Newspaper Page Text
r-l u " -" . ji m mm lt 4 1 V b: The Prospector. OCTOBER.. 5. IS9C RAILROAD TIME TABLES Nrtk P IZONA & SOUTHEASTERN R. R. H n tTIU TABLE Ho 4. ;uij a ists. South l CUM 1.'- CCft S.ndvr 7:1 TUT S.1S ;:S5 00; :15 Stations Fint iUm 0. I lr.4l k. .'. po'oi ,6.SJA I.! :M 1S.S 05jJiS r s . . jiut: cjt imnd.j BUUe ArSS.3 sj .....DonLult B1.S J no .. ..Fackarl 4S.B ts0 ...Wt Tank ;S01 j .. .ChulMton. 15 J i 11 o ,...r lrhMk .. .LrlSOl 100 . ..Falrbvnk .. .Ar 18 0 '. M. 4 A. Crin... ir.T ...LmmJ l.X 111 .. ontfctlen IPS 11,10 ...Beaton L.Iq t n,o THE FLOOD AT BENSON. Description of its Awfulness lv Oour Correspondent, uUc line. I1r tui. Stop oo ' coll. ix VVnu.m, Suprrintenauit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. SaT-Kast I STATIONS. y9.soam $03 a m' ii-SSpm' (U.45am u.loarnjL. ...Benin . ..Tvcson . ..'lanccpa ... ...m .... ...Los Angeles. Art 5.40 pm i 705pm e,iao5p m 3.35 am 1 oap m Sua Set, Limited, a' boaad, Mon..ii u n rJiy8.19, Dumii' Sua Srt, r. m.Ul'wcit boual. Wedatidaft as 4torvUj, OS Btnion' "NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA rtVit 6.00 pm 8,50 am .ooam 1.40 am 3.37 am l.HOO1 STATIONS Lv .... Bensen . . . Fairbank ., . , . Hnachuca. , .... Cnttenden , .... Ca1baas . N'craV:.. At East o 40 a m "1 00 p m la 10 pm 10.30pm 0.00 am 8.39 am ally except Sunday. PaoSc time. J. J. FV General Manager. A. NAUCLE. L. H. AURBCKT. Asttste General Manager. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. .North stations South Bo pmLv... . Phonlx Ar tOoim 1.35 pm Terape 1 30 a m 9.00 pm ICyreoe irpm 9,35pm hacaton 1230pm 0.45 po Mane pa 1210 pm Ci. H.'Honshell. Gen. Supt. MP . LOCAL NOTEST"" Silver i quoted at 55 Dr. Gaff, urgeon. Benton Physician and tl Three days eastern wail arrived today. and western If Bshilling' Us advertisement are true, you can get the beat of teai for a amll priee. Besso.v, Octobtr 2.IS0G. Ei) Prospector: Au inivrcsir warning came yesterday to tlie peoplu of Benton which moat vividly and forcibly reminded us that in th" "mi 'at of life we are in death." Those who witneised the storm yesterday saj they can never more doubt the thro logical idea of an aucivul deluge. Uousea floated away like toys upon the deep. Thertor-ncatna about 12 ii the Say. Many describe the water spout as twisting and writhing like a snake, until Anally it burst upon the little village with such terrible force that it was almost swept from the face of tbo earth. The derot of the S. P. Co. is almost demolished and Wells, Fargo 4 Co.'a express office is a total wreck. Business houses are filled with mud and bail to the depth of from ono to three feet. People stading on the up. stairs balcony of the Grand Central Hotel were watching those who were on the plaform of the depot and could see them only when flashes of light ning came, the storm cloud was no dense. Two of our most esteemed citizens, Mr. Ashburn and Mr. Zcek, each now mourn the loss of wife and babies. Mrs. Ashburn and two babies were visiting Mrs. Zeek when the storm, came and, without a moment's warn ing or any human aid, were all six swept down with the flood. The bod ies of Mrs. Ashburn and Mrs. Zeek have been recovered by the serscbiiig party, but the four children are all miesing. Xo trains reached Benson from any direction last night er today and it is reported that miles of track each way have been waehtd aVay, and no trains can possibly reach Benson until Mon day. Wrecking trains are in Beiisou and everything is being done that can be to clear things up. J .! J Ml" I I. Si I . 1 Some insufferable scoundrel in Tombstone is amusing himself with the wautou poinnning of valuable dog probably in rmulatiou of a similarly minded creature who recently operat ed in this vicinity. The Kindergarten feature intrc dtu-rd iuto the primary department of tho Tf mtwtone public school by MUs l'(! field i dvuidedly a move in the right din-rtimi.aud we are sure it will meet the hmrty approval of parents who hire children of tender k STRICKEN BEMS0N. Further Details of the Flood i ami its Ravage). The alitor of the Democrat went to Santa Ke to investigate the laundry crxmlal, und iuhdJ the case worse than bttd Leeu reported. Sunday morning' paper has a column editor ial on the eubj-ct, from fthich it ap p ars that all the office holders in