Newspaper Page Text
1 . ..:. NICiNOBILE. R IE9 m Je2j, ,a c a a,QiJLij Fr I FALAOE ml I!- I Iivory an.i Feed Stables, BEST TURN-OUTS IN THE CITY At rcas'Mc rales, and on short notice. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed QPJFFITH & JO A if, I'roprielors. BisiiKK. Arizona. Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GIE3ESHOFPEB. Prop Finest Restaurant ia Bisbee. Private Rooms for families or for private parties. IresJi Oysters and all ki?ids of Game in season. Tlie table savvlied with the best the market afford THEO. F. METZ, Pioneer Soda Worts. Soda water,SirsapanlU,Sarsapanlla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Latest improvei machinery, and vone but the very best of materrals exer ut'd. Bisbee, - - Arlauni. Ilewett and rucastle ' MASUrACTt'BKK OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Made to order on Short Notice. A foil line ct QEXERAL UERCIIAXDISE Constantly on rued. Consistingof Boots. Shoes, Shirts. Underwev, and Gents Furnishing Goods A dl selected stock, and the Cheapest place ia Bisbee quality 01 goods considered. . F. M. MoKAY lept a will selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, And the best brands of Cigars. lee Cold' Beer on Draught CLUB JtOOMS . ATTACHED. ? or a pleasant, soci it time, and courteous treat ment, call on McKay, Bisbee. Arizona. -BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franlcs3 Propr, lCKi:. F1KKMU niLU Delivered to all parts of the city every ening at the lowest market price. Your patronage solicited, Guaranteed. Satisfaction Leave orders with Union Market. JL. O (1. Y. UEE.V I1DGE No.. IX MKETS 1 1 every ttorday evening Visiting brow lf ers cordially In tted, Amos Kindred. M.W. Zdwasd Barkf.e Recorder. H. C Fjasek, Financier. II. SCUMIEDINr, JEWELER AND DENTIST. ALLKINDS o! dental ind jewelry work in all branches performil with neatneiss and cUspaoh. Offices. Bisbee ar d Tombstone. DR I. W. .FARCIN TON. DENTIST . All wirkjn tbfcjiae of jDentistrydone ia a ;rcrjiionaf noiii)r aid satiifaJioa gnxraatjrf. barges aiery reasonable?.; Office at Miearer , V Odinf. .A.; OVERLOCK UNION MARKET AND BAKtRY Brtacfy R venue, Sisbee h)izona9 Sttsh Beef and' Mutton, TorW, etc.tlsol ixitt Pork' and. Corned Beef. Jftl kinds' of SoMSXtejUwar'a " on hand, t mMh Br- Z-ies and Cakes amJberu " mcuu f NELSON THE TAILOR, Leads foe Fashion MAI NTREKT.BWlHKt BISBEE Steam Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. a.11 kinds of laundry work dant with neatness and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE. Delivery wagon collects and distributes all work. Give them a trial. GEO. UREYSPRING, - - Manager. Office With Marks 4 Wittig barber shop. Visit Matkey's Studio or up to date, high class photography. CRAY0N3, INK, PASVELS and WATER COLORS. To meet outside competition I will make you a high cUss life site Crayon for 3.oo. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin type UprEK Main street, Bisbee, Arizona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived daily. WISES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO Goodsdeliraed to all paats of town, to per cent off for cash. .It. UKUIGOriCII, Propr. DUBACIIEU & MUHE1M, Brewery Gulcli, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee . '. Beer On Draught, Constantly on Sand. Our Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGOVIGH, Wbolsale and Retail Dealu la Groceries, "'irxr Game received once a week. LIQUORS, ' WINES,; CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTIST! CARETTO DEAL .1 IX DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIEDQF.lUirS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUOR? AND C70AIW, EGGS, BUTTE a ' , AND PROVISIONS; I tfPOKTED. CHEESE & SAUSAGES AHc? D ealt iislWood . evtru da n kin in the Cneap mer ? thtt wkm Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Kudffft oi InterfMline Items from oar Regular Cor respondent. BisasB, SptmUr 15, IS9C. C01TEEI.NGS. Alvan Howe aod Millie Keller were passengera (or Tambatono this morn ing. Yours truly leavsa (or a abort visit to Tucson today, having been so un fortunate as to have been summoned aa a juror for the September term of the U. S. court. We have managed to talk another guileless youngmaa into trying hit haarf at item for a few days and trust that he will make thine interesting (or you. Look sharp and guess who be if. The partiei from here who are to sarva aa jurors at the September term ot court at Tucson left this worninii. There were quite a crowd of them and they all made up their minds that since they could nut get out e( going they would at least have a good time. The following is a lit of the unfort