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K J MBSTONE . PROSPECTOR A. - ' OUR WATCHWORD--"OOCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD VOL. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA MONDAY EVENING," OCTOBER 5, I896 THE TP .-. No. S U t: B- T7 DAILY PROSPECTOR. City fend County Ofliciul Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Exckpt Susday) BY Wa Uattich Editor and Proprietor. Fremont St. Opposite Chy Hall The PaOirsCTOS uQlbM loJtteifrrrspon-J - .M far-ssiy cT"Ue"ajuclei or -sentiment rx passed by aj of It correspondents -.Eatered to the Tombstone IWoffi-c ai Secend Class matter. fSOFESSIONAIj OARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining case a specialty. Tombstone, A rlxona w a f CTIUHIV ATTQRSEY AT. Law and Notarr Public. Tombstone Aiitcoa. EO: W. 8WA1N, ATTONKY AT- Law. Will practice In all coaits of the Territory, Tombstone Arizona. OS. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN selor at lac Office on Fourth Street, between AT-en and Tooghnut. Tomb Will practrfe-in aU the coum of Uie ory. f " HARLES ORANVIU-EJOHNsTON. Attorn and Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, a Fremont street bet. athand 5th streets. A member of the Har of the Supreme Court ol the lerritoiy, and i!l practice in any f the courts therein. WENTHWORTH COUNTY RE cordexaad Abstract Office, Abstracts of title t real estate and mines furn ished promptly and acurately. Complete ttan scripts. Office in Court Haute. Tombstone. , E. ALVORU. JUSTICE OK THE l Peace. Office oa Allen St. bet. 3d ath Tombstone. L. KOSKA, I USTICE OF THF PEACE Office on 4th St. bet. Allen ana Toujhnut, Tombstone. I S. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AN D rn JSarxcon: Office adjoiciOE his residence ""r'' 004th street. CalHattended at aU hours day and night. FCEARLE. ASSAYER AND MErA lugical laboratory. Office No 31c. -Fremont !t. opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS. F &. A M. K ING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 ti, .htrft C,,rr44tf In rh month. kVIsilie brothers cordially inwted to at tend. 1 h Mcpherson. w.m.. A, L GROW Secretary. OCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis iting Companions'cordiallT invited to at tend. ' TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS isl Friday evening in each month. Vis itine Comrades cordially invitrd J. W. CLARK. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday In each month. Viswnc brothers cnrcialiy in- , Tiled. '"W. D. ROBT. BESTM. W. MONMONIEK Rocordcr. K- OF P. ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF P7thias.N0 4. meets eeerj .ist aid 3rd Monday's in each month. V siting brothers ccrtAUIr in rited . A. H. EMANUEL. C. C. W. D. MONMONIER, K. of S. PROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO 3, meets First Snnday in each month at their hose bouse n ihecornerol Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school house. WM. GARRETT. Foreman, TOM MtTH Secretary. R ESCUE HOaE COMPANY MEETS First Sunder in each month ai Citr Hall Fremont street. I. V VICKEkS. V ENTWORTH. Stay President J, N. MeDONOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO r. MEEIS la it Sunday in ea h month at hose bouse oa the earner of Toughnut and 5th street, JOSEPH LIPPEKT ro-enun HENRY DUNKER. Secretary. Wanted An agent in eveiy section to can vass 14 to is a day made; sells at sight; also a man to sell staple good to dealers best slde line, $75 a irorth. Niluy or large commission nuaci experience unnecessary Fcr 'sealed puticulars send stamp. Cliftn Soap " Jr. ManufacturiBg Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. UNION WORKS. F.GALVES, Prop. rompt Service. Water per barrel, 3Scts Per bucket, 5 cts. Soecial Rates to Families .Leave orders with wagon. SSr .'"i s "V fr if JW m MMlwiM(aAiwciiio(npLaMlu, Nk. I yaw xrauQQsuwoj fc'y tj b 9PJ SAMUEL M. BARROW i SAMUEL M. BARROW & 1 - t tr IOLIT1CAL, Viiir Flag? PEOPLES PART PLATFORM For President. W. ). BRYAN, of NebrasU. For Vice-Piesident. T. WATSON, of Georgia. For Delegate to CoDress. BUCKY O'NEILL. i- The free and unrestiLlad coinage of gold audsiUeratthe prestnt ratio of 16 to 1 without regard to the actions or wither of any pother nation or combination whatever, II- 1 he i nereis at the current money to an amount" sufficient to meet the wants of our growing population and bjuness, such money to consist of silrer and gold cola and U. S. Treasnry notes, equally a legal tender for all de mands public and private. HI. The abolition of all national banks and the establishment of Postal Saving Ban, man aged and controlled by the U. S. Treasury. IV. The estabtUtment of a system of direct legislation by the people, giving to the people themseltes the power. 