and JUtail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT PALACE Lodging: House UBS. TH03. W ILKER. Prop. When visitine Bisbee don't fail to go to tlte Palace, Rooms large light and airy Well furnished rooms, Ceatrallyand Conveni ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. C. W. BLACKBURN. axCSew-vrjiS Tke New ImproioJ Wsite. Sewinf Uaebine It Klngot AJL SoIHoi the Initiltm ntplan 00 crr temi by C. W. BLACKBUICJ.O K Street. AH Michlo. flndints oJl Uoiii Notary Public and Conveyancer. Miners Exchange Main Street. Bisbee. W. C.:SMITH &CO. Choicest of Wines. Liquors and Cigars,. Every cttsv and accarsmodatios extended te ipttiont, Reading and Card, Room Attached' FAILING MANHOOD General end Nervosa Debility, l" r Wlnrl. tJTfeti of Errors jpr tcee.L.OId ,! "TTotn-R. lUbast, hobla Manhun.1 follir tseatona. Iloor 10 Kslarn -and . Htrenctbea WeaaVCa developed rortlons of Body. Ab-olatcly un-T fallinc IToms Treatment. DeneOu In a d testify "fraoiSO""tatta and Fonicn l1m- 'SmuL thr rwin-lntlrn Book. z- .Oral and prooU, mailed (lealad) f rea. ' LEIILKEDICALCfl., Buffalo, K.Y. NOTICE" uron. rnnlrd in the Warrea minine district, l-and about one-half mile north-easterlv from the. Holrrook hoisting worts, ana aoaui uic same Hkta-u- (mm the town of Bisbee. A. T. 1st. At' the above sumed claims were not located la, .conformity with the U. i. mining, laws, tnere- lore, a second party, at a laier oaie, rciucaicu toe same in ruii coniomuiy wiui iuc wre named laws, and is fully determined to protect, his rights. Therefore, all parous are cau tioned not to bargain lor. buy of lease theauon; named. claims. CV.S: MANSOR. "J?" , 'Bisbee, A. T. The Worlds Fair' Test akowst m hklag powOtr ?SH3Si3&"v5-i-:"isv j!j ' mMMti m! llr 'tl utlij Men . "NICKNOBILE. Dealer in Pruits,Nuts.Candies, resli Fruit' Rjceivod Daily from California. Carries the Best Line of CIGARS. AMD TOBACCO .Eyer Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postoftice. FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Description, Call on WM. D. M0NM0NIEB, Opposite Mason Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens,' Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. Bet Fourth Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven TKANCIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectinf Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice,. Or ders bu mail or tel fraph receives vromvt atten tion: TEIM S9NREAS0NMLY LOW, JOHN JHONTGOMJBKV, Xrop. J V, VICKERS Fremont Street, tombstone, Arizona. Real Estate, Mines Jiionei', Cattle ond Jn surancer". KEAL ESTATE Bougbtold rent M I N ES Bought sold managed, MONEY Loans negotiated and In vestments made. CATTLE jGrower. jlealerj sidii. INSURANCE Fire, Acadecr, Life. 1 Prompt Attention Given Collections. I SUMMONS. In the Distric Court first Judniil district oi the- territory otAriionaiaand for the County ofCochi A. I. COLLINS plaintid, vs. ADDIE Iw COLLINS, defendant. Action brought, In the DistrictCourt o( the first Judicial disuict of the Territory of Arizona ia aad for the County of Cochise, and the com plaint filed ia the said County of Cochise, in the office of the Clerk of said Disfflct Court. The Territory of Arixona sends greeting to laddie L Coffins:, - Jfoo are hereby .required, to. appear ia an action brought against yoo, by the, above earned pUInUS la the DUtricl' Coait d the first judaal district of .the Temtorv of Arizona, In ''sod. for the County of Cochise,, and to ,xniHoth eomotdnt filed therein, within .ten days (exxruslye.of the day of service); after ,the service on yon of this summons, (if served With iln this count or Usenred-oat of this coantv.,but Iin tliis,di.tricU. .wtthhi twenty days; otherwise. 'vrllrJithirtydays;! or Judgment by default will ye tilcai against youaceosamg 10 toe prayer of said complaint,, Tfce said action is brought to obtain a decree -ofdioreelroas'thsboadsof laatrimoay. ' , Given aderuiyihnd and the seal ol .the Dis trict Covrtoftte First Judicial Pmtnct of the Temtiry of Arizona ia and -for the county rf Cocbfc this 33dday 01 une in -in year of our Lord cne .thousand eight hundred and V nmetr-sit-i SC ai WHI in, I j Clerk. iBjCA'.Jrf.pjuA.'oia , Deputy Clerk. !4tt. 1; e - ' : NOTICE. RegistwtioB ot Electors for Cochise Ceudtv. Theriolkwriox tasalatioB flwas, unaaimooslr passe at a' meeting of the board of mpet visors 'of'Coebise connty Anions, held April 7th,, Ae30IVCa, .lIHltUKIK lC, w,MV.a ordered to ' be made,' between ,tbe' 30th day of AptU and the th day of.Octobar. aTegUtratloo nf ittaeleetor of Cochise, enuntr. and that the ,Clkjeth.BoaTwbe instructed to have above order advertised once a weea.ior a.perwa four months, not after first day of May, itoS-SJ W. A. HARWOOD siAt. ClerlCot tbeosrd ofiipervisors. Tombstooe. May 1, 180S. am n- mJm Wim "sf3 aSsT JrACiffiirKJ am Jsm WB2mm tmM As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of. Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine ::::: , - - Life-Size Ciayon Portrait There is not a family but possesses somo'picture oi Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, whick they would like to have reproduced in a' life like and durable manner. What more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FRAME. The portrait Company ims made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own styh. OCR J?lLsAJS Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLGOTT DealerlUn Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWAEE AN2) TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. F. & Go's. Exp. FARETOORFROMFAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 r, m. for Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 v. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. 3AGGAG of Passengersdelivered to Office in the city free of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. JOHN HANLEYSPROPRIETOB Pure, Brcsh. Unadulterated, Milk, delivered daib tool parts of the city. jlh. -"j Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, lOcts, Reduction is made for larger quantities M OSice is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John Weiland1 Anheuser, Lemps. OJV i: TH l: TRADE S UPPZ1ED ADOLF Battled "Weiland Beer furnished to families in lombston by JOS. HOEFLER - is.1 4 - OYSTER PARLORS. AiTiTJElTS StjBETWEEN 4tli V1NX rtla Fixflt-Class IMeals Best of Attention; Everythingin SeasoD, BOARD PER WEEK..'. $7.C0 THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinnetvlor Special Occasions a Specialty. Try a Meal at this Popular Res or " First-Class Cooks onlyjEmpIoyed. Accommodations for Families. J1 t'tKMR, Proprietor. ' CAN CAN RESTAURANT The" Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestern Arizona. Good Meals"at all nouK. FRESH OYSTERS AND GAME IN SEASON"' The Best the Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons Family vntrance on 4tli?S4 Banouets a Specialty. . a-4s;.Hf.IPrrlai. E3 CI e p J to all parts of the City. LAGER! xrj;srv akizo.m. r z till I J ! I ' "