unate. "Param Swift", Peter Jensen J. P. Campbell, Dan Hanley. Jae.! Munch, Ben Edward, Thos. Woods, Jerry, Clawaon, W. C. Tyler, Cha. lames. We are afraid that we will have' to make a slight recantation in regard to on-recent autf meat that we believed Mr. George S. Shjbley to be the only It publican in town. Sibco the said article appeared we have bad neither sleep nor rest, but have been contin ually besrfged Ly first one party and then another, all of whom seemed anxious to iliiabure our mind from suoh a foolish opinion and to assure us that lb woods were full of them. Under the cir umilHucea we believe that the only way to secure our usuil peace of mind it to make a retraction, therefor we wish to ataie that we made a mistake and that we now believe that tht re's about a million o( them here. 'Ih rnerry.go-round U on of oUr town institutions now and is cluing a rushing business. It i curious to aoifcu how mauy aod how varied are the people who can be drawn about by a ra rry-go-roand. It setms to attract persons of all ages and conditiont and it is very amusing to no'.ice the many little tricks and schemes to which peo ple will retort in prdt,r to enjoy the pleasure ot a rii's without being madr the laughing stock of their friends. The one which appears to be us6d the most and with the greatest sucreps, in ne which was employed by some of our friends. The, scheme as worked by them is this : The party desiring to ride first waits until tome small child of his acquaintance (if a relative all he better) who ia desirous of having a ride is to be found. He then suddenly discovers that he would like to give the child a ride but cannot trual it to go alone and then concludes to go long with the little one to take rare of it. Thi is a smooth scheme and la very easily worked. Indeed our friends Johnny and Sid wre st engrnied with pleasing tl e hty Ihey raieln tae other evening that tl'.ey rods the poor voungitr.r lout an hour Bfter wliiclj time tuey quit, ver 'r'luctVntly, for (earth it tha continual j-idine witil.l make th hoy nek. Smo-,th worLT --Tit-n.tb-re is anntlier scheme, also much ured by the young Indie. Thia is simply to pay the man tn charge on the miim anH'civo'hiin tla tin V.,., then rta"d with j(-ur friends tint 1 the machine is aliout ready'to""tart when thyi grnllemn usually discover that it is loaded ou one aide more lieavilr then on the oilier and po'ltely asks you as a special favor, to Jhjm to.ride ia a certain place to restore Iho equi librium. 'This always wcks well and is an old standby. Jt is the a-himi osually 'empldyrd by one youpg man but he' is full of "resources and has many his ctjn r,"U'ir a r THE i' DIES. The pjeaant efTe'ct and1 perfect safety with which ladies. may ue Strap of Fies. under all conditions makeJt-their favor ite rtmefy. To.get the true and genn ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed aeax the bottom of the packsee. For 1 salt by al aTarnggius. MM LOD GING HtUrE .1 A.LETSON,Pro. Clean beds, well vendllakd airy rooms. Charges feasoaable. This well known house is centrally located, and convenient to the railroad depot, and is head quartersor the traveling pub lic Patronage solic ited and satisfac tion guaran teed. ' BISBEE. ARIZONA. PALACE Lodging House UBS. TUOS. WALKER, Prop. When visitins Bisbee don't fail to go to the Palace, Rooms large lighl and airy . Well furnished rooms. Centrally and Conresi- ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. STLOHISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ. SHaTTUOK & KEATING. Proprietors. Agents for Anheuier-Butch Brewinf Attociation. Wholesale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT c. w. buckburn: 0ii v . is C5T The New Improvod White Hewiai; SJaclunt liioffuf AH. WolJoii tha lustallm nt plan on tatr tm. byO. W. BIACKa3RK,0 K Bcreet. all Matbuit Flndion ot all kioJi Notary Public and Conveyancer. Miner? Exchange Main StreetBisbee.' W.C.SMITH &. CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors and . Cigars, EveTT3couTte3y2acdaccoKniodation extended to ' pauons. Heading and Card Room Attached. Tlila Is Your Opiortunlty. On receipt cf ten cent, mth or sjtanpa, a generous natnpl will uiniled of the most popular CAtnrrKund Hay Fevsr Cure (EIy Cream Balm) iniffieient to demon strate tb grout iccrits of tho remedy., Ual r.ROTUECS, CJ Warrfa EL, Kew York City. Ilev. Jotn T:d, Jr. i.f TrratTall,3ront., recomrcendrd JJyV I reiu lalui to me. t can eiaj.haiio bis stitetnent, "It Js a posi tive care fur ciianh if I'-'ed directed.' Eer. Francf .W. J'ihiI. rstor CeatralPres. Cbnreb.'ITcIena; Jjoat- Elj'Crram Ha!m U the acknouledged I cure for catarrh and ron'ains no mercury J