Newspaper Page Text
.rl J ifsr t ' BESE PAIM M 0- K- Livery -and Fee'd Stables, SE8T TURNOUTS IN THE CITY. At reasable ratts.and on short notice. The patronage of the public is respect " fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed QRIFTITS it ADAM, Proprietor. BlBBU. ARIZONA. 7A Chop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GIESENHOFFEB, Prop Finest Restaurant to Bisbee. Private Rooms (or CunUies or for private parries. Fresh Oysters and all tends of Game in season. The table suvvlied with the best the market afford THEO. F. METZ, Pioneer Soda forks. Soda water, Sarsapanlla, SarsapariUa and Iron, Ginger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Latest improved machinery, and none but the very best of maternal ever used. UkM, - Arizona. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE llANVTACTPBRS OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Mad to order on Short Notice. A fall 11m at GENERAL MERCHANDISE ConataaUy on hand. Consisting of Boot. Shoes. Shins. Underwear, mad Gests Furnishing Goods, A well selected stock, and tbe Cheapest place in Bisbee quality oi (Odds considered. F. K. MoKAY Keeps a well selected stock of -SCOTCH. IRISH AND BOURBON ymsKizs, Aad tht. best brands of Cigars. let Cold Beer on Draugh VlVU R0031S ATTACHED. fat a pleasant, social Base, aad courteous treat. ' avsat, call oa McKar. Bisbee. Arixona. BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, rCBE, FBESaptltit Oelirered to all parts ol the city every -eniag at th !scss market price. law patronage solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Leave orders with Union Market. mo u.'w. QUEEN UODOE No. IX MEETS every Saturday evening Visiting broth, an oatdially Invited. Amos KtNDRCO. M. w. Rawaao BaBKU Recorder. H. C Fkasex, Financier. Hi SCHMIEDEN!, BWKLKR AND DENTIST. ALLKINDS af dental and jewelry work in all branches performed witn tpeameiss ana mpii mi. liarr irn ioauc. VMf I. W FARRINGTON.rDENriST, II AH work in tbe one of Dentistry doe a aad tafer"1 rvna'- uaa.ti ". ;a. overlook. UWON MARKET ANDBAKfcRY" Brewery Avenue, Sisbee tuizona. r ' WMakMstfmnd Mutton, Fork etc. also bait Pork and CmedlBetf. AU kinds of Sausxge jOwo"s 0tlJuM&. s 2!$$ tndCcthee f FID WABBURTON, SUCCESSOR TO NELSON THE TAILOR, Will carry on the business as usual ith a full lice of goods, and guarantees first class fit and workmanship, hAl.- aCralEET. B18HEE. opposite Queen Lodging House BISBEE Steam Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. All kinds of laundry work dane with neatness and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE. Delivery wagon collects and distributes all work. Give them a trial. GEO. DREYSPRING. - - Manager Office With Marks & Wittig barber shop. Visit Markey's Studio or up to date, high class photography. CRAYONS, INK, PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet outside competition I will make you a high class life sue Crayon for Sj.oo. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin-type UcrEK Mais street, Bisbee, Arizona. 43KVICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived aaiiy. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all paats of town, to per cent off for cash, 91. .T1ED1GOV1CII. Fropr. DUBACUER & MUHEIM, Biewery GuIcli.BUbe. Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Sand. Our Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. Q. MEDIGOVICH,' Wbolsaleasd Reml Qwlu la Groceries, Poultry, Game received once alweek. LIQUOR8, WINES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA CARETTO sealer nr DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE fc SAUSAGES Also Dealer in Wood. every dm n hinlinthe muter thmrt mfcgwtr Clean BISBEEJEffS. Daily Happenings at tbe Great Copper Camp. Budget oi luterestiMe lieu from ear Reg&lar Cor resDaadeat. Bisbee has had another flood, and the report is that much damage aad loss to property has been sustained, though if there has been any loss of life it is not known here. The A. &S. E. railroad is thought to be badly -washed out as there has been no train arrived at Fairbanks so far today, hence we have no re port from our reporter at the copper camp, and we know nothing farther than as stated above. