Newspaper Page Text
ifrfrawmnwmfrdfcMw . . ' -a - J:flpi - --'-' . S5-5SS5aa---yjsasjfifciaBjs mi.--z.- m,.- - .-..CTi i. - . i a " t '' -- ""?- NICk'NOBILE." EE Healer in j -. . t ' - " MMSmmmt c a fly fc&iref Jrlsf - t1- i 1 , FAUflE mi 0- K- Liwry and Feed Stables, US-5T TURNOUTS IS TUB CITY. .. reusable rates, and on iori notice. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction j guaranteed OlilFFITH &. ADAH, Proprietors. BlfrBKK. AS-'ZO.SA. Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OT TO GLESUXHOFFEK. Prop Finest Restaurant In Bisbee. Private Rooms (or families or for private parties. IfresJi Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. Tlie table suxnlied with the best the market afford THEO.F.METZ, Pioneer Soda Works. Soda water, Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsjiger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. bU'sl improved machinery, and none but thr very best of molerealt ever used. HLbee, - - Ariaona. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE I ANUFACTt'KR OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and iTadr. to order on Short Notice. A fu'J line ot . OEXERAL MERCHANDISE Constanjy on hand. Consistingof Booti, Shoes . Shirjs, Underwear, and Gents Furnishing CjoU A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place lo Bisbee quality 01 goods considered. F. ML M0KA.Y Keeps a will selected stock of SCOTCH. IRISH AND BOURBON whiskies, Aad.the best brands of Cigars. F jc Cow liter on uraugni OLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. "is: a pl'eisant, social time, and courteous treat ment, call on Mcllay, Bisbee. Arizona. t BISBEE. DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, FORE. FREI JI1LK D slivered to all parts of the city ever) 'salo at the lowest mur.el pjice. Y ur patronage solicited, Satisfaction ' " Guaranteed. L-ave orders with UnionMarket. a. ot ni.'jw. VUEEN I LODGE J'o.J IX MEETS Visiting broth. ij every Saturday evening . .wrfixlt invitfr . a ... . ...nn-.x t W ASIA m.lJU.L, -. r.WAKD Bajhek Recorder. H. C Hsases, Financier. H. SCHMIKOCN, J KWZ'.ERAVD DENTIST. ALXKINDS of dental rt Jewelry work in -'J branches performed with neitne and dispatoh. J5ces, Bisbee ax d Tombstone. jIAR U w FRMN .TON. DENTIST. J ) -'All work in the Hoe of Dentistry done in a jof -ssioDal manner ai -atS-f-Jinr. Rttiranteed. h via airjvery reasanabie. Offije atkearer S: a;oVerlock, UHION MARKET ANDBAKtRY Ereueiy f.uenue, .,. 77 tuuL Mutton, 'Porkl etc. also Salt Pork and. : "' Corttrd Beet. All lands of Svus.ile alwivs, onihanri. .. .- rv. nr.H lint. tLkrrv ine mart 10 NELSON THE TAILOR, Leads tie FasMon. TkAI.-N STItKKr, 1UBUEK. bisbee Steam - Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. AU Unas of laundry ork with neatness and dispatch. PRICES RE A SOS A BLE. Deliver- wagon, collects and distributes all work. Give them atrial. GEO. DREYSPRING, - , - Manager. 0ce With Marks & Wllij barber shop. Visit Markey's Studio or up to date, class photography. high CRAYONS, INK, PASVELS and WATER COLORS, To mm outside competition I will mtVe you ahich class life sue Craven fot.oo. A rood enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin-type UrPER Mais street, Bisbee, Arizona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of ail kinds re ceived daily. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAKS, AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all paats of town. 10 per cent off for cash. JI. MKOIGOVICII, Propr. DUBACHER & MUI1EIM, Brewery Gulcli.Bbtliee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Hand. Our Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, Wbolsale and Retail Dealc la Groceries, Poultry, Game received ence a week. LIQUORS, WINES.T CIGARS - AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA GARETTO DKALEK IN c DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED? FRUITS, 1-A flTINES, IMPORTED - liquor's AND CIGARS, ?" EGGS, BUTTER V; AND PROVISIONS ; f f IMPORTED CHEESE &. SAUSaCFEB Also Dealer in Wood. it .jt J VI .? KU bisbee Arizona. V Cta Pnetru dtv it thin.'tin ther , ! atstttel m-ner short nokc BISBEE Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget ot lnterestiae Items from ear Regular Cor respondeat. iiiBBEE, September 1, 1896. COPPKRWOB. Adam Ovens lei t' for a trip to the mountains in quest ot health and pleasure. Mrs. Temby and children departed for a visit to friends in Tombstone this morning. They will probably remain away for a number of days. Miss Delia Burr returned from bir camping trip in the Huachucaa Sun day after an absence' of about two -ninths. She thoroughly eojoyed her visit iu every way and is in the viry best of health. Mr. H. Timmetman, who was hurt somewhat in the mine a few weeks since and has been taking a vacation while awaiting his recovery returned this evening. He looks well and will probably be at work sooa again. Jack Mathi&s went down to the camp of the b-Uge crew on the A fc S. E.R. R. for a few days shooting. He ho'p-s to bring back quite a few ducks aud quail and says he'll remem ber our contribution department. Mr. Walter Douglas left town this morning for a shorttrip lo the moun tain.. We have no postitive inform a. lion but believe he is going to look ovcr.soaae property for Mr. Holmes who has been In town for several days and started out with him this morn ing. Bherifl Leatherwood of Pima Cti. c&m-in this afternoon -seemingly on a dead ttraight trail. He was only in, town s short lime as an extra train out oa the A. fc S. E. R. R for his especial bunt-tit. We believe lie is bound to Benson from here buj are unable to get any further informa tion. The funeral of H. E. Penny took place this afternoon from, Libary Hall under the auspleea of the Bisbee Lodge of' the I. O. 0. F. A very appropriate funeral sermon wan delivereil. in the hall by Rev. J. Q. Pritchard, after which the body was escorted to the place of interment iu the lower aeme tary by the Odd Fellows Lodge and a large number of friends and acqu&in tancee. The remarks at the grave were also most appropriate and the body was laid to rest e-uid the deep sorrow of .his many friends. The fuperal was ene of the Urtjest in Bis bee lor some time and .was a fitting tribute to the memory of one ot Bis- bea popular cU-tinert. The sym pathies of all ar with the bereaved family. Mr-Go.mer, the getleraan who has had the contract on all the hauling of wood, ore, etc., at the Moctexuna Concentrating Co.'s plant -at Nacosari came up from there Saturday with hi fimily. who are en route to Santa Bar bara. California. He returned imme diately on thf-ir departure from hen? to wind tip bis affairs at the m'.vri. He states -that, in his opinion, the' nine is about to be shut down, also the cor-t-tany'a store closed.. This will complete the closing of all work by the eooipany at thai place la doubt- . . . 1 I. .llf 1" T. In how or when it will be resumed It is supposed to depend enlirely-'On ne gotiations now pending in Nete York, The mine, aecordiog'lo 'all accounts. isKunfery good one jyJouJi,st.ear- bars mdely disturbed last night by a mixture, of fireiliistlee, .pistol shots and almost evcryjothernoise conceivable. It all arose over a fire in a 12x14 cabin owned by Jess Morgan which was fcorned to the ground More the meet of oar go4pepleiouow Out what was the natter., The Bisbee Fire Co. ware ytittle slow, toning to the front but er -aotjto be left altogether, and - 4 started to ringt their bell after the fire Mctically'''cztinuilse Tbii was probably to let us know thateoaaa of them were awake, bat we were well aware el tbia fact for tko noiee aweke lor tsa mm m msmm tmii. Thore wu some danger at one time of the fire epreding to the surrounding homes bat this was promptly over come by the effort of a hastily formed t-ucket brigade. Jt was a very lucky