Newspaper Page Text
- It rttfwwK 9 1. 1 The Prospector FpTKMBEB 24.1S9C RAILROAD TIME TABLES 1ZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Korth H TIM TABLK 1 f H ai'iaa If & u l"- : "" C Buttons Z IU Class I 8 tuaf Buadav At Bbtwt.... .....IaUli. Pcknl... . ..Water Tan. I XhtriMtaa.. I.s!s r lrbuk ... .Lt j.,i.t ,iNnv ... ..Jf. M. ft A. CrU...flT.T 1 ,S Land IS.T EU iU J 10.1 IM 1SS 1. nttnttM ..Btaioa... r- ...L.I its 1.M 1M 111 1M rile tint Tltg tUtUct. Stop an s !. as Wuuu, S nnUaaent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. But n.lo air TV am pm flssaml STAT10SS.J ....Bensn. ..., ....Tucson ....Mancapa .... .. Ym.,.. ....Los Angeles . Art e, lopra 7.ospn to.5pm cam oprn I i cop an 5t, limit!, tart" bouni, Jtn4ji ua4 a nUfit.ll. RMa Sua Set, r. miti' wul fcajnl. Wedneiamrs an Saturaarf, 4.05 Btaten ww iwmwbkct; ji .-xrrytgr NEW MEXICO ARIZONA tfeu Cm pin 1. 50 a to .ooarn 1.40 am -J7aro i.lgpm STATIONS L.v Benswt FalrtapV Huachuca..... .... Cnttenden .... .... Catabasas .... Nocalr: Ar East 9 tcaoam t tops 12.10 pm .aoprn 0.00 am 1.30am ally except Saadav. PaaSe time. . . Fskt General Manager. A. Naucix. L. H. Alhecht. Assist General Manarer. Train Master. MARICOPA A PHOENIX R R. I Narth I pm .35 pm .oopci ,aspm .45pm Lt ..Phoiix ..Tetnpe .KjTene ..Sacaton Mane pa Ar South t 00a n 1 o a a 11 5S p m 12 30 pm 13 to r m U. H.IHoxsilLXt, Gen. Snpt. LOCAL NOTES, bilrsr it quoted at 65J m Dr. Gaff, Benson Physician end surgeon. tl Frank Earle left tbii morning for the northern part of the territory. m The Populist call for convention on Oct. lit. appears in another column. Sixteen to one! That the enter tainment and locial tomorrow night will be a grand lucceii thii can be no doubt. The primaries for the Democrats went h-ld at the building next to Smith's Shoemaker ihop. No blood hed hail been recorded up to the time of going to press. The Democrats and Populists of Gila county bare made a complete fusion. Tbey met in joint county onTentinm and divided the offices equatiy between the two parties. The sound of preparation is heard from "early morn till dewy ere" at Muting Exchange HalL The ladies are sparing no pains to make the 25th an evening to be thoroughly enjoyed At Phoenix on Thursday night there will be a grand ratification of the Ttr ritoriat and county nominees of the Desaocratio party. Hon. Mark A Smith and other prominent speakers will address the meeting. The following Delegates are being bsmotted for at the Democratic pri mary thai it being held today: Tom Tanner, Hale McCormick, M. D. Seribaer, E. Sydow, A. L. Brooks. H. 8. Gordon, M. Coitello, Geo. Bafferty Henry Gray, T. Hook, P. Gill, J Hanley. J. J. Pattnn, Scott While John, B. Miaco, and Joe Lippert. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, DR w CREAM BAKING POTrWI MOST PERFECT MADE. f ts Cape Cwsef Tartar PowaVw. ftee I THE PHENIX CONVENTION How Things Were Run to Salt the Bosses, A.L. Grow returned from Pbenix last night wherehehadbeenin attend anoe at the Republican com eo lion. He states that the golJ men were in the majority and ruled thecenvt-ntiou toeult tbemsehes. A aniukUtictibn say that the committee virtually de cided that Cochise oounty did ml know bow or what delegates to send and proceeded to arrange mailer to their liking, unsealing 3. A. Mr-Hi, a duly appointed delegate from St. David, and placing Wm, S!iliim of Benson in bis stead, tbe latter being sold bug UcKinley thouter who n not ren mentioned in the litt of Cochise repreeentaties when the del egates were givea credential here Editor Bird of Nogale. who was turn ed down by the Pima delegation at Tucson, was also aeeorded recognition in some unaccountable manner. By what syileruof political juggling such proceeding can be brought about is patt finding out. Any attempt to talk lilver or introduce a silver reolu tion was promptly ignored and the number of free coinage delegate pres ent would not make a corporal's guard. Tbe platform atsail the reeord of the Democratic party, warmly adocates tatebood, commends the labors in congress of Delegate N. O. Murphy, advocates tariff for protection partic ularly on wool, and upon finance has the following; "We endorse the national Republi can platform as enunciattd at St. Loui, without any reservation what ever; while