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J- t &.' I il'l I 'A EiBDE33B2 PALM nil 0- I Livery and Feed Stables, BE31 TURNOUTS 1N THE CITY. At reusable rates, and on short -notice. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed QR1FFITU & ADAM, I'roprietors. Bisukk. Arizona. W-A.JLl:Do:R:F, . Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GUESENHOFFEB. Prop Finest Restaurant in Bistxe. Private Rooms for families or for private parties. tresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. Tlie table suvvlied with tlie best tlie market afford THEO. F. BTETZ, Pioneer Soda forte. Soda wateT,SarsapanIla,Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsoger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. LaUtt improved machinery, and vme but f.Ve very best of materials ever used. Iibte, - - Arliom. Ilewett and rucastle UANUFACTt'URK Or BOOTS and SHOES JUyuZrcd una Made to order ot Short Notice. A faU line ! GENERAL MERCHANDISE ConstanJy on hand. Consisting of Boots. Shoes. Shirts, Underwear, and Gents Fnrnishinj Goods A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Btsbce quality 01 goods considered. F. M. MoKAY Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, Aadithe best brands of Cigars. Ulu Cold Beer on Draught OMJB-KOOMS ATTACHED. ot a pleasant, social time, and courteous tret nent, call on McKay, Bisbee, Anion. BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, PORE. FRE.SII nilK Dtlirered to all parts of the city every -sisg at the lowest market price. T.vr patronage solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lav orders with Union Market. a. o 11. xv. OUEEV IWfJE No. every "atarjy erentng IX MEETS Vmtimg broth m cormauy ionics, Amos Kikoted.M. W. (DWAEO BAiKfe" Recorder K. C Fasex. Financier. H. SCIiailKDINO, J1CWEI ERAVD DENTIST. ALT.KIvrS ol dentU and jewelry work in all branches performed with neatneus and dupaoii. Xsces, B.ibeeard Tombstone. DRrrW', FiRSINSTON, DKNTIST. tAlt work ia tkeSa of Xtentistry done in a KobasioaaL manner and. saJbfatkm wuaranfed. iret ate.very reasonable. Office at.Shearer Jldln;. o a rTTPi fnxr UNIOJv.lBARKETiNDBAKtRY Eieueiy f, venue, Zi&bee Arizona, frith Beef and.Mutton 'Pork, etc'.aUo -aaUfEark and tomeai'lieej. Jill Kinas or aa.asazetJuwa"s on hand. A J?r" lies and Cakes every dat jtv i in the '': JUrvf nnTan NELSON THE tailor! Leafls tie Fashion: hlLf RTRKGT, UKHEb BISBEE Steam - Laundry: BISBEE, V. T. All kinds f laundry work dans with neatness and dispatch PRICES REASONABLE. Delivery wagon collects and distributes uorlc Gitc them a trial. all GEO. UREYSPRIN'G, - - Manager. Office With Marks & Wittig barber shop. Visit Markey's Studio or up to date, high class photography. CUAYONS. IXK, PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet outside competition I will make you a high class life sue Crayon (or $3 00. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin type UpfER Mais street. Bisbee, Aruona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all kinls re ceived daity. ;yi:es, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all paau of town. 10 per cent on lorcasn. 