Newspaper Page Text
5&;?& '.- k f v ' "S The Prospector. SKFIEUBKB W.lSOC RAILROAD TIME TABLES 1ZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. K. w I ': s vm : g "" """"" l S om e aoet aasaay T31 4 0 7r lt. t.ll u.t . ttl Hid A ?? TIM TABLE Mo 4. juir ti isss. is South Flrrt Stations fellr tseef buxUf 1.1 J.e MS 1M . Ar MJ .....iHo Lull .jtU FacUnl JU.1 ....Water Tuk .....10.1 3 0, .Chubt'.n 1SJ :M J as :u irbok .. .ltiis.0 I ..J. !CAA.Crofcin...17.T Jj .(J LaM 1S.T 145. l onUntol U.6 Hi si Bim tl i It M at M M.1 aettc Una. Tlsf statUu. Slopanttcaala. I sx Wauaiit, 8apri&tca6tit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. East STATIONS. J n.loani ?a,oam 31m ...Uensn Arl 5.40 pm .Tucson J75Pra .Maricopa rfio.Sprn . ..Y m 3'5,B .Los Angela ... 1 toopm 11.55 pm tut Stt, Umlted, cut biua, Mo4ri u4 k ndsjt S.1S, Bams an Set, L m.Ul' wort bajai. Wdn.4js atnnljrs, 4.63 luu NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA ffcn East Lt Brawn ..... Falrbana .... Haachoea.... .... Crittenden ... .... Ca'abacs ... Noi ... A, 1040 am 1,50 am .oom i.mi m u.topm Mpm t.ioar .wan. 9.00 am 8. m 1.15 pm JaTy except Sunday. PiaSe time. J. 1. FasT Grl Manatrr. A. NAUCIE. L- H. A.I.MBCHT. .tsUt Geoers Msnarer. Train Master. MARICOPA k PHOENIX R. R. ! JNsrla tatio.nj South to pn Lt Fvroir Ar iOoib S.5pm Tempe laoaai .opm ICyrene t55P 9.35 pta Saeaton ujpn a.45po .....Mane pa. .... 11.10 pm U. H.-HOV5HEIX, Gen. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. failtor is quoted at 63J - - Dr. Gaff, Benton Physician and surgeon. tl Lou of pie at Pospectob office. The Goodman boys are outline bay In the valley. . Japaa til, a the Japanese drink it Sshilliog's Beit. John Tsromey ii over from Bisbee n a visit to bii old borne. Mrs. A. Y. Noyei spent yesterday in town visit'ng with Mrs. McPberson. Fred Castle left this morning for Clifton to take position in company' lore. Geo. Btibley returned home lliii morning, alter remaining over a day at the county seat. ' Mr. John Caaey, the pioneer mining man of Doe Cabcrai, it paying a visit to the connty aeat. Yon make tea from Schilling' B;t tkasame way aa fromotben, only you don't um ao much of it. Aia Walker waa in town today from Ftfaree after a mowing machine. He ia getting ready for fciytnaaing aa aoon aa the weather will permit. m m m 1 FOR SALE A Calumbia bicycle. lady! model, all in good condition for aale for $50 aabf Apply at thii office. By recent floodi the Atlantic and Pacific loal nearly every bridge between reach Springa and tbe Colorado river, a distance of nearly 100 mile. e Manager Cos of Kyan Bro, raneb returned home today with a load of applies. He rf porta coploni raini in bii vicinity and feed plentiful. Awarded lilgbcat Honors World' Fair, yWCft w CREAM BAKING P0WWR MOST PERFECT MADE. k pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pre MB AsaeasViis. Akin or any athcr aduXsra 0 TIAJtt THE STAKUU TWO CASES TRANSFERED. Wiliams Held to Aaswer on a Charge of Assault. Owing to the temporary illneia of Judge Alvord two eaaea which were to be tried before him bae ben trans ferred to Jmtice Koeka't court. The aae of the Territory va Geo. A.Wil liami, charged iriib auault with iu tent to kill, wai heard and the pris oner waa bound over to appear W rf tbe grand jury. In dfa.ilt of $000 bail Williams went to ja'L It appears William (tod Apt. Tm Die atHuachucaiiding lael al some bulimia traniar.tioni n the former becoming angry at oine r al or fan oled wrong tool: occasion to vrnt bii anger by taking a shot at Temple and threatened to kill. Fortunately tbe hot went wild or the mark. He also bad an altercation with Tom Smith, took a shot at that gentleman, but mined again, and will now explain to tbe grand jury. Thecaie of John Woods charged with assault and attempt to kill Si Bryant Is let for this afternoon. Si bears several marks about his bead as evidence ot coming in contract with a butt end of a pistol and the prisoner has Attorney C. S, Clark to repreient him and tell how it all happened, a M'he Dlacoverj'HavodlilBl.lle. . Mr. G.Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver eville, I1L, says : "To Dr. King's New Discovert I owe my life, Waa taken with La Grippe and tried all tbe phy sicians, but of no avail and vrae given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery iu my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from tbe first dote began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store r bouse -vlthout it." Get a free t tall tbe Tombstone Drug Store. BIOTIJI. AKK1VAM COCUIEX A L Sutter, Chicago, sax JOS. Q. S. Shiblsy, Bisbee. IALACL. Cbas. MsQluce, Huachuca, H. J. Templr. 