Newspaper Page Text
yaun. iiinfiiiliiiitfiil- ncs? OUR WATCHWORD -"COCHISE COUNTY FIRPTHE WORLD AFTERWARD. WrTSwMJMsiii ---- - - . -.....-..., . , . vMjgammmmmnmwmmMmwmmmmmmmmmimimfvi i. iwn mssimii wmiiftiiiiwnrn X . . . . - - ... ... -... -.ya.y- r, , ,.r -.7 , ,,.irr..)ill,ifcjwjfr,ril i .. , ,gr MjfXTK. 3 i S - s . . JU. . THE TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR i w L yi ;'. ,- VOL. X DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County' Official Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING 'tExCEFT SUMJAT) BY Wp. Battkh. Editor, and ProDiirtnr -Fremont St. Opposite City Hall " The Pxosrxcroa will not hold itself respon sible for any of the articles or &entiments pressed by any of It correspondents. Entered In the Tombstone Postofn at Secnd Class matter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .AMES REIIXY. ATTOKNEY AND U Counselor at u. uau . ........ cascsaspecianv. Tombstone. ArUona. w U.C.STAEHLE. -ATTORNEY AT- Law arid Notary Public Tombstone Aiizona. G EO. W. SWAIN, ATTONEY AT 1. wm mHiniio all courts of lb 'Territory, Tombstone Arijona. S. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN- I selor at Law. Office on Fourth Street, 4 between Allen and Tooihnnt. Tomb- " AVill practice ia all the courts of the -ory. CHARLES GRANVU.LEJU11.NS1 U.N. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, 4a7 Fremont street bet thaodjthstntti. A member o:the Bar of the Supreme Court ol the "lerritoiy, aoi iH practice ia any f the courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY RE ..Jcorderand Abstract Office. Abstracts - ? 'of title to real estate and mines furn iabedpromplly and acuratc'.y. Complete trjn scripts. Office ia Court House. Tombstone. G' -ET ALVORU. JUSTICE OFT HE Peace. Office on Allen St: bet. 3! & ath Tombstone. L. KOSKA.I USTICE OF THF PEACE 1 Office on 4th St. bet. Allen ana Toughnut, Tombstone. H S. GORDON. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND 'Snr.Mii! Office adioimn? his residence S on lh street. Call attended at aU hours day and night. r-CEARl.E. ASSWER AND META " logical I-aboiatory. GSice No 315. Fremont St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS. w F & A II. I XING SOLOMON LODGE NO. Mm . .. .t.:i cvw In K3ti month. Vbitiaj brothers cordially invited to at tend. I H WcPltriK3U.. . ., A. L GROW Secretary. . R. A M. " nnuicf ruiimrR Tin MEETS I ,v,rA WVHnrtrfjv in each month. Vis- 'jtiaB Companions cordially invittd 10 at UBd.; TOMLOWRY.H.P. A. WESTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO J MEETS itt Friday evenine In each month. Vis itinc Comrades onrdially ir.viti-d " J. W. CLARK, President. A; L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W- TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet jst and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers cnrdiaUy ia- Tited" ROBT. BEST M. W. W. D. MONMONIEK Rocordtr. K- OF P- A RIZONA LODGE KNIGUTS OF IX Pythias No 4. meets etery lit and 3rd Monday's in each month. Vsitiog brothers ocrcially inrited. sraBcracHuj h EMANUEU C. C. W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. PROTECTION HOSE COMPANY .NU 3. zsscti First Snnday in each moolli at their hose house nilieccrnerot Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school house. - VM. GARRETT. Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary, R ESCUE HO-E COMPANY MEETS " First Sunday- In each month a City llall Fremont sneeL J. V VICKEKS, WENTWORTH, Srcty ITesUent J. N. McDONOO'GH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO 1, MEKIS last Sunday in ea h mon h at hov hoci on tlv cjrneriJToajhnut and ith'trret JOSEPH Mi'PE.1 r"o-enu.n HENRY DUNKER. gecretaiy Jan'ed WJ bewt side line, $75 a rroMt. Saluy or Urge commission mane; eapeiieice ueneoessary Fcr soled particulars send sump. Cli(In Soap Jc Manufacturing Company, Oncinnsti. Ohio. UNION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. 0fowiH Service. Water per barrel, 3$cts Per backet, 5 cts. Soecial Rates to Families Leave order with wazon. JSBalff msiO(lt'1'Aii'"ulJalSSm Kf& swk r vJ mkj BBsta SAMUEL M. BARROW - '' t r J ,i f. $ .-.J 'fl ' S. ' 1&I - - - t' is - v ,- - In li. SAMUEL M. BARROW TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA FRIDAY ENING. t&-' 1 M H .. y" " :-, - r-, -CAL, poi-' MS I Mi Flag? PEOPLES" PARTY PLATFORM For President. W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-PesidenU T. WATSON, of Georgia. For Delegate to Congress. BUCKY CNEILC. ! The free and unratlded coinage of gold and silver at lbs prestnt ratio of 16 to 1 without regard to the actions cr wiihsi of anyother nation or combination vihatevcr, II- The increase ol the current money to nn amount sufficient to meet the wants of our growing population and business, such money to consist of silver and gold coin and U. S. Treasury notes, equally a legal tender for all de mands public and private. HI. The abolition of all national banks and the establishment of Postal Sswng Banks, man aged and controlled by the