31. MKDIGOriCII, Propr. DUBACHEIi & MU1IE1M, Brewery Gulclt, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Sand. Our Bar is Sap plied with tlie best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGCWIGH, Wholsale and Retail Dsalu in Groceries, Poultry, Game received once alweek. LIQUORS, WINES,! CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTACAIHO sEiua or DEY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIEDJFRTjna WINES, IilPORrED LIQUORb AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTE i AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE fc .SAUSAGES Also Dealer ia W.od. FINE Gn BISBEE mm Happening at 'the Great Copper Gamp. Budget ot Interesting; Itejai frost our, Regular ., Cor- iresoABdent. Bisbkk,' September 11, 1896 COrrKKIKai. Mr. M. T. William Returned to Tombstone this morning. Ho baa" been with us" for several days past, and ay! ke Las enjoyed hit visit very much. Pay day passed off very well yester day and tbe uiual collection ol bappy couutenancea were visible about town. The icarcity ot money in town caused out inconvenience, but this is a mat. ttmot easily remedied, a-d one which we ought to figure oa in onr financial calculation. A day delay in tbe sashing of a cheek ought not to be auoli a terrible privation a wmi par tie try to make out. Our delegation of Thespians have been. quite busy today Biakjng prepar ations for their great effort hii even ing. A number ot the loyi laid off ibii afternoon to be tbe better pre pared for the evening, while oneor two are waniieriug about like lost aheep-Jrorn-lne-effeeteol'petit-up ex- ,.!lMAnA M?Si ... ... 11 ...t.l Sn.w w iciurii . M1J, mu ,,ua,uwofV, when liiey once get started in the rut of their memorized line, and -we all Are anli ipating'a yery pleasant even ing. George, S.,Shiblt-y relumed frfia,tho meeting of the Republican central oemmittee in Tombaicae today. We thought George wu the oul) Repub lican in town, with the czception.of "Windy Dick," but had a talk last night with Mr. Eruil Mark who ateured us iht tbe woods were full ol them. Arcortling to'hU i3ra ihe only polttcian over here are Republicans and "Pop. He" dfiTred uiTo asTtbe three Democrats still jeminipg in jown bow they werfgning to tiividr the aaveuteen prbaie tuey"wtilbace to carry Io'IUocouVciAIgu to thiTtaash 'ne.will get his eual, aiiil jutt abare of importance. Walter Douglas, the conductor. of he regular train on the-A; and S.-E was a little under tbe wea'her 'thi morning and toOkr a short'-tUy Off.' This rather .mixed .tbtpgs tup -.a little and the ertra traib Wait sent out taeharge of '"Cpndu"etor"'StegaL Bleg. ays be is-ght inthVswIra,"ribw:tL'uk neverrthe-lws he was a little vexed when be remembered 'tbni'Ve could; not speak Spanish. ""IfTebHia only: talk pie," be remarked with a most sorrowful looking countenance. We have been nnablo as yet to learn the' special reason for this special desire but bave it from one of the boys that Steg. became Infatuated at a side bill dance recently with a fair young lady with'whemhe 11 unable to,ooayers6 except through an Interpreter. Ho has our deepest sympathy, and if it will belp matter any would be wiling to lend bim ourSpasUb. dictionary. Eisbxk, SepLemler 10, 18&6. DELATED ITEM-. MrtPrichard arjddaughter returned from a short trip td Benson this eren iitf. Prf. Ricketa was an Incoming pas eenger on the,'vning. We are not .aware, a4 yet of .the object of his tisit. Wayne'"Drlini:l0Duperiatent of the fiCerurua Concentrating com-" panybfforo the worka eleVd -"clowt, came Sp porrTJlaciari a fw.davs inre, areompsifire-1 by Tilsl trlfe. He atteiiclt-dr f i .little 'bnsiarsr in thitn yesier EerJay an? tbey started forth forthe east this-jnorninr Thejheavy Democrats 'having re-J turned?JrmTorsU)ne'l!s eowlho' lurriW ;tbyftw-,reniaiclngJKf publir cns,4os,pyJ'iatmtch .bonoresl taWBf: visit. TW-ieaiiiy etatral'cdaiuit-. tee War, to jftret