Newspaper Page Text
J s-, aftaasgastyaasass; U-",, S&, w -- hwotowi awrgaMOT rii 1HE TOMBSTONE nB Vf ?'. Tsf IT5M 'iV r-lbii'i " -W- w jm v a Ha i I OUR WATCHWORD----"COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. tfjcoM. &0 VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 2, t8Q6. Nb. 2C5 HM HI "m. 1BM1B.X lBaasir'V hv ... BSSSJs. . , "V r . V.!lK(JliL Mm IBB sv .vjl-w ! se . j-YtO -' '" I txti '.'t I if mtf.m l V r-c in J :j ( I ( '. IThe Frospector "aly,am! Count? OJRcial Paper. iuuumikd evi:ry evening (Excirr iimda.y.') BV TYm. K&ttirh Elit'.r and Proprietor. Vreniitut st.. "pposito City Hall 1 Hi. PsesrRCTO will not hold Itself respon sible Cor ah of th- tiHes or sentunerts ex pressed by any of iu correspondents Entered in the Totilis(one 5econd Class nutter. t -i Postofftce as PROFESSIONAL OARDS. JAMES RE1UV. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Aruona. M. C STA"PHI. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public, Tombstone, Arizona. H ERRING & HERRING. A ITORNEYS and Counselor a Law. Office on Tourhnut Strvt. between Second and smd Third, opposite the Court House. GEO. W. VVA1N. ATTORNEY Al". La WiD promise in all courts of tie Territory. Tombstone. Arizona. ( S.CLARK.ATTORNEYANDCOUN. selor at Law. Ornce us P ourth Street, Jirtucea Allen and Toughnut, Tombs-one. Will practice in all the cou ef the Jcrrstory. CVIARL.CS C.R4..SVILI.K 'OHNSTON. 1 Attorney and Councilor at Law and Notiry Pu!ibc,4J- Fremont street bet. 4tn lnd th struts. A uiibrr of the Baroi tLe 5uprc"r Oo"rt cf the territory, and tU pr tcCce la ant of the cojrt therein. B ERTHX HrRKING. TYPEWRITER and Notary PuMia, Toughnut bueet. Tombstone. Arun AWENUVORIH. COUNTY RE cb'd'T au I Almrvet .Office. Abstracts Of title u real eute nd mines furn-sh-d promptly and acurat:l. Complete tran scs pts. CfT.ce in Court House. Tombstone, E.. ALVORD. IUSTICE OK THE Peace. OI&.C on Alli-9 St: bet. 3d & atn. 1 oiitiunr. L KOSKA, JU-iTICEOKTHE PEACE. 1 Office en 4th St bet. Allea and Toafhsut, ToTibstone. M S, GORDON. I. I. PHYSICIAN AND n iureran. Office adjoining hu residence an 4th street. Cabs attended at all boors dar and sugfK, - iAKLE. AbS.A,YER AND META- lajfical L-iboratsrv. Qntee Na 319, rremoctbt.'e Citjr HalL THE ORDERS- r. & a jr. KING SOLOM N IX)DGE NO. c, meets th-rd ird ir In each month. Vtiiune brothns cordulljr invited t at tea L 5 W, M . J H Slci'HEKiON. . A, L. GROW SfcV It. A. HI c , OCHISK CHAITER No. 4. MEETS thjd Weinesdi j in each month. Vis iting Costpaawnt ccrdiallrinrireuto at- cad. TOM LOWRY..II. P. A. WENTVORTII, I. . S. of A. w ASHINGTOV CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st t riday evi n; in. each month. Vis iunir Comities odially invited. xt - JZ$. W. C LARK, President. L. GkOW;crretarjr. 4 A. O. U.W OMnSTOST. I ODGE NO. 3, A. O, U. W. meets 1st an J 3d Thursday in each- s tic ana 34 ini Vui Viz brothe VMt croie c cordiBr IteS. ' KOBT. BEST. M. W. yt. D Mosvoirn. Keoorder. K. ufP. A RUOA I-OrEi KNIGHTS OF j? Pythias. No- 4.. meets" every 1st and d Monday' tn each month. Visiting brothers tardiillr invited A. H. EMANUEL, CC W. D. MONVOMEP. K. of S. PROTECTION HO-E COMPANY NO, 3, meets Kirt Sand iy In each montt. ot tiicir oae bottle on thcorT of Seventh and Fre SB it streets, ojirxiitr tNe school bouse. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, TOM SMITH STria.-y. R' LECUE hose ompany meeis First.Min lay 111 rich month at City Hill. Fremont tfw I. V. VICK ERS. ft, A ENTWORTI I. ty. 1 Ment. I tC McnON'OUGH. Foreman. . . 1 . EI GIVE COMPXV NO. , MfcET latt Sunday In n.h month, at bose house, est tfce exact of'Touc"!'' ! S'h xtrteti. JO hi H I.IPPERT. Foreman. HENRY Dl NKEH. .