U. S. Treasury. IV. The establishment cf a svstem of direct legislation by the people, giving to ths people themselves the power, 1st. To veto all laws pass ed by any less than 95 per cent of all their rep resentatives, acd to propose the enactment of laws by any cumber greater than fire per cent of the electors and cwnpell their submission to the whole body cf the electors. V. That all means of transprtating persons properly and, intelligence be gradually taken by the Nation and conducted and controlled by an unpartisan commission under strict civil service rules, VI. That all public salaries and compensa tions shall le made 10 correspond to the price of labor and labor's product. Minisiraiors Sale A Good Ranch and Improve ments Offered for Sale, TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 bid will be received by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Emile Lenonnand deceased up to and including November 14th 1346 at cis jto.x In Tombstone Arizona lor lue ranch of 160 acres, heretofore owned and occu pied .by aa!d .deceased, situated on the San Pedro river in said county: just above the Grand Central Mill, and alout two miles below the town of Fairbank and also for all the persona! property and utensils belongicz to and situated upotusaid ranch whi.-fr personal property Is de scribed in the inventory and apprisement in this estate, on file with the Probate ludee of said county. Pos-essioh" can be given December 1 st, 1 Soft. Terms of sale, cash, ibengntto I eject any and all bids it hereby reserved. GEO. H. FITTS Administrator. Dated September jth, 1S06 GUM IPXEY, Allen St. near 3d, .(Old.Cujtotn House.) VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 1 OTATOE8,; onions,; . - ETO Fresh California fruit receixedevery day by crprett. Everything told at lovcett raUQocds deliverea reel aU'oarU oi cil. The followigresolutioawas adopted by the City Council at its last regular session: Resolved By the Common Council of the City of'Tomb- ston. that for the years 1897 j nd I808 the salary of Chief of Police to be elected at the 'cominrr elect i herebv tixed ' a. ( . -- .waL. hhH situ- I ill 4SU per iiiuiiui. auu iiu3 shall be full compensation lor I all services rendered the city . --- - .. . by said chief of police. P.B. WARNEKROS. M:vor. D. K. Wardwell, CI rk. CATARRH ba LOCAL DISEASE anil It tk result of cotcj and audita climatic changes. It ran be cared by a pleasant remedy Tikn ia applied di rectly Into the uwtril. Be 5n oaScaly afecorbed It el W$ cSam Balm h aefriwMriiMlA Ia Iw 1h nMt thOTOI S'uii niiC. rurl tn lieul and liar Fever of an retotd!e. ItonntiamlcleiReutlMsualpacsaEM, Hr pata ani roauamaUol. beaU th lore, pre tccta th mem Iran from cold, reatscaa tne HMM ofeaMeaadinelL Pttcsne.atDrnWocljja. SLY JSKOTHERS, M V.'aneatiet,aewTfc Council fiolu m eerafov OC TOBER q, I896 THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Council For Ataembly. . . . - .B. A. PACKARD. .J M.MERRILL. J. JOXES. J. J. RIGGS. For Sheriff. SCOTT WHITE for Treaturer. .. .A. WENTWORTH. For Recorder M. J. BROWN. Dittrict Attorney A. R. E NG LISH. For Probate Judge .... S. A, D. UPTON. For Supertiior J. MoPHERSON. L.SHATTUOK. For Surveyor Lelt Vacant' THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Council .... . W. P.LONG. J. FARRINGTON. M. J. CASTANADA. WM, SPEED. ..E. W. PERKINS. For Attembly... For Sheriff. ....... For Treaturer For Rtcprder For Probate Fudge Dittrict Attorney . For Supervitor . . . W.F.BRADLEY. ..G.W.SWAIN. .T.C.AMSDEN. A. L. GROW. ...C.W.TYLER. For Surveyor THE POPULIST TICKET. For Council J. M ATHIAS. For Attembly P. A. LOFGREEN. G. S. CROCKETT. N. ERRICKSON. For Sheriff. , G. J. McCABE. For Treaturer A. WENTWORTH. .For Probate Judge W. .M. FI KE, For Recorder GEO. PORTER. Dittrict Attorney JA8. KEILLY. For Supervitor GEO. W. BRYAN. H.SCHMIEDING For Surveyor Lelt Vacant. FOR SALE A good i-p ttugy nenly jwiaitfrt, tirt' jusies, ;uini!r' atijuii.d ondueryTTiniirrt-c!M' It nurchasor can fin'l Hnythinc wioiij: with t'ic buggy, w: I - -piifti u! fixing r.m without any ailitiotml cos. I'rica with shafts single 01 double. ?C0 ca?h. Apply at this office. Free Pills. Send.your address la. E. Bucklen fc Co , Chicago, and get .1" free simpl? box of Dr. Kipg's New Life Pills. A tna will convince you of tbeir merits. These pills are easy in action and ate partic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick he.-vlache . For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every de!eterio-J3 sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving ton to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 23c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. Gladness Comes With a better understanding' of the transient nature of the many phys ical UK which vanish before proper ef forte gentle efforts pleasanteff orts rifratly !