Newspaper Page Text
t- Wt "s?i.rviaj i, i ni'iiiiwn-m tiJ Y f ,- : "- - "V-- ; : .. ,-,V,' ,'-j..!t.,-fc.,'J Vi , -.' ' ""'r'' --"' r-Tv I "jsysjpKr. i d r . - KT" n . OUR WATCHWORD----'COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. IX TOMBSTOVE. ARIZONA FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER H. 18o6.. No. $c$ TLftf-.i-H' fTHE TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR K n is y v i t DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING lExcsrr Sunday) BY Win. Hattich Editor and Proprietor.. Fremont St. Opposite City 11 all The PKOtrECTOK will not hold itself respon sible for anjr of the snides r sentiments ex pressed by asyof it correspondents. Fntered in the Tombstone Postoffix u Secand Class nutter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Cou&se'orat Law. Land aud Mining case a specialty. Tombstone, Arizona. w la.C.STArHLR. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public Tombstone Arizona. G EO W. RWAIN, ATIONEY AT- Lw. Win practice in all courts of tlw Territory, Tombstone Arizona, O. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN. selor at Law. Office on Fourth Street. " between Allen and Toughniit. Tamb staae. Will practice in all the courts of the Territory. HARLES GRANVIIXEJOHNaTON. Attorney aad Counsellor at Law -uid Notary Public a Fremdat street bet. 4th and 5th streets. A member of the Bar of the Supreme" Court oi the Territoiy. and ill practice in any f the courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t tie ta real estate and mines furn ished prom pily and acurately. Omplete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORU. 1USTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St: bet. 3d 4 ath Tombstone. U KOSKA, I USTICK OF THF PEACE OtSce on 4th St. bet. Allen and Toughnut, Tombstone. S. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his residence a .,1. -.,. , ..ll. tmw4A . ! SiAMr. VU f LU Ull .M- ,.b.4i-vv. Wb . m clay d night. FC EAR1 E. ASSAYER AND ME TA lugical laboratory. Office No 319. Fremont St, opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS. F & A M. KINO SOLOMON LODGE NO. f Meets third Saturday in each month. Visidae brmhars cordially invited to at tend. I H UcPKERSON. W. M.. A L, GROW Secretary. R. A M. OOCHLSE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third We-lnescUy in eaca month. Vis. itine Companions cordially Invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A; WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. W ASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS 1st Friday arentng in each manth. Vis. itine Conarales cnrdia'Jy invited. I, TV. llJkf J"k, lOJUCUba '.Secretary. A, L. GROW, A. O. U. W OMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and rd Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers cardially in vited. ROHT. BEST M. W. MONMONIEK Recorder. W. D. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGX KNIGHTS OF Prthhs N 4. taeets every 1st aad 3rd Monday's in each month. V siting brothers corcially invited. A. H. EMANUEL, O. C. W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. rROTECTlON HOSE COMPANY NO Z f meets First Sunday in each month at their hose bouse n the corner of Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school bouse. WM. GARRETT. Foreman. TOM SMITH Secretary. RESCUE HOE COMPANY MEETS First Sanday in" each month at Cry Hall Fremont street. J. V TICKERS, A, WENTWORTH, SZ, President I, N. M.DCrtOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO 1. MEETS last Sunday in ea.h month at hose house on th- corner bf Teughnat aad 3th street. JOSEPH L1PPEKT Foreman HENRY DUNKER. Secretazy Wan'rd Ass agent in every sertion to can vms j4 to fS 7 made; sells at sight; Osoi nua to sail staple gouds to dealers best jit! liw. tr? a ir-th. Saluy or laree ccnunixion mace; experience unnecessary For sealed particulars sena sump, uiiitan reap A Manataduriag Corapaay, Cindnnati, Ohio. Illlinil WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. Prompt Service. Water per barrel, 25c! s. Per bucket, 5 ct. Special Rates to Families Leave orders with wagon. . . ilmbtiftV. EmbkIF 1A4 Intra' Onauraa sM v . I MmM ivWJ iTtajfrTitae nrliarrtr. r I hMra.rrT-u-lbv?'.rtt 1 VUrfairVll Pt.c'.1tbr.';o 1 1. wxl WW 11 rvfeaSI. rt au.lMmrrtrw.V J SAMUEL M.BARROW ? i 4' J I tit- 81 ; " 1 1kfe " ? SAMUEL M, BARROW s? I im'.. ' ? POLITICAL. Under I Flag? PEOPLES' PARTY PLATFORM For President. W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. Far Vice-President. T. WATSON, ot Ceergia. We demand: 1. The free and unrestititcd coinage of gold and silver at the prestnt ratio of 16 to t without rtgzrd to the actions or wishes of any other nation or combination whatever, II- 1 he increase at the current money to an amount sufficient to meet the wants of cur growing population and business, such money to consist of silver and cold coin and U. S. Treasury notes, equally a legal tender for all de mands publi and private. lit. The abolition of all national banks and the establishment of Postal Savin Banks, man aged and controlled by the