Newspaper Page Text
t trtt - kl fj M 'L I ' A SSSai pp p The Prospector. SEPTEMBER 2.1896. RAILROAD TIME TABLES - IZONA & SOUTHEASTERN K. R. 3- Horth j TIM TABLE . 5 ? South . :l -! . ' x ! I . ! tm " "7 T "" T Fir jr Lalij I ' St - MC.J ' eXwpt ' " BODdajr i buwUy "i - BUb .. AriSJ St T:lt O. IVuiLuJ 1.1 JoO . TST 1S. lrkn 41.1 MO tfV. S.1S USX ,ur luk ,30.1 l '" I JO JJO1 .Chwlaton. J 1, ' M M.S A F lrbtok ... ,Lt 18.0 1 00 T- " W !r.LT r&lrbink ....Aria.0 r I ...N. H. A. Croin .. II.T V :1S j .6 land 1S.I 1SS0 ,K : 15.8 ocUntion 5 1S.M ' M lm Bwon L 0 ll.W CYANIDE PROCESS Its Jatrdc!io-ahtr Growth Arizona. r . 5- - t. 3H- "?? ' f ItetOc .tbni. HC tUtlaot. Step on colli. I o Kioum, SunnWn!eiit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. East STATION'S.! ail ti.loara.L" :o.oam ieiim 11.55 pm pa.45aml V . ...lVnsn ..Tucson .Mancopa ,...Y xn...,. .Los Ansetes .. , Aii 540 pm 705pm uioo5pm i i oop m Ban Srt, Uraited. eMt bound. MoimUt ud h rlji 8.1S. Btnwn' Hun Set, t.'ro.Ul (st bjjnJ, WaJnexltft an dttordayt, 4.05 Ttenaon .4-Tartv:-Tf ' ' rr- NEW MEXICO ARIZONA Wat toopm 8.50 a n .ooam 1.40 a tn a. 37 am l.iSpm' Lv .. .BerKots A ... Fairlnnlc . ...Hnachuca..... .. Oittrnlen .... .. Calahaux .... ....Noeali...... EaM 10-40 a m 1. oop m 13.10 pm 10.30 pm 0.00 am 8.30 am aTy except Sunday. P-iafie time. J. . FaxT Otiwal Minafrr. A. Naoclk. L. H. ArjUICHT. Awsrc General tnw. Train Master. MARICOPA 4 PHOENIX R R. ..North stations South 80 pmLv P'jonlx M tooam 8.35 pm ......Terape tsoam .oopm Kyreae i55pra 9,35pm ...... SiCiton 1330pm 0.45 pm .....Mane pa. .... 13 10 p m G. H.'HossiittX, Geo, Supt. LOCAL NOTES. hilver is quoted at CC a Yesterday was parday. Mr. J. F. Jolitton, who U the Ari aa and Kew Mexico rjpresf ntatire ol tb Mac Arthur-Forrett Cyanide ProoasK, J8 in Tombstone on a regular tour looking after tbe interacts o( 1ii company and tbe collectioa of roy alties. From Mr. Jobnston, trbo ! bitnrelf tborougU cbeiuiit and aaerand bas been connected with the company siuce iUorganiialion, some interesting facts are g Uaned as to the number of cya-ide plants in operation through out Aniona. Bui a fw years i-ince not one cyani ie plant wai in operation in Ariiona owinit t a general diitrust of iu successful working , but now that' the system bas demonstrated be yond doubt that it bas pasted the ex perimental stage and prored an estab lished fact and a boon to the mining world, the Arizona field is being rap idly cotered and already some fifteen plants are in operation and many more in contemplation. At Hartjua Hal a a 1C0 ton capacity system is working the largest in the territory. One plant at Fools Gulch of !00 tons capacity, ranks next; Con gress one of 80 -tons; at Wickesbug two plants of CO-tons each are work ing; at Seymeur one of 40 tons; at Tombstone four plants of 10 to 30 tons each, and numerous other plants throughout the territory on small scalp, from 5 to 15 tons capacity. At El Rio a large plaut is now beiog built and also one at Golden; th one at the latter mace beine erected by V. C. Daris of Tucson. In reference to the treatment of te- fractorv ores Mr. Jahnston states that every difficulty has been snrmounted and the most refractory dumps can and are no being succefully oper ated with profit. As evidence of the wonderful possibilities of the system he cites instances where ore is now be ine treated at the astonishingly low figure of S2 cms per ten. Asa mark of respect. and with the thought that our women as well th men should be education, the silver isuerlWi'invitation is extended to the ladies of Tombstone to attend the meeting'of t lis .Bimetallic Leagun at thi-ir room on Allen street this eyeoiiiK., The league haa procured periodicals and newspapers from all sections of tbe country, but mostly from the east and south, which are devoted to tbi most vital of questions, and )iifh all persons without regard to M-r, are at liberty to rend, but not to remove from ihnl acne room. They aUot-lt-ct conn 10 addies tht mem bers anit all who will cotneand listien, at each regul-tr lueetiup, hlch is on Wedne'dny emiiog of each week. and ws say to all win) interested in the can of bimetallism, come to these meetings. SNIPE HUNTING AT GLOBE. ,- . i jfc5ST.'i-.vtt2-P .'