fsisr anr inlonotia drug. I"nce,J lNOTICEf n AIX WHOM IT NfAY CONCERN. Korice is bereby given, that certain mining claims called the Tam Biem. McGinty and Par a?cm. situated in the Warren mining district, and about one-hall mile oorth-eastfeily from UK Hclbrook hoisting works, and about the same dfsta-sce from the town of Bhhee, A. T. ist As tEe'above named cLfms' we-e not" locatrd in conformity with the U. S, nailing Uwr, there fore"; a second party, at a later date, relocated the' sxxac in full conformity with the above named lavs, and is folly determined to protect his 'rights. Therefore, all pessons are ran tionrd not to bargain for, bay or lease the ato nirwed claims.. S: MANSI.'R. ai5-?m Bisbee, A. T. The Worlds Fair Tests mm bmklag powder mram gtsml Jm Umv KJS33a3SteT m m tiimp i -a mthmstovaL Dealer in Pruits,Nuts.Candies, r'!li .Vut- RieaivdJ D.ttly fni California. Carried the Best Lino of CIGARS AJVJD TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postofflae. FOB Fine Stationery Of Any Description, Call on WM. D. MONMONIEK, Opposite Mason Doree. Carries a full linq of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toitet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest , Allen St. Bet Fourth Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven TRANOIENT AND BOARDING STOCK" CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectins Picnic and Ex cursion varties outktted on short notice Or ders bv mail or tel fraph receives vrojnot atten tion: TERM SUNREASONAILY LOW. JOHN MONTGOSIKRir, Prop. J V. VI ;kers Fremont Street, lombstone. Anion. Real Estate. Minex Monev, Cattle and In suran cermL KEL ESTATSBvuht. sold rCBtqd MINES Bought sold managed.! MONEY Loans negotiated and in vestments made, .. CATTLE Grower, dealer! aid ( INSURANCE Fire, Accident, life. Prompt Attention Given CoUeetwnt. 001-3 fcrjB O Z' . so s . CD 73 08 W o tj (S) t t coco 1.9 e s C3 es 0 6 0 t. w If 1 si a s W K ? S - : a f 5.- '. r? ! r ?-3- - g os cr - r oc O. 3 i ;i NOTICE. Registration oi Electors for Cochise Coadtv Th following iasolutioa was ma.1lmoualy passed at a -neeting of the board of supervisors of Cochise count Arisnna, held April yta, '9- . - - Resolved, That there; be, and is ereby ordered to oe nude, between the ,30th; day of April and the'iffi'day of October; a savtstratibd of the decuaw oCCochiseLcbtBity, ana that lim Ork ef the Board be instructed to haveabova rrdcr advertised once a week for a psfiow at foar months, next after first day of May, ilgt WA.HARWOOO laaaa. Claskss ska Bear4 s'prrslsats. TaakasasssBSjnt. .tans As a compliment to our many patrons and the . public generally, for a short time we are going to give to e'verj' purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : ,-?tiPgftRDW Life-Size Ciayon Portr?it. -?3i- There is not a family but possesses some picture ot Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. Vhat more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. TIIE FRLTVEE. The portrait Company ims made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your own styl?. OTJJR, FJL.JSJS Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five rents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLCOTT, Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE Aa7) TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA .MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. P. ft Co's. Exp. FARE 70 OR FROM FAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; tiast and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p,' m. lor Fairbank to connect with . Nogales and ail points south. Arrives 12:45 r. si, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 P.M. with eastern and western mail and passengers. 9AGOAQ of Passe ngersdelivered to Office in the city free of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. -JOHN HANLEYflPROPRIETOB Pure'Jresh, Unadulterated-Milk, delivered daibtoal parts of the city, x n" - Milk Wagon in town Milk by the quart, lOcts, Reduction is made for larger quantities M Office ia on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John Weiland1 ... - ' - Anheuser; t at liemps. r.H'TV TTJ 7frrt? AJULFBAIL., Aent; .TIXYIOf, AEIZOXA Bsltled.Weiland Beer fuinisiictl to families in lombston ,;" " . by JOS.HOEFLER PIONEER STORE, jCORNEB 5TH &. FIEMOKT STREETS. jdjesajLjJez: GENERAL MINERS! ,AND TENTS AND WAGON COVERSi BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP Agent for ttcttmi rtcmti tsd laid Seeds astaBt-Z JOS HOELFEK PPOP Dealer in to all parts of the City. LAGER! fl I1T7 . 77XTr TI n MERCHANDISE. RANCHERS' SUPPLIES '.IXntOVKD XU1ACVLTVUM. Ill PLEKKST8, ass OKUSBAlSb TTJRBINK WIN1XILL8 ' V. r