Newspaper Page Text
J .s-swfcssafeasttissws IWMM'pwmwMi - -f- fK ,- -"P ''&'-''' v ?- '3 ' ft- ,11' . 4- .rii ME TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR s OUR WATCHWORD "OOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. W VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER i, 1896. N.293 ' iittti 5. P p.- ?v. The Prospector aty aiutCuunty Official Paper. ib'nUSIJI'D EVERY EVENING (EXCXTT SUNDAY. MY iYin. Halticli Editor and Proprietor. Yromoin -t.. Opposite City Hall "lit Pioi-k.ciot will net bold itself rescon- -Jbl"!: tita&y of tlir. articles or sentiments ex v IXxkmA b any. oi its correspondents tMml la tS Tombstone tautd.Qaas nw;ier. Postoffice PROFESSIONAL OARDS. ) AMES RF.ILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Arisou. w C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law ard Notary Public, Tombstone, Ariiona. H ERRING 4 HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselars a Law. Office on Toujjhnut 'Street, between Second and aril Tliird. opposite the Coon Honse. f"EO. V. J. WAIN. ATTORNEY AT kj ,L. WiUpracttaetn all courts of the Territory. Tombstone. Aruoca. ( S.CLARK,ATTORNBYANDCOUN M Srtlor At Law. Office on Feurth Street, .stone. Will practice in an the con of the Territory. CHARLhS GRANVILLE OHNSTON. Attorner jail Counsellor at Law and Notuy Public, 43J Fremont street bet. itn wri rth streets. A number of the Bar 01 ?l.e .vjprcrue Conrt of th Territory, and will ! icCce ia anjr of the court, therein. B ERTI1A HERRING. TYPEWRITER acd Notary Public Toughnut Street. Tombstone, Aritora. A. WENTWORTH. COUNTY RE- corder an 1 Abstract .Office, Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn- shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. CtSce in Court House, Tombstone. O. 2. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Orfice on Allen.&t: bet. 3d 4 4th. Tombstone, L KOSKA. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office n ih Si bet. ASea and Tojxhnut. Tombstone. HS. GORDON. 1.1. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his reideccc fcn 4th street. Calls attended at all boors day and sight, 1 C. EARLE. ASSAYER AND META- T lugical Laboratory. office N to. Fremont St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS- F. & A 31. K' 'ING SOLOMON LODGE NO. s, nirets third Saturday in each month. Viiitine brothers cordially invited t at tend, w. m . j. h Mcpherson. A. L. GROW Scc'ty. It A. Id. C .OCHISE CHAPTER No. a. MEETS ednesdty in each month Vts itinr CoQtacions cordially jnvireuio at- raJ. - TOM LOWRY, II. P. A. WEN rWORTH, Seeretarr. I'. O. 8. of A. ASHING FON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday cresting 1 each month. Vis. i:in ' Comrades cordially incited. w I. W. CLARK. President. A. L. GROW, Secretary. -OMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. I W. meets tst and 3d Thursday in each month. Visiting brotbe cordially in Titna. ROBT. BEST. M. W. W. D. IfOHMOKtEK, Recorder. ' K.ofP. 4, RIZUS'A LODGE I KNIGHTS OF .- Pythus. 'No. 4., meets erery 1st and d Uondiys rn each mocth. Visiting brothers irrdislly in-.Ued A. H. LMANUEL. C C V. D MONMON1ER K. of S. FK JTECnON HOE COMPANY NO. 3. nvets First Sunday in each month ot their aoae h use on the cerser of Seventh and Fre au ' streets, opposite the school bouse. WM. GARKETT. Foreman, TDM SMITH Secretary. R' ,EUK HOSE COMPANY MEETS First .-unUy in each month at City iiau. Frrmnt street. 1. V VICKERS. (, WENTWORTH. Srry. Pre-ldent. I. f. MCDONOUGH. Foreman. ) AX GINK COMPANY NO. 1, MEEC V I lit Sund.y in each month, at Luse hott;, CO tbi comer of 1'ouctinat and 3th streets. lOSEWI LIPPERT. Foreman. MKKP.Y VI NKER. Ssecretary IJIVXOIV VATER WORKS T CALVES, Prop. Water I'er BaiTClV. 25 Ceati. NWater. Per Bncket - 5 Cents. jKOMrr service. deduced Rates by the Month Leave order with wagon, or at tl.i gfngtitm. fa 4H bovrtt OtncrrVM anS mi I srsj S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, Mlilfl as THE DRY GOODS &g. HUN! IH , K Villi I HIVL lilUIl UIVI1UI Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles.JDesigns, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large arid well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S FUBOTSHLNe DEPARTMENT A Specialty is made of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND. OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. EAT AI SHOE Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other famous Hate, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Foot-wear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. IT THE CBOGKERY'. HAM ABE AID SADDLERY DEPARTMENTS A full stock is carried consisting of Glawsware, Crockery, Out Grla-ss,; Fancy CapH. Canvass Tents, "Wajfon Covers, IMatrasseu. Eyeryttang at Lowest Eastern Prices S, M. BARROW, l . -.'