Newspaper Page Text
P y t !' ' o'-iE'" "'krj.."-1"- g. 1 i ; i". V,) i y TOMB I f r - K i , OUR WATCHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, Thf WORLD AFTERWARD. A'OL. IX TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 23, lSf No. 31 1 THE c r in fl ' "Wi PROSPECTOR fc , .W DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper rtlBLIcUlED EVERY EVp'WO tElCKIT 8C.NDAT) BY Win. Midi E-l toe anJ PropifcUr .JFresuout St. Opposite dtjr Hall .j , : tie PaosrtCToa will not hold ifelf respon sible for ay of tie & ucles or sentiments e pressed by any of il correspondent!. Holered in the Tombstone PostoK e at Second Clut matter. PBOFESSIONAL. OARDS )AMES RHLLY. ATTOHNhY AND ' Counse'or at Lav.. Land and Mining cases apcvii!ti. Tombstone, Arizona. w M.C.STAtHLK, ATTORNEY AT- Law and Jvotarj Public, Tombstone Aiuona. GEO W. MWAIN, ATIOSEY AT Law. Will practice In all com ts of the j, Territory, Tombstone Arnona. OS. CLARK. AITONEY AND COUN selor at Law. Office on Fourth Street. A betvteei Allen and Toughnul. Torab tt?.8e Will practice in all the courts of the Territory, HARLES GR NVIi.LEJOHNTON Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary Public. a7 Fremont street bet. athTand 5th streets A member o'. the Bar of thcuprme Coutt ot the lemtoty, and U1 practice in any f the courts therein. At WLNTHWORTH COUNTY RE MS corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts ef t.tle to real estate and mine furn. Ishad promptly and acurately. Crmplete tran scripts. OtSce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD, JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St bet 3I ath Tombstone. L. KOSKA. I USTICEOFTHK PEACE l OrUce on ath St. bet. Allen ana Toughnut. tombstone. HS. GORDON M.D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Orhce adjoining hu residence on 41I. st-eet. t. all attended at aJ hours ,dajr and tight. FC EARI E. ASSWER AND META. lugical labotalcry. Office No 319. Fremont si, opposite Oty Halt THE ORDERS. F &. A U. KING SOIOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third Saturday in each month. VUtiaif bro'hers cordially umted To at tend. 1 h Mcpherson, w. m.. A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. GOO HLSE CHAPTER NQ 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis itors' Companions cordtt If invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A." WENTWORTH Secretary. d r R OF A. 4ASHiNG10N CAMP NO 1 MEETS W 1st Friday even ng In each month. Vts- itice Comrades onrciauy mniro J. W. CLAFK. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday In each month. Visiting brothers cordially m- yiMi' ROBT. BESTM. W. VWD. MOVMONIEK KucorcVr. K- OF P ARIZOVA LODGE KNIGHTS OF PrthUi No 4. meet every 1st and 3rd Monday's in each monih. V slung brothers ccrcially lned. ...-. A. H. EMANUEL. C. C. .W. D. MQS'MONIER. K. of S. ROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO j, mu First Sunday in each month at thor hose hou-e c n the corner of Seventh and Fremont -streets, opposite the whool house. Wll. GARRETT. Foreman, TOM SMITH txcrair. R ESCUE HO-.E COMPANY MECTS First Sunday in eacte meats a utyriau PrralAnt etieet- T-V VICKFSCS W ENTVi ORTH. Seetjr President I. N. McDON'OUGII. Foreman. NGINE COMPANY NO I. MEETS last Sunday in ea.h moo h at Lose borne , on the c-rner.f Toa,bnur and sh surac JOSEPH LIPPEkT rorenian HENRY DUNKfcU. Secretary. Wan'cd An agent m erety section to can vass H to $5 a day made; sells at sight; also a man ii sjl staple good to dealers hest Side hoe. 75 a rocth. .Sal.ry or targe commusKm niacriperienceurnacessiry For lealeJ paiueuUts-rnd sUinp. Oiftan Soap a -iie;urnCofy. Onctnniu.Oaio. ItlHilll WATER ' WlruiT WORKS. T. CALVES, Prop. Jl TnftipT Service. Wter per barrel, sscts Tex bttcJcet, 5 ct. Soecial Rates to Families Leave oHerj aiib wagon. atBIIn bent O-m, am, act w I MlJu'ainiatV4aii A apjB rbn 'aa&aa4aswaaMr oiMA Jl smfUiaUBssiasis". SAMUEL M. BARROW Jt-rf. w-2SM 1 'A. - i - 0 SftMUELM. BARROW