1KUKOTOH Tom Smith Hnacbuca. "We had an epidemic of dysentery im this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedr. f procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Hefore one half of the botUe had been used I was welL I recommended it to my friends and their experience wu the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." for Druggists. i 9 Grn. D. K. Wardwell tbe postmaster of Ft. Huachuca came over last sight on a 11 ing trip and will return to morrow. The stage arrived last night about half past one o'clock being about four bfurs late, but under the arrangement aa stated last night which was earned out, mail matter was brought up. It is believed by Monday all breaks will be securely fixed and trains again run on schedule time. I Mrs. S. A. Kell, of Pomona, CjL, had tbe bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments," she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Bilm. That remedy cared me and I tike pleasure in recommending it and testifying to its efficacy." This medicine is alsoof great value for rheumatism, lame back, pains, in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular pains. For sale by Druggists. Tt'm. Hildrith one of the sheriff posse after the Rogales robbers has accepted a position as guard with the I. P. A Co. and is now traveling mess enger. Mr. Hildreth is a brave courageous young man who knows no fear and the selection is a good one. He is well and favorab'y known here where lie baa many friends. WEITETO ATOIiGAN AND WEIGHT, CHICAGO, ILL. For their HttU book on quick repair tins. Seduced prices. Book will b sent free. Send yonr address, stating that yon saw "ad" in the PaosrEcruB, MORGAN AND WRIGHT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. From Salt Lake City comes the re port that an English syndicate will put dredges on tbe Colorado river for tba purpose of widaning and deepen ing the channel to allow the paaisge of a line of boats that will run between ! Dorado Canyon and Needles. Tbe company baa bonded a number of mines near the can j on and will do a general saining and transportation TheSafford Battler, a journal ex clusively devoted to 4 advertising tbe removal ot tba county seat to Safford, made iti appearance August 26. R. 8. Patterson is tbe editor. Tom Smith and ICobt Temple came in last night on tbo belated stage from Huachuca Siding, aa prosecut ing witnesses in tbe case of Wilson whose trial waa set for today. SB H. W. Max well, well known in stock circle as beet buyer for Los Angeles a-d San Bernardino market, recently wrotj to a friend in Willcox tbat he would he in the valley before many week in quest ot beef. News. m I'OB OVEB IIFTV YEARN, An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs WinolowV Soothing Syrup has bn ued tor over fifty yeara by million! of mothers lor their children while teeth ins;, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gum, allays all pain, curea wind colio, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part ot tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and sk for Mr. Win slow's 8oothing Syrup, and take no other kind. REPUBLICANS MEET, Elect Delegates and Fix Date for Holding Convention Tombstone, Sept. 18, 1890. The Republican County Central' Committee met in the com I bouse at 2 o'clock p. m,, George H. Fi:u chair man. Tbe county was well represented from outside precincts. Representatives to attend tbe ten torial convention at Pbenix were sleet ed and were sent uninstructed. Fol lowing are the names of the delegates: Tantbstone A. L. Grow, and Tbos. Lowry. Bisbee J. W. Farrington, D. Min nino, E. G. Norton. Benson James A. McRae. Faubank F. M. Likes. Huachuoa N. K. McKitrige. Willcox W. F. Niebolf , H. A, Mor gan. It was decided to hold primaries on September 2Gib, and the nominating convention on October tbe 8th. The convention to ba held in the court house in Tombstone at 2 o'clock p. m. The fallowing resolutions were read and unanimously adopted : Resolved : That the Primary Elec tion' for the purpose of electing Dela gates to the Republican County Con vention, for Cochise county, be held on the 2Cth day of September, of this year, and that tbe said convention be hsld at the Court Housu in Tombstone on the 8th day f Octobnr, I89S at 2 o'clock P. M. and it is hereby directed that the several members of the county oenteral committee in the various precincts, name the necciuary officers to conduct said election, which was an mended making it thiir duty of chair man and secretary. It is turther Resolved: Tnat the Convention shall consist of tbe Dele gates, divided as follows: Tombstone, 12 ; Outside Precinct, 1 ; Clarksburg, 1 ; Fairbank, 2; Bisbee, 12; Taylors Ranch, 1 ; Willcox, 5 ; Hookers H. 8. 