Newspaper Page Text
r-.Sj' ' -i i ii o ft K it ! i s g .J E I ir r i The Prospector, SEPTEMBER U.i89t RAILROAD TIME TABLES IZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Hwtb I turn l Ola Infix nwrt Baaday tat l;tf IM :a J :is :M a TIX TABLE Ho . Jly XS 18i Stations 0. BUbaa Ar 4 0 Pan Lull !. racaara S3 S . ...Water Tut.... a.Vr...... AJMIHa.MIi SS.S A F Irbuk .. .Lt T.Lv ralrbuik ..".At, AH.1.V. Crofciu... 3 .6 ..L&ad 45.8 .... onUution ....... i&5 3l ....tiaaaoo.......L ?2i I. toj si.s 41.1 .l K5J 1S.S 18.0 1I.T IS. J 0 South Flnrt Ullr cxorpi Sunday J soo tse 1.45 1.10 loa IX to 11.10 U.W OFF FOR PHEN1X. ad&c time. yitf lUtlaOL Slop on ' cmll. I Kl Wiuiiua. Sapcrintend'atit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. But STATIOSS. ti.loam.L" mm i.03 a m Bet ...Ueasn Art 540pm .Tucson 705pm .Mincopa Wiao$pm ....Y m 3-Sn .Los Angeles ... lloopra San Set. limited. eit bound, Uonatri and a riayi &.19, Bnuoa Han Set, L mite I1 a-cat bsini, Wedneari as dainrdara, 4 OS Banaon aaMirwui.anii. vsytt - -4 r -vw.iv NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA Rt 600pm ,50 am aootm 1.40 am 3.37 am tupa STATIONS Lt Bensaa .. Fairbtnk .. Hoachuca,. .... Cnttenden . ..... Ctbaas . Nocal'j .. .AH East 10.40 a ra t oop m ta to pm 10.30 pm 0.00 am t.-o am Jaily except Sai-lay. PariSe time. J. J. Fser Genertl NUna?er. VlOSU. L. H. AtECHT. A' General Mn7er. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. . North stations outh So pm Lt Phoait Ar ooara S.aSpm Tempe 120am .oopm Kyrene 1155pm 9.35pm .Sicitoa 13 30pm 0.45 pro Marie )pa 1210pm U. H. Ho"shel.l. Gen. Snpt LOCAL NOTES. bflrer U quoted at CS J a a Dr. Gaff, Benaoa Physician and surgeon, t! IT. T. Williams returned yesterday IJm hii visit to Biibee. Tli Mexican band it again in town and discoursing tbelr excellent rausio. mm--- Tboi. Lowry and wife left for Tuc son this morning where Sir. Lowry will do service lor Uncle Sam a juror and Mrs. Lowry will yisit friends. m There will be a change in S. P. tim e table Monday next to that the mail will arrive in Tombstone about noon inaUad of 10 o'clock at night, as at present. This is as it should be. Mrs. D. Hughes was an outgoing patsenger this morning for Solomon ville Graham County where she has bein oslled in attendance at the lick bed of her son who is in that city. Three Unfortuaates to be Deliv ered to Authorities. This morning Sheriff Fly "and Dep uty AWerd left no the coach withthrea persons in charge to be delivered to the authorities, one for Tucon aurt two for the asylum at Phoenix. Bob Forrest, the young man who U accused ot being impllcatrd in the Nogalss robbery auJ liowi arrtsted in Biibee some time since, is to be taken to Tucson where be will annwer a similar charge. Forrest w ink n befor Justice Koeka, but oa the grouud ot insuflicisnt etidmce, was discharged; however, he was im mediately rearrested on a warrant from Sherif Leatherwood; hence his free ride to Tucson this morning. Forrest, to Prospector reporter, stated that he expected tobedicharged at Turson also as toon as the case came to trial as be was in no way con nected with the robbery. Mus Annie Kane, the unfortunate young girl who was adjudged insane, was also in charge of the sheriff. Khe appeared in belter spirits this morning talked pleasantly, and was neatly diesstd. She had read in the Fkos rECTOR of the amusements and partic ularly dansing at the asylum for the benefit ot the inmates weekly, and at once besought the obliging deputy to hare her dancing pumps forwarded, evidently fully realizing where she was bound. These Intervals of lucid neis her friends who know her state may continue for day at a time when suddenly ske loses -her balance and labors under some hnlucination, wan dering aimlei sty about. The hope is held out that her derangement may be cured, which is devoutly to be wished for. Mr. John Brady, adjudged insane. was alio helped aboard the stage. He i an elderly gentleman, very reticent and seemed to think be was going on a pleasure trip. i - - ii BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively care Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction or money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale a Tomb ione Drug