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Miguel, CaL, says: "I am trying ina measure to re pay the manufacturers of Chamberlan's Cough Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking cough so that I felt miserable the greater part of the time. Manyremidieies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough , Remedy. After two bottles of the larger 'size had been used I am pleased to state my health is better than it has been for years. The soreness has left my lungs and chest and I ran Veathe easily. II has done me so much good that I wast all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to give it a trial." For sale by druggists. FOR SALE. A group of Copper Claims partly developed. Ore buck and oxide from the'grass roots; ore found in all working's: plenty in sight and just the proposition for a company Good roads, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight miles (rom railroad. Address Prospector, office, Tomb stone. i FOR SALE A good top buggy newly painted, tire just Ml, spriujs adjust- d and everything first-elMS If purchaser oan find anytbiag wrong with th. buggy, will pay expanse of fixing earoa without any additional osl. Price with shafts single or double, $60 easb. Apply at this 000. Success Nobody managed the circus business particularly well until Barnum took hold of it, and, now that he has suc ceeded, up come Forepaugh, and Bailey, and the rest. The truth is, we suspect, that everybody took hold of the circus business by the wrong end a great many businesses are taken hold of by the wrong end. Tea, for example. Every tea-merchant knows that tea ought to be drunk as soon as possible after it is roasted; and yet all tea (in America) Is roasted ia far-away coun tries, and lies for months in teamers and wholesale tea warehouses. All tea except Sthillin$ Best, which is roasted (prac tically) to your grocer's order. It w the only fresh tea there is. Your money back if you want it ' Also ptjr and ao y baclrew? .SrAsA Mag's Mittcoff, bakisc-powdar, soda, THcaa. aad fUvorfasg ntract. 4Stm&Cewifay SsmFr-stif r ,, I iw-.l -t.pb.i QUEEN ana MANSION LODGING HOUSE JAS.LETSON,Pro. Clean beds, wed ventillattd airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This well known housa la centrally located, and convenient to the raOraad depot, and is bead quarters for the traveling pub lic Patronage solic ited andsatlsfac-tn"gara- BISBEE. ARIZONA PALACE Lodging House UBS. THOS. WALKER.: Pre. When visitintt Bisbee don't fail to go to the Palace, Booms large light and airy Wall furnished rooms, Centrally aad Coavtal- eatly located. Ranovaud throughout, Kates Reasonable, STLOUISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ. SHATTUCK & KEATING. Proprietors. Agents for Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association. IPholesale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT C. W. BLACKBURN. Th. Kew Improved Whit fwlar MachlahU KiwatAU. Soli! on tha tuianaunt vlan oa CJT terau.raw.BL&CXB0Rir,O X Street. 'All Ifacfcln rndinas at aU Uaoa, Nstary Public and Conveyancer. iMJners Exchange Mala Street Bisbee. W.O. SMITH &CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Every courtesy and accommodation extended t patrons. Ridding and Card Room Attached.- VUa Xt Ir Oppvrtnstlty. 0teaiptof UaeraU, cash or ataapa, gtssrau sampU wiU b. mail of ssost popular Catarrh aad Hay Varar Cora (Xty. Craam Balm) smSit to dasaosv traU th. great merits of th. (taady. XLX BEOTHEES, SS Warren St., Xsw Tork City. Bar. John Raid, Jr.. of Great Falls, If oat,, acommendad Ely's Cream Balm to ma. I aaa mphaaiza his statement, "ItiaapoaV Ut. cure for catarrh if used aa direetad." Brr. Francia W. Poole, Pastor CaatzalPxta. CktsTCh, Helena, ilonL - Tift Cream Balm is tha aeknowladged an for catarrh and contains so mercury M any injurious drug, fxios, SO NOTICE rO ALL WHOMftJT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given. that certain mmag claims called tbe Tarn Biea. McGinty and Par. agon, situated in the Warren mining