thing, lioweve, that there was no breeze as the fire wag In a part of 'town quite a distance front a fire plug and it would bare been a hsrd matter to obeck it if it bad ever started to spread O m 'l'AcnEaiKlHnroLi.tuu-rerleTt I ajwe.wrvi tss MlloV Merve Puutere, LODGING HOUSE OJS-Il.ETSOJV,Iro. Clean bed-, well ventillattd airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This well known home is centrally located, and convenient to the railroad depot, and is head quarters for the traveling pub he Patronage solic ited and satisftc tioa guaran teed. BISBEE. ARIZONA.; PALACE Lodging House UBS. THOi. WALKER. Prop. W7ien visitin Bisbee don't fail to go to tlie Falace. Booms large lighl and airy Well furnished rooms. Centrally and Conveni ently locate Renovated throughoat, kites Reasonable. C. W. BLACKBURN. The New Imptovod Wh!te trwiar Machui. U Kinrof AIL bold on th installm-nt flw on ouy unw. by a. W, BLACKItllRr, O K Btreet. All Machio Flnduuri of all IdnJi) Notary Public and Conveyancer. Miners Exchange Main Street. Bisbee. W. C.JSMITH & CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors and 99m. Every courtesy and accommodation extended Sa Ipauont, Reading and Card Room Attached.- "'' MM r AiLiim ftiHiinuuu veaera) and Hervou Debility. , a - JWtJkiu ul Bo-ir and V i5.HiclE:recM of Eton tot juxt(ia ju or f AYz.r?.J llobunt, J.oblo KKniiOl roily iu.trea. ll.'iiv .o EnlnrKJ and id.vtJjpfcd Pertlous of jpny;, ADSoicwir Taa-atJiljrnomeTrtatm-tit. -Itevnta Iw a dav. testy f ram SOT States and Fr.TJza Countrl. Send for B-rlptlve Bmc, ts tllf, and proofs, niill'--d (sealsdj Ires. ERIE MEDICAL CO., luffalo, K. Y. JNOTICB i liTOTAU-OHOM IT MATf UONCERN. rtotic niLf h hnebv riven, that certain miolne claims ca.Jrf the Tam yeB"McGinty and Par agon, sittuled in the Warren mining district, and about one-half mile north-easterly from the Holbrcok. hoisting works, and abouf the same disuice from the town of Bisbee, A.T. xst. As the above named cLUms were not located ia conformity with, the IX. S mining laws, there fore, a second party, at. a later date, relocated the same in. full conformity with the above named laws. and. is fully determined to.protect his rights. Therefore.- all peisona are cau- rJoaed not to bargain tor.'btiy or lease the aiiovr .i .i.t. r j-"fv;rTRr'' C Sr"MANSOR: ais-tm Bisbee, A. T The Worlds Fair TestM M0 bmkiag powder m fmrm mr m gtta m j . pafffiwsvv tmsTmnrmt. QUEEN and HANS10N v JI91ltBBsnBiinaSB4i -ft.t..sss1BsssBMBSsssssBas?i!saVesB3P jSBSsssBsssssssssssssillSesasssilssi 'sssssssssssssssssssb7bfSkbQ sssssssssssssssssssT''yiUBSI ssssssssssssssssssm : KKjv!sw9jlfi IssssniaPsssssssEsSElj r aS&X mm "- tmmffisi lien PruitsukCandies,. rash Fratts Received Daily from California; Carries the Best Line of CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, etc, always on Hand. 'Fifth 'St. next to Postofliee. FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Description, CaU en WM. D. M0NM0NIEB, Opposite Mason Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books,- Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toifct Articles, etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. Bet Fourth- Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven TKANCIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectinf Picnic and Ex cursion outfitted on short notice.. Or ders bv mail or tel raph receives vromvt atten tion: TERM SUNREASQNAILY LOW, JOHN MONTGOMERY, Prop. J V. VICKERS Fremont Street. lombstone, Arizona. Jieal Estate, Mines Moneu, Cattle ond ln- surance,-ms KEAL'ESTATE Bought.old rented MIXES Bought sold managed. MONEY Loans negotiated and in vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer idsr INSURANCE Fire. Accident, life. Prompt Attention Given Collections. SUMMONS. , In the IXstric' Court first Judisiil distrL.t ot the rerritory of Arizona In and for the County ofCochi A-I-COLUNS plaintis, ADDIE L. COLLINS, defendaat. Action brought In the DistrictCocrt of the first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona in and for the Countv of Cochise, and the com plaint filed is the said County of Cochise, in the office of the Clerk of said Disfflct Court. The Territory of Arizona scads greeting to iiiz L, Ccffiti. "You are hereby required to appear in an action, brought against you by the' above """ olaintift in the District Court of the 1 1 first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona, in ana lor tae uouniy. 