Store PBIMAKY DATEo. Populists Sept. lth. Democrats " 24lb, Republicans " 25tb. CONVENTION DATES. Democrats, at Tombstone Oat. Cib. Bepublicanr, " '' Oct. 8th. Populiita " Biibee to be set. LOSCAJJEZA.3. FROM PEARUE- Nevrsv Bits on Numerous Subjects. Ben Cook, Wm. Tomlinson, Tho. Lowrey, Geo. RaSerty and A. J. Bis sau will all be in Tucson to set as jurors. Tner will be joined by the Bis bee -delegation and tbns Cochife irfl1 be well repreen ted at Tucson. - m Tne U. S. jurors from Tombstone left this morning for Tucson. Th ey will all take in the fiesta to bj held by tba Mexican population at the an cient and honorable pueblo on tbe data of the Mexican independence. K mat! was brought up from Fair tank again last night becsusa of the waihouts and non-arrival ot the N. M. &. X. train. The washouts every year came an immense lots to this company and is a serions matter for the management. The eastern and western mail arrived today at noon the roads having been repaired. Awarded! rl.ghest HonorsWorld's Fair, VWCfJ w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADv k pure Crape Crcan of Tartar Powder. Pre mmAnmonii, Ahm or any other adtiltsjpt -JO TEASS THE STAHOMJJ . Mrs Lemon has taken possession of tbe boarding houie formerly run by Mrs. Fitch. Hauling of ore Is very light at pres ent owing to the late rains and muddy condition of the roads. But in a few days when the reads dry out it will be resumed. Mr. T. B. Johnston and Mr. Lee Balkum bare returned from Hooker's Hot Springs. Mrs. James Barrett has returned from Tombstone where she has been viiiting tbe past week. Frank Morino and Harry Rafieriy came out last Sunday and spent the Jay in Pearce. Prof. J. A. Roc'. fellow expects to re turn to Tucson nest Tuesday and re same bis position as Professor of Math ematics. Miii Lizzie Shaffer, Mr. Joe Shaffer and Mr. Wean of Doa'Cabezas will enter the Territorial University this year. Miss Josapbinc Fo an tain has gone to Tombstone to spend a few days vis iting fritndt. A dance was given at tbe Pearce Boarding house an evening or two. since, at which there were twelve ot fifteen couples present. The hall war nicely decerated ; the evening waa de lightfully pleasant and crowd was joit large enough to comfortably fill th room and still allow ample space (or the dancers to go through the differ ent figures with grae and ease. Tbe munis was furnished by Prof GaroiU string band and most charmingly sweet. This was certainly a pleasant occasion for the young people of Pearce and while siasilar events have been very enjoyable indeed, this was pro-, nouncd tbe event of tbe season. At 12:30 tbeniueic ceased and the danc ers returned to their several homes to plan and prepare for another, for tbe coming together ot yonag in this way marks a golden page in history el life b4 stake esWtesaoe efesbly sweat. THE LADIES. The pleatant effect and perfect safety with wtiich ladies may ue rup of Figs, under all conditions mak'es it tbeir favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu "me article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of tbe package. For tale by all responsible druggists. a WRITE TO MORGAN AND WRIGHT, CHICAGO.ILL. For tbeir little book, on qulok repair tires. Reduced prices. Book will bs sent free. Send yonr address, stating that you saw "ad" in the PaosrrcTOR, MORGAN AND WRIGHT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. William J. Bryan, th Democratic for President, has vsry aptly said "Don't take what other men say, but study for yourself." In these days of geld and silver discussions every man old enough to vote should educate himself on the great issue now bsfore tbe people. Arguments should be backed ap by facts, and in no work yet issued en stiver is that side of the question more dearly andcenvincing ly presented than in the little book of less than 100 pages, published by the R. T Hayes Publishing Company, No. 927 Postal, "Silver, tbe Mon-y or the Common People." Tbe price is 10 cents. 