Newspaper Page Text
ft I I'M r .- I.. K h i-j - f A The Prospector. SEPTEMBER 16. 189C RAILROAD TIME TABLES IZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. R. daily tlcer buoday X.S ISO - MS 100 o. mb... 15J rat :U t-SO :iS . OS U " voa uu. . & 11.4 Packard K5., Wtr Tank 30. t h3J JS.S A r lrbnk ... .Lv sn n i:niriMioa . 1S.0 J7.Lr ....rlrbsk -..'.Ar i JT. M. 4 A. Croasg... 1.0 1T.T ...,UH .. 1S.J 0 W!0 lt.10 fS.R 'M S, ooUdUmi ...... Be&aoa. .. ....! ClBc time. Flag iUtbss. Slop on una!. ei Wauiitt. S.i?rintenaut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC K. tast STATIONS. ast .Hensn.. l- , An 5 40 p m 70.90 am J6.3 1 m) it.sspni pa.45-' ....Tucson. ... ....Maricopa ... ,...Y m...... ....Lb Angeles I 75Pra V10.05P n I 3 5 a m 1 1 oop ra Sua Set, Um!td, eart bound. JIon4J and h rwliya 8.19, BflMM Has Set. '. mite! west WjineKlsra damidiym, 4 OS Benson NEW MEXICO ARIZONA C'' East dwOODtr 8.50 am ceoam 1.40 air L.. .. Benson... ,. Fairtwnk .. ..Huachuea.., . Crittenden .. , Ca'abaus .. ..NocaV .... .. Ar 10-40 am 1 oop m 13.10 pm to.aopm Q.00 am l.tSpm .in. rrcrot Sunday. Pacific lift. T. 1. Fkxv fnercl Minager. A. V AUGLE. I- - A1-1"":'"' Asviie General Manager. Traia Matter. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. North STA1ICNS Sosth 8 o pmi Lt. ..Phoail Ar 3 00a ra 1 aoam it 55pm ta 30 pm 12 10 p m taspro 0.00 pm V.aspm 0-45 P" ..Tempe .Kyrene ..... ..Sscaton .Mane pa G. HTTHonsiielx, Gen. Sapt. LOCAL NOTES. Silver is quoted at CG Dr. Gaff, Benson Physician and Burgeon. tl B. A. M. Meet tonight. Sirae Gallon left this morning for PeSrCC Mr. Watts and daughter leff today for Congrcs?. Frank Earle arrived at noon today from Bisbee. Morgan Hedgpo'.h left for Tucson thit momiDg. Schilling's Best tea hat got to win; quality bigb, price fair, money back. TJnderabcriff Cad well left for Wil cox this morning on offieal butinesi. C. S. BoberKon camo in from Pearce lait evening and returned again today. 1 The public school opened last Mon day at Yuma with one hundred and izty-two scholars in attendance. Mr. ilcDrew, who ha been in town lot some time, under medical treat ment, rcturn?d to Bubee today. 1 . J. Maber, who has been under the treatmrnt of Dr. Gordon for eya trou ble for some time tstaraad this morn ing to Blibee. A. company of ten Indian scout passed through town today onronteto Fort Huachuca in charge of an officer. Frank Jaster, a merchant of Los Angeles, is 'in town on a visit. Mr. Jaster has some mining interestt'here- about and is on a (our of inspection. Awarded rilghest Honors World's Fair, BAKING POWDfR MOST PERFECT MADH. A pue Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frs mat Arranonu, Aki.n or any citjx liliiltwast fj YEAJB TVS. STAKOAU Worth t TIM TABLE f; " ? I..W tBSS. ? MB J station. 5 cu Out C aiiy xert Baaday RATTLED. Cochise County Delegation At Tucson Itattled. . The Star says, the September term of district oourt in the federal depart ment was opened yesterday morning, but was unexpectedly and abruptly terminated by reason of four members of the grand jury failing to aj pear. They were standiug at the lout of the stairway waiting for the court to open The tirtt intimation they had that it was already opened was an a&nnnnce. ment that the grand jury hal leu discharged until today, and they tbem elves were wanted inside to rrct'ne punishment. K fine of $5 was impos ed, but it was afterward remitted. Tbey will try it agiin at J o'clock Ibis morning. The members of the grand jury are Charles Haislep, Ben jamin Cook, James Scow, A. Guzman, Arthur McNeil, A. Bricbta, A. B. Sampson, Jacob Pirrung, Charles C. Wheeler. W. T. Gibbon, Wm. Tomliu sod, W. C. Land, Thomas Lowry, B. B. Kelly, J. H. Lewis, L. D. Cbilson, Edward Vanderlip, M. W. Hammer strand, G. M. Williams, W. A. MoKtill and Phil Schreiber. From private edvlces received today it is intitu ated that those lined wereuf the Cochise delegation. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Miguel, Cat., says: I am trying in a measure to re pay ibe manufacturers of Chamberlan's Cuugh Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For jears I a s constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking couh so that 1 felt miserable the greater part of the time. Many remidieies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remdy. After two bottles of the larger size had been used I am pleased to state, my health is better than it has betn for years. The soreness has left my lungs and chest and 1 can Sreathe easily. II has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to give it a trial . " For sale by druggists. Calvin Glenn, the popular foreman of the C. C. Co., is 111 Tombttone on a viit. Mr. Glenn is now in charge of theTanhandla range of the company in Taias and is spending bis short vaca tion among friends and acquaintances. Miss Ida E. Padfield, the young lady who has been selected to preside oer the primary department of the public school in Tombstone, arrived from Los Angeles iast evening and is stop ping at the San Josiy. The public schools of Nogales will open next Monday under ibe super vision of Professor T. F. Grindel, who has bees elected principal for the en suing school yrar. The intermediate and primary departments will be pre sided over by Miss Tbeo. Sprecktrand Miss Ada EEwey respectively. The Normal cchool is starting out splendidly this jear, says the Tempe News. The number of applicants thus far being 124, with prospects of more to come. Dr. McXaughton is making. evsry effort to taso care of this in creased attendance, and is succeeding as well as can be expected. Mrs. S. A. Kelt, of Pomona, Cab, had the bad luck to sprain her ankle. "1 tried several Iiaimeiits," she says, "bet was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. That remedy cured me and 1 take pleasure in recommending it and estify'iDg to its efficacy.'' This medicine is talsoof great value for rheumatism , lame back, pains, in the chef, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular" pains. For sale by Druggiss. m m mm An attempt was made Saturday night to wreck the train on tke Mari copa and Pbenix railroad. About half way betwee." the cross-cut canal and tl"5 Tempe bridge an obstruction con sisting of ties and fish-plates was placed on the track. Luckily the en gineer saw the obstruction and stop ped the train in time to avert what must anrely have proven a serious accident. Quite a niimtwr of "immigrants pasted through Xogales this morning on their way from the United Slates to Mexico where they will settle 'n the vicinity of Magdalcna. They were from California, and camo the entire distance in wagons, and looked re markably well after tbrir long jorjrnty. Tbeir horses were also in excellent condition. Vidette. TbeMinas Prietas and La Colorado mints of Sonora, Mexico, have been purchased by an Euglih company wbicb has a capital of 250,000 in XI shares. The mines were examined and reported on for the Exploration company by Henry Janin of this city and John B. Farriah of Denver, Colo rado. The output of the mine was $111,1000 in June; Joly same amount; ftrst klf of August, 1117,000, with 33 Ho Earned HI Money. A German in a wsstern towu got into tronble wbitb a quarrelsome man who had been a terror to his neighbor hood and left him dead. A young aad inexperienced lawyer undertook the defensu cf the German, and just before tbe case was to be tried, he found, to his dismay, that the jury was compos ed of eleven combatlve-lookiug coun trymen f the murdered man, tbe twrlftli bing Ge man, A "defense fund" wm immediately raised, and the German w approached with a pro mise tht, if ho managed to get the accurol utT ui'.h a simple verdict of manvltngiiltT, it would be worth JIOO'J tu him. All be had to do was to stick to the one word, "manslaugb ler," Tli verdict came in "man slaughter.' uud the jjyful lawyer for tbe defense could not gel the $1000 in to the German's hands too quickly. Shaking hands with him and transfer ring the money, ho slapped him on the back and said: "You did nobly 1 You must have had a terrible time making those men atree to simple manslaughter." "Veil, I should say so dey vas all for acquittal 1" Tid Bits. The UlHcorerjr Havod hla I.I1. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver sville, lib, says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, out 01 no avail auu was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. Kirk's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first,dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up anil about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house "vithout it." Get a free t tall the Tombstone Drug Store. The yiTKterloiis Visitor. I only knew the man -by sight, And yet he called on ms last night. Herhook my hand (I feel ltyeO, And slid 'twas long since we had met ; But in tbe coming future we The warmest friends would surely be He prsisrd my house, royelf, my wife. Anl eiiviej us our happy lile. Our bsy he patted on the head He'd one day be a judge, he said. He did not go away till late. Today I heard a neighbor state My caller a k candidate. PRIMARY DATES. Fipullsts Sept. 19th. JemocraU " 24th, Republicans " 25tb. CONVENTION DATES. Democrats, at Tombstone Oct. Ctb. Republican, " " Oct. 8th, Populists " Biebee to be set. Today is Mexican Independence day and the Mexican population are duly celebrating. The Mexican tricolors are afloat in various places and some of tbo mors enthusiastic defendants of Hildalgo are creating a brisk demand for tarantula juice and their patriot Ura knows no bonds. District Attorney 'Swsrn met with an accideqt yesterday which causer him couaiderable pain. He was engaged in lilting with a crowbar when the latter dipped and he fell forwarded striking his head against the corner of a hou-e inflicting a painful injury just above his temple, but fortunately was not serious wbicb might have been the result should he have have re spited the full force of tbe fall on the Umple. Mrc.Warner, a respected widow, cf Sbarptowo, Deleware, has been reading about the New York prophet who pre dicted tbe world was income to an end Wednesday last. She became'eonvinc ed that tbe prediction wauld be veri fied and spent monday and Tuesday distributing her worldly goods to bsr neighbor, and on Wednesday she donned a white robe and sat on ber front steps all day. Tbe event failed to come-off and Thursday she made an effort to secure the return of ber prop erty and failed. Bhe will bring suit to recover it. Mr. C. A. Farr who baa leea con nects! wi.h Greenlee! ds Sirgeant, the well known safe and cembi nation lock manufacturers, arrived In town Iat night on his regular tear inspect ing the time lock on the ceunty trees ury and cleaning tbe same. Ifr. F.rr states that tbe vaults of tbe Cochise county treesuryare'anong tbe best, and the lime lock and combina tions make it doubly eesnre: i Tact which tLonld be born- in mind "y rob bers who may bare designs on tbe county's weal'.h. A cursory glance at the newspapers of tbe United States would impress for eigners wbe bave not kept paoe with the political events in this country tbat Mr. Hanna is tbe republican aoasi nee fer president Woodlaad Desae- J era. THEY LEAVE NO REGRETS And Pursue the Wisest Cottrf e for Silver's Iutereat An exchange well says: The gentle men who think they aro superior in wisdom and statesmanship to tbe Democratio party have finally nomi nated their ticket. They call them selves tbe Na-ional Democratic parly. They are not entitled to any such dis tinction, but nobody will laanel with thrm about that. Tbey have the law ful right to go out'and set up this side show, bating determined to do so. And as Mr. Bryan said, in the course of a speech at Niacara Falls the other day, the regular DcBiocrat'c party will not go into court and ask an injunc tion to retrain theeo gentlemen who just met at Indianapolis from exercis ing tbeir real political sentiments. Their appropriation of the name of the Demoeratio party is, of course, a cheeky piece of bui es, but notwith standing their brain attemptat coun terfeit, no person will be dec-ived by them. We will concede thai these gentlemen are mostly able men, ard have heretofore