-vretary- frsi-iv WATER WORKS F CALVES, JVop. - Wsf?r iv U;;rr..!,- 25 Cent WaUr. Per Bt:dc!t - 5 Cents. JXOhlV SERVICE. deduced Pates by the Month Jjtzve oi-'Jcm with wajon, or at thi WMM I la 4? horn OonarrVM r4 WSZttt mm laMl HnT; friltKitl , miUMXtmawTzwrt prav4 " S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, THE DBY GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles.JDesigns, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. UffS FURNISHIN& DEPARTMEUT A Specialty is niade of this- style and quality are CLOTHING SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC. KARYSVILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $20 AND UPWARD. m and shoe Departments Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other iar.ious Hata, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham fc Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. 5. -r I1N TELE CROCKERY. flMAI Al SADDLERY DEPARTMENTS A full stock is carried consisting of GrlasK wn.re9 Crockery, Cat Grlass, Fancy Ctipw. Cunvass Tents, Wagon Covers, , IMxttrawseM. Eyeryiidiig at Lowest Easte rn.Prices, -i S, M. BARROW 11 till LI s nit DEPARTMENT Sateens, Checks Department and the price, bound to please. H ardware, Tinware, l Gtuis, JPistolJV Ca'.ridges Etc Harness'! twaddles, Spnr.,JC2 It takes a great deal of public timent to stop an evil. sen Wo are too "busy. Once upon a time there were no sewers to carry away foul and stagnant water; there was no Board of. Health to check disease by vaccination, etc, etc; and disease ran wild. Then people made up their minds to choke off these diseases, and they built sewers and hospitals and elected a Board of Health and milk inspectors. Will the people choke off colored tea, or don t they know how harmful this colored tea is that pours into our country from Japan ? But there is an easy way out of hScAHJivs Best, money-back tea, at your grocers. Other memberi of the money-back family : ScAtUinx's BeslcoKec, baking powder, soda, spices, seasoning. Savor ins; extracts. A Schilling & Gtmjanj SvtFraneisc0 Ten cents- more a package for tea Schillings Btst than for tea and poison an'dgypsum (costs 3 cents a pound). Can you afford -not to pay it? Can you afford to drink poison no matter how much or how little' at any price? There is poison in most Japan tea used to color it with. There is no poison in Schillings Best, nothing but tea, pure tea, money-back tea. At your grocer's. Abo pure and money-backed: St hit Kuf's Sett coffee, baking-powder, soda, spaces, and flaonnr; extracts A Schilling & Company SanFrantitc 4 NOTICE. TO THE REPUBLICAN CONTRAL COM- mittee of Cochise County, Arizona; You are hereby noti6ed that there will be a m.tfirr nf aifl frntrl rommtftM. At the court house, Tombltone, upon September 10th at a p. m. to trxasact thff jllowine business: To fill vacancies on said committee; to select to delegates to attend tbe territorial con vention and to transact any other business mat may properly come before the committee. L. II. I'll 1, Chairman. A. W. Surra. Secretary. ToUBSTONX. A.T. September 1st . 189S. DEMOCRATS, ATTENTION. A meeting of the democratic county central committee is hereby called to take place at the county court bouse on September Sta. lfc. at the hour of two o'clock p. sa. for the pu-pese of selecting delegates to the territorial conven nnnf The arrangtnf of ptimanes and date of county convention, appointing of officers of primaries, ard the transaction of all such other business as shall properly come Wore the com mittee. A full attendance is much '.desired, as his will likely be the last meeting ot the present committee. , ALLEN R. ENGLISH. Chairman, County Central Corrimittee. Dated Aug-6-i8cA PRIMARY ELECTION. Satuidat. Skftxusu to, I896. The voters of the Peoples' party of Cochise county will hereby take notice-that the date tor holding primary elections lor election ot delegates to attend the county convention which will be beld in Bisbee at tie call of the Peoples', party Central Committee and published la tbe news papers cf the county has been set for the roth day if September, 1896. The fol lowing is the apportianrarst of delegates from each precinct. ' Bisbee, y, vTombstone, 4; Pearce. "a; Wilcox, a; Hereford. 