1st. To tetoall laws pass ed by any less than 95 per cent of all their rep resentatives, and to propose the enactment of laws by any number greater than fie percent of the electors and ccmpe'l their submission to the who'e body of the electors. V. That all means of transpsrtating persons properly and intelligence be gradually taken by the Nation and conducted and controlled by an un partisan commission under strict cinl service rules. VI. That all public salaries and compensa tions shall le made to correspond to the price of labor and labor's product Notice is hereb- given that Tuesday, October 6th is set for the Democratic county convention, which wi.l be held in t'le county court houe at Tombstone, on October 6th. The follow teg is the apportionment of each pecinct Tombstone 16, Btsbee 20. Hereford 1. Miller's Canton r. Fort Huichaca r, Huachuca Siding 1, Fairbank 2, St David 2, Benson 5. TreS Alamos I, Pool's t, Russeitille r, WiUcox e. Dss Cabezas 1, Potie Station. 2, San bimon r, HnnnoJc t, Wilgus 1, Rucker r. Tailor's Ranch r, Galeyville 1. Pearce 2, San Be'rnsr dinoi. Custom Hoase 1 Total 72. Tee order of business at this convention shall be. 1st The selection of a county central com mi'.tre 2nd Nomination of cfueers to be oted for the November election ALLEN R ENGLISH Chsirmm Counts Central Com mi. tee. Tombstone. Septrnibr 8, 1895 Miuisirator's Sale A Good Ranch and Improve ments Offered for Sale. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1A bid will be received by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Emile Lenoimand deceased up to and including November 14th i8o&.at his store in Tombstone Arizona for the ranch of 160 acres, heretofore owned and occu pied by said deceased, situated on the San Pedro river in said county; just above the Grand Central Mill, and about two miles below the town of Fairbank and also,ibr all the personal property and utensils belonging to and situated upon said ranch which personal properly is de scribed in the inventory and apprisement in this estate, on file with the Probate Judge of said county. i'osession can be given December tst. 189A. Terms of sale, cash. The right to 1 eject any and all bids is hereby reserved, GEO. H. FI1TS Administrator. Dated September 5th, 1S06 Tomtistone & Pearce MAIL AND SIAGE LIKE. I RANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. ma' and passengers. ! FARE, round trip - - $4 CATARRH I tea LOCAL DISEASE and Is the of colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be cured by a pleasant rtrcedr Thieh it applied di rectly into the Lortril. He iiS quickly absorbed it give relief at encc Ely's Cream Balm It acknowledeed to be the moit tbnroerh care fix h'asal Caurrh. Cold in Head and limy Fever or an remedied. It onens and tleannes tne nut passage, allay pain and Infiammstio: wheals the ore, pro tect the membran from coMt. restore th tesw of tarteandnnell. Price s. at Drozrtataer by maa. ELY BROTHERS, I Warren Street, New Yore LOOP POISON m SPirrHAI TY.!.Se ""I. "V01"80 peroanemS kured In 14 to a day. Tou can tw trailed tTjl f yon pref r to com tier w wtUcoa. tlR8Al5 mm D 5227J . U to cure. If yoo hav taken met if.'SaZXrlaVt oa u,, nav aerie and niin. Xwonl'attkM in nvnt!i. Hon ThrosS I'lmple. Copper Colored- 8pota, 71erc3 out. It ss tbu Secondmry MLoOO POISO J2JKS2J !?e2r,r.w oIielttbemoM obt Sl"fi?JI?,le,,11a," th" world ror tamA tho kilt or the molt eminent Bhrai. tonal tvnauy Atwol Dtewroof rot MMca -apjicjuon. Addn COOK KEMUTCC fiinit tbi, cmcuiSrux Kosleo ?IlleeH. Horse Kodfo will commence on the s'an lUfael ranch on the ltt of Sep terrber. Cattle rodeo will commeuce on tho loth of September. San Pedro Konfid-up Ajsooiat'ion will commence work oa September 10, beginning at tbe the WakeGeld place. The annual (all round-up by cattle owneis of Sulphur Spring valley and vicinity, north of the S. P. railroad, will begin t Hooker'a Hot Snrinegon Ibe morning of Sept. 1st. ThB general round-up of the Lower Sulphur Spring Vailey will commence work on September 7lh from the old W. B. Taylor ranch. tf. The West Huachuot rodeo com mence! at Huachuca Siding October 4th and works up the Babocomari river to oW Fort Crittenden and then through the Empire ranch to Pantano. BUCKLIN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peelect stis-a faction or money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale Tomb ione Drug Store Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Btcklen & Co , Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A tna will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are panic ular'y effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headache. For malaria and liver foubles, they have been proved in valuab'e. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance to be purely vegetable. They do pot weak-n by their action, but by giving tone to tt.r stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular sire 25c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. Gladness Comes With a Iiettcr understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills which vanish Ix-fore proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that o many forms of siclcncvs are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a const! pa ted condi tion of the sysU'in, which the pleancnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That Ik why It is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere ehbyemed io highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that His the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on w ich it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good hcalt'i, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual di&ea&e, one may be commended to the most skillful pnyaicians, but if in need f a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs studs highest and is most largely ttsed and gives oiw gereral s. , .sTarttoa. NOTICE. ALL PERSO.NS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor of John Gates and endorsed by me as same has been paid, as I hold Mr. Gates receipt. Said paper has been lost. T, B. Cn VTTMAN Pearco, Aug. 17 iScA GUM IPXEY, Allen St, near 3d,Ji(OId.Custora House.) VEGETABLES. FRUITS, I OTATOES ONIONS, ETC Freth California Jruiireceivtdeitry day hy eiprtu. Everything sold at , kvttt rafe(yf detitard ree'j9 aB&arU&ttyui. Highest of all in LeaveninovPower Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Bryan Accepts the ftp. listie Nomination. WILL BE INVESTIGATED. The Canadian Pacific Strike Still Oa Women Denied the Right of Suffrage. THE REPUBLICAN SOLL. DalAAg. Judge Woods, Populi.t elfctor at Urge and Merriam M, Williams elector in the Tenth District have made public announcement that hoy do not support Bryan for presi dent. The Watson feeling is intense. Fkeefokt, Ilh.The llock River con ference today voted against admitting womeu to the general conference. Fiios.vix, Am., The morning Re ottblican the only silver Republican louriml in the territory was eold today if.iler fotclrwure to C. C. Randolph of rtaahingtou. D.O. It will hereafter 'ully support the RepublS,'.! platform ind a gold standard. Piowa, Ills., Grand Master Sar .jeanl of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Fireman andGrand Master Mor- rissey o the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen will leave tomorrow for Montreal to be on ths grounds and protect the interests of their orders in the Canadian Pacific strike. Leadville, Colo., Judge Owens yesterday empannelled a grand jury to investigate the killing of the six menat the Coranado and Emmet mines September 21, particularly the killing of Fireman O'Kpefe. An effort has mar's tisecurtrymen notconnected with m niog interest, St Liuis, Mo Oa bis arrival heie Cat did ste William J. Bryan gave nut for publication hi letter of acceptance if the Populist nomination for presi dent. Mr. Bryan eaid in nart: "The nomination of the People's party for the presidency of the United States baa been tendered me in such agener- us spirit and on such honorable erra that I am able to accept the same r.Iihout departing from the platform adopted by the Democratic national conveutii-n at Chicago I fully at pre date the breadth of patriotism which ha aettiatrd the members of the Peo ple' party who, in order to consolidate entiment iu favor of bi-mtlalliim have Leen willing to go outside of party lines and ruppcrl as their candidate one already nominated by the Demo cratic party and alo by the Silver party. ' FOR SALE A good fop buggy newly painted, tires just set, springs adjust- d and everything Srst-clMsJ It purchaser can find anything wrong with tbe buggy, will pay expense of fixing name without any additional cos. Price with shafts sinele or double, f 60 cash. Apply at this office. CONVENTION DATES. Democrats, at Tombstone Oct. 6th Republicans, " " Oct. Sth. Populists " Bisb93 OcUsi 4 "We had an epidemic of dysentery in c'n v,,,cin,i,y ,ast summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy. I procured a bottle and felt betleraficrtheflrstdose, Before one naif of the bottle had been used I was W a ' L I.recomnie!ided it to my friends and their experience was theTsame. We all unite in saying the best." for sale by Druggists. FAIJBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, . Arizona, Headquarter for visitors from Tomb stone end surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GROCERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. FAIRJ1ANK. AKIZONA. Fairbank, A. T. MRS. K. HARRINGTON. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tombst one, Arizona. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Officr and B'sidtnccOterlock Houte. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fremo t s-reet, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Fineil views and picture of all tites in a moil artirlic wanner, superior finith and'Jonr. Taken on short notice. Groups a s e Salty Chbinet, panel and standard ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSETT, - PROPRIETOR. Ice delivered to any Orfc p. I D part of the city at -vla I CI l-D Special rates to families for ice to regular customers. Office and ice house Oppcsit posteffice FAIBAlEICflAIE FairM