12 cents by mail. am ap) Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Miruel, Cal.. says: I am trying in a measure to re pay the manufacturers of Chamberlan's Cough Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking cough so that I felt miserable the greater part of the time. Many remidieies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until I began takiag Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottl-s of the larger sire had been used I am pleased to state my health is better than it has been for years. Tbe soreness has left my lungs and chest and I can breathe easily. II has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to give it a trial." For sale by druggists. The Cochise Gold Section Com ing to the Front. Mr. John Casey one of the owntf of the famous Casey mine in Des Ca bsza is in town. This property is 0 n ceded by all mining-men who have seen it to be a wouder and with the handling of the mines by a company f mLi and by tb erection of reduo tion works st.d working on a big scale could be made to astonish the mining world In the matter ot dividends and rsturnt. Mr. Casey states that last week a new strike in one of his tunnels was made that makes the property even more valuable and is jubilant over bis good fortune. O'her properties in this se ctian are also achieving prominence through their development and among those who ate working their claims with success are Messrs McGreggsr and Noble who are industriously at work. Mr. Porter's holding's are progressing satisfactorily and the owner well pleas ad. Herrick and Cooper are showing up b:diee of good ore; Sam Hansen on his claims and J. J. Howard and his promising showing give them en couragment and work with renewed vigor exposing the hidden wealth. A wealthy Chicago mining man earned J. Bryon has interested him self and has secured an option on some of tbe flattering showings. He is making all arrangements to have work pushed and develop the property under bond. Gradually the attention ot capitalists is dra-rn to this inviting field and the eoming gold section ot the territory indeed has a j roiperfus future. Ttie biacaverr Nvot his Lite, Mr. U. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaer sville, I1L, ssys:"To Dr. King's New Discover I owe my life, Was taken with la Grippe aud triea all the phy sicians, but ot no avail and was given up and toM I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began iis use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is .worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free t tall the Tombstone Drug Store. a m 1 sir. Price's Cream tuna row cut HIS ANNOUNCEMENT. , a How a Candidate Hade His Proposal. An enamored young man ddrcsed a marriage proposal to his lady love say an exchange, as follows: "My Dear Miss: I hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for your hand and shall use all fair and honor able means to secure the nomination. I know that there are many candi date in the field, and I hesitated long before entering the race, but now I am in to slay. , My views on love and matrimony have often been expressed in yonr bearing and I need not repeat tbm hero. You know I favor free coinage of love a IC to 1 lore and a main tenance of free silver after marriage. If you dteide to confer upon me tbo honor I seek, please fix dale for a caucus with yonr mother. I have no objection to her acting as temporary chairman, provided it is clearly un derstood that I am to be chairman of the permanent organization. Should the result of tho caucus prove satisfactory we can soon hold the primary and select th date of the convention. I have never believed in long campaigns, so if yon decide to tumor me I will ask yon to make con vention data a early a possible. DdVOUdly yours. THE WASHODT. A Bridge Swept A way On the N. 31- & A. pc An--"Age j of investigation" indeed! -You are interested in a hun dred far-away matters that do not concern you at all. But here is a matter, that comes to your own door, an evil that attacks you and your wife and your children, and you pay no attention to it, Investigation indeed! This is an age cf talk I Enough people have stopped using colored tea and begun to use" Schilling' 's Best to pay us richly for un dertaking this crusade. But this is not enough. The dif ference between Schillings Best and colored tea is so great in wholesomeness and and delicacy of flavor and so little in price, that everybody, except