enjoyed honors at the hands of the Democratic party. And in some respects tbey bave imbibed Democratic sentiment. But the sim ple fact that they are today outside of the regular Democratio party is pos itive pioof that they do not belong in that party. Their tentiments are in ympathy with tbe kingship of wealth, with the reign of a monied oligarch.of a standard of money which discrimi nates in favor of tbe rich ssagaiml tbe middle and poorer clatses, are foreign to Democratic principle, which sig nify the rule of tbe people, without foritism to the golden God and priests who officiate at its shrine. Let it be remembered that theee same gentlemen who bolted the Chi cago convention had never charged that that convention was net the legally constituted Democratic body. Many of them were there as dele gates and participated in tbe proceed ings until they were convinced thai their one third minority would not be allowed to control the two thirds majority of delegates. So much for the justification of tbeir opposition to tbe regular party organization. Since tbey bave decided to bolt, however, let it be known tbat their course in .naming a ticket is the Lest course they could have pursued in the interest of Bryan, provided tbey vote for their own ticket. To have failed to name a ticket of thir own would have meant the deliverance of their votes to Major McKinley.hecause with the gold standard they must affiliate. Heorr HeCwruiIctc Tbe marriage of Mr. Wood Moore and Mils Gertrude McCormick was sol emnized early this morning at the Aztec, and a more beautiful and novel ceremony would be difficult to con ceive. The loviug twain were made one 'neatb the spreading branches of a giant palm which stands in the yard suneundtd by an efiucion of lovely flowers. About 30 intimate friends wers present, and after witnessing tbe ideal ceremony and tbe t) tng of tbe nuptial knot Gy Rev Roberts, tbe wedding breakfast, wbicb indeed a tempt ing collation, was sat dowii luo nd Darlaken of with a relish. After the meal was finished the bridal rrt7 raid showers of falling rice and tbe well-wishes of all present, took their departure for their future home in Missouri. Mr. Moore is an esteemed merchant and ci titan of Neosho, Missouri, witb wbicb city be has been prominently identified for many years. Miss McCormick, tbe accomplished daughter of Foreman McCormick of tbe T. M. k M. Co., is well known. Her extremely agreeable nature has won for ber Many, warm friends, and in social circles she was a favorite. The bappy couple received showers Of congratulations and when ia tbe big 4 borne coach were followed by any amount of rice, old shoes and usual good luck epistles. Tbe ceacb was loaded with a merry party wbe eccompalnecLthe oeuple to Fairbank to see thens off. Hay never a ripple rise in tbe stream cf life during lb vovage of tbe bappy r. mat was consummated this morning is tbe congratulation cf tbe Prospxctok. .. mm ' BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tbe best salve in ths world for cuts ..:. 11TH niters, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir :. :. nunniMKl ta five ceefect stis a faction or money reiunded. Prices 50 cents eerbox. For sale ' lombione Drag Store Substitutes There are none for Schil lings Best tea unless there is another pure Japan tea in packages; and we don't know of one in the United States. 1 And -what if there is? There is no other tea roasted in America all others are roasted in Japan, or wherever they come from, and grow stale on the way to America, and staler -while they lie here waiting to be sold to grocers. We do not roast Schillings Best until your grocer wants it. It is the only fresh -tea there is. Your money back if you want it at your grocer's. Schilling's Rest colTee, baking-powder, soda, spice, and flavoring-extracts, are also money-backed. A Schilling 2r Company San Francisco "We had an epidemic of dysentery in thi vicinity last summer," says Saiuutl S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "1 was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bott'e