Newspaper Page Text
'- 3 J.. l THE PROSPECTOR 11 c OUR WATCHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. IX TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, I896. No. 302 C&trJii TOMBSTONE tl C -- 9 DAILY PROSPECTOR. City awl County Official Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (.Exckit Sunday) -BY- Wm. Hattich Editor and Proprietor. Fremont St. Opposite City Hall Tbe PaosMCroa aill not bold itself respoD ssble (or any of tSe articles ai senuucals ex pressed' by any of it correspondent!. Entered la the Tombstone PostoSix as Secand Class matter. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. S.MES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mlcnj csue a specultr. Tombstone, ArUona. w M.C.STAHKLE. ATTORNEY AT- -Law and Notary Public. Tombstone Aiuooa. G fcO W. SWAIN, ATTONEY AT Lav. Win practice la all ceuits of the Territory. Tombstone ArUona. OS. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN selor atl-av.. Offix on Fourth Street. between Allen and Toughnut. Tomb. Stsae Will practice is all the courts of the Territory, HARLES GRANVILLEJOHNsTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Lav and " Notary Public, a7 Fremont street bet. 4th and jth streets. A member at the Bar of the Supreme Court of the lemtoiy. and will practice in any af the courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Omre. Abstracts of title ta real estate and mines furn ished proaptly and acuraiely. Complete trail sen a is. Office m Court House. Tombstone. OS. ALVORD, JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St- bet. 3d & ath Tombstone. L. KOMCA, JUSTICE OF THF PEACE Office- on '4th St. bet. Allen ana. Toughnut. Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his residesce 'onxth street. Call attended at aU tours day and night, FC EAKLE. ASSAYER AND META lupcal laboratory. Office No Jio. Fremont St. opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS. F & A M. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. j Meets third Saturday in each month. Visitiac brothers cordially Invited to at tend. I H McPHERSON. W. M.. A L GROW Secretary. R. A rn. COCHISE CHAPTER NQ 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis. itinr Companions cordiaJr invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. - P. O. S. OF A. W ASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS tst rnday vemn in each month. V is itine Coouadea cordially invited. t w n lot p..i.nt A. L. GROW, '. Secretary. A. O. U. W TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O" U. V. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each - month, Visiting brothers ceroiauy in Tiled. ROBT. BEST M. W. W. D. MONMONIER. Recorder. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Prtnias Xa 4. suits every 1st and 3rd Monday's in each month. V-stunj-brothers corUally innted. A. H. EMANUEL, O. C. W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. ROrECTION HOSE COMPANY NO s. meets First Sunday in each month at thrir hose boose n the corner of Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school house. WM. GARRETT. Foreman, lOM SMITH Secretary, 9 irtlir -HfhE COMPANY MEETS f First Sunday in each monih at Cry Hall - Fremont street. I, V V11.KE.KS, A. WENTWORTH, S-cty President f, N. McDOXOL'GH. Foreman, ENGINE COMPANY NO 1, MEETS Ult Sunday in ea.b moaih at bote house on tn earner bi leugnnat ana (tn street. JOSEPH UPPEKT Foreman HENRY DUNKER. Secretaiy. Wanted An agent in every section to can. vas$4USSaiLty made; sells at sight; aloa man to sail taple good to dealers best side line. $75 a n-c th. Salary or large nuae; experience ur cecessary ror sesied particulars send, staror. Cliften Sosp A MasmJcrunag Coapaay, Oadanau. Ohio. UNION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. Prompt Seivice. Water per barrel, ajcts 9 Knrtrf r f Special Rites to Families Leave orders ith wagnn. tmm'i i r . "Stn 1 nn."" ffMl' " hoora SonvraoK sr-I - I VdMehamfrrmt4ania'r(x AI v&amai.trrt-io.Ii.T'Pinttl t-UtlMnin GMmaNwunm.1'riw2i.TKlMsLM II Vl-vfcajBI. at w.rwrii.V VI SAMUEL M.BARROW SAMUEL M. BARROW POLITICAL, Under flicl Flag? PEOPLES PARTY PLATFORM For President. W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. T. WATSON, of Georgia. We demand. a- The free and unrestiLtrd coinage of gold apd silver at the present tauoof 16 to 1 without regard to the actions or wishes of any other nation or combination whatever. II. The Increase ! the current money to an amount sufficient to meet tb wants of our growing population and buiness, such money to consist of silver and gold coin and U. S. Treasury notes, equally a legal tender for all de mands public and piivatt. HI. The abohuon of all national banks and the establishment of Postal Siring Banks, man. aged and controlled by the U. S. Treasury. 