Newspaper Page Text
!-, 'Tm9tMtttmmot MWU.J..L mKwiif in rf -aHF Hifc- --- si The Prospector. AUGUST 3H896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES rtKUONA A- SOUTHEASTERN R. K. B9 Horth It nu tabu; Vo i. jJr U 11. ?: So th i:a 1 UID ijI I t CUM p Wily xocft Suadajr rut I3T 4 JO M rtn SutloQ i UUr except Suodaf .t ss fcj 1 W 100 0. , HtW AriiJ ...Don Lula ISl.S ....Packud U J (V K.4 . to.".. ..Wtr luk 30 1 Si'" .. .Charleston ......teS.X ,..P Irbuik ... .Lt'10 ...Filrbuk ...Arlt.0 Hi.t OToaraf..tlT.T .....Land . I1S.T . ontentioti I .5 ,. .Baaaoa. ...... Lt'O W as :o w ,j. .6 IS 11,10 &.S till lastae tint. Hat ttatUc. Stop on asula. Ia Wiuiuu, StipcrinlcadeuL SOUTHERN- PACIFIC R. East STATIONtI it. loan ;9.aoam 6.j a a ,...11ctn ..Tucson ., ..Maricopa .... ....Ynm ..Los Angeles.. Art 540 pm 7.05 pm IO.CSpIT 3.35 am x oop m C-4SP' Sua Set, limited, &! to-jnd, Moaj Th ndaja S.19, Denaon Won Set, CmiUl'weit baaal. Wednetdari aa tardaj-t. 1.05 Bcojod 'WU jsj-'.' ; ; wowiwiiw NEW MEXICO ARIZONA West stations Eat 6.01pm Lt Bensan Ar 1049am 1,50 am ..... FiirtnnV ..... 100pm atooim 1 Htnchtxsi.,... niopm i.4)tm .... Oitt'.de'. . taaopm 9.37 am .... C'basas .... q.00 a m i.Hpm XogalM a.yam ai'jr except Sun lay. PACific time. I. J. Fair Ga-ral Manager. A. N IVOLE. I- II. ALBRBCIIT. Aie General Manver. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. .North stations Sooth Bo pm Lr......Fno-i!i Ar aOoam 8.25 pm Tempe 130am 9.00pm Kyrene is 55pm 9,35pm Sictton 1330pm 6.45pm Marit pa 3.10pm (i II. HovtHEtX. Geo. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. " biker ! quoted at 66 a Dr. Gaff, Beaton Physician and eargeon. tl The school house is undergoing re pair and rsplastering. Sime fialten and family are expect ed home tonight from 8nta Monica and the sea-side. The Ladies Aid Society will meet at the horns of. Mrs White on Tuesday September 1st. at 7 P. M. Schilling's Best tea is as fine and delicate as the daintiest of maidena. Yes, and as powerful too. in m Coleman came in from the valley yesterday, and went cut this morning with a load of supplies. has. Overlook returned to Bisbee yesterday after attending to bis business interest hero. For health dnnk pure water. For pleasure, Schilling's Best tea. Tor both. Schilling's Best tea. Tbe Mexican string band has re turned to Tombstone and are dis coursing more of their entrancing music tor the edification of our resi dents. - It is understood the Erie Cattle Co. contemplate fencing in their immense holdings Should ther carry out their intentions there will be one strstch of over 20 miles of fencing. Good reports of heavy raios, con tinue to come from the valley and eattla rssgss thronghout tbe county. 'This fs the most prosperous year for Cochise cattlemen for long time. Awarded . Highest Honors World's Fair, w CREAM BAKING PWMR MOST PERFECT MADS. A pave Cope Cream of Tartar Powder. Tnt mm AMsaonta, AJo.n or any otaer a '6 YEAKS TKK ST4IAAW -fee POSSE RETURJ.S. Asd LeaveAxaia in Parsait of tfce Robfcers. Word received from Bisbee yesterday slates that sheriff Fly and hi posse arrived at Bis bee Saturday night from the trail ot the robbers aod all l-!t early Sunday morning again lo poiut in the Sulphur Spring valley to capture two ot the robber, "Black Jack" and Jesse Williams, whose whereabouts they are certain of. The posse have experienced hard ships untold, they encountered much rain and were under many disadvan tages and several time lost the trail through the storms. The robbers whom the -had followed were heading back to the line and it 1 prubable that the entire gang of refuges expect to meet eomuwhereaod remain together. Immediately upon the arrival of Sheriff Fly's posse in Bisbee and be ing appraised ot the whereabouts of Black Jack and Jesse Williams, two of the robbers, they at once left for Mud Springs where the two mea are sup posed to be. Deputies Alvord and Randolph left hsre yesterday morning to Join the posse and the the search will be con tinued until the robbers are run down or further abandoned for thi present. The P&osrec on received two mes sages from Bisbee which practically give the above facts. The news ot the outcome ot the meeting and capture of the outlaws is awaited with anxiety. There is still a depression in the business of the, Justice courts here While it is unprofitable to the officers of tbe law, it is a good record for the community and nobody deplores it. A merry go round banile its ap pearance at Pearce and the whole population an riJing the festive wood en horse. The manager is ssid