s-fJh- f 4 jTMm POLITICAL, Under KM Flag? PITOPLCV, PARTY rLAJKORM For I-resident. W. J BRYAN, of Nebraska, tor V.ce-Prrsident. T. WATSON, of Georgia. We demand. v i- The free and nnrcst.i.ed oouvae of gold andllrer afhe prestnt tatio of 16 to 1 without regard to the anions cr wishes of any other nation or combination whatever, II- 'I he increase ol the current money to an amount sufficient to ni-et the wants of ouf growing popu'ution and bu'ioess, such monej to consist of silver and cold coin and U. S Treasnry notes, equally a If gal tender for all de mands public and pnvate. III. 1 he abolition of all national banks and the estilJi hinent of Postal String Banks, roan aged and controlled by the U. S. Treasury. l . The establishment cf a system of direct legislation by the people, ginng to ths people lhmselies the power. I St. To veto all bws pass ed by any less than 95 per cent of all Oieir rep rescntatses. and to propose the enactment of laws by any tumber greater tban five percent of the elecWa and compel their submission to the w hole body cf the electors. V. Thit all m"ans of transp rtating persons property and in'e'J gence be gralually taken by the Nation and conducted at d controlled by an unpartisan commission under strict civil service rules, VI. That all public salaries and compensa tions sh!l t n adeto correspond to the pne of Ubor and labor J product. BepMicaa Primaries Tombstone. 5-eptmiber to, I896. At a neetlngof the Republican countr cen tral comui ttee, held at t-e court house. Tomb stone, Cochise county, ou the abote dale, it was ordered that the 26th day of beptember, 1896. be. and is hereby set as the day for hold log the Republican primaries in this county, for the purpose of ejecting delegates to a KepuMi isn county convention, to beheld in the court house, in l'oniibtsnc. on the 8th day of October, 1896. at a o'clock, p. m., then and there to nominate Territorial and County officer, and to transact such other business as may prwperly come before said conrntion The following were selected as judges; Tombstone 13 delegates ludges First Ward. J C Wiser; Second Ward. F ' Wolcott Thud Ward, Thos Lowr; Fourth Uard, Wm Coibott Out'ide, C H Btssett, Clarksburg. Chas. Hincoek lhsbee. ta delegate, ludge. George Shibley Taylor Ranc. 1 doegate. Ash and M Uer's canyon, 1 delegate Foit Huachuca, 3 delegates Judge, J C Burnett. West Huachuca, t delegate Judge, L K 11c Intyre Fairbenk, a delegates Jud?e, A V Noyes MDand, 2 degatcs Iud(.e. lasMcRae Benwn. 3 delejrates Judee. H Uerwin Tn- Almo. 1 delegate Pl s 1 delegate RuiselviIIe. 1 de!rte Willcox. s delegitc; Judge. W f Nichols loUUzas 2 aelrgates Judge, KT White Bowe, 1 nelegate Judge. Geo h. Bugbw Sau -imon. 1 delegate B-annock, r del-gat Ruder. 1 de'(it Julge, J II Cogswell (alyil!e. 1 delegate Hereford, 1 delegate Mctse Can) en, 1 delegate I'carce jdeegate Judge, Wro Johnstin fuiquoi, 1 delegate Judge, Alex Caev Dragocn, 1 delegate Judge, Vsa Waller Hooker's, 1 delegate Powers. 1 delegate Id Drecsncts where no appointrr-ents are made the Republicans are requesUd to select their own judjes. lhe order 01 Business ax mis convention snail !. The selection of a County Central Com mittee. and Nomiration of officers to b V ted for the November election. G H FITTS, Chairman. A W SMITH. Secretary. Mmaiy Election, Notice is hereb- gnen that Thursdar. Sep tember 24th is set for the selecting of delegates to attend the uemocratic county convention, which wtl be t'eld m the county court house at Tombstone, on October 6th. Ibe foilowtcg is the aoDortiooment ofeaUl p'eclnct Tombstone 16, Bisbeeao. Hertford 1, Miller's Canyon r. Fart Huachuca 1, Huachuca Siding 1, ralrbank 2 st Dand 2. rlenson 5. lr- Altmos I. Pool's r. Russelkille 1, WiUcoz e. D"S Cabezas-r, Roie Statin. 2, an Mroon 1, Hqnnock 1, Wt'gns 1. Rucker 1, Taj lot's I Karch r, Gil ville r. Pearce 2, San Be'rn J ' dints 1, Ccscm .