. tl e A'Bpifcliter Polish Pnt on a Polished New Yorker. THE WAGER ACCEPTED! A. New Mexico Syndicate Will Scoop the Pot- Dr. Gad", surgeon. Benson Physician and tf C. Bachellor returned from Bitbee today. . . Mrs. John Jones returned to Biabee this morning after a brief stay. . Mr. St. John, representing a Call fornir shirt factory, is in town in the interests of bis house. At delicate as satin and as strong as bop-sacking Schilling's Best tea. Lead is now down to about the low est figure in the history cf its produc tion in this country $ 2 50 per 100 pounds. Mrs. Dan Hanley and two sons were incoming passengers from Bisbee today to remain on a visit ior a fort night. m J. T.Titxgerald an old citizen of Graham county, and merchant of Selomonville died very suddenly Sun day of apoplexy. Fete Hook returned last night from Montana sad Colorado. lis ili re main in Tombttme a fortnight at tending to some business matters, be fore again leaving. Only good judges can estimate a horse by his color. Same way with tea colored teas lo&VTprettier than Schilling's Beit. Adrpmmerarrivrd today at noon. His face was badly bruited because of an accident which befell him while trying to get off the train. Lotions were applied an! he is now nursing bis injuries. sores, tetter, chapped hinds, chilblains. corns, and all slun eruptions ana posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction or money retunded. .Prices jo cents per box. For sale ' Tomh ione Drug Store Butte, Montana, is probably the liveliest mining town in America. The pay roll approximates a million dol lars a month. The lowest wages are 3 a day, miners receiving ?3.50. Butte has almost 40,000 population. . . 1 According to a local paper a Califor nia miner, stranded at Cook's Inlet. AlasaS, writaj to a friend as follows: "Offer a viCi7Z, at your noxt lair for the biggest fool in tbe coun'ry, and I'll try to get there in time." Those who expected to heir the oratory of District Attorney Swuin to night at the Silver League w'll be doomed to dissapointment, tbe dis trict attorney leaving tday for Bet on lfgal buiinei, A marriage liceose was issued tolsy by Probate Judge Bradley and two well known young folks will be tievl by tbe nuptial knot tonight. The parties are well known the bride being handsome Tombstone belle. C. J. Price, a cattleman of southern Kew Mexico, representing a syndicate of wealthy men In Sisrre and Grant counties of that territory haa author ized the Albuquerque Democrat to communicate with H. B. Frye of New York and take all the bets which he ha proposed to make in the following offer, which appeared in the St. Louis Globe Democrat: "H. B. Frye cf New York, one of the gnesta at the Atwood, hat been authorized by a responsible New York house to throw the following gauntlet into the political arena: Fifty thous and dollars to 110,000 that McKinley will be elected; 110,000 to 95,000 that Bryan will not pell as many votes aa Horace Greeley did ; 10,000 to f 5,000 that Bryan will not carry three south ern states; $10,000 to 15,000 that Iiryau will not carry one western state. Mr. Frye is ready to forward to tbe bidding party tbe names and addresses of any one who feels inclined to 'pick up, the money." New York is a great place in which to acquire refinement in that peculiar branch of the American education so aptly described a hfing-'iip to snuff" The fine poli'li, however, is some times put on in Arizona, so a M . Stiner, son of a Sew York custom house broker, will testify. Mr. Stiner armed at Globe a week ago Ian! Wednesday at noon, sa tbe Star. In two hours.-he was acquainted with half the male, residents of the camp and was describing the wonders of the metropolis. , It became apparent that while he knew many thing, there were some things of which he was densely ignor ant, snipe hunting, for instance. Two of Mr. Stiner's lately formed acquaint ances accordingly arranged a snipe- hunt for the night. The expedition was quietly announced throughout the camp and when about nine o'clock Mr. Stiner and Lis two friends ascended a mountaian side north oi town, the population of Globe was standing in the principal streets watching them. Half way up the mountain side the hunters stopped, and lighted to can-. dies placed them six feet apart. Mr. Stiner- was stationed between them holding a pillow case open while the two friends went off in different direc '.Comparison To find out which js the best tea and of course you want nothing else- go to your grocer, buy a. package of your usual tea and a package of Schilling's Best. .Make both according to directions four or five times. . If Schilling's Best is not finer, more delicious, more like tea, more tea to ihe cent not more tannin than any other tea you know of, take it back to your grocer; say to him, " I "don't like this, tea." He '11 give you youf money back. Schilling' t