Newspaper Page Text
r .4 t T The Prospector. OCTOBER 3- l69C "JjJALROAD TIME TABLES IZONA it SOUTHEASTERN R. R. FLOOD AT BENSON. Six Persons Known to be Lost and Others Missing NU i LTISI SU1LK tS South ? I No 4. ? " 'cU E to,to" U" wwt ! abater bondiy ' o But Ar ssj sj 7U 1.0 PonUlIi 61.S 33 T3T lt.4 rackard .... . "MO S.IS 14.1 Water Tank .l 11 SJO 3 Of Cbulerton. MJ J. J.&S H.l A ' lrbnk .. .Lr 19.0 100 00 ls7.Lr ..Falrbwk ...ArlSO ..Jf. ILAA-Croauaf.. 17.7 :IS 3 .1 .Land 1S.T MM :M US. W .... ontentioa f.ft Jt,ie S -.'M t1 ....Bcaaoa L 0 ll.tO ladle tUu. Flt stations. Slop an '. colli. u Woluu. SuptriatcnAtut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. S"t 1 STATION'S.) , "alt - I - . , ti.loanJL .. Beam Arj 5.40pm '.aoaml ....Tucson 7.05pm J.03mj ....Ma-'copa viaosprn it. 55 pro! ...m 335 am pt,45am' ....Los Angeles.... i.oopro Sun Set, limited. e0 oune, MooJ an4 h rdn S.19, Benson Pan Set. r. tnitel1 weu bona J, We4nedjri an Satnrdaya, 4.04 Baaaon The latest news from Krnsn ii to the effect that 8 bodies ba.v 110' thatching NEW MEXICO ARIZONA tVett STATION- tMpm! ,50 am twin 1.401m .37 am. 1.15 pm' Lv. , . . oenswn . FalrbanV ..Huachuca..... . Crittenden .... , C-t'-ibnaa ..NoeaVi Ar East 10-40 a ia x 00 p m 13.10 pm 10.30 pm 9.00 am 1301m JaPy except Sandiy.nfaafie time. J. J. Flit General Manag-cr. JA. Naoclk. L. II. Albkicrt. Atsisn General Manager. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. t.North . stations South ! pmLv Phonlz ......Ar 3 ooam 1.35pm Tempe 130am .apm Kjrrene 1155pm ,35pm Sacatsn 13 30pm 8.45 pm Mane pa la 13 p m G. H.7HOVSHELX, Geo. Sapt. LOCAL NOTE8. Silver it 'quoted at 65 Dr. Gaff,Benon Physician surgeon. and tl Schilling's Beit the pound. DiSrrent from Schilling's Best. tea 150 cups to anything except If Schilling' Beit tea ia pure, and Ike Ua you are drinking ii not, why aren't you drinking Schilling's Beitf Iff money-backed. The days are gliding swiftly by and the opportunity will bare pasted for yeu to regiater;ifyoubave not already done so, go at once and make yourself a legal toter by registering. a m Gentlemen who have travelled over more than half of the countiet in the territory daring the last two months, tell us that the universal sentiment is in favor of Mark Smith, aad predict his election by a larger majority than before. Yidette. been been found by tu party. The family of Win. ZeeV, wife and two children; fcUu Mis. Athborn and two children, besider everal Mx- leans, whoie identity is unknown. The volume of water thai I It deso lation and death in It" ath 10 ee-M have been a breast of .ter fourftet high and swept everything before it as if the obstructions were but matches. Water a foot or mote deep ccvers the entire town and flat, the drainage be ing very slight it runs off ilowly. Bepeated telegrams for details failed to bring any replies which can only be accounted for through the fact that the telegraph office at Benson it ehorl on help, only one operator being caught alone and is flooded with work besides attending to the service aleag the line and all train orders, to say nothing of the Biibte branch and line running into Sonora. telegram fiom Wilcox states the whole country thereabouts is flooded and from what can be learned at Sea son the terrible rainitorm was evident ly general for miles along the S. P. X report that BUbee was visited by another flood last night was received here at noon. It was claimed to be far more diiastrous than the one the day previous and waa believed several lives were lest the flood ruthing down the main street the flood gate uetd in emergencies of this kind cot being closed in time. It is almoit impossible to sesure'any details. THI LATEST. The following telegraphic dispateh was received at this office at 3:40 p. m. Bxssow,Oct.3, 1896. M. Wji. Hattich: Mrs. Ashbnrn and Mrs. Zeek are all the bodies found. (Signed) Dr. Gajt. Another dispatch was received which states that in addition to the above named four children had been drowned. This is the only authentic informa tion we have; all elce