to be coming money. Sam Barrow has just received a large itnoice of mens underware which he proposes to sell at the low- est posible cash price. Call early and have first choice. Ah Wong Chung the prosperous laundry king of Tombstone was an utgoing passenger this morning. It is presumed be has gone to Santa Monica where tbe cool ss breezes blow for reoreation. Mrs. P. B. Waroekroshas jail re ceived a new bicycle. It is a Tribnne and one of the best high grade wheels oa the market. Mrs. Warnekros has accepted tbe agency of this wheel tin Tombstone and those who want a good bike should call on her. There is a new United States law requiring all tbe roads in the country to equip their freight cars with auto matic link and pin coupers, beginning January 1, 18V7. The Southern Pa cific has already begun to equip its cars, thus, and so fast as a ear goes to the shops on any part of the system, the new draw bar connections are put on and into u-e. Tbe article on tbe present financial situation published in Saturday's Prospector, acd, coming as it does from recognized Eagli'U authority, a run was made on the office lor extra copies, which were soon xbauscd, and we republish it teday by request and to fill orders; A number of extras will be printed sufficient to supply alt who may want a copy of thii issue to send to friends in the voting staUs. The farmers mutual benefit associ ation of Indiana has just been polled with startling results. The aasoci ation has oO.OOO members, comprising 2C.5000 republicans, 20,500 democrats, 1,000 populists and 1,000 prohibition ists, and 42,350 of them are goicg to vote for Bryan and free silver, saja the Field and Farm. Some of the parly papers are juggling these figures to make it appear that the majority is for McKinley and this is oar reason for printing the facts as they are. The poor girls, unfortunate, per haps, for having been bora test way, have to come in for their share of criticism by tbe prees. lis re is the way a cynical editor diabes them up: "At sixteen, she wants a dude with toatbpick shoes and a microscopic snoostacbe; at twenty-five, shell be satisfied with a saexaber of congress; at thirty, a -country doctor or minister will do; at thirty-five, anything that wears pants, from an editor down." Hoxribl. iao't M Secretary Smith says : "I will retire from office oa September 1. ' It is say purpose to return to Atlanta at oace. My resignation was due alone to tbe fact that I intend to support Bryan and Sewall. I alwaya vote the regular democratic ticket and shall under no circumstance make an exception this year. It is my purpose to dsvote my attention to tbe practice of law and my private business. I have, however, signified my willingness to make twu or three speeches in Georgia for the atate and national ticket. Professional and private business will not permit me to enter actively into the cast' paigu outcide ol my own state." The heavy gain in the assessable property of Apach?, Cochise, Graham and Maricopa counties are principal ly the result of increased live stosk values. Each ot the counties named are noted fur their live stock produc tion, and it only proves the assertion that the cattle business of Arizona it the leading business yet and which has a belter prospect right now than for year past. Stockman. CABORA'S SAINT- Declares Her Innocence of Directing; the Revolution. County Clerk Baca ot Socorro, New Mexico, has been calling on Teresa The Advertiser says: "Mr. Baca found Seniorita Tsresa to be perhaps 22 years ot age, with a somewuat careworn appearance. Her face is sad, her eyes are bright and luttrous, and while he is looking at one she seems to be looking through him and at something beyond. When she gives a greeting one can detect no change in her countenance except that tbe eyes beccine a little more animat ed; but when sho places her band ic that of her visitor he lelta vibration from it. Her complexion is a clear, light olive, and her voice is soft and pie as an t. "Wii-ii Hle.l if he knew anything sbiiil inn revolutionary outbreak at Ntgtlea -ho replied that she knew .nothing beyond what friends had told her and what appeared in the printed dispatches. "The information in the telegram to the effect that this people are my follower may be correct so far as it may be interpreted that they love me. but uo farther sbessid, 'My mission is not to create trouble. 