there ttsaay j SutCifr. G. 9;9iKy4Xi seiiniogly-nise-reBt of the5' Jwoa-rt larA BisbeViT eoncerw-JVrsthi-Blfja leaviog here KJfley oa a pelitioal mis sioa. Mr. T. X. Stylos ftt(Wsft9S kWs and wc bave been wonderiug what be did with' bis team. He left three days since fur Tombstone by team iu'a 'air of much admired linen pants, and today be returned on the train clad in a pair of dress pants ot a nice black color Wo are afraid that Yo'nsy struck a snag and hired a small boy io drite bis team back. We hope tbe pants were not spoiled by the rain. Tbe small boys have another obanee to got in with tbsir tin can brigade .this evening and we baye about cos- eluded to stay, up jioiil midnight to avoid having our rest disturbed. The occasion pt l(the serenade this evening is the arrival of ,Mr, John Campbell and his bride, nee Mits aUjme McCormick. The young couple ato new receiving the congratulations o 'heir many friendf. We wish them the usual path ot roses. CX8D Or TUAXES. I wish to saks this means of oouvey ing my heartfelt thanks to all Ihe kind friends who paid attention and gave tender care to my deceased wife dur ing her recent illness. I shall always feel grateful to thszn for their solici tu'de"and the sympathy that has been Extended 10 me in my bereavement. Very Respectfully, Judson W. Fabbisctok STLOUISBEER.HALL BISBEE, ARIZ. SHATTUCK & KEATING, Proprietors. Agentt Jot Anhevter-Butch Brewing Aiiociation. Wholetale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT C. W. BLACKBURN. Tj Jicw lmoroiDj Wbite Scwiar.UaeJiin'Ss Kjngt AH. tdon th tnstallta-Kit plan an taiy anmi ifu n.'suMiauuHndv &vwrw &11 Macnic riaainzs au xmam Notary Public and Conveyancer Miners Esclionge Main Street' Bisbee 4 W,:OrSMITH & CO. Choicest of7Wines, Liquors and Cigarst Every eourtcsy.anduxommcdatiOB extendedje pauons. Reading . andiOard Room -A ttached ; : 1 TH1 Ia Tour OppwrtnBlty. rln vn-ririt nf ten eenta. cnah or stamps. '.".mn.. u-'i- ill-Ti u&Uedof Uis n;. .nnlar Catsrrh.n7!dJfSrSeTsr CuroS (Ely'a Cre3ln.rt!lwtl!CJto,U2o-, 'trasetle'crfatiuerita of the remedy. -ELY liHOTHrr 5f WarTenbt.,0e.wTork City., . Err. John Itei t. Jr.. rt Gft lTijls;5Cmt, 'ticqmmeiwltdnj'a Cream l!a!ra to rce. I j iean iml.bswUe li alaieSTnt, "Jtiaa pod-1 .tive cure for catarhi4f nU,a diCTatea.' 'BaV.' Franci VT. PjlerPator OnfamiPrea. Cbjixcb, Ilelesa, ICont. " '"" Jay's Cressn Jrf i the acknowjedged cttn fcf.caUrrhfiwl contain no rueyenry w wmj i,i .f - , ? NDiTIOE 'TO AtXWHOM rrtTr-ONCERN. Notice frhtsebv riven, that certain taininr IcUtni:led JheTarn Biers," McGinty,atid Par mi on, situated in the Warren mining ajrtrict. ano; aopnf o-rcinui mil' 17 uuot un Holbrcjokhoisoos works, and flout lheam "djsixe fcorn the town of Rshee, A.T. lit. As A .-.Wuu ai'-fiSil --l--tffH- aea nlff 1r4t-rf 111 cororsiftTUh Aw U. S. roininK law, there fore, secona pany, at a later uir h-aw fWstirfle'ia full . conformity with' the above a-aaed Iswi. and' U fuHr determined to pnftect hktrhtx; Therefore, all posona are an- twoaanot to bargain lor, buy or lease tne (-rr LaAed claims. SlMANSUR.' !.