Eeslcnftee, baVing-pow-der, soda, spices, and flivoring-cxiracts, are also mone) -backed. A Schilling Company San Francisco St s; P. B. WARNEKROS. IS CLOSING OUT ! ! His Mammoth Stock Cf Hats been a luw abiding citizen and hd never befo- violated any national. state or municipal regulation. Tbecourt delivered a long adlrens in which it expressed regret that it must carry out the stern decree of an Inexorable law of which ignorance could not be pUil an an exctiao for its violation. Then he fined Mr. Stiner f 50. At the request of the defendant's counsel and with the consent of the district attorney the fine waa after ward reduced to beer for the court, couns.l, juror, witnenses and specta tors. Adjournment was taken to a .tfflr- ... & r - - IS Vs m c 1 :wk r . i 'J J- &. tions to drive in tbe snipe. They met saloon and one round of drinks coat BUCKLIN'8 ARNICA SALVE, rhe best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever jpouods, mainst 35.SOC.000 pounds in The production nf copper from the mines of the United States for the month of July amounted to 37,175,000 June, as increase of 1,279 ,C00 pounds. The production of foreign miues for July amounted to 16,472,000, against 15.6S0.000 for tbe preoeeding.monlb, an increase of 702,000 pounds. Ex ports from th? Unite! States during July amounUd to 24,382 400. against 21, '952,030 in June, an increase of 2,430,400 pounds. Rafasl'Viierra was killed by light ning at Fort Lowell in tbe storm day .before yesterdsy. When the storm came up Vizerra took refuge under a cottonwool tree on Montigo's ranch where he was working. O.her per sons were in the iciuity and they said that the stroke instead of de scending upon the tree seemed to fluh horizontally along the ground and pass through Verazzi's body. His neighbors camein yesterday afternoon and bought a coffin Star, Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair, 0,. vWfl CREAM BAKING mum MOST PERFECTMADS. A purs Cape Crezm of Tartar Powder. Free Msa Amrrumu, Ahi.n or any other iiViMsjshI 0 YEARS THE ST4KOARB A territorial grand jury bas been ordered for September 17. A federal grand jury has been previously called for September 14 and a federal trial jury for September 16, to attend court at Tucson. Among the numerous persons wno have been cured of reheumatism. .by Chamberlain's Pain Btlm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo. Wash., who says: "I" have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I have also usrd it forjame hick with great siccess It is thi best liniment I hivtever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it omy Iriends." For ale by Druggists m a On Thursday last Gen. Torres p1 aid a social visit to CoL Bacon commander of FortHuachuc. The Mexican Gen eral was met at Huschun SiJing by Cel. Bacon and stair, with an escort of a company of TJ. 8. cavalry infnlldrrts uniform, and driven to the fort eight miles distant. A report that Santa Teresa was in town with a larg fullowfng of Mexi cans created a little last night, and many of the curions were bunting for the Saint about Mexican town. A band of some 10 or 15 Mex icans with some 10 burros arrived in town audJtbeiilUgu josher started the report tfcat 8aata Teresa bra. tad tha The following'cboice sample of news is taken from the Pbeoix Republican: "Tbe public should prepare fur a shock not an electrical shock, or one brought on by a seismic disturbance. This one will ba caused by -a moral earthquake, and if what is said is true tbe parties interested will lind that justice is not always blind, and though they will be clothed with the mantle of shame, they will wish for the earth to open and swollow them and their supposedly secret knowledge, but no longer a secret, when the merciless tongue ef slander will wag fiendishly and tear shred from shred the shar acler of hitherto respectable people Let the guilty biuan, unless some powerful influence is brought to bear, in twenty-four hours longer exposure will oms." at a saloon and between drinks went out from time to time to watch Mr. Stiner standing patiently betwt en the blinking candles, peering out into darkness for the expected snipe. Mr. Stfner stood" the re patiently for three hours when tbe joke took another turw. Tbe jokers bad grown weary of his monotonous patisnee. A specially appointed constable went up and arrested him for violat ing the game law, telling him that in Arizona tha snipe season didn't open until September 2. Mr.