1 love all my people and will devote my life upon earth i-o long as God shall will it so. to alleviate the sufferiag among God' children, for only such are we. If tbe men who attacked Nogales use my namuit is for tbe purpose of deceiving the Mexican government and not be cause I have sanctioned anything of that kind. There was much feeling agsintt the government in my native village of Cabora, In Sonora, because the government ordered my deporta tion, but I told them God only was my protector, and they must not be angiy." "When asked if she approved of a revolutionary movement against tbe Mexican government if one now exist ed, she replied that revolutions were a manifestation of God's will, for He bad instilled into the people the spirit of resistance of oppression, but that she bad given ao speoial thought to the uprising in Sonora, having no thor oughly trustworthy icformaticB cos cerning it. "The senorita '.ben told how, when but a child, she began to bear voice directing her to relieve lbs suffering of ber neighbors. They were voice a iu dreams, she explained. la actual dreams, continued, distant land were spread out before her and sign aod strange writings were shown; and when a question arose in her mind ocmcsrnkg any ot them tbe answer came speedily and proved trus. "Intuition Santa God will and aays she invariably acta a ber intui'ion directs, no matter what the consequence from a worldly stand point may appear to be. She 1 em phatic in tbe belie! that on who acta so aud has faith in God is capable of per:orming prodigies. "She ii i tbe compaay of her father. and m Tntains seven utile orphan children. She accepts no money from any one, Her reputation a a curer of th Lis ol humanity has suf ered oa several occasions, though there are many well kuowo persons in El Paae who testify that ah has great power as a healer. Her standing with th Mexican people is that of a saint en dowed with miraculous qualities, and they offer innumerable evideoeee el Mr ricU to tneir eat U si ii ,i fissiawa -J- BIMETALLIC SYSTEM Would Bring to America tbe Trade ef the World. -Xondon financial Kews : The fiaancUl situation iu tbe United State is very serious. Tkf seoate has blocked all relief measures pro posed by President Cleveland, an J congress is at a dead standstill on tbe money question. The free coinage senator ar masters of tbe situation. "The condition of affairs in tbe United States congress demands the immediate attention of British finan ciers aud statesman. The trade of the world is now in our hands, but it will not long remain there if the United States goes to a Limetallio Win with free and unlimited coinage ot silver. "With the addition of silver to the volume ot money, every thing in Amer ica would jake. on a new face; labor and industry would gain new life. The grip of tbe gold standard on tbe products of the world would ne. Great Britain would lose her market in South America, Asia and Europe, and American ships would not be' long in capturing the carrying trad of the werld. 'British creditors must now apply themselves quickly to the American money problem. The sound money men and banking interests led by Sen ator Sherman, Cleveland and Carlisle, with a plentiful supply of means, hare been beaten. The American people are thoroughly aroused and educated on the power and use of money, and made desperate bv debt and burinets depression, they are foreing free silver a the main issue. "Gieat Britain need fear no injury to her trade er investments if the Re publican party can force protective tar iff a the main issue in the coming presidential campaign, but if free sil ver dominates th American mind and carries at the polls, it will bring about a change in England that will be ruin ous from its suddenness and severity." The damage that can be done British manufactures by a protective tarifl is slight compared with the disasters that would be fc tailed by a change from a single gold to a complete hi me tallic standard. "It i evident that the Democratic party- will not nominate a man who holds to President Cleveland's ideas on money, and a hope for a continuation of Mr. Cleveland' financial policy will be in tbe suecess ol the JUpublicans in the nest aleolion. "The success of re coinage will bring down the rate interest on xouey, anil cause an immediate rit in tbe price of all commodities. When ilver become primary money tbe American mine will pour their pro duct into the uiiate, and a new era aimilar to that produced by the Issue of greenbacks during tbeeivil war will begin. Gold will leave tbe banks and enter into competition with silver in the avenue of trade and the manu factures of the United States, which have been shut downnr crippled since 1802. will again