Santa Fe territorial aa well as federal are in the theme, and havo their wash ing doca by penitentiary convicts, at the public expense. Citizen. Kev.Kobt-rts returned homo from Ben son today, where he went to conduct the funeral services of the unfortuate ladies who were drowned there during the flood on Thursday last. He will leave Wednesday next for the Meth odist conference which convene at Phenix on Thursday. Mr. Roberts ia a Christian gentleman who has the interests of hi? life's work at heart. He is well liked by the people of Tombstone who would be greatly pleased should he be returned to this charge. Mrs. S. A. Kell, of Pomona, CaL, had the bid luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments," she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Bilra. That remedy cured me and 1 take pleasure recommending it and estifyinx toits fticacy." This med icineis talsoof great value or rheumatism, lame back, pains, in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular piins. For sale by Drusjjis The Tjrraiiuy of me ek. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to speak to the desk in some counting house or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you are compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every evening wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually re cuperate jour vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is our safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it persistently, and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a healthful impulse. There lino remedy to equal the Bitters for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts and remedies all form of mal arial disease, and is a preventive of rheumatism and neuralgia. FIRST QLARREL. The Board of supervisors meet this aiternoou Chairman Williams arriving on the noon coach. Diok Vincent returned from Bisbee Where be has been on attendance at the Populist convention. The business meeting of Epworth League will meet at the M. E. Churoh tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. THELadiei Aid Society of the M. E. church will meet tomorrow Tuesday al 2 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. E. Sydow. "May the best man win" does not pply to tho wedding. In suca a case tho "best man" is not in it with the other fellow. If you happen to be in the vicinity J of the jil when the twilight shadows oltly fall you may hear the prisoners ting. At first like tbtt low wail of a soul in distieet. the chores gradually swells until the somnolent surround ings are rent with a sound not unlike the wild, careless melody i.f an hotel gong. After the evening lay has been laid away to recover the evening nntil 8 o'clock is spent in mental recreation. Such absorbedly interesting works as "The Bed Hover's Eevenge" make time have wings and ft isn't long until someone in the sheriff's office locks them in their cells, and the prisoners roll into their blankets and dream some of them perhaps of a kind old mother in a faraway home, who may be wondering where her boy is tonight A Spoonev Couple's First Disagreement Tomorrow the Democratic clans will gather and place a ticket in the field. Saveralolthepoliticial warriors have' already arrived and thingt will doubt less be exciting. E. R. Monk, tho present receiver of the land office at Tucson, was an in coming passenger today and is being a-rceiea of nis numerous friends. The Judge takes a friendly interest in Cochise politics and tomorrow will be on hand at the convention. Awarded Highest Honors World Fair, w CREAM BAKING PWWR Last August while working in the har vest field I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was nearly dead. Mr. Cummin es, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wash. For sale by Dnijcisis. Editor Upton of the Biebee Demo crat is over from the Copper eamp and is nursing his political boomlet. We believe he has a leadpipo cinch on tho Probate Judge nomination tomorrow. Miss Lulu Howe returned from her vacation eaut tn again ta sume her duties as teacher of the Fair bank school. Miss Howe wa among the delayed passengers on t!ie S. P. because of the washout. Mr. and Mrs. Loveley had their first quarrel yesterday morning. The cof fee was cold, the toast burned and breakfast to