U. S. Treasury. IV. The establishment cf a system of direct legislation by the people, giving to the people thrrmelves the power, xsl To veto all laws pass ed by any less than 95 per cent of all the-'r rrp and to propose the enactment of laws by any number greater than five per cent of the electors and compell their submission to tlie whole body of the electors. V. Tht all mews of trausp jrtating persons property and in e'.l gnci be gradually taken by the Nation and conducted and controlled by an unpartisan com mi- sion under strict civil service rules, VI. That all public salaries and compensa tions shiU lie made to correspond to the price of labor and labor's product PRIMARY ELECTION. Satvbdat. September io. 186. The voters of tve People's party of Cochise county will hereby take notice that the date for bldint; paimany elections for election of dele jjatts to attend the county convention which wi I be held in Uisbee at the call of the People's party Central Committee and published in the news papers of the county has been set for the 19th day of September, 1800, The following is the apportionment of delccates from each pre cinct: Hisbee, 7: Tombstone, 4: Pearce, a: Will- cox, 3; Hereford, 1; Miller's Canyon, 1; Fort Huachuca' 1; Huschuca Sidinr. 1; Vet H in clines. 1: Fairbank, 1; St. David, 1; Benson. 1; Tres AUnias, x: Pool's ranch. 1; RusMville, 1; Dos Cabexu, t; Tevislon, 1; San Simon, s; Brannocfc, 1; Tavlor's Ranch, 1; Galerille, 1; San Bernardino. 1. NOTICE ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a pafier pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor of John Gates and endorsed by me as same lias been paid, as I hold 'Mr. Gates receipt. Faid piper has been let;. T. B. CH VTTMAN Pearco, Au;. 17 tfoo. PROBATE NOITCE. In the Probate Court, County of Cochise Ter ritory 01 .Arizona, INTHE MATTt-R OFTHE ESTATE OF Emile Lenomund deceased; Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby civen that Geo. H. Fitts Administrator, has filed with the CWlc of this ourt a petition praying for an order of sale of an real ana personal property et necearea ana that the 3U1 day of. October. I896, at a o'clock p. m. of said day being a dav of a regular terra of this court to wit of the October term. I89A at the Cochise county court house, in Tomb stone, county aforesaid, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person inter- estra may appear and how cause w by ice said said petition should not ne rrntrd. W. r. HKAUltY. Ex-cflicio Clerk. Dated 5ept. 3th i9. WA 1 ED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewall and Free Silver's authorized by Bnran wiTtten by R. L. Metcalf error umaha wo-ia Herald appointed author by Eryan. contains speeches and platform. A bonanra for agents; a free silver mine for work, ers; only $ 1 50 ; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit given; freight paid; outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory; .permanent, profi table work for 9i. AddressThe National Book Concern, Star building, Chicago. ar I WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN TO I establish branch office here $100. p.-r I month salary. For full infonnation,' aUdnr j Room' 6. 373 S. Mala St. Los" 'Angeles, Calif. I Mridde CU-nica! Co. iS S ADDATY J 9 9 llr JMr I I ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tombstone, Arizona, Samples by mat! pr express, will receive ptomp; .ticntion. Office and Reuatnce Overlook JToute. wstGne & Pearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly irfps to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun-. day of each week, making the-round trip in one day, carrying U. S. mail ." : and"pastcngers. " FAR, round trip -- S."- Kortro TtMiIrr. Horse Uodo Vill rouiiuence on the San Rafael ranch on the lot of Sep. tenber. Cattle roJoo will comnieuoe ou tbu 15tb oi Septrniber. Weather (.ermiliitig, the C C C and Rigga round-up will begin at Sulphur Springa, Wednetdajr, Aujftut 26th. San Pedro Kouud-up Aiaooiatinn will commence work on September 10, beginning at the the Wakefield place. The annual fall round-up by cattle owner oi Sulphur Spring valley and vicinity, north or the S. P. railroad, will begin at Hooker' Hot Spring! on the morning of Sept. 1st. The general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Vailey will commence work on September 7th from the old VV. B, Taylor ranch. tf. Gladness Comes With a better understandinrj of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it -s the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health, lis beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal clcanliaess without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, aud the system "is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disearc. one may be commended to the most xkillfui nhvsiciaus. but if in need jt & laxative. one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Synip of Figs stes highest and is most largely used and gives wo genTal si.lsf action. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fresno t s:reet,opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finett view and picture of all list in a matt artiiiic manner, tuperior finish and tone. zpjlct-m? u : Taken on short notice. Groups a s e :ialty Cabinet, panel and standard GUM MAXEY, Allen St near 3d, (0!d;Custom Houe.) VEGETABLES. FRUITS, OiATOES ' re$h C'-lif n?(i frvhrecrtvd every day rt t 'fur. Ecrything told at 'uinf' ' r ru-tdt delivered r in n't oartu of eitx. FO TBE WM. Excursion Rts tn S.mta Mon icaandthe Sea Coast; Ovr the S. P R.R, FROM BENSON To parties desiring to go to the ser hore to rpend the' summer and enjoy the conl xalt water breeze, should take advantage of thft excursion rate' of 131.05 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Ticket good for 60 days. For furthet information apply to F.S.WEBSTER, "j ' ' " Agent atJBenson, OrT. A. Goodua, - 1 0. P. A;.' Sab FrMicIsCO. f Highest of all in Lcavenin 'Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rol ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Senator Teller Speakes In THE ARKANSAS ELECTION A Remarkable Law Suit A Raging Storm in Rhode Island. BRYAN'S ACCEPTANCE, Gsind Rxtims, Mich. Senator Tel ler did not rpak at the state fair to day except toaeknowlege the applause accorded him when he appeared on the platform. It was "Silver day" at the fair and addretcei were made by Charles S. Sligb, the fusion candidate for governor, and several of his atsoci- ates on the ticket. Last night 5,000 peopla asiembled at Lockerby ball. Lets than 3,000 could get inside or withiu hearing of the speaker. Owing to hoarenesj Teller spoke at a great di-advantage. When introduced by ex-Congrefgman Co ma lock he spoke for nearly two hours, almost entirely na the Unsocial question. Little Rock, Ark. The democracy of Arkansas yesterday achieved the rtatest victory in the history oi tbe slate. Never before was such an overwhelming majority given an; gubernatorial candidate as was yester day given General Dan W. Jones. Conservative estimate-, based on partial returns, now place the total vole at 165,000 and gives Jonaclear majority over all opposition combined of 00,000 to 05,000, Figures are com ing in slow and many enthusiastic democrats claim that when the back counties are all in, Jones' majority will run above TO.OO1). Nkw York, Mrs. Matilda Wallace sued the directors of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad company for $50,000 damages. She alleges thai in June 1893, they caused to be published an allegf d ' ETc'ta,em,n' ' ,ns finsnC'l condition of the railroad compary, ipnHl by President Relnhart, and relying on the sho j ins: therein mde sf'e pur chased 1,700 share of stock. Satur day, sre b1W", she found the state ments to be falsa and it was puhlMied to deceive the public. NaKKAGaVSKTT PlKR, R. I. The northern storm which has been rag ing here all day is inrirFairfp in fury every hour and tonight tt'Is blowing overeixty rxiles an hour. The surf is rolling very high and part of the beacli row occupied by bu-inees houses is already partly submerged. Efeavy damage to properly is ftaied before daylight. Lincoln, Neb. .Mr. Bryan's letter of acceptance of the democratic nom ination waa given to the press today, It eoniUU o! about 3,000 wjrds. Omms.Xfcb. AxrangemenUt er Baking Powder completed for a epeech to be delivered in Omaha by Bourlte Coehrau.of New York, tonight. Sterling-Morton will preiide. Pattbb8o, N. J. Garrett A Hobert in a lengthy letter today formally ac cepted the nomination for vice-reai- deut on the Republican ticket. Delicious! .Did you ever have tea made just the minute after it was roasted ? you know all tea has to be roasted before it is tea at all. Delicious! Why, then, does everybody but Schilling have his tea roasted over in Japan, so far away ? And why does Schil ling roast only his best tea in San Francisco ? Cheaper to have it done in (fapan, India, China, and Cey on, and you insist upon cheap tea. You don't get it though it is n't cheap, it is dear. Tea is dear unless it is good. Schilling s Best is the cheapest tea there is ; it is all tea ; it is the finest Japan pro duces ; it is fresh. At your grocer's, and your money back if you want it Schilling's Hell coffee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring-extract"!, are also money-backed. A Sciillmg df Com f any San Francises FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G. McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : Arizona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and oigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTIHI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GROCERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK.. AKIZONA. Fairbank, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, Prop. MRS. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner . before the train arrives Tbrjfe Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. ABCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSETT, PROPRIETOR. Jce delivered to any 0t Par I R part of the city at ulJS cl LO Sptrial rates to families for ice to regular customers. Office and ice bouse Opposite posto'fkc FAIBalEIGHANGE I U&- t -. ji v v. p