-. u There U comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of alclmess arc not lino to any actual dis ease, but siinfly t J a constipated condi tion of the svstem. which the pleasant family laxative. Svrnpof Figs, prompt ly removes. That i why it ia the only remedy with millions of families, and fa everywhere estocmed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are une wuieiair, maw ie rmm rem iedy whicli promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the! organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, In order to pet its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If In the enjoyment of good health, and tho system is regular, laxatives or other remedies aro then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one ehonld have the best, and with tho well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stends highest end is most largely nicd sad gives mrxt general stKsfactioa. i'r. Priest's Cream Bakjsg PawOcr TarlTa taw Htefcait M-tilsI md I Highest of all in Leavcniiy.powerl Latest U.S. Gov't Report oy& VG&ss&a ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS A Politician Kills Another to Resent an Insult, Mckinley hosts at canton, An Earlv Fire A Collision With Fatal Results Pur suit of Bobbers. MR. HANXA AVILL VOTE. WooutVAKD, Okla. Templs Hnston a prominent politician, today shot and fatally wounded J. C. Jenkins, The trouble arose oyer the action of JeDkica in ipitti ng 1 n the fact of Hus lon'd eon a few das ago, Hnston is under Arrest. A year ago today he shut and killed J. II. Jennings in a sa loon fight in this city. Huston escap ed punishment ou the pica of self defuiis-. Pkoru, III. The building occupi ed by Oih Parons Horological Insti tute and the Ide Manufacturing Co. was nearly destoryed by fire at 4 o'clock this morning; loss $100,000. CaNTOK, O. Canton's streets have been crowded all day. Forty carloads of cheering, flag-waving, finely un iformed and decidedly musical visitors crowded about the McKinler home. Pennsylvania, Ohio And Indiana sent their delegations. Pittiburg Italians waved Old Glory by the hundreds as they marched from the Pennsylvania depot at noon. Indiana shortly after ward tried to outdo them ia music, chssrs and a fine drill of handsome uniformed clubs. The men marched in good time and quickstep from Jef ferson county, Pa. By the middle of the afternoon Market street looking to McKinley'a house was filled with marchers. Hull, In a collision this morning on the Huniber Lstween tba steamers Alexander and Eber the former sank, drowning ten of the crew. MiNKEArous, Minn. An Esther. villp,1uwa,special to the Journal says the country for nine miles about is be ing scoured by posses of armed men in search of the Sherbourn bank robbers and murderer. Two suspects have ben seD in Svea City giving their names as Armstrong and Graatiner. BaLTiuoss, Md., Baltimore won the Temple cup series. The secru 10- - B , r,t-i.-jn I "J imiwuuh , visthhiu v, San Francisco, CaL, A party of prominent men of Colorado are here oa tntir way to uorea to engage in a big mining vsnture there. Thsy have valuable concessions frsm tho govern ment. Chicago, I1L "I shall remain in Chicago until lbs day before election then go horns to Ohio to vote," said Chairman Mark Hanns, of ths re publican Bstioasl commutes today. Atlakta, Gs. If ths ruling of Jadgs FoBte, of AtkwU, afctsJa, hypnotists 12 will have to be very careful what tbry order tbeir subjects to do. Thig jadj. holds that tba liypaotUt it directly retboneible for the acta of hia subjects. HOTEi. AURIVAUt COCHISK E W Long, Ranch. J S Merrill, Marcus. E Eyster, Willcox. W Abbott. Ranch. Wm Shilliam, Bensou. 1 ALACC. J H Lockling, Ranch. W Underwood, " Wm Kerlew, " ABUNOTON J. G. McBride, San Francisco. Dr Farrington, Bisbee. EH Quimby, San Francisco. L Rcsenstein, " " H Goldwater, " J Harlinger, " " . Fred Pohndorff, " " Otto Kaiser, " " SAN JOSE. E A Wittig, Biasbee. Hotol Ramona, Lob Ancalcs, 50c up. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO G. McGEE,Prop, Fairbank, : Arizona, Headquarters for visitord from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISED A full lino of ,, GROCERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK.. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant Fairbank, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. " Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT X TRIAL. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING . IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TombstoneA.rizona. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Office and RetiaenceOterlock Route. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fremo t street, oppesi e Prospector. FAMILY PHGTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given fotuming.c? f-th'e' Finest viewt and pictures of all times in a most artittic manner, superior finish and'Jow!, jep xcx' u jfx: Taken on short notice. Grospsas e jslty Chbiset, panel and suadard . No. Raking rvmiwr FAIBANKEXGHAME .Hi I 4 m . r '1 ' & t. 1 n f i-i. 'S. .." .- . 'TlmaT! 1 in iU. .-.rn., iTr-T U.jmn"i 1 1 si" - ' - r 1 ., iTn I, 1 11 " 11"' " awenm ggMgggasgjaiMasssSSJBMSSBMSSjjBajB ilrt , , ., . ' r.B