-- rSsje;A.r. ! World's Fair TestM mm hmklaz fewdtr mramgtmt la toar- ttmaBwg c'JgpMSMgJgJgMgjlm tH JgbgHggggggH rvWswMaiyssw- ji.'" i "NICj nobilIe. Dealer' in 'FruitSjNnts.Candies, roth Fruit. R,ciivi Djily from California. Carries the Best Line of CIGARS AJVD TOBACCO Ever Brought toombstone. Poultry, Efgs, -potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. .Fifth St. next to 'Pastoffioei JTOR Fine Stationery Of Any Description, CaU.m WIT. D. -MONMONIEfi, 'Opposite Mastn Doree. Carries s full !:r.e cf Station fry, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu -cilage, Toys, 'Window glass, Fancy ToiDet Articles," etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. BetFourth&'Fifth O.KliveryStabla Full Line of Liven TKANCIENTAND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectinf Picnic and Ex? cursion varties outfitted on-short notice.. Or ders fyi mail or telr raph "rceives vromut atten tion: TEIM 'SUMHSONftlLY 10W JTOHN sMONTOOMEItV, Prop. J v. vickers; Fremont Street. looai! n., Arizona, li'eal Estate. Minek Mwv,, Cattle and In surance,. KEAL'ESTATE Biught.'soid retwd MIES-EhtMld.manaced. (-J MONEY Loans' negotiated and .Is. vestment! cade. CATTLE Grower, dealer? ne'er. INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Life. Prompt Attention Given Collections. S -22 S3' hr- I m r -at OD WHS -w ' ,0 2 2. ST-3 W.f ! : M W fcrJ -a M 1 1 M JZ ! Z: ; l! oco bStSE. - Registr-tiea -i -Electon 'Ce&iseCtttftYt for The Ifcrfowinr" isssiwlasi. was ftnaainynslv passed at a'mearlnr ofTta board ot 'suprijiaors ol Coeliae.ccwftfirlabeldTti; TtoS. " ' - Resolved, iThal 'there be. ana'ja f7. OsaeroTto oe Snaite. Eefwee; Ihsothfday'ol 01 tM Air SI andUM yCAxjt OsSoBeefa TWall BandUM V s1swAra ' Clerk ef the Board be iastractedio bave above of the electors of Cochise cssaly,- ssisT I order adferused once a week for a paried os iovr saontha, next antr arst day of May, ilof. W.l.HARWOOD (lSUr,,Sr5k5 tsi.. 1 A H .&..P is 1 1 1 1 1 -sa 3 ij! -g'O -... : : : --j.-E i-V,.J !;i5-j i 'C- Ji, r "" lv it .?lhii2 (h! 5 -s -.r-i,ss e a w As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we arc going to give to every purchaser of Ten 'Dollars' worth of, goods a fine : : : : : Life-Size - Ciayon Portrait. rr There is not a family but possesses some picture ot Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable for a present. Call at once and Bee specimen. THLE PRAJIE. The portrait Company us made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own styb. OTJR. PLAN Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five rents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F.N. WOLGOTT Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. E. & Co's. Exp. FARE TO OB EROM FAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains -for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p. m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogalesandali points south. Arrives 12:45 r. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAGGAG of Peni'rs'del'vered to Ojfice in the city free 0 Char gt TENTH STREET DAIRY. JOHN HANLEYJPROPRIETOB Pure, Iresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered daiW tool parts of the city. j. ri -nl Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, 10 cts, Reduction is made for larger quantities M Office is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John Weiland1 Ariheuser, Xiemps. uJV7 TELTBADE SUPPLIED ISA17L,,, Aent; Tlit-ROJ, ARIZOl- "Bettled WeilandBeer fuiriiahed to families in lumbaton. by JOS. HOEFLER PIONEER f OkEB 5TH A 303S A T GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS AND RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAGON COVERK BUCKEYE FORCE PUWP Agent for a'aaSrsswar km4 latttBtrotl - .1 '-"" r JOS- HOELFER PROP; e. 3 to all parts of the City. LAGER! STORE, FTEMONT STBEETS. rJEEVXlXr v UtrDOTKDslAUKICULTDIIAL IM TJJtXXHVV, ' A CZUIXBAIXB TCRBIirX wlKDMILLS. A- sJJ; y. f- 1,-T,. ;i -.