in regard to number of drowned is report. Last August while working in the har vest field I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was nearly dead. Mr. Cumminijs, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wash. For sale by Drugeists, ROLL OF HONOR, Mongol Swelled Urnd. Sing asongot ew oiled head, aMlow full of gin, coming liomn at 4 a. 111 ,hia wife woul let hint iu. Hia fee', are lull of tanglefoot, his head ia full of wheels; the key hole runs around the knob; lie a funny feeling feels. He put his feet upon tho porch, hia dead upon the ground auil till the time ! MitMn hia "mug" the wheels are POLITICAL STRAWS. ' ivjiui? round. Ho thinks that he is sober and every one ift tight, and he thinks he's iu his bedroom, iustead of out all night. Ho thinks the moon's a dollar and will buy a dozen drinks and various other minor thoughts he thinks and thinLa- aud tbinkr. But when the morning cometb, and it cotneth soon at that, he looks around and murmur, "Great snakes! itheie am I at." Ex. Indications of How the Blows Local lv Wind Boilim Tba Tjraunj el me Desk. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to speak: -to tee desk in some counting hquse or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you ate compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every evening wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually re cuperate your vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is rour safest, roost reliable jheet anchor. Use it persistently, and your system will loon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will receie a healthful impulse. There is no remedy to equal the Bitters for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts and remedies all forms of mal arial disease, and is a preventive of rheumatism and neuralgia. Mrs. S. A. KelL of Pomona, CaL, had the bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments," she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. That remedy cured me and I take pleasure recommending it and estifying to its fficacy." This med icineis talsoof great value for rheumatism, lame back, pains, in the chest, pleurisy and all' deep-seated and rnuscalar pains. For sale by Druggis The two Yaqui prisoners who eaptured when the attaekon the Cue torn House was made on the morning ol August litb, and who bare been in jail in Ifogales ever sinee, were taken to Guaymaa last night guarded by an eeaortoftea men. Vidette. Awarded rtighest Honors World's Fair, DR vwcfx w CREAM BAKING POWWR Names of Those Giving to Aid in the Cause of Silver- The following is a list of contnbut ing members of the Tombstone Bime tallic League. The roll of honor will be published occasionally and addi tional names added as fast as any' donations are made: A. Wentwortb. a S. Clark ' T. N. 'Wolcotl A. L. Grow Joe MoPberson Samuel Barrow M.D. 8cribner B. A. Packard Mrs. Josiah Kirlew A. D. Walsh M. J. Brown Pkobfxctok Cbaa Bacigalupi GeosH. Fitts Ed. Tarbll Wm. Garrett Dr. H. S. Gordon. Wm. Kirlew. Henry Danker John McCarty Ben Cook A. H. Emanuel H. J. Gray W.T. Bradley Scott White Cbas. Langpaap Thomas Tnnney E.W.Perkins Pete Bate Frank Eagle F.E. Cad well J.'A. Koska 0. I Cummlngs Thos. Lowry Col. R.H. HaffbrJ John Escopulf Geo. Thompson R. E. JlCSaHH Joiiiali Kirlew Martin Coatello Louis Duval J. B. lliano W.O. Abbott J. S. Trowbridge A. L. Brooke P.B. Warcekros On Sunday last a Mexican who was confinert in the hospital by a fever, left his bed and going out onto the third story piazia, jumped off. When pick ed up he was dead. A coroner'n jury returned a verdict of suicide. Jerome Mining News. The I'opuliiU have placed their ticket in the tifcld and subject tbem atlvoa to the first lire of sciutiny. It ts evidt-nt the party deiired to cover the country and give the various sec tion!, a Dortion of the pie, Bisbee Tombstone. St. David, Benson. Dos Cabezas are represented. The Popi are sanguine of carrying their ticket. May the best man win. Editor Duulap of the Valley News is numbered aroonx the timber pile possibilities for the legislature on the Republican ticket. A sworn affidavit that he will sot monkey with the Miles county buzs saw however will bo necessary. Vt. Farrington of Bisbee is a pos sible legislative candidate, of the local b.q.p. It is understood Wm. Shilliaoi Ben-, sons eoldbuK, is out for the sherevalty Cant. Heyne the democratic . war horse ot Sucker is prominently nam ed for the legislature. The frieuds of B. A. Packardare urging him to allow bis name to .'be used on the Democratic ticket. 