1; Dos Cabezas,2; Kusselville, 1; Dra goon, 1; Boss Mill, I; Rucker, 1; Morse Canyon, 1; Bannock. 1; Bowie 1; Gayleville, 1; TevUton, 1, 8n Simon, 1; Powers, 1; Benson 3; St. Davids. 2 ; Pools. 1 ; Trea Alamos, 1 Turquois, 1; West Huachuca, 1 ; Fort Huachuca, 2; Ash & Miller's Canyons l;Pearce,3; Hereford, 1. Total, 64. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in tbe world for cuts braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevtr sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give,peeiect stis a factiin or money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale a Tomb tone Drug Store Advertised Letters. Tbe following is a list of letters re ruaiuiug in the general delivery at the Tombstone postoffice for tbe week Doing September 3, 1896: John Sollinder, Hu J. Wright, W.A-Frautx, J.W.Anderson, i Oamilo Sumtnex, Ensev. Valenxuella Wh6n calling for above letters, say advertised, giving date of advertise men 1. ' Ekw, 8toow.P. M. THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get tbe true and genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fip Svrun Com nan v ,.4 near the bottom of tbe package. For w "I infranoc uroggws. I AX AXSWER, What tho Money nt the People Should Be. ToMBsTONr, September Oth, 1890. Mr. Eurrou : My fnud, SyJncy R. Delong of Dig Calxza?, tilts me to this effect: "In your article published in the 1'EosrECTV.Rof August 2St!, you make a creat error, tlan if you wanted to cUit a national bank you would have to buy 100,000 in bonds, as the treasury dot uut nit thcm.and you would have to pav a premium of it least 4 per ceiit.; cost $104,000. Your interest on bends would be $3000 a year and jou would git from t, e treasury $90,OCO in national b.tnL notes, which, if lent st 8 per cent, would give 17.200a year.maliDg $10, 200 interest per year, and if you lent the $104,030 at 8 per cent, without a bank charter you would get ?S,320 yearly interest, so the gain of tbe back is not so great at you make out, and many national bauksgooutof busi ness because it does not pay, and banks makn most of their profits sell ing exchange, but their profits are never as great as people suppose." Tbe premise art) entirely wrong 1st. I did not hao any reference to banks ettrtrd now. 2ud. The treas ury did mil these bonds, or rather issued them in exchange, dollar for dollar lor the depreciated grc euback, though the greenbacks were bought up by the usurers at half thor face or less, and whether it was thearao tnau who bought the grpenliAcks and with them procured the bjnds, and then started thobank, or these transactions were done b several men the Jirinci not t.11,- ..m-.i ,i. ..!.. ..Jor subidizinK three-fourths of the j'. .t fc.w ci.,1, atuu iiiv ic-uik n, U? I treasury and to th people i the eame ; tbat is, tbe treasury received $50 in value for S 100 of these boudt; and on all of these which are outstanding has paid $520, and tbo gain to tha banker by the loss of national btnk uo'.es amounts to $15 in thirty years. And this puggeetg another train of thought; tbat is. I bold it to be a truiem, eustaiusble as wrll by sound reason as by the history and experi ence of mankind, that a nation of free men, capable of suUininga frcemanV goyerament, never should and need to issue-- bonds, cr borrow money in peace or in war, and whenever it does so under thereby plants and fosters the germs ot the ultimate slavery of its people. 1st. Because a true government of the people is worth precerving even at any sacrifice of wealth and men. And it is the duty of all its inerr bers to give up all that they have, and all that they aro when necessary, in its defence; hence'eomes tho power of the government to ca'l on all Ol it citizens to march out and put their breasts ogainsl the bullets and bayt nets of tbe enemy, with the alterna tive of being forced to do so, and shot a traitors for desertion; and if the eame government cannot, or will not, command the men ol wealth, whether this wealth consits of gold, silver, jewels crhore to surrender these fori tue country s neienee, tcr payment in the eame kind of money, or promise, as the eoldicr or sailor is paid with, then it is not a true government 0! the people; it is a government that discriminates in f. r of Health and against tbe blood ot its defenders aud the tears of their wivps and children. 