01 uocmse, ana 10 ansa tx the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the dayof service) after the service en von of this, summons, (if served with 'in tin's county or if served oat ol this county, but Jn tm district: within twentr aavs: otnerwise. withiithiny.days;) or judgment by default win be ta ten against you according ito the' prayer or saiu complaint" 1 The said action is brought to obtain a decree it di force frasa th s bonds of matrimony. '. iven uader fay hand an'djthe seal ot tie Dis nct Tourt rf the First Initial District of . the remtoryof ArizonA In and fortheeounty of Cochje." this 23d day of une in the year 3f our I-crd one.thousaad eijht hundred and ninety six. -. 4 SCOTT WHITK, - Cleric-., Bt;a H.Jmahukl, Deputy Clerk. I.S4t. NOTICE. Registrtio of; Electors for 'CocIiiseCeHdtvi Therfonowinvtessltition Qwas unanimouly 'passed at a meeting of "the board of supervisor of Coccise county- Arizona, held April 7U, t6. 'Resolved, That; there be, faadV "ereby ordered to be made, between 'the jothfday of AarO 'and the 13th day of October; a registration rihi. dtan of Cochise countv. and that the tfcrftbeBoaidbe.lawiuiud'to haveabqra four months, next after first day of May, itoS-a W, A. HARWOOD tEAU derkjoi tbBoord ofupervisors. Tombstone, May 1, 1S46. As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we arc going to givd to every purchaser of Ten- Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : ,yg Life-Size Ciayon Portrait. "p" There is not a family but possesses some picture oi Father, Mother. Brqther or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FRAME. The portrait Company uos made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own style. OXTJR, PLAN Ts to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLCOTT Dealer',',in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. F. & Co's. Exp.f FARPTO 03 FROM FAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p, m. lor Fairbank to connect with - Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAOGAO 0 Pxissengersldelivered to and Office in the city free of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. JOHN HANLEYflPROPRIETOB Pure,' ' EresliJJJnadxdterated Milk, delivered daih' tool partsxfftlie city. iu -nhl Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, lOcts. Reduction is made for larger quantities M OSice is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John Weiiand Anheuser, Lemps. OJVL j: th e trade s upplied ABOLFBAIU; Aent; " TUCHOJT, AHIZO.Vt. Bbttled Weiiand Beerfuinished to families in lumbston" by JOS. HOEFLER OYSTER PARLORS. A-IrJEIS St.BETVEEN 4th fVISl 5 th. First-Class Meals Eest"of Attention; Everything in Seasou. BOARD PER :WEEK S7.C0 THREE MEALS SINGLE MEALS.... 50 . Dinners lor Special Occartors a Sprctalty. Trya rVieal al lliii "opdsr Resor ' First-flUss 'Cooks onlylEmpIoyed. Accommodations for Families. J' t'4LMR, FrvtpTletor. -- CAN- CAN RESTAURANT eiT3WITG3Hfc 4LOst? JHC sE lim,.3Ci3EIW The Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestern Arizona. Good ilea's at all-nours.' FRESH OYSTERS ANDIGaIvIE IN SEASOM The Best'the Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons " Family Entrance en 4th Sr Bar.nuets a Specialtyv ' . wI.feT.7iriiatSLX cs J to all parts of the City. LAGER! 4 l.CO ! ! . 1 i- n I! '-h '4 1 if nrR JU iMejBisi in ' -,;, t .mmmm Plliii"1"!""1"""1"1 m -V I It . ; ---