we believe ir bimetallism, we believe the Republican party i the only true friend of tilver and will leg islate in such a manner as will be favorable to the coinage of silver with out disturbing the business interests of the country. We regard the silver plauk in tbe national Democratic platform as timely a ubterfug. in tended to confuse thr people direct their attention from tne true issues before Ibem in this campaign which is legislation on the tariS qtits lion." a e a The tmcoTerj- MavoU bla Mr. G.Caillouette, Druggiit, Beaver sville, I1L, says: "To Dr. King's New Discover I owe my life, Was taken with La Grippe and triea all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Dircovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or hoube without it." Get a free t lall the Tombstone Drug Store. a 1 Tbe report of B. J. Fine to the effect that Bryan is gaining ground in the stale of Indians, Ohio and Pennsyl vania and is sure to carry Missouri is encouraging because Mr. Fine U an; observing gentleman and speaks as a competent witness. Tbe signs are en couraging. i a Another large contingent of Uni versity students came in from the southeastern part of tbe territory yes terday. Tbey are Xeliie Hughes, Lillie Burr, Arnold Ecbmid, . A. Hughes and H. fl Brown of Bisbee; Edward Steele, Geo. Yanderwalker Joseph Sharer, Sarab J. Walker, John Vanderwalker and B. It. Biggs of Willcox ; Henry Caataneda of Benson and Robert Fourr of Dragoon. Star. Westward, eastward, northward, southward, the universal star of free silver makes its way. Like tbe Star of Bethlehem; its silvery rays seem to gleam from the skies of every nation, and tbe oppreseed of the earth cry with one accord, "Deliverance is at hand," and the wUe men of the earth point to William J. Bryan, of Nebraska as the people's deliverer, ana! to Wm. McKtnley, of Ohio, as the chief of tbe yellow-livered cohorts ol hell. Courier. a en a The examination of stndent tor ad mission to tbe university was concluded yesteiday and registration will take place today. There was quite an in flux of students from abroad yesterday morning, rrany of whom were not in attendance last year, Among them was Mary R. Monroe and Lucy Rtggi of Willccx, Lillie Vaugban of Benson, Laura Wood and Ida Wocdi of Fort Grant, Ethel Robertson of Pearce, J. P. Wells, Jr., of Florence, K. Wells and Sosa Lewis of Florence and Jebn D. Young of Sacaton. Mr. Young is en tered for a special course in civil n ginceii' g-Star. Cfcaasre at Tlsnr. El) PROFPECTORf I beg to advise thtt the new time card goes into effect on the 25th inst. at 5 o'clock p. m. and is as follows: East bound pinsenger train passe Benson at 4:40 a. m. Freights, 5:15 a. m. and 9 :10 p. m. Westbound passenger passes Ben son at 12:05 a. in. Freight at 11:30 a. m. and 4 a. ra. All the freights mentioned carry passengers. The N M. &. A. will arrive at Sen ses at 10:40 p.m. and leave at 6:30 a.m. Youn Truly, F. S.WXB3TER, Agent. PRIMARY DATES. Democrats " 24tb, Republicans " 26th. CONVENTION DATES. Democrats, at Tombstone Oct. 6th. Republican?, " " Oct. 8lb. Populists " Bisbee Oct. 1st. Notice to Rrpabllemce. It has been deemed best to select del egates to the county convention from Tombstone by a joint meeting of all tbe wards. Now, therefore, you are requested to meet at the City Hall on Sept. 26th at 7 :30 p. m. to select 12 delegates to the county convention. G. H. FITT8 Chairman Co. Committer. A. W, Smith, Secretary. Last August while working in the bar-. vest field I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was neatly dead. Mr. Cummtngs, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Centeniile, Wash. For sate by Druggists. i THE REVOLUTIONISTS. U. P. Cavalry and Jlexican Troops Along the Border, Ctptain Pitcher of tbe First U. S. cavblr) has been ordered with his cum m and from Darning to assist ths U. S. Marshal, who is rounding up the gang of outlaws infesting the border and made tbe attack on the Palomas custom house. Three troops of the Second Mexican cavalry under Lieu tenant-Colonel Gonxales are also pa tiolling the border. Tbe soldiers at Fort Bliss hope they will he ordered out to patroll the local border so a to give them something to do4 Deputy Marabal Loomia give the Republican this account of ths rob bers of the Mexican custom house. There were twenty-six men in the party. The guard at the building con sisted of four soldiers and an officer. They went upon the roof and fired a volley at tbe robber. Cavalry and infantry within sound of the guns soon arrived. Two robbers weie killed and four wounded. 