resume their fights lor the English markets. It is doubtful whether the Repub lican party can be held much longer in check by sound money statesmen, a it adherents are divid- 1 by power ful faction. Tbe Demix. alio party i also under the weight of the free silver agitation. It matters not to Great Britain which party succeeds if tbe s;old standard is maintained, but either of th old parlies or a new party which goes into power pledged to free coinage will be inimical and prejudi cial to English manufactories and trade. "The American people cling with PIONEER STORE, CORNER .5TH & FREMONT STREETS, DEAT.,ETfl IUNT CENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS'. -AND RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAGON FORCE PUMP Agent for M aatf r over asS aMl JOS. HOELFER PROP. If4 you like Sckilliis Best (money back tea) won't you tell your friends about it ? We'd rather not spend any more money than necessary advertising tea. Our business is making and buying and selling pure foods; and there is so little pure food sold that we'd like to talk about all of them at once. But we haven't enough money. It takes money to talk in the papers. Won't you do some of the talking for ds? Alio pure and money-backed: Schit Hff'iStstcoKee, baking-powder, soda, atcee, and Cavort; extracts. A Sckiltmr& Company Sun Francisco wonderful tenacity to party organiza tions, but financial embarrassment atd business stagnation has become too severe for any change that prom is relief. Tbey are becoming con vinced that it cannot be found in the proieetion theory, as that has been tried and they are matsing now on free silver." An exchange truthfully says people who want a paper without any politics iu it for the next few month will have to take their choice between wrapping paper, wall paper, or sticky fiy paper. El Paso Herald: .The Arizona mili tiamen are after a territorial encamp ment of the militia and are getting up a bi petition to the governor wi b that end in view. New York, Penn sylvania and even little Connecticut have annual militia encampments, and why not Arizona? New York and the effete east have co busineo wiih a monopoly of such things. Ari zona is becoming real civilized and enli.htened, and tbe next thing will be a call for an Arizona naval militia to operate on th Gila. a PROCLAMATION. Tbkkitoky oir Ahizoha ) Eyecutivk Offick. J By national authority the first Mon day in September, tbe seventh day in tbe month, is designated as a legal holiday, to be known and celebrated a Labor day. This is but a just and proper r-c-.E-nilion ot tbe great agency that has caused our country to stand first among the nations of the world. Every ship that rides upon the sea, all of the great armaments ol our sea coast, all of the grand highways ol commerce that traverse our country, all the grandeur of our cities, all ol oar splendid architectural develop- men', are monumentsof labor. In no country of the world has labor been more fully recognizd and honored than In ours. Among its other grand achievements it has been the mission of our country to ennoble and dignity labor, and no people of our republic more fully sympathize with tbe hopes and aspirations of the workmen than the people of our territory. Now, therefore, 1 UeojaminJ.Frank lin, Governor of the Territory of Ari zona, by yirtue of tbe power and au thority in me vested, do hereby pro claim Monday, tbe seventh day of Sep tember. A. D, 1890, a holiday and I do recommend aud request that all places or business and offices be closed on that day, and thit he people of our territory join in a universal ob- ser vance thereof . In witness whereof, I have hereunto st my hand and cucd the great seal of this territory to be here- seauj unto affixed, this nineteenth day of August, A, 1). 1S. Donat VhcBQiX, the cipitr.l, thi nineteenth day of August, A. D. 1896. By the Governor, BENJAMIN J. FRANKLIN. Cwarixs M. Bkck. Seoretary o! Stale. COVERS BUCKEYE rnrBOTXD aowoultubal in rUXXBTS,, an CILIWUTXD Tuazm WIXDKILLU. P. B. WARNEKR607 IS- CLOSING His Mammoth Stock Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL WLL BE SOLD AT COST. CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj AW KeiidenU 6' Cochise County. No Trouble to Skew Goods. C and Convince Yourself of Tfie We Mean -fiLxia. trw-lU? fcieJJL Ajt A SACRIFICE. MGiVEUSA CALL fck.-- 0!g ! ! v. snwssaf. ? yjr ' i iL.i8fc7f v. Hw vSHC . imerr l. Business. , r i, c j .-- ; I -j v " ISK - IP - '-- - ' ' ''"''yMI ililjii.u.iin-iii.iiiiii'' qpT-t - i.,u.. ..I,, i. .. . . .. i i ijji m uumwi ' -