-Suner was pained and surprised. He was'taken to town and arraigned bsfojea taork justice ol tbe peace, who held him under 11,000 bond to appear for trial at 10 O'clock the next morning. The bond was furnished after sonsid- erable dfclayaad'Mr. Stiner upon tbe recomendahon ol Irianda employed Col. Crandell to defend him. P. T. Bobsrtso'n representing tbe dignity of Arizona. A jury of twelve was im paneled and the trial proceeded under a tree in a corral. A mass of evidence .was introduced among which was tha pillow-case marked "Exhibit A" and tbe handles, Exhibit B." The story was told and a dozen citizens testifisd to Mr,, Stiner's open and flagrant -violatidc'of the law. One witness upon whom the territory rel ed to prove that a snipe had actually b n caught by Mr. Stiner admitted under cross examination that he had net ssen the snipe and bad been unable to find any feathers. Whereupon tbe district attorney moved to amend the complaint so thai Mr. Stiner would stand charged, not i'ua violation of the game law. but with an intent to violate it. The evidence was concluded and the jury retired returning half an hour later with a verdict of guilty. Mr. Stiner was aked if he lit I any thing to say before sentence wa pass ed upon. 1I arose and in a broken voice said he regretted the unfortu- I natejoccurence not so much on account of tbe impending punisnment as be cause be bad unwittingly placed him self in the altitude of a law breaker within less than dozn .hours after bis arrival in Arizona. He has always Mr. Stinet $6.50 In the jyfulness and simplicity of his soul he thanked everybody, the court for its consider ation, the district attorney for the elimination of pergonal malice and bitterness from his conduct of the prosecution, and his own attorney for bis masterful and half successful de fense. Mr. Stiner didn't.Vnow it was a joke until the following Saturday night. His ill humor was an offiet to all the good humor which had abounded in Globe during the three preceding daj s. I8r As eood There are a dozen differ ent kinds, of tea as good as Schilling's Bat would be as good if they were roasted in America. .They come from China, In dia, and Cejlon none from Japan that we know of and they all cost more than Schil lings Best. Fifty cents t- the , money back tea at your grocer's. Schilling's Best coffee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring-extract, are also money-backed. ASchUXmgcy Gmfxiny SanFrwntiu IfelUaVBsrvw The .-niMfklns Word, Editor Prospector: As the coun try is now being Hooded with litera ture in the interest of gold, and to prove that silver is a delusion and a snare, it may ba aa well fcr us to to be on our guard, and give the matter thought, or we may be misled. In looking over the speeches of the Hon. John Sherman, we learn that tha free coinage of silver would have no effect in the way ol railing tire bul'ion price of said silver, but would leave it still a 53 -cent dollar. Mr. McKinley. also, appears to hae gene daft on the J sut ject of protection, and the robber) of the old soldier, through the dishon est dollar. We all realize the faiU that we must have a tariff sufficient to support the government, and iome tbing besides to paydibts with. By the way, how ia it that we only hear of the old seldier about election time and not afterward? TLey all appear to take a great interest in the "poor working man," too, just now. In answer to all their talk and bosh, we are under the iuiprsioa that the word to be supplied in this case is the proper one. In one or ShakenereV plays we find a character using the expression, "Go To,GoTo " We offer a piid up subscription to the Prospector for one full issue (cepy) to the one that will supply the missing word. X Ray. AIL rTILL BE Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farnv ing Implements AT COST. -. WANTED La ly Agents for Tomb stone and vicinity, immense profits: address, Lock Box 278, L s Angeles Cal. i .The highest claim for other k tobaccos is "Just as" , good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as eood as- - t-' ' BlackwetTs BULL DURHAM SnHrfun&lbbacco & vbn will find one coupon inside . i. 1 1 i- 'j cBuimuuunccuiKiwiumicoa- jons inside eacn tour-ounce bag ot BLickwelTs Durham. Buy a bag"of this cele brated tobacco and read the I connon which rives a list I ofjaluable presents and haw ' ,,. to get them. CLEARANCE - SALE 1 GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade of All Residents O ' Cochise County. iVo Trouble to Sluw Goods. Call and Convince Yourself of The We Mean Business. LxxcL ATxlli At A SACRIFICE. GJE USA CALL l Vi I , - SS in 2" &, - r "a." I' Mil ! IJ .) UU. I'ntJ' " ""