1 he rest scattered along the Rio Grande. The men are all known Mexican outlaws who are wanted for offenses in Mexico. Tbe marshal had traced one of the raiders together with two of the wounded men to Mesilla park, where tbey had taken tbe 4 o'clock train for El Pao Thurs day evening. Deputy Sheriffs Brent and John Casey wero on the trail and found tbat the men reached Metills park tbat morning and bad remained in hiJitig until the train came in. The well man bad been around offer ing to sell bit revolver and probably succeeded in rsising enough money to sake all to 1 Paso. It is thought by Deputy Loom is that the men arrested (n 1 Paso were fugitives. A Michigan farmer sends tbe follow ing to bis home paper, which somes very close to ths mark: General Alger is right, The price of everything else has gone down with silver. I know tin because I can take 50 cents worth of silver toJay and buy as much horse. as much cow, as mscb hog, as much f rein, much wool, as ihucb butter, a much egg, and, in fact as much of any farm product produce as I could with 1 1 worth of silvsr when I bought my farm in 1870. But when I come to make a payment on my mort gage, which is not altogether wiped out, I still have to put up $1 worth of silver (m gold 'dollar) to pay 91 worth of mortgage. In other words, every thiag my farm produces except the mortgage, has gone down half in value. That is why I am a silver Republican, and why the man who holds the mortgage is a gold Republican, "Hur rah for Bryan." I r. Price's Cream AvtSVaPakrHtshact Balcfaag Powder ARIZONA PATRIOTISM. All Should Stand bv the Silver Cause. The Gazette says, any man living in Arizona should favor the free coiu age of silver and gold at tbe lrgal ra t o of 1G to 1, simply from instinct, if hs has not tho ability to fui tber reason. Wheu it comes to logical argument, none can be feund in favor of the single standard because It favors the inequality and enhances the value of money to the direct detriment of all producers. Even tbe bobby of pro tection vanishes because free coinage furnishes a natural protection accord ing to the laws of trade and exchange, extending our field of commerce to all lilver using nation and excluding importation from gold ttandard countries. Thi is a natural law of protection. based on equity, not on the plan ol putting the laborers earnings into tbe pockets of the trusts and combines. What is true locally will hold true nationally, and who diputes the fact that free coinage would benefit our territory! The mountain tides in every section of Arizona are filled with silver deposits. Tombstone, once tbe pride o the .mining world and the largest city in Arizona, is now bnt a little town. Tbe srnoka stacks from tbe many big silver mines are new stleut and millions of taxable wealth has been swept away in the county of Cochise alone. In the White Hills ia Mobavs and in Yavapai county similar losses have been sustained and once thrifty camps are now desolate. In the face of all this, right here In our own county men declare for tbe gold standard. Tbey should not have disgraced their homes by so doing. Mrs. S. A. Kelt, of Pomona, Cil, had the had luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments,'' she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tbat remedy cured me and I take pleaure recommendiug it and citifying to its fncacy." This med l cine is talsoof great value for rheumatism, lame back, pains, in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular pains. For sale by Uruggis m m i According to tbe magazine of the Nsw York Sunday World, the United States has 5,000.000 farmers, who feed 70,000,000 of their countrymen and half of Europe; four million mechan ics who dress us and build our houses; three million railroad men who trans port our freight and carry us about; nearly three million hired girls; nearly four million miners; twenty thousand bankers end brokers; nine thousand private coachmen; only four thousand millionaires, the little men who fear that Bryan's election may reduce the incomes of the millions mentioned ahead of them. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction Cit 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured tier, and she skys it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples tbat prove tbe wondertul efficacy of the medicine in coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at TombMoi.e and Bisbee drug stores. Regular size 50c and St. 00 WRITE TO MORGAN AND WRIGHT, CHICAGO, ILL. Fee their little book on quick repair tires. Reduced prices. Book will be sent free. Send your address, stating tbat you saw "ad" in the Prospector, MORGAN AND WRIGHT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. You want a sample of Schilling's Best tea? You shall have as big a sample as you wanL Go to your grocer, buy the tea. If you like it, it is worth the money; if you don't like it, call it a sample, and get your money back from the grocer. Also pure and money-backed: Sthit ling's MeitcoiTte, baking-powder, soda. Spices, and flavoring extracts. A Schilling & G.nfany So Francisco Populist County Convention. The Peopte'i Patty county cmentio ' hereby cal'ed and will be held 41 nisbc. in the Opera, on October t, i8c,6 Kach del egate ar alternate is specially iequrstad to atU'ud in person if possiblt, obenme it will be tbe duty of such delegates or alternat s to send proxies to be o"ed at said county onnrention The following is the ni mber of delegates to hich each Toting precint cis en titled Bisbee. 7; Tombstone. 4. Pearce, a; Will cox, ; Hereford, 1; Ml, let j Canyon. 1; Fort Huachuca 1, Htnchuca Sidinr. t; West Hna cliuca, 1: Fairhanlc. t; St. Dartd, 1; Beaton, i; Tres Alaaus, 1; Hoofs nnch, , Ruscelville, 1; Dos Cibein, t, Teviston, 1. San Simon, it Brannock. 1: Tavlor'i Kancb, 1: Galenlle. 1; San TleTnardino, 1. G M Poetex Secretary yiiisirator's Sale A Good Ranch and Improve ments Offered for Sale, -rO-TICE IS HERF.BY GIVEN THAT JJ, bidi will be received by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Envle Lenormand deceased up to and including November 14th 1806 at his store in Tombstone Amsna for the ranch of 160 acres, heretofore o ned and occu pied bv said deceased situated on the ban redra river in said county: just aboe the Grand Central M'U. and about two miles below the tow n of Fairhanlc and also for all the personal property and utensils belonging to and situated upon said ranch whi.h personal property is de scribed in the inventory and appnsement in this estate, on file with the Probate ludge of said county. Possession can be given December 1st. 1894 Te-ms of sale. cash. Tte right to reject any and all bids is neretv reserved. GEO. H. FIITS Administrator, Dated September cth, 1896 Tombstone & Pearce MAIL AND 8TAGE LINE. WANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce esery Wednesday and Sun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. mail and passengers. FARE, round trip - - $4 TO THE SEASHORE. Excursion Rates to Santa Mon ica and the Sea Coast; Over tbe S P ,R. R. FROM BENSON To parties desiring to go to the ser- shore to spend the summer and enjoy the cool salt water breexe, should take advantage of tbe excursion rate ol 31.95 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Tickets good for 60 days. For f urtbei information apply to JF. S.WEBSTER, Agent at Benson, Or T. A. Gooduaji J G. P. A.. Han Fratcitco. kThe highest claim for other t tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as BlackwelFs BULL DURHAM Smeking tobacco Ton will find one coupon inside caca two ounce bag, and two cou- puns losiae eacn lour ounce , D&20I Blackwell'aDnrhom fl ii ,Bny ? UZ of thi cde- uimcu louacco ana read tne 1 (coupon which pivea a lii I of Valuable presents and how losjett&en. ' P. B. WARNEKROS. CLOSING OUT!! His Mammoth Stok Of Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL Ml BE SOLD AT v COST CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALIF.ESH AND NEiV We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents 6 '. Cochise County. No Trouble to Show Goods. Cillmand Convince Yourself of The '' i We Mean business. Jicl3L ..-Will f oI3t Al A SACRIFICE, fcGI VE US Af CALL -3a? . J. i -i i tjSC " -- " n- i - '1Sv 't in-1 - e?r- .-t. --j- .