had been used I was well, t recommended it to my Iriends and their experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." For sale by Druggists. Cooltrurtlio. Rih new find are being constantly reported from Coolgardie gold fields. . F. Examiner, date Jan. 17th. Re ports among tbe finds at Black Flat, a nugget weighing 300 ounces, near!) all pure gold, a number of other pieces were obtained amounting to about $10,000 worth. Coolgardie is an ac cessible point, reached by steamer to Fremanlle, Ihetice by rail to Southern Cross and team to detini.tin. The trip to Australia on the fine steamers of the Oceanie S. 8. company, via Hon olulu..a!amoa and New Zealand is pleasure sailing the day lung. This line tickets passengers to Cape Town, South Africa. Map of Coolgardie dis triot and Pacific Port?, etc., mailed free to any address by the Oceanic line, 114 Montgomery street San Fran ci"o. i28-dw-Gm BepMican Friaries Tousstone. September 10, I896. At a meeting of the Republican countv cen tral committee, liela at the court hetue. Tomb tic ie, Cochise county, on the afcote date, it mu ordered that the sth day of September, 1S06. be. ad is hereby set as the day fer bold lag tbe K'pub'icn pnnuuies in this county, for the purpose of ocnine delegates to a Republi can cxmn'.y convention, to be held in the court bouse, ta Tomb-tone, on the 8th day of October, 1896. at a o'clock, p. ra., then and there to nemiaateTerntorislandCoan.y officers, and to transact such other bustne a may properly come before said convennon. The following were selected as judges; Tombstone ia delegates, ludjes First Ward, J C. Wner: Second Ward, F. V Wolcott: Third War J, Thos. Lowrj; Fourth V'ard, Wo. Corbett. Outside. C. H. Cs.cit, Clarksjure. Chas. Hancock. Bifce, u delegates Judge. George Shibley. Ash and M Iter's canyon, i ideyate. Fort Huacttica. a delegates Judge, J. C. Bui nett. West Hoachnca. 1 delegate Judge, L K Mc Inrrre. Fairbank, a delegates lodge. A V Nojs St Dafid, a delegate- judge. JisMcK'e Benson, 3 delegate; Judfe, II Ucrwin Ties Alamos. I delegate rWs. 1 delegate Ra selnlle, x delegate WiScoz. 5 deleeites ludce. W F Nichols Dos Cabezas 2 delrgatb ludge, ET White Eoe. 1 uclegate Judge, Geo K Bugbee tun rimon, 1 delegate C ainock, X delegate r.jcker, 1 delega'e Judge, J I! CogweU Galyntle. I delegate Hereford, r delegat Mate Canyon, i delegate Pearce, 3 delegates Judge, Wm John?lm T uiquols, z delegate Judge, Alex Case, Dragoon, 1 delegate Jadge, Vsa Walker Hooker's. 1 delegate Powers, r delegate In preoccts "here no appointments are made the Republicans are requested to select their own judges. The order of business at this convention shall be: 1st Tbe selection of a County Central Com mittee. and Nomination of officer! to b v.ted for the November electro,. G H FITTS, Chairman. A W SMITH. Secretary, A Good Ranch and Improve ments -Offered for Sale,. TtTOTICB IS-HEREBY GIVEN THAT XI bidewill be reodred by the undersigned administrator of the est.- te of Emits Lenormaad deceased up to and including November 14th iso at tus store In xombsione Arizona for th ranch of ttio acres, heretofore owned and occu- pxe 1y ntd deceased, situated on the San Pedre r.-er in said county; jost abore the Grand Central VH, and about two miles below cne town of Fauvuk and also for all tbr ersoaa property and uwosJls belonging tr nd situated oa said ranch which person property is de ter bed ia tbe iaientotj -a appn-'ement in this estate, oa file with the Probate Judge of said county. Possessors can be given December rst, 1 Sot. Terms of sale. cash. Tbe right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. GEO. H. FITTS . aaiaSernbtr jA., lSoft wisirators ale P. B. WARNEKROS, CLOSING OUT ! ! His Mammoth Stock Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL (FILL BE SOLD AT COST. CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit TIte Trade .oj All Residents 0 Cochise County. No Trouble to' Show Goods. Call,and Convince Yourselj of Tlie We Mean -AJtaci HWiU 63eJJL AA A SACRIFICE. GIVE US Si Business. A CALL l s - unpsj nwakafj.-Piejas.