- oue 1 Total 72. Ih- Democaats of eavh preence are requested to 1 elect their on primary election bxirds, tx cept Tonthstone-, Bsl, Bepvsn ana Wincux andmihcse plarrtthe central con.uultee will seleet the b-,irJ of 'lection and polhng places i amnle tin'e for the f-11 irdurmttioa of voters lhe lest shall bn "will yoa vote for and sup ro the Deuiocrauc liiket at the cottine; e'ec tion? - ALLEN R ENGLISH. Chairman County Central Coauni tee, Tomltcn. Septemhe 8 1866 FOR SALE. A group of Copje- Claims part y developed. Ure black and oxide from the grass root ; ore found in all working's; plenty in sight and just the proposition . for a company Good ro ds, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight mile from railroad. Address f Prospector, office, Tomb r stone. I!ul)o HutltlM. Horse Kud;o wH Wiuiiiieuce on the San Kafael.rancli on the Jt of 8rp. Cattle roJfo will cutnueuce ou tlio 15lb o' Septm' cr. Weather pe-mitlit p, tlij CCC anil Kiirgg toiiml-np will begin at Sulphur Springs Wednesday AU;ut 26 1i. 8an 1'ed roBaiui) J-np Arsocialion nill commence Work on September 10, beginning ai'he the Valce6e!d place. The annual fall round-up by cattle ownrs of Sulphur .Spring valley and ucinity, north of the S. P. rnilroad, wU befiti at Hooker' Hot Springs on the tnornins of Sept. 1st. Ths general round up of the Lower Sulphur Sprint! Valley will cotimence work on September 7th from the old W. n, Taylor ranch. tf. The Weit Huchuca rodeoj com menre at Huachuca biding October 4th and works up the Babccoruari river to old Fort Critieniln arid then through the Empire ranch to Pantano. BUCK LIN'S Alt.NICA SA.LVE. The best salvo in the world for culs bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tettr, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin etup'ions and post ttvcly cure Piles, or no payment requir rd it is iiiranteed to give peefect stis a facti n or money relunded. Prices 50 cents perb'ix. For sale Tomhtone Drut; btnre l'rec Pills. Snd jour address to H. E. Bucklen Si Co , Chfago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills A trn will convince you of their merits. These pills are easj in action and are partic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and stele headachr. For milaria and liver troubles they have been proved in valuable. Tney are guiranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving ton.!-to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system Regular ue25c.per box. Sold by Tombstone and l!ibre druggists. Gladness Comes 1 X ith a better understandinjr of the W transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts ffentlo efforts plcasaiitefforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, hut simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the plcastnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it J8 the only remedy yith millions of families, and 13 everywhere esteemed so highly by all Tho value good health. Its beneficial effects arc due to the.fact, that it is the on remedy which promotes internal cleanline&a without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all Important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which Is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrnp Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyricnt of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if -in need jf a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrnp of Figsstt ids highest and Is most largely UHcdndgivefm general s, 'sf action. NOTICE., ALL PERONS ARE CAUTIONED against purci sing or negotiating a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor of JoLn Gates and endorsed by me as same has been paid, as I hold Mr. Gates receipt. Paid paper has been lost. T, B.CHVTTM.N " Peard, Aug. 17 itotx. GUM MAXEY. AllenS. near 3d, (Old Custom House.) VEGETABLES. FRUITS, OTATOES ONIONS, ETC Fmh California fruit received every day . by express. Everything totd ai lowest rates. Goods delivered rtetomM port of eitt. Highest of all in Lcaveninjr.Povrer.