1 . The establishment of a system of direct legislation by the people, giving to On people themselves the 11L To veto all laws pass, ed by any less than f 5 per cent of all Oieir rep resentatives, and to propose the enactment of laws by any number greater iban fire per cent of the electors and compel! their submiuian to the whole body of the electors. V. That all means of transpartating persons property and in eU'g-nce be gradually taken by the Nation and coiulucted and controlled by an unpamvui commi sion under strict civil service rules. VI. That all public salaries and compensi lions 4ball be made 10 correspond to the price of labor and labor's product. PRIMARY ELECTION. Satcrdat. Seitlwbki 19 1896. The voters of te People's party of Cochise cojnty wul hereby take notice that the date for holding pair-liny elections for election of dele gates to attend the county convention which wi I be held in Btsbee at the call of the People s party Central Committee and published in the news papers of the county has been set for the 19th day of September, 1 Son, The following is the apportionment of delegates from each pre cinct. Bisbee. 7; Tombstone, 4. Pearce, a; Will, cox, ; Hereford. 1; Miller's Canyon, t; Fort Huachuca 1: Hutchuca Sidinr, 1; Wett Hua clmca. 1 Faubank, 1, St. David, ij Benson, I, Tres Altnias, 1; Pools ranch, i; Ruscelnlle, 1, Dos Caber 1. 1; Teviston, 1, San Simon, 1; Brannock, 1; Taylor's Ranch, 1; Galerille, 1; San Bernardino, t. NOTICE ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paper pur parting to call for one hundred dollars, favor of John Gates and endorsed by me as same has been paid, as I hold JMr. Gates receipt, "-"aid papjrr has been lost. T, B. CH VTTMAN Pearco. Aug. 17 itoa. PROBATE NOITCE. In Ihe Probate Court, Coanty of Cochise Ter. ntnry of Arlxona, IN THE MATThR OFT HE ESTATE OF Eraile Lrnormand deceased; Notice of Application for order af sale. Nonce is hereby given that Geo. 1L Fitts Administrator, has filed with the Clerk of this Court a petition praying for an order of sale of all real and personal property af ecea.'ed and that the 5th dy of. October. 1196, at a o'clock p. rn. of said day being a day of a regular terra of this court to wit of the October term. ISot at the Cochise county court house, in Tomb stone county aforesaid, has been set for hearing Said petition, when and where any person inter ested may appear and show causc why the said said petition should not be granted. W. F. BRADLEY. El -officio Clerk. Dated Sept.. 5th 1894. VTA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM. PAIGN Book "Bryan Sevrall and Free Silves's lauthoru d by Bryan written by R. L. Metcalf 'eaitorumana worm iicnua appointed autnor by Bryan contains speeches and platform A bonanxa fo agents; a free silver mine for work, ers; only f 50; the only authoruofbook 50 per cent; credit given, freight paid; outfit free, Btin now with choice, of territory; permanent, profi table work for '96. Address 1 he National Book Concern, Star building, Chicago. ai 1 WANTED N ENERGETIC MAN TO I v v establish uranch office her Sioo. wr I month salary. For full information, address I Room 6, a73 S. Main St. Los Angeles, CaUf J Vrfiddc Chemical Co. !W. 0. ABB01T ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tombntone, Arizona. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Office and Reticence Overlock Houte. Tsisto & Pearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. I RANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from rearce every Wednesday and Sun day of eac,h week, making the round trip in one day, carrjirig U. S. mail and passengers. ntv, rouLQup 44 ICbxIcw Hwtlceav Hone ltodro will comftienop on the San Rafael rancb on the lit of Septan-ber. Cattle rodeo will oommauM ou Iho 15tb of Saptrtnber. Wattlier prroittins;, the O O O And RiKK tound-np will begin at Sulphur Springs, Wednesday, August 26th. San Pedro Routid-up AatoeUtioQ will commence work on September 10, beginning at ihe the Wakefield place. The annual fall round-up by cattle ewnere of Sulphur Spring valley and vicinity-, north of the S. P. railroad, will befin at Hooker' Hot Springe on the morninc of Sept. lit. The general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Valley will commence work on rj-ptemlier 7ih from the old V. B, Taylor ranch. tf. Gladness Comes With a better understanding' of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts jfentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed There is comfort in the knoTvledjjt:, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actuul dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleuicut family laxative. Syrup of Ftps, prompt ly reinoTe. Thatlssvliy it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is every where esteemed so highly by all who ralue (rood health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the orjrana on which it acta. It is therefore all important. In order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you hare the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia FJjr Syrup Co. only and sold by all repntable lru jpists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system 'is regular, laxatives or other remedies arc then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need -jf a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of FSg-SBtnds highest and is most largely osed and given rarer general SkJsiactioB. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fresno t s'reet,foppssi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finttt vievt and picture f all lirtt tst a moil artistic manner, ruprrier finitk and torn, VICVUKX Taken on short notice . Groups ate rialty Cabinet, panel and standard GUM MAXEY, Allen St. near 3d, (OldJCustom House.) VEGETABLES, FRUITS, iOrATOE8 ONIOKS, ETC Frrth Culifurnia frail rtetivfdevfry day hy xyr"f, Etmjthitig $old at U-v'. rut'. Giod$ Mh'frea iff to alt owit of eitXi. mn m IU Excursion Rites t Santa Mob icaandttie &a Coast. Over the S. P R.R. FRO AI BENSON To parties dtunog 10 go to tne ser ahora to spend the summer and enjoy the cool salt water breese, should take advantage of the excursion rate of $31.05 from BENSON TO 8ANTA. MONICA. Tickets good for 60 days. For further information apply to F.8. WEB8TEB, Agent atBease, Or T. A. GoODMAjf, O. P. A.. eUo. Fraaciaeo. - - rTf mci Highest of all in LeaTeainy.Powcr R!KS ABSOLUTELY LATEST NEWS Watson Says He Is Going To Stay. SENATOR HILL DECLINES. A Big Strike ia New York -A Cyclone in Paris Does Damage BRYAN'S OHIO MAJORITY EaiK, Kan., The Hun Thomas E. Watson, candidate (or vice-president on the populist ticket, was the central figure at tbe noun y fair today. Mr. Watson addressed about 2,000 people mostly farmers. Speaking of his nom ination Mr. Watson said : "I am no political beggar. Tbe tioket ought to he tbe the St, Louis tickst. Bryan Ihs "Democrat and Watson tbe Pop ulist. Turn me down and you lot se Texas, Tennessee and Centucky. To elect Bryan, the People's party nomi nee for vice-president must s'ay on the ticket, and I say Watson is goiug to stay." New Toax Five hundred mechan ics of various trades struck today at the large buildings of Seigel Cooper A Co., on aoeountof employment of nun union marble workers, PrxBLo Col., Judge Lrmau Ilenry of Ouray was chairman of the second district populist convention today. Major W. F. Townsend of Paeblo nom inated Congressman John C. Bell for re-elsction, opening his speech with the words : "Mr. Chairman and Fellow Anar chists." After numerous seconds the nomi nation was made unamiousty by a rising vote. Putis, A eycloue this afternoon did great damage at the Palais de Juetcoe. All tbe windows on the Rue de Harley side ware smashed, part of the rogf blown away rnd the corriders filled withclouds of dust and branches of trees. Albsmt, N. Y. Senator Hill ds- elinud tu accept a place as dslrgate to the demooratiu sule convention be Caue Ilia delegation ia instructed for Urau. He said he would not ge if restricted in the use o! his own judge-met-1. Nkw Your. A mass meeting wa held In Cooper Union tonight under the auspices of t'je campaign commit tee of the MsICinlry league. Terence V. Powderly, lata master werkraen of tbe Knights of Labor, was the chief epeaker and was followed by ex-Sen ator Warner Miller. Dsstzb, Judge Thompson of the Court of appeals returned yesterday from a long visit to Ohio. He says Bryan will carry Ohio by 30,000 major ity. If. Welrlac Fowetel eMt v- ".V--S && r- - Latest U.S. Gov't Report PURE MATES, ABBITALH COCHT8B A L Sutter, Cbioago. laJt J08I. O. S.ShiUey,BUbM. I ALACK. - Chat. MoOInc, Huachuca, H.J. Temple. AKUXOTOV Tom Smith Huachuca. 1 a FOB OVllB FIFTY YEABI. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Winslow'e Soothing Syrup has beeaj used for over fifty years by millions ttt mothers lor their children while teeth- ing. with perfect suocea. It soothes the child, softens) the rrn, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy fur diarrhoea. It ii pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in"1 every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and ak for Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. , You can't buy Schillings Best tea loots We think too much of it to ? let the best flavor evaporates before it gets to you. j It is done up in card-board ' boxes, protected by velhifn air-tight. No air gets iu ; no i flavor gets out. i That's the way to take care : of good tea. Will you pleaso be careful of Schilling's Best too? Don't put it in the ame closet with strong cheese. You will be amply rewarded for your pains. SektUing'i J coffee, soda. bakUg pewdcr, apices, and flavoring extracts are else good as their way and money backed. AStUUmtOr CM Samframnum s FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT FMBMEICHAIE GEO. G. McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : Arizona, Headquarlsrs for visitors from Tomb stone snd surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of j GROCEBIER, PROVISIONS, CIQAB8 AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant Faikbanc. A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. ARCTIC ICE CO- A J. BISSETT, - PROPRIETOR. Ice delivered to any 0ra Dap I I part of the city at "la ' cl -" Special rates to families for ice to regular customers. Office and ice house Opposite poita See. a - --R "aft s?