Newspaper Page Text
. . cas I 9 i- S t.r . I'J I! '. ' ft 11 i,i W N i J TOMBSTONEl PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING J8tjway Expd) ' . BY Wm. Mich, Editor .and Proprietor, acrltiBi Km. neYer 00 lUXonUi 60 ThxeaMontbj S 00 aHelfonUi. DeliTMtd by Carriers lor X5 oenta per week. CITY AMtCOPSTY OFFICIAL PAPER FREE' COINAGE 16 to 1 For President and Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. What Are We Here For? PONY SALOON,! J . A. K03KA Proprietor. Finest Stock of Winti, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. THE FUN OR THE MON? From the expression upon our friends face he is evidently here for neither but as for us WE ARE HERE FOR BOTH. odcr wmen ll.ACI "We are unalterably; opposed to me single gold standard. We dj- YV r 'unalterably opposed to every meas ure caiciuaiea io uiiuk goia sianairu. c j jKwut .----mand the Iraroediafejour currency or impair r.fnnibYlioF the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present leral ratio el 10 ta x. wunoui wan ing for the aid. or con tMi at of iiiv other nl Don. We deman d that the standard silver dol lar ahall beafull lofa AaU WAU f-FC . IUU ; inviuvtb - r 7" tender, equally wttbre-iuent can be oo mU feff- sUrieht. rjnb lie or private, and we faror soch' legislation as will prerent the dr aoonetixalion 01 any kind of legal tender nnnn hv nnrate eon- tract." Democratic platform, Chicago- the ere lit of our eoun- ,v w ir. therefore. opposed to the free coinage of silver except by international aree mMi ;ti th leading commercial na'ioos of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and caul Eti tuned, the existing gold standard mm! oe preserved. Republican p'atforn, St, Lous, June 18. 1890. A letter received by G. H. Fittf, Iters Chai. W ,81y formerly a resident a! Tombstone gives an encouraging view of the political situation in Ohio He write fron Toledo, Ohio., and aayi: "If we are to judge from dem onstrations end public sentiment here about, Bryan will carry the ilate by torra. AM yon hear and see is 16 to 1." In a letter to the Young Men' Club of New York, Henry George aaid: "Yon are right in believing me to de- lire the election of Bryan. Aa to this I have no doubt or hesitation. shall vote for him, not because bs i the regular Democratic nominee, nor because 1 hold his view on the cur rency question, but because in toe choice now offered us be clearly re presents the JefTeraoniaa principle, a prioeiple ol.equal. rights to all and pecTsl'privUege to. none, which is to mynuna sue oniy luinjj worm sirug fling for, in our.political.and, the ,only thing by which and through which the Ajnerican,epnoiic can oe preserved in the dangers that now menace it 11 other eonditious are small to me beside this. And from what I know and have beard of the man. I shall vole for Bryan with greater satisfac tion addfirmer confidence than I have TCtedforany presidential candidate since Abraham Lincoln," 'Free Pills. Send your address to H.. EBucVlen & Cor, Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr King's -New - Life Pills; A tna willr convince yon of their merits. These )JMI 1IC CAy 1U 41.UUU ADU ATC pAlllC ularly effective-in the cure of constioat- on and sick headache. 'For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. Tney' are guaranteed to be perfectly free from "every deleterious snb stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by givin? tone to the stomach .and. bowels greatly' invigorate the system. Regular sue 2 jc per box. Sold, .by Tombstone and utseee druggists. z3wS&' !ssaS5stf fir 1 jn. r& tk aao4 kt horars arer tb- eairlM. tk rMtawhaia rrsrlsnAaihtd tbanpotlUe f ihc (W I. is a ttalal horror u U u Strang aa aa'ox to-)y, UMu wk at a situs nr. It Jt ik!bi warning; It ahoald a BMdad. Ctt'b rnrft( la UttaUk of ilsaa. Sf vau cassu: litip janncll the ubkat HCBran win tlf you. RaJyaa Is a paraly rogstahU Betratlon, bat te a powtrra! sa. Jluijta raatoiM, raboIMt, raaaws tha Bras ws. It is-lar aiaj. It la Stan's fcett frftnd, It swa saftr (roxa wtakawt, trora impaired cleat staakoac, if yen: rxar-at-4 uy yarkl4riei Slarad'yaar liver' yea sbauld writs ax4 1-ara all aaaat Oeai Hadyaa. Clrcalars and laa. ssaiealalt (rta. aWI7BeM MEDICAL XMBTTBTVTE, tsckto , Market aa4 Kills St. sua roaactsosv fiUfsrata PRIVATE CLU3 ROOMS ATTACHEO. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on. Hand. Tow vil find "At" at horn, on .tfln. St. let. 4th and 6th. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI.Propr. Choicest lino 01 'Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Courteous Attention to Patrons. Allen, bet. 4th & Itii. Tombstone We are handling UjOJPJBBI ' arsasjs AVhich for easy and perfect washing cant be beat. Cottolene b Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails Billiard Parlors, J. N. 3icl)Oa0UGU, Prop. Ike Finest and B-st ritted Bittiara Parlors in the City. TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pure and Fresh Drugs and-iledi cities on Hand, Full Line of Leading Patent Mediciiies Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine Selection of HOTIOHS, TQ,LrTCQ3DS,PnFUMES PIONEER . BARBER SHOP, .TOSKPII LTPPERT. Prop. Everything Xeat, Clean and in Firsi Class Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutttng done in an Artistic Manner. fjPSSSliggggcSgSS m. tiiiiaaiaxM m m & m m PIONEER Carriage t Blacksmith II. EM TVTJET Prop. Corner Third an 1 Allen. $ Tfce largest 'and Best Equipped EsuHishment of its KinJ fa the Territory. oa ra ,-. The. Oldest and Most Favorably A'notffn Barber on the Coast. Pay Him a Call. Atlrn. Irt. -lilt A SlIi.ToiiiliMtoite Importer of the Best Wine, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a Sptfiaity. Private Club Rooms. Allen, bet. 4ili A ."tli,Tinibston WE are well supplied with prepared goods of all kinds for use during this hot weather consisting of Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Roast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned -Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or in Tomato Sauce, An(? many other Goods too numerous to msntion Also in regular receipt of Holland, Limourgar and American Cheese. Jon't Forget that we are sole ents for Tombstone and vicnity lor Cto & Santa'!! SeallBrand Coiee.- r salslslslslslslsHaV-slslI IPPPpy gal M fill" l SSalSalalSa GEORGE H, FtTTS THE Grocer, CQRNF& Ot S1X2K AND ALLEN S1REEES. mm saloon GARLEYATO & PALA, Propr's, WINES,L!QU0R3 & CIGARS. Dralers in Bourk's Irish and Scotch Whisky, and Other Well Knoicn Brands. A Specialty maile of best Clarets and Wines. Billiard Parle r in Cohnnection and the Cr-'es Place in Town. .Mien, bet. (J(li & 7tl, Toiulistoim ST. LOUIS WHOI.KSALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL I Ho- r" - -3. 1 I MARTIN COSTELLO Atfenb lor JJnheuser Busch Beer. CATARRH Is a LOCAL DISEASE and It the result c colds and sufitfen crimatic caangss It can be cured by a pleuant remedy Thich la applied di reeOy Into the lo.ui1.i- Be ins qplckly absorbed It ci ve relief a: once. Ely's Cream Balm it acknowledged to b the rnot -thorough cere for Xaul Catarrh. Cold In Head and Ilay Fever of ill renedlM. Itopersasdclnsetxliennalpaiufei. aSays pain an) tnlimmttlo. beala the soret, pro tecu the membrane from coldm re-tore- the tes-e ofta-teandeiTKlL rriceSicatDnissiitJcrbyinaiL ELY BBOTIIEB8. S Warren Stee yew Torj. D L00DP0IS0M "T WIOI I-OISO.V pernianentrt cored In W toss a va. Ton can be treatedat xomt iloraac price tinder tarce caarao- rj. ,i jm piriiru raise nerawemiieoo. swa-ifa'.Asr?S!S?j:j' SPV? dl,' K"1" c1 au hava arbeaand Mraa.Macoiisi-ntehe lo ooath. Sore. Throat, tlmplea Copper Colored hpota, Vlrtnm out. It Is tbw Secondary 1:L00U FOISO oCb ease and cnillcnrro tl.o world torat ca-ATvecannotcnre. Tais aiaaa baa ainJi tffllth?klllttli-.reI,rrtphy,S Uonalrnaranty. AtnatntppTwtftttrtmSSan aro'lottion. Addten COOK CrJIUDVCo? MILL FOR SALE. A ten-Kama niTI o SitXTF. 6 nans. set- Uers, an agitaw, two t8-foot revolving concen trators, 16x36 Corln engine, two boilers, all in good workins crder. Duilding nearly new Can be moved as it 1 close to niilroml Mast e sold, and enn be ln.'chir for $oro cash ddress BOreCTOR fctSc, Tnlsone Ari CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. SHAKO. Prrprietor, Hair Cuttinfj, Shavinc and Shampooinj; Large, Convenient and Commodious Huh Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Biths. Ever- thing first-class l"ar 0 Practical Experience makes this Shaving Parlor a most Popular Resort. .llrll. urtir "ir. iSlli.TumliMnnP, i 'B. 3 bTS All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and WoodxrorL: Neatly and Promntlv Done. m BLGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None lut First-class Workmen Employed. $ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. rTvj .. Itsafl sCrx-nlI assortment of hardood and iroa (or sale. .c3 mzmzMzw&x&fsssFjms m m m & BSaat Undesiakisg Pakiobc? of C. B. Tarbell CoflhiSi Caskets Ilobes. Etc, From the flainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simp!ereethodr,of mamne solphide ore, such asmcUe, coprer, old and