0. B. Fly the present incumbent' of the Sheriff eoffice, is named for another nomination. Scott White is looming up js a nominee beloro the democratic Hoon- vention, - Judging from the candidates the office of District Attorney appears to be most desired. District Attorney Swain, W. C.SUelile and Chai Gran ville Johnson on the Republican ticket and Allen R. English V. S. Clark on the opposing with E. W. Land to bear from. The Pops have seminattid the only other lawyer in the county in the person of Jas. RTelly. takes all the fun out of tea, and puts bad feelings in its place: constipation, and all that comesof it. Don't boil your tea. Fol low directions in each package of Sikilling's Best money back" tea. Also pure and money-backed: Sehih ling's But oflfee, baking-powder, soda, apices, and flavoring extracts. A Schilling &&& SnaFroMcitc Vleiorr Crrinln. SenatorJBtewart, of Nevada, takes a rosy view of the situation, and figures out llid .certain election of the silver ticket." Here are thesenatcr"B figures. SUEK BllAEtt STATES. Alabama, 11 Arkansas, 8 California, 9 Co'lorado, 4 Delaware, 3 Florida, 4 Georgia, 13 Idaho, o (Camas. 10 Kentucky, 13 Louiiana, 8 Maryland, 8 Miseiseippi, 9 Missouri, 17 Wyoming. Montana, Total Necessary to a choice, 224. DOUBTFUL BTATE8, Illinois, 24 Michigan, Indiana, 15 Minnesota, Iowa, 13 New York, Nebraska, 3 Nead, 1 North Caruliua,18 North Dakota, 3 Oregon, 4 South Carolina, 9 South Dakota, 4 Tennessee, 12 Tolas, 15 Utah, 3 Virginia, 12 Washinton, 4 West Yireinoa, P. B. WARNEKROS. IS CLOSING BUT!! 220 14 9 30 His Mammoth Stocsk Of Hats 1 UNCERTAINTY. LOVES PEACEFUL DREAM The Lesson the Benson Flood Famishes Often in our short experience have we seen the blacknefi pi despair lurk in the wake of the brightest sunshine. Individuals whose future was full of hope and bright expectations, brought low in a single day. - Families, where J love, peaee and perfect happiness beamed from the eyes of every mem ber, to whom life seemed an endless happy day, by some sudden thunder bolt of adversity brought to drink tho dregs of bitterness; and even whole neighborhoods, where prosperity and joyous contentment spread its pro tecting wings over each separate household, where the pinacle of hu man happiuees appeared to have been reached, where bickerings and strife were unknown and each icemed to vie with hia neighbor in making life a bletted thing, in a twinkling and without even a moment's warning the hearts of all are made to bleed bv the blighting pall of dire calamity. And today we see it right at home, in the quiet town of Benson the home where happiness and the comfort that is given to life by the commnnion of hearts bound by the ties of love and affection, has been invaded and the light extinguished, love has departed and the desolation of despair has taken her p'ace. And so it is through this eiHtance, in all lands and with all people, the very acme of human happinees is snapped by the unseen, and hearts are made desolate where joy held away supreme. a 1 FOB OVKB FIFTY YEARN. -t An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has ln used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste, bolit by druggist in ery part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Bo sure and ak for Mrs. Win slo's "Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Total, 111 Senator Stewart says he does not think there is much doubt about any of tlesc, unless it is New York, but for the sake of argument he puts them down as doubtful. Senator Stewart estimates the fol lowing states as "probably" for Mo- Kinley : Connecticut, 6 Maine, C Massachusetts, 15 New Hampshire,-! New Jersey, 10 Total. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, 23 32 4 4 12 116 Ruthlessl v Broken liv a -31 ed dlinff Mother-in-Law. Fire years ago Francisco Garcilla arrived in Tempe from Sonora, accom paniedrbyiaf winsome vmaid on whose fair features tho southern sun had painted the glow of beauty. The Her ald says Cnpid had enthralled them in his silkeiT-nieihes and the ties of affection bad5 been so closely rivited snaj iop formal vremony 01 legal sauofion ,wts deemed ul?ajsssary. A little rosebud or twoawived to blend their mutual interests followed ny a mother-in-law. That settled it. From that hour tho placid waters were disturbed by waves of dfsiension and billows of strife. Francisco's invalid friend found a retreat in his household. Mother declared this charity was to fulfill obligations caused by infidelity on the part of Francisco. Anger gleamed from the eyes of the southern beauty and out went the head of the boute and the invalid with bag, baggage and all appurte nances thereunto belonging. A few days since, Francisco, think ing the cyclone waa over, returned to And a charge awaiting him in Justice Spofford's court for tho non-support of the aforesaid rosebud. Counsellor Zuck was retained and with the aid of the statutes and tbe persuasive eyes of an apparently well-fed kid on tbe stand the defendant was released and a fatherly exhortation delivered bv tbe justice to all parties concerned. Or. Price's Cream Baking: Powder World's Fair Highest Awa. d. TtieDUcoTerjSvod hi Llle. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver 8vilIe,Ill.,8ay8:"To Dr. King's New Discover I owe my life, as Uken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I Bent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth Us weight in cold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free t lall the Tombstone Drug Store. HEUBALGIA cured by Dr. MIW Pad Pma. "Onecwnt adoae." At all drusglstr Houl Ramona, Los Anaales. EOcrjp. The followig resolution was adopted by the City Council at its last regular session: Resolved By the Common Council of the City of Tomb ston, that for the years 1897 and I898 the salary of Chief of Police, to be elected at the coming election, is hereby fixed at $50 per month, and this shall be full compensation for all services rendered the city by said chiet ol police. P. B. WARNEKROS, Mayor D. K, "Ward well, Clerk. f-9! J. N. McDonough Sam Cowau t MDovle JorHoefler MOST PERFECT MADE. A sure Crane Cmm nf T k.j. ftsAiAaseseriu, ArWnoraiiy other adulterant I A YEAKS THB RiauiB . ' A. Ashman Alex Mclnlyre John Hartley George Raflertj Fred Carlevato N. Nobile J. Perlinda Jas. F.Duncan Cbas. Hancock Hale McCormfck Wm. Pearoe C.H.Bassett Gus Barron CB.Tarbell Geo W. Swain J. J. Patton C. Taylor, mention of whom waa recently made in these columns as a victim of screw flies, and whose life was despaired of when be first entered the county hospital, has entirely re covered. His escape from a horrible death is miraculous, conniderlag the fact tbatWer 0Oof these insects were taken from his nostrils in a few days. "Joeraal Miner. t - ' Xmil fydow The Worlds Fair Testd "' showed bo baking powdeu. e pare or sqgr$fjkw fusy? , .. omlagpowar ss the Royal 3 lWmm!mmm ?! Wnnmnmmmmmmmmtmmy-mmmw,;m 3n PJB9BBJBJBHBSBBBBjBaiSJBBaBai V I MiatjESlaTnnnnPSBatJI .itVjaVjlH LsaSBlBSsaaaaBlBiaalaSFBBlBiaaV - 1 iliSlaillLuf''S This is the very best Smoking Tobkcco made. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM , Toawafln4oiweoaalnlSae4iabaoanoabasaa4tweMiMaaliIMiwhlaMS Bar abac mS tba coapoa aad aa how to en jour aiur of S0.a la arauau. Liquors- J Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL M BE SOLD AT COST. CLEARANCE - SALE. GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents O ocnxse vouniy. No Trouble to Show Goods. Convince Yourselj of The CUtmd We Mean Business. Ajaxl IsTViJa 3oll36M. A SACRIFICE, S.'VE US A CALL " - mm j mmmmmmwmmm