district, aad about one-half mue north-easterly fraas tiM HomrMk hoisting works, and about the sain distance bom the town of Bisbee. A, T. ist As its above named claims were not located ia conformity with th U.'S. raining laws, there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated the same ia full conformity with the above named laws, and is fuSy determined to protect his rights. Therefore. aU pel sons ax oaa ticwd not tobargaia for, boy or lease rhcahac aaased claims. i. S: MANSOR. atCvas Sahoe, A. T. Vfarntf-jln WeaSS bV4 BX ar ' HaBBStB bhbHHemXbbk ' mummmm wawVwwBwaw wtmm Mk WmIbMM. . C- ! ff fM Wfs9 MbV NICK NOBILE. Healer in Fruits,Nnts.Candies, Milt Fruits Received Daily from California. Carries the Best Line of CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ever Broaght to Tombstone, Poultry, Bags, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth Ht. next to Postoffloe, FOB Fine Stationery Of Any Descriptitn, Call ra WM. D. M0NM0NIEH, Opposite Mason Done. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, "Window glass. Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. Bet Fourth & Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven TBANCIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvecttnt Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Uri ders bn mail or tel Graph receives vromvt atten tion: TERM SUNREASOKAILY LOW. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Prop. J V. VICKERS Fremont Street, i omsstone, Arizona. Beat Estate. Mines Monev, Cattle and In surancer. JtEAL ESTATE Bcwgkt.sold rented MINES Bought sold managed. MONEY Loans negotiated and ln vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer asd age INSURANCE Fire, Accident, life. Prompt Attention Given Collections. eot-3trJ few -15 g S8S S NOTICE. Reffistntiea of Eleeters ftr CeehiseCwattvl Tat. Jollawlng passed at a asectiaf of the board of of CoaHe coast), Arlaoaa, fceU April stta, ! Resolved. That them an,"., aad la soared to b. caade. brtww the jot day at Aarfl aad th. 13th day of October, a sajtstratatt f the doctors of Cochise county, as that tha Oerkcfth. Board b. testractod t. katabsa order advertised once a week for a atrias at foar ssooma, next after trst day of May, 1 Sot. W, A, KARWOOB1 sau Oats at tha Board at SL"Ti- .' v sr ftl li f r? gKE S 2 a?! h p-9 I j-i i r s la f' 1 i r 5- 5 5 h i i a g 0 si?1 a io S V : : a JJ Js-5 M : M mi li C M As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : Life-Size Ciayon Portrait " There is not a family but possesses some picture of Father, Mother, Brother or Sister, whidi they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. That more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FRAME. The portrait Company nets made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $5.oo. Call and select your own style. OXJJR CTA.IS" Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $io we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLCOTT, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SRLKCTED STOCK OP HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail FAR6T0 OR FROM FAIRBANK 1.50 jeiilVEJH Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with- Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p, m. for Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. 9AGQAQ 0 Passengers delivered to OJpe in the cityjru of Chart TENTH STREET DAIRY. -JOHN HANLET PROPRIETOR, Pure, Bresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail'2toal parts of the citu. x it -l" Milk Wagon in townr Milk by the quart, 10 eta, Reduction is made for larger quantities M Office is on the wagon. Tour patronage solicited. John Weiland Anheuser. Lemps. tAXI TBBTBADE SVPPLIXP -rVTKJLIf JSAJaX,, Aent; TfjcMir, ABtizorvat Battled Weiland Beer furnished to families in lumbston by JOS. HOEFLER '" PIONEER 1CORNER1WH & ' GENERAL MINERS AND RANOHER8 8UPPUE8 TENTS AND WAGON OOVER8I BUCKEYE FOROEPUMP .: Atnr fr caaad riawatsa4 H. - .ipSHOELFERliPPOP' to all parts of the City. and W. E. & Co's. Exp. LAGER! STORE, FTEMONT STREETS. MERCHANDISE. UfrsoTR' aahJCULTDRai. n 'riMonm, so cnjomxiMa TUXBm wTJtBXILUt $