thedullest minds, ought to stop drinking that poison ous colored tea. Schilling's Best is the money-back tea. Schilling's Best coffee, soda, baking powder, spices, and flavoring extracts are also good in their way and money backed. A Schilling & Company San Francisco P. B. WARNEKROS. IS Two Tjives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City til., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. Kings .New Discovery cured her, and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderful efficacy ot tbe medicine in coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores, Regular size 50c and $10 ARE YOU GOING -A. S HP this uii:m:er.- The Southern (Pacific Company have place on sale at Benson round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly reduced Tales. Before pur chasing your tickets call on or address E.;S. WEBSTER, Agent at Baston, Or T. H. Goodmae, O. P. A. San Francisco. CLOSING OUT!! -1-His Mammoth Stock Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL ML BE SOLD AT .. -ri. j -4 M Tim msst scricos washout of the season on the N. M. & A. occurred some time during the night or early ibis morning. The trouble is at bridge number 196 about three miles beyond Calabasas. Two bents of the bridge are entirely washed away and two pil ing are going from tbe third bent, while abont ninety feet of tbe embank ment are washed out leaving the track suspended. The north bound passen ger train was obliged to return to No gales, and will probably not get through to Benson until to-morrow, although two work cre-v have been put on and the br uk will bo repaired as soon as possible. Vidette. iniMstrator's Sale n U11V.C 10 uiva.i irii JLv bidawill be received by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Eraila Lenormaad deceased up to and including November 14th b iore in Tombstone Arizona for .tnt ranch of 1 6a acres, heretofore owned and occu pied by said decea:ed. situated on the ban Pedro nver in said county; just above Ike Grand Central Mill, and about tvo mil-s below the town of Fairbanz and also for all the persoaal prapertr and utensils belonrinz to and situated upon said ranch hl.-h personal property is de scribed in the inventory and apprisement in this estate, on file with the Probate Judge of said county. Pos ession can be given December 1st. 189ft. Terms of sale, cash. Therichtta reject any ana all BOS la nerecv reserved. GEO. H. FITTS Administrator, Bated September yh. 1E06 Mrs. S. A. Kell, of Pomona, CaL, had the bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments,'' she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's PainBilrn. That remedy cured me and 1 take pleasure in recommending it and estifying to its efficacy." This medicine is talsoof ereat value for rheumatism, lame back, pains, in the chest, pleurisy and all aeep-seatea ana muscular puns, tor sale by Druggists. FERRYSi SEEDS. Perfrrt see& zrov rMjInicrofM. ferftvliHTrfs rarenotfttiwo hr-.-buccv. "JothS flncMtrll OCbncr.nrrB- ' Ine rerrr'-' eeda. Dmnnj' mam ev-yviTMrt. Writ tor FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL , for 1894. Brtrcfol of Tainted 1 l IBTormM Ion about tal ajul ow-1 C atla. J'tmi br BamaL . D. M. FEIRT ft CO.. uatron, suaa. He received tbe following brief re ply: , "Caucus unnecessary. Report oa permanent organization seti factory ; nomination unanimous; oome at once and fix date of ratification, Yonrs, laa iutuigucsiaaiiuiuroiaeTi fkuDiBB tobaccos is " Inst .i good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I procured a bottle aad felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I to my friends and their experience was thefcame. We all unite ia sayiac Use Mat." For sole by PrwsjgjaU. BlackwelFs BULL DURHAM SiirMung tobacco Ton win find one coupon inside . eachtwoouncebag.and twocoa- . v pons insHie eacn four ounce a taeot iJIackwell'a nnr,am cftlA ?uy tbKf th5 Je- uiMicu louacco ana reaa tne coupon which gives a list I w vaanaoie presents and now to get menu COST r CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents O ' Cochise County. No Trouble to Show Goods. CaUind Convince Yourselj of The We Mean Business. XVill A SACRIFICE. GiVE US A CALL J$ !r5t! i -.TaL J J '?$&J&" i r''"rjssife.i.