late that Mr. Loveley) coul J not possibly r?ach his office en time. He grumbled, ube cried and threatened to go right home Jo mamma. Then he swore and slammed the bedroom door. Being their first quarrel Mrs. Love ley was sure her husband has gone in to that bedroom with no purpose In view except to end the existence the had rendered miserable with cold cof fee, burned toast and tears. As a matter of fact Mr. Loveley had merely retired to bruth his teeth. When Mrs. Loveley slipped into the room with thoughts of seizing her husband' revolver and turning its muzzle against her own bosom she raw him bending uver 100 inarDei Dtsin. mere was crimson spellers alloverit and was c. smear of crimson across his face. Mrs. Love'oy ottered a piercing shriek and dashed into th street screaming: "H-lp' help! My husband has cut bis t'.uoat! Oh, dear, what shall I do. Go for 0 doctor, somebody 1 Ob, why did we quarrel?" The neighbors dashed into the hone and found Mr. Loveley wiping the red looth powder off his ebon. Ex. Tho death dealing torrent has come and gone leaving in its wake n trail of sorrow, desolate hornet ami crushed hope. October 1st will be a day long to ha remembered in the history of Benson; no one would have prophesied on that bright morning that before high noon the elements would have preciptatod themselves with such savage ferocity upon the unhappy town. Two clouds were teen approaching each other clashed and formed a storm center. A gyratory motion was observed in the middle, of the clouds, the rain fell in sheets, the hail (an inch in diameter) oame vvitti the fury of demons. leaving their impression upon the woodwork and producing a deafening noise. Soon the water was observed approach ing like some maddened monster rev eling in destruction ; Mr. Zeek' resi dence wat right in its track. Mrs. Zeek and the two little boy were inside the house, alto Mrs. Athburn and ber two little girls, making a total of tix who were swept into eternity. They were seen by several now up and btruggling, again out of sight; a pierc ing wail, then the ominous silence. The two ladies were found the next day about half a mile from the town. Saturday evening the body of little Clyde Zeek was found ; Sunday morn ing Mr. Ashburn' little girl wasrecov eren (still two remain to be found). Kol a vestage of the Zeek residence is left. Several narrow escapes are to be chronicled. A large building known locally as tho "Hide House" had stored In it about forty ton of baled hay, was lifted bodily and dashed agaiust Welle-Fargo's office, crushiug that building out of all semblance. Mr. Webster's house was Hooded and filled with ice (hail) to the depth of four feet; the family had a narrow escape; so sudden wa the rush of water that Mrs. Christenot and family had to be drawn out of their house with ropes. Tho ruoet pathetic scene witneised among tne living was thai of Mrs. G w. uryau wuo bad tied her babe to herself so that they might net besep- rated even in death, a she expected every moment for her house to be carried away, but it was providentially saved. The funeral of Mrs Ashburn aud Mrs. Zeek took place at half-pat t eleven Siturday from the hall (the largest building in town), Rev. D. Robert officiated. The hall wag filled with sympathizing friends. Searching parties aro out from early morning until dark trying to recover the remaining bodies. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole town is with tho bereaved husbands. llo You liter. Here are some of the questions which a new iaruranca company requires to ba answered satisfactorily, and the public will agree thai there is more reason for them than for many of the old queries: "Do you ride a biccle? Single or tau'lem? "Do 30U eat: () HotraletT (b Ta malesT (c) Mince pieT (d) Welch rare bits? (f) Raw onions? "Do you swallow grape seeds? "Do you drink any mixed drinks? "Do you ever sleep in a folding bd? "Do j ou smoke : (n) Cigarettes? (b) Nickel cigart? "Have you a mother-in-law' "Did you ever attempt suicide?" ro ovi:k fifty viuiin. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow'ii Soothing Syrup has b-on used for over fifty jeais by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, eoltena the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in erery part of the world. Twenty-fiv cents a bottle Its value is incalcu lable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Win slow' Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. 