1; Millets Canyon, 1; Fort Huachuca. 1; Haachuca Siding z: West Huachuca. iiFairbank. 1: St. David. 1; Benson, t; Tres Almos. t; Pool s Ranch, 1; Kusssuvuie, s; vos caoezas. 1; Tenston, 1 San Simon, t; Brannock. 1; Taylor's Ranch, 1 Oaleyvtlle, 1; San Bernardino, 1. NOTICE. . ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or nefotiating a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor ot John Gates, and endorsed by me, as same has bsca paid, and I bold Mr. Gates' receipt. Said paper has bean lost. T. B. CHATTVAN. Pearce. Aagi I7, 1I04 t. Mode Ifti'tleea. Hone Kodpo will commence on the San Rafael ranch on the let of 8ep- terrber. Cattle rodeo will commence on tbo 15th of September. Weather permitting, the C C C and Bigge round-np will begin at Sulphur Spring, Wednesday, Augmt 26th. San Pedro Bound-up Association will commence work on September 10, beginning at the the Wakefield place. Tbe annual fall round-up by cattle owners of Sulphur Spring yalley and vicinity, north of the S. P. railroad, will berin at Hooker's Hot Springe on the morning of Sept. 1st. The general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Valley will commence work on September 7th from the old W. B, Taylor ranch. tf. m Two i,ives sated Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City III, was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 nuriua 01. aan rrancisco, suttered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, inea witnout result everythine else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's NeVr Discovery and in two weeks uas cured. He is naturaily thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that proe the wonderful efficacy of the, medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drugstores. Regular size 50c. and S1.00 Piano for sale. A seven octave square piano, rosewood case, sweet toned and in good repair. Price $100; includ ing stool.3fcTnquire at this office. Gladness Comes With a. better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasantefforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of Eifirai are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it Is the on remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acta. Jt is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all repntable druggists. If In the enjoyment of good health, and the system ia regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need uf a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, 8yrup of Figssteids highest and is most largely used and gives mnt general sfc.iefacfkm. ARCTIC ICE CO- C J. BISSErT, FBOPBLETOB Pure ice delivered to any part'oi the city a 2 CENTS PER POUND. Svecial rates to-families for ice for regular customers. I "OFFICZAND.ICE HOUSE TH ST.-S Opposite Postomce. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Frenve t street, "opposi e" Prospector. FAMILY PH0T0GRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Cartful attention given to turning o t the V FineM viewt and picture of all tiet its tucth artittic manner, wuperUr finish and tone, ' :pjLC?3EnEr:Hc:KBa Taken oa short notice. Groups ill aalty Oibtnet,, panel uds4a4ard ssssssWStMVsssssssIssIsIsssssssvTsssIb Highest of all m LeaveninrP0wer. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE IE LATEST NEffS Senator Tellar Makes Speech .4 WARNING TO OFFICERS. The Progress of The Gold Democrats A Fatal Shoot iag In San Francisco- CAPT. CRA.WF0RD DEAD. Geaeral Happenings Through out the Country. Colorado Spi.isos, Col. Senator fitrnry M. Teller delivered last night in thia city the only speech be will give in the state of Colorado in this campaign. Three thousand people occupied every available space in tbe Coliseum and listened attentively to Mr. Teller's argumen: in favor of frte coinage of rilvr. He was cheered time and again by his audience and also by the vast throng which con gregated outside the ball. Ikdianxpolib, Ind. Louis Ehricb, of Colorado, arrived today. He i a gold delegate from a very strong silver state. He says it is idle to talk about IfeKmlay cartjiog Colorado and on might as well say thai Bryan wouid carry Maine. St. Pstebsbuho, Fallowing tbe death of Prince Lobanoff Rostovsky, Russian minister of foreign affairs, tbe Czar has stimmond the deputy Xussian minister of foreign affairs. M'Chichkine, of Kief. Indianapolis. Ind. More interest attaches to Mr. Cleveland's position perhaps than to any other feature of tbe National Democratic party con- Tcnuoa. Sy raaoy it ia acoeoWd as a fact that the president is insympalby with the convention and there is a decided feeling that but one thing stands in the way of oSeriug tbe nom ination to tbe president. It i recognized that in case this ac tion was taken that there would be a clamor against a third term which might be turned to account by silver men and prevent some voting. Sax Fbaxcisco. Another fata! shooting cccurtad hereyesterday after noon. Joseph Kilkline shot bis wife twice at their home on Jesse street. She will die. Jealousy waa the cause of the shooting. Seattle. News has reached this city of the accidental death at the Blewett gold mines near Blewett. Kittitas county, of Captain Jack Craw fori', who claimed to be the original poet scout. Wasuinqtoh. The civil-service commission ha Issued an order to federal office holder warming all em ployes agawat seeking or making con Iribotiofr tot earn gainst poryajais. The Baking Powder order is sweeping in its character, and affects all branches of the government, service. Violators of the law will be prosecuted. San FfiAKCisco. Margaret Crow ley who was beaten by John Collins at her house last Thursday, died of her Injuries this morning, and a charge of murder was placed against Collins. FOU OVKIt FUTV VEAEs, An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant 10 the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Win- staff's Soothing Syrup, and take no otbpr kind. The Difference between fresh-roasted tea and stale-roasted tea is not tremen dous. It is a matter of taste, and it affects health only as far as taste affects health. But colored tea Is health stealing. Schillings Best is the only uncolored Japan tea, that we know of, in the L'ni.ed States. It is the only tea roasted in the United States. It is the only money-back tea we ever heard of: Also pure and money-backed:'s Beit coffee, baking-po der, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts. A Schilht.g& Company San Francisco . t Mo-Beer's Recommend naioa. Mr. J. W. Venible, of Downey a pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cal , says; ''Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamb:rlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kem-Jy. I have ued it for year, kno.v it to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to every oat." For sale by DrugUts FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. FAIBAHKEICHAKE GEO. G. McGEEProp FAIRBANKS "ARIZONA. Hta dquartert for visitor from Tomb ttonr andsurroundi-ip Country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand . BEER ON DRAUGHT. P: A. BeMARTIE GENERAL MERCHANDISE? A FULL LINF OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS'. AND TOBACCO Constantly Kept onhand ratroa-ige 'o'.icite FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FairM FAIBBAXK. ARIZONA. MRS, K. HARRINGTON,: Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH, THE BEST' OF EVERYTHTR- Cha rges reasonable Parties eoing from Ion a ' ccet Bisbee will have ample time fc dinner before the tarin arrives. PVw dc patremge n reapectfutlt soXdsnE. ! ! u 1 f I T S ' jUl , r- z T j j j - .... 1 ! sm iilBiftaWHw' " "jaw " - J m ililM fcfcT ""' -sMasstlssias