siher oics In locahties where lead ores and fuels are scarp and almost unattainable, our pontic, watcrjicltet Matte Smelter has btrn re ccnfiiized itb lnh'y saufactory re-u'ts. and has been thorooj;hiy tesdl on vanous p ralic, sulphide and arsenide O'es. in capidty of 3 to So tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest nv-thod cf p'd and stUer ore milting aud conce&tratig that is known today It reqiiresno extraordinary skill, no lead ores, no fluxing material, ace noful of anj kind for the shelter alter it is started. The sulphur ia the ore is its natural u 1 only, and its cot 1ms co comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish anv size or capac ity plant complete to surtantil mining peop'e, set it up and furnish our men tJ run it for them on easy paymerts Piice and jp'-cificntiops furnished Aith references and test.mon.al3 on application. NATIONAL ORE 4 REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham Atenue, St. Iiuis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for NlclJe, Copper, Gold, Sther and Lead Ore jai-ty Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court of the Ccuuty of Cochise, 1 emtory of Arizona. ESTATE OF JANE JU BERRY, deceased. Notice if hereby given by the undersized ad mim.trator if the estate ot Jane L. Berry, d' ensed, to the creditors of and a.1 prions hav icf duns against the said deceased, to exhihit them. ith the necessary voncherv, within four months alter the tint puh-'icatljn of this notice, .j the administrator, at Willcox, in the countjof Cochise. VII.UAM M RK.GS. Administrator of the cstite of Jane L. Berry, deceaAed. Dated cly 14th, 1895. Consolidated National Bank. OJ"Tucmi, Arlzoiirt. Canital StcU - - - 50.000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN. President, W. C DAVIS. Vice-Presy-nt. H. a TKNNEY,-rah. Issues drafts available at any point in the Unitrd States. Iias bills of ezchane o a European cities, and mikes a sprcia'ty of oct-o! ton accounts with invdixl'iji, firms and cor paraiions. Jm.36-1'. General ud !.'ercc3 Cebiiiiy. TV-tkn-n of Podr and Mind. Ei7rct of Errors or Lice) In Old or Yonne. ttobmt, obls ManLooI fully Restrred. How to EniartT and Weak. Un deTelopod Portions of liodjr. Abwlntrly nn fr.ilin;IIomeTrcatrrcnt. -!sene. In a dir. f-om E3 relates and ForeHen Coentiiet. riena ror jj-Mrriptire hook, es pUnatlcn and proofs, nailed (tealcdj t rta. ERIE MEOIOfiL CO., Buffalo, K.Y- O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail ButGher, COR. STH AND FREMONT STREETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Teal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutlers. Free Deliver)' to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI Femon bet.HhandStb. TEE EOUKFH WARD BUTCHER Tlie Choicest of Meats. Skillfull Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet Low Prices, Good IT eight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS 00. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT la General Use throughout the United States and Europe, d successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub .Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF LAiYn? tS.T'O Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. omen i.-v nA.K Rnii.Di.u. TonniTo.'ie,ARizo3ii,. nCOHISE HOUSE. aRS- tS" Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. jarE&AivTLTrr furnished roohih s7"Viiitor8 to Ibis city will find the Cochise a superior hotel- ad '01 offering excellent accomrlations. A LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE EOOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME.C All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. fim Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pioja Fifth bet. Allen and Tons; An, Tombstone, - A izoa PARLOR FORs-OUE Ever thing Made Convenient for Guests' Special Rates to Panics bylbeWt or Month. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE ROOM FOR DRUMMERS. RATES REAE0SAB1 mmm n t.tlff The V. S. Gov't Reports thaw Royal Baking Porr& HOTEL ARLINGTON MRS. l- VJLHAMSON, 3?i-oprietretvs. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA. NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE AIRY . R003IS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- This Favorite Headquarters for Commercial Men has recently been m ly fi tte renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to the tra clit nWir Unnmi ntnite and Mode. Prices Moderate . J Everything fiirst-class. Sample rooms for commerial H.e -o . I i ; i Jk gfTttor '" Jslt eCaMTS. r riri