1IOXKI. AltKIVAtJ COCIIISB E. W. Land, Stone House. sax Joas, E. R. Monk, Tucson. I ALACE. Henry Pyatt, Ranch. ABL1NOTOX M. Jereslam, Los Angeles. S. A. D. Upton, Biobee. H. C. Murray, Hot Springs. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Miguel, Cal., says: "I am trying in.a measure to re pay the manufacturers of Chari.herlan's Cough Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For vears I was a mnCfanf tllfT.rr frnm ..!, f...-- I I Colored teas tare flooding the country, do ing harm wherever they go. Do you know thai over 90 per cent of Japan tea in this country, except Schilling's Best, is colored ? Do you want such tea sold to you and to your family and to your friends ? Why do you drink it ? One way to stop colored tea is to demand that Con gress strongly legislate against it. Another way is to use noth ing but pure tea. Schillings Best money-back tea at your grocer's. Schilling's Beslcofcc, soda, baking powder, spices, and Savoring extracts ire also good in their wa) and money tucked. A Schilling & Company San Franciic 6 Council Resolution The followigresolution was adopted by the City Council at its last regular session: j-vcMJiveu jov tne uommon constant sufferer from weak lungs and -, -, , W-' A" . bronchial asthma. My rest at night was ' Council Ol the City of 1 Omb- ston. tnat tor the years 1897 ?nd I8u8 the salary of Chief of Police, to be elected at the coming election, is hereby fixed at $50 per month, and this shall be full compensation for all services rendered the city oy saia cniei 01 police. P.B. WARNEKROS, r Mpyor, D. K "Ward well, Clerk. disturbed by a hacking cough so that I lelt miserable the greater part of the time. Manyremidieies recommended bv friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the larger size had been used I am nleaerl tn coin mu ki.i.!.i .t.r... . . ' there f """" ,s uc"cr man it nas been lor years. nt uiues nas ick my lungs ana cnest and I can breathe easily. II has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to give it a trial." For sale by druggists. MOST PERFECT MADR Apure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free ss9B Ammonia, Alu.n or any other adulters. People who are stuck- on California and it climate make all sorts of claims for it, telling how the flowers are blooming, the fruit growing, the weather being beautiful, and all that sort of thing, and of course these boasters often induce people to go there just by their talk and assertions. A lady who retnrned several days since from Los Angele ay the weather there Is not to be compared to that of Tombstone. The fogs are heavy and miserable, and in every wy the cli mate is inferior to tbi. The opening up of marble deposits in Cochin j County give further evi dence of the ixtent and variety of tho wonderful deposits of valuable stone in tins .erritory. The quarries, it is said, can bo opened up to any extent, so that stones of almoit any dimens ions can I e taken out, and on thia ac count the deposit may prove of great value as a means of securing large pillars, while the general run is ad apted to all decorative .uses to which narble or onyx can be put. The Worlds Fair Tests showed do taking pxmlct so pare or so gnat la lesv cntag power s the Knvmf ftmnrATsirA ... t w ... . V ?IUB. Ono cent a dote.' At all dnttxtstr asm. r iTnaTfflsi , IRffeMSal B-SI? .' .bl ?' BtaekwtU' fenulraTliall 5f,.J ,'? eUJ r ' Yoa will Aim. 00.(4 fstttttB oon. InTiE J?'?e "h ,wo OUDre b- "d sssssssssk pons insiae each roar ounce Lac of k Blackwell's A J Genuine Durham H Smoking Tobacco m bsH L"thrtii-1lrlthecoapoa- tossssssss7 SJJJJJH wMldTe.alUtofralaM.preaUaQdbowUtetihem.fPP P. B. WARNEKROS, CLOSING 8 OUT ! ! His Mammoth Stocrk Of Hats j . ALL (TILL BE Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farnv ing Implements AT COST. CLEARANCE - SALE, GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Respectfully Solicit The Trade oj All Residents O vocnise County. Xo Trouble to Show Convince Yourself of Tlie Goods. Called We Mean Business, Wxix estell A.t A1SA6RIFICE. G.'VEIUS A CALL -r-. -v - C YEARS THE CTAMUftC 1 Houl Raavwa, Los AacalM, C0e .