- loYal BSOLUTE.y PURE LATEST NEWS Leadville Strickers Have a Riot. FIVE KILLED AND WOUNDED Bryan Talks in Deleware Corbett and Sharky to Fieht. WRECKER SENTENCED! Leabvillk, Colo. Five badie at the morgue, half a duzsn injured aud $25- 000 worth of property destroyed are the lisible effect of lawless ness. It i balievcd that when the facta are known the liat of killed and injured will bo much larger. The fifth name added to the death lilt was made this morning by the discovery of thn body of Michai 1 Dougherty on the ground near the Emmet mine vt hero he fell during the attack of tbe rider who went to the Emmet flush ed with their victory at tbe Coronado. 'here vtere many people in the upper rfiiiilowr and on the house rto'a, who I the bright moonlight sawtbeattack II the Emmet and the repulse of the 'i tere. Thcss watchers r-aw the first 'lly from the mine was delivered at cloee range ami the attacking party 'ell like grain before ji.-Ueo. IJow many met the fate of Dougherty may remain for lime and a eearcli of the long abandoned shafts m the vicinity to tell. It seems that the rioters drag ged away the dead and wounded. Dqveb. Del, Candidate Bryan be gan specebmaking in Delaware this afternoon by sddretiing a large crowd which had aadeinibled at tbe fair grounds to hear him. Excursion trains brought many people from other parts of Delaware and tbe east ern shere of Marylard. Sjn Fkancieco. Thomas Snarkey and James J, Corbett are to fiijlit ten round in this city for a purte of $12, WO. This afternoon the board of supervisors granted a permit to the Eureka Athletic club to rive an ath letic exhibition on Thanksgiving even ing In this city. It was announced ilia? the principals m the contest would he Sharkey and Corbett. The bat le rill he fought in the Mechanic PavilH'in. Nkw Youir. O'Donnell knocked Slavin out in tbe fifth round. Dovbr, Del. Mr. Bryan today learned definitely that be will a!dres a meeting in Brooklyn tomorrow. Chicago. Senator elect Forakrr, of Ohio, will speak at Burlington, Iowa, October 5. Chicago. The roads in the Western Passenger Association have decided to make a rate of one for tbe round trip from all points in the eastern cotn mittee'a territory of association for parties going to Canton, Ohio. iHMAKAroug, lad. Francia A. Co;toaad grky ef sjOMpIiei'T la Latest U.S. Gov't Report gaki"s wreckiag the Indianapolii band, and refused a new trial by the United State ocpremo court, was Ud.y tak en to tua penitentiary at iltcult City to serve a sentence ofeightyears. You can't afford to buy colored tea. The cheapest tea costs a little more Schillings Best; but you get your money back if you don't think it is worth more than the difference in price. Your grocer gives money back if you don't hUe Schilling's Best coffee, bakmg-povider, soda, spices, seasoning, flavoring; extracts. A Schilling & Company San Frtuuisca a "sr MIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G. McGEE, Prop. Fair bank, : Arizona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GROOERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS -AND TOBACCO. FJAIKBAXR. ARIZONA. Faikbamc, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will hae ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSETT, PROPRIETOR. part of the city at "IS "BT Lb Special rates to families for ice to regular customers. Office and ice house Opposit posto'fice W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING j IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ' TombstoncArizonai Samples by mail or express will reteive prompt attention. Office and Residence Orerloek Souse.' FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fremo t s reet, opposi e Prospector. ' FAMILY PHCT06RAHS -OUR SPECIALTY. Careful attention given to turning o t the' FtriMI Weirs and pictures of all sisu ". a most artistic manner, superior finish andlone, 30'jkLc:M?Tcrj3E m Takes on short notice. Groupj a s e . aaJty Cabiaet. panel and ttaatUr FAIBMEICHAIE Restauran V , 3s . 1 ' i