.. - '- ' -- . - T i i ----stt-s-li--"M'" .11 111 IV DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTS U ardware, Tinvrare, Guns, JPistolM, Catridge Etc HarneH8 Saddles, Spnra .CT ?:i 4V - ' "fer- Do you know what tea tastes like ? Most Americans don't. They drink what the Japanese leave for us Americans tough leaves, weighted, painted, and roasted, by "enterprising," "wide-awake," "smart" Amer ican tea-shippers not in Japan for their health. That isn't tea that's tnno-r. leaves and gypsum and Prus sian Blue (poison). Tea is the first pick from the finest plants, roasted in San Francisco, fresh Schillings Best. s You can spoil even Schil lings Best by poor making; so we give simple directions in every package. Quick grocers sell it. Aw!SpUe H?d ""oaey-baclsed: ScAil. hj?s .f?c.flect bakingpow der, sod. pices, and flavoring extracts. ' A Schilling & Comfatiy San Franchc DEMOCRATS, ATTENTION. A metinj of the democratic county central committee is hereby called to take plice at the count? court house on September 8th. 1$J6. at the hour of two o'clock p. m. for the pu-pese of selecting delegates to the territorial conren tion: The arrang ng of primaries and date of counir convention, appointing of officers of primaries, acd the transaction of all such other ousinessas snail properly come Wore the com mittee. A full attendance i ranch 'ArA .. this will likely be the last meeting ot the present ALLEN R. ENGLISH, Chairman, County Central Committee. Dated Aug-iSoo. PRIMARY ELECTION. SATOKDtY, SEPTZUBE 19. 1896, The voters of the Peoples' party of Cochise county will hereby take .notice that the due for holding primary elections for election of delegates to attend the county convention which will be held ia Bisbee at the call of the Peoples' party Central Committee and published ia the news papers cf the county has been set for the 19th day f September, 1896. The fil lowing is the apportionment of delegates from each precinct: Bisbee, 7; Tombstone, 4; I'earce. a; Wilror. a; Hereford. 1; Slillers Canyon, i; Fort Huachuca. :; HuachucaSid'ng 1; West Huachuca.-1 ; FairbanV. i;SL David. 1; Benson, i; Tres Almos, 1; Pool's Ranch, 1; Ruu:IlnI!, 1; Doj Cahexas. 1: Teviston. s; San Simon. 1; Brannock, 1; Taylor's Ranch, 1; Galeyvllle, 1; San Bernardino, 1. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing; or negotiating a paper par porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor ol John Gates, and endorsed by me, as same has bean paid, and I hold Mr. Gates' recejpL Said paper has beenjost. T. B. CH ATTV AN, Pearce, Aug, I7. 1S96. Wanted An agent in cvtzy section to cant rau. UUKa dar made- i-ll 91 .;1n,- also a man to sell mule roodi ta Ml K-t lide line, $75 a month. Salary or large commis; sion made; experience unnecessary For sealed particulars send stamp. Clifton Soap & Manu facturing Company, Cincinnati. Ohio WA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewall and Fr- Silver- authorized by Bryan written by R. L. Metcalf, editcr Osuha. VorU Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and plat'crm. A bonanza for agents: a free silver mine for work ers; only $1.50; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit given; freu-ht paid; outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory; permanent, profi. table work for 'o5. Address The National Book Ceocem, Star building, Chicago. ai W. O. ABBOTT. -tVSSa.y:ek.. PRICES FOR ASSAYING: Tr.MBsroa-, A. T. Go'd. , Silver .., ..r$i.oo .. I.Ot .. I.OO .. Z.35 .. 200 .. z.50 .. Z.53 .. r.50 z.50 .& .. 3.00 lrAlJ.t Gold arH Silver, one saniDle Gold, Silver and lead, one sample. Copper "-.. ... . . .. . ... .. . ....... Manganese Ume...., , Iron...... Zinc OIKceand,Residenca Overlook House. GUM MAXEY, Allen St. ear 3d, (Old Custom House.) VEGETABLES, FRUITS, 10TAT0ES ONIONS, ETC Freth California fruit received every day py txprtu. Jiterythina told at I iewtat rales, flat B Geett dMverei . -- Kodeo Notice. Horte Rodxo will commence on tba San Rafael ranch on the 1st of 8tp- ierntr-r. cattle ro4er will commence on tbo latb of September. Weather permitting, the O 0 C and Rigge round-up will begin at Sulphur ftpnnge, Wedneeday, August 26th. San Pedro Round-up AMOaiatios will commence work an September 10. beginning at the the Wakefield place. The annual fall round-up by cattle ewneri or Sulphur Spring yallej and vicinity, north of the S. P. railroad. will beriu at Hooker! Hot Spring on the morning of Sept. lit. The general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Valley will commence work on September 7tb from the old W. a, Taylor ranch. tf. i . Two Lives Maved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction ri IIL, was told by her doctors she had cen sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cored her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everythihj else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's Nrew Discovery and in two weeks mi cured. He is naturaily thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of the, mcuicuic m touL-ns ana corns. ree trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drugstores. Regular size ?oc and $1.00 Piano for sale. A seven octave square piano, rosewood case, sweet toned and in good repair. Prico $100; includ ing stool. Inquire at this office. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There Is comfort In the knowledge, that eo many forms ef sickness are not doe to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which -the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is exerywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are one to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating' the organs on which it acta. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that yon hare the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia. Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by aU reputable druggists. If In the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies axe then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general ss 'Jssgtioeu ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSETT, TROPRIETOR Pure ice delivererfjlo any part oi the dry s 2 CENTS PER, POUND. Svccial rates to families for ice for regular customers. jaTOFFICa ANDHCE HOUSE sTHST.-S Opposite Postofnce. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, FresM t street, opposie' Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finest viewt and picture tf all time in a mott artistic manner, tnperior finish and tne. jLTintywr. Takes oo short slice. Greaas a a e ltx CakUct. panel d ttiedW sssVB lssssssssi I sWsssssssssstt4 Highest of all in Lcaveainir.Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE THE LATEST MS Tiie Trouble in Turkey igaiu . Manifest. BODIES THROWN IN TIIE SEA Li Hans Chune the Guest of the Nation Bicycle vs Horse. ASYLUM BURNED DOWN General Happenings Through out the .Country. Napa, Cal. F. a. Cutter was nom inated for eongrtsa today by the First diittict democratic convention. He will subaait Lis aomicatien to a joint committee otdemocrats.populiaU and silvciitisi. CoKSTAKxiNOPLS. Scoree of dead Kd)es hare been thrown into the isa in order te save the trouble of burying them. The British charge d'affaires hns refuted the request of the Sultan to withdraw the guards of British ma rinri, faying he cannot do so until the the dieerde-i here are thoroughly quelled. Of the Armenians seized in the Ottoman bank five were killed and rhe wounded. Tbey all came from abroad. Fifteen lurvivors, have been cent to Marseilles, the British and French war ifaipa seeing tba Mtiisgerie liner safely oS. New York. Li Hong Chang aroce early. Hii first caller was sx-Score-tary John W. Foster. The report that the ambatiador and the Russian min ixisr had a conference lait night was confirmed by Edward B.Drew, com- rnlriooer of customs in the Chinec service. He woald say nothing as to what pasted between his excellency and the minister. The program to day was presented to Earl Li and by U he found that the great feature of the day was his reception by Presid ent Cleveland at tne rtiidense ef Wi'lliam C. Whitney. Chicago. Joe Patshen, the champ ion peeing stallion, has been matched agsinit W. W. Hamilton, the Denver bicyclist, who holds the most unpaced records, for a race at Becheiter, N. Y. September 19, mile heats, best two in three, for a purse of $7,000. PiUhurg, Pa. The eoal miners at Anderson, Nottingham, Hackstt and Gsrmaniaof the Wheeling division have been untitled af a reduction to 0 cnts a ton on September 1. If the miners refuse te accept the cut the mines will close and 1,600 men will be thrown out of employment. IxDlAiurous. Credentials' of ' the various lUteeaad territories are being received and tabulated at gold demo- lerssUa ksadqaarUr ttjday. It ia etat. I kt proxies will fce lew h4 that practically emiy statu and territory that hag named delegates will be re presented. GiKNwoon la., The atate Inititute fer feeble minded children burned yes terday mortiing invohing a Ion of $150,0)0. All the inmate were res cued. The fire wa caused by light ning. There were a hundred children in the building. KkwYork. Shortly after the re ception to Li Hung Chang, President Cleveland itarted for Buzzard's Bay on the yacht Sapphire. FOtt OVKK FIFTY YEAKM. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winglow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and ia the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and tek for Mra. Win ston's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the general delivery at the Tombstone postoffiee for the week ending.Augusl 22, 1896; Mie Sadie wnght.2, Luke Kelly, Maty Uun.iisr, Joe AguilezCruz When calling for above letters, eay advertised, giving date of advertise ment. Emil Bvdow.P. M. Pioneer's Becominetacfailoii. Mr. j. W. Venable, of Downey a pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cal., says: ''Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it for years, know it to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to every one." For sale by Druggists fTemta sT and Xettmlala cured by Dn, mVB P S PILLS. 'OnSctnS- in. JUles- Narva Plasters Kc at all (J FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. GEO. O. McGEEProp FAIRBANKS 'ARIZONA, Uea. dquarter for visiter from Tomb CJJ stone and turrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE? A FDLL LINF BOF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS! AND TOBACCO Constantly kept ontund Patronage soiidte , FAIKBANK.. AlCIZOXA.' SAUUIUL Alt FAIRBANK. AEIZOSA. MBS. K. HAIUUNGTON.IPro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHIKG Cka rges reasonable Parties roine trosa 'lstaa one l Bisbee will have ample time foj ,. dinser before the tarin arrives. Pr'w lie patron i is rpiaC.Clj aolicked. Sv i FAIBAMKEXCHANGE DfiMART! FairhrW l u 1 Ue y T i; n