2nd. Because a government of the people, fit to exist aa such, floes not need either gold or silver in peace or in war; such a government can pro cure everything that is necessary with its own money, made by itself a lgal tender for all demands paMic and pri O4jtjoeoooeaaaeoooeoooooooooO6Oceeooe0 $250 SaJlssssssssslsSBBBtw sfHsBKiiv r 'BBsBW''Nh-x AuUil t'sHssWjisixssriVHsl I HslBiiUliBlSBiBMi .immmii ay rj' m liSSSSSSSSSsWsssHssssssssssssslssI lasssssssssssssssssssBi Tho Best SmokingTobacco Made Americans pay $50,000,000 a year for tea. They would pay more $150,000,000 if they had belter tea to drink. Now suppose, through our exposing colored tea, and tell ing you about pure tea, that you begin to drink pure tea. You will like pure tea better than colored tea, and so drink more. As Schillings Best is the only pure tea that we know to be sold in this country, what proportion of this in crease should come to us? We can afford to advertise for it. You can't afford not to drink Schilling's Destx Money-beck tea at your grocer's. Nothing but coffee in Srhillinz's Best coffee umc is true of Schilling's Best;-pow der, soda, Jices, seasoning, flavoring extracts, fure and money backed. A Schilling & Company Sin it vate. But, when such a government issues iu so-called "legal tender" money and repudiates "and bartardizes the same At tbo moment of its birth by branding it with the label "this is good pay for its fnco value for every patriots blocd. tut not good enongb to pay the tnony lendfr his usury," and thereby civea to the wealthy men tbo opportunity to dii-count and depreci ate that legal tender ami 3) fatten on the blood ar.d tears of his country, it is no wonder that the money lender ha? become the creat and overshad owing power In the country, onning newspapers and branding eery citi zen who is manly enough to cry out auiitiKt the law thet created and fos teredauch system, and a ivocates their repeal, with tho name "dishonest re pudiator, crank aud anarchist." Jaugs Reillt. ARE YOU GOIXG THIS SUrviMERV The Southern Pacific Company have place on sle at Iieneon round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly reduced rate?. Before pur rhasiug your tickets call on or address E.;S. WEBSTER, Agent at Beceon, Or T. H. Goodmae,' G, P. A. San Francisco. MiuisWs Sale NOTICE IS HEPF.BY GIVES THAT b.dswul b-rrcruri br the undr?ncd dminirator of the mate of Emil.Lemmmad 1 ucuocu u iu lau inuuuing ,ov-muer 14111 isqo air is store in lonbsione Ar ton fjr lb ranch cf 160 acres, heretofore owned and occu pies by said deceived, situated on the baa Valto nrrr in said county, ym a We the Grand Cenral Mill and abojt too miles below the ton of Fairbank and ahoforall the persoaal prcperty and utensils belonging to and minted upon Mid rinch whi Ji personal property is de scribed in the inventory and apprisement 13 this estate, on file uh the Probate Judge o' said county. Pos esstcn can be ;iven December ist. i$n. terms of sale. cash. Thenzhtto Tejectan3rand a""1' heretv reserdv . Administrator, 1 D""1 v?t"nhCT 5,h ,8 ASjfir-Pi.rt4 . $S5A iiuJSj rartreiewpo. t-trict',!,,lC-3l BTJr'arenotgrown byebjuee. ithtS5 Ie Vtrv t?J.. ljier2- V-"T ' tbn -MVrfctr. Writ fur 7 fhrrvs r; SSED AKNUAL .' , lorlPDO. Br mfnl or TioarJa J LtionujoatN U. True M. FERSY J Detroit. U.i non To Be Given Away this j'ear in valuable articles to smokers of ( BlackwelFs Genuine Durham Tobacco Yon will find one coupon In side each 2-onncc bag, and twe conpons inside each 4-ounce bag. Eayabag, readtheconpon and sec how to get yonr share. A FERRVfc ?&. CCfi VfSHL 4-.'--k. -TS b. H I JA 'IV. P. B. WARNEKROS CLOSING His Mammoth Stock Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements 4U, HILL BE CLEARANCE - SALE, GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents O Cochise County. No Trouble to Show Goods. Calland Convince Yourself of The We Mean Business. XTill EfeioJJL .t A SACRIFICE. GIE US A' CALL f OUT!! V rv SOLD AT ; V. ':. A 1 u. i 1, MMWeMWWI "w - " .- - . "" r - Ul -'"".-' L v--ifi r4 ,-?- Ji'Wrrlt't;; --fc -- - "' -".-" - J .,3lte'-'-HrfJ, K