Newspaper Page Text
miv$( r- - r 1 l-fefrl seeAs&ssMA "WSiffflHBHfc sjaaEatgf. flijnarmimiitfiirr r " -f- i "" W'M l?"y fvm,iBPrwwwinww .! The Prospector. OCTOBER. 9. 1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES 1ZONA ft SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Wt ?Si Xth Booth f TIVX TABLE 4. July H IMS. i 1 IS T E l Jlrrt Stations ditlv xcept say Sunday 0. I .BUkM..., 4 Of Don Loll. .. .Ar WJ ni TrW s.u :u W l 39 ta.j iso 14 1.S0 100 ;. Packatd... M2. ! Wattr Tank. Sl Oj Charleaton . H3.S a a .....K l-rivi ,.. .1, 10 jS7.S,Lr . ..Filrbink .A i I Jf. M. K. Croauiig.. IS .! Lvnd I4S 8j...... onttntlou . .. . '65 S! ....Btatoa... ....L' 19.0 117.7 1S.7 11 to W,l .4 elfte tlni. PII Itatloat. Stopent'ssala. cxWaumt, 8a - rinWnSatit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. East STATIONS.! 'asl H.loaraiL" o.Marn f 6.03 am! xi.cjpm.' t J.45 am - ....Helen.. .. ...TucSOB.. .. ...Maricopa .. ..AH 5 4opm 7.05 pm r. to. 05 pro 335 am 1 1 oopm .Los Anjel.. Sua Set, Limited, tut' boand, Mondavi and h ndajra 5.1. Benton Baa St, wcrt baani, Wedneidar an iatBrdajv, 4.0J Banna CKRJl J "lvtJ'"J""t""t'iSgi;"J IA- 1'miti jaj r NEW MEXICO ARIZONA tVejt STATIONS East - g ftoopmLv. Beman...... At 10.40am 8. j am ..... Firbank ..... :00pm .eoam ...... Hnaehuca..... 1310pm 1.40am ....Crittenden.... taaopm 0.37am .... CaHbaas .... 0.00 am 1.15pm NogalM 8.30 am aDy exoept Sunday. Pacific time. T. J. Tart OnTl Mna?er. A. Nauclc. L. H. Auikcht. Assist General Manager. Train Mast-r. MARICOPA 4 PHOENIX R. R. 'North South IB o pm 8.35 pm Lv......Phoaix .. Temps ... ......Kjnene... Sicitoa... .....Mane pa. . Ar 3 OOam I 20am 9.00pm 9.35 pm a-45Pm! it 55 p m 13 30 pm 13 10 p m U. II. Ho.nsheix, Gen. Supt. LOCAL NOTES.-"" Silver is quoted at 65 Dr. Gaff; urgeon. Beneon Physician and U Allen R. English and Scott White left this morning on a canvassing tour of the county. Tho delegate from the outlying precincts have returned to their re spective bomei thi afternoon.) W. P. Long, .Republican nominee for the council, dropped into Pros FXCT02 offioa for a few momenta today. Bev. Robert left yesterday to attend the annual conference of the Metb ediat church which it now holding its session at Phenix. Tbe Prospector 11 buiy turning out candidate cards. We are prepared to attend anything in the line of job werk with neatnes and dispatch. For information the Prospector publishes today the tLree tickets that yea may comparo and take your choice. 1 .Last August while working in the har vest field 1 became overheated, was sud deoly attacked with cramps and was nearly dead, Mr. Cummings, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Centerville, Wash. For (ale by Druggists. "Mr. Louis Williams, who was dele gate to the Republican convention, paid the Pbospxctor a pleasant call this morning. JudgTFike returned last night from Pearce where be put in some licks for the Populists. Ee returned with G. J. McCaba to Biebee this a. m. Awarded Honors World's sllgkest Fair, w CREAM BARING PWWR MOST PERFECT MAD2- A fj Grape Creaaiol Tartar Powder. Free I . fmmAimMV.1, Akuior any otto ad, THE CONVENTION. Resolutions Adopted by the Republicans Yesterday. Tomb.tone, Arii., Oct. 81I1, leOC. Mr. Chairman : We, your commit tee, respectfully submit the following resolutions tor the cousideratiou o! the convention: Resolved, That we moot heartily endorco the principles of the Rt publi can party sb enunciated by thoer great leader Lincoln, Reward mid Chase and that we pledge oureelxes to maintain and support the doctrine of the parly as set forth by them. And we especially call the attention of the people of the land to the sdvice given to tbo nation in bia farewell ad dress by that patriot, soldier and statesman, George Washington, as it is of particular significance at'lhU time, and these are the ward: "Be ware of foreign influence, a the most baneful foe of a Republican govern ment." We therefore condemn, and reject a un-American and unworthy of acceptance, any suggestion ot sub mitting anything appertaining to American affairs to a foreign confer ence, believing that we are fully able to defend our country and protect ourselves. We approve of a tariff that will give American labor a just return, and furnish a revenue that will maintain our government, ana alio provide a sinking fund for the redemption of our national indebtedness. We approve of a law of reciprocity that will add to our commerce and furnish a market for our surplus pro ducts. We insist that Arizona be given the rights of statehood, and we demand tai as aright and not as a favor. We demand a restriction of immi gration under proper laws, and that mere care should be observed in ad mitting people to our shore, and that none should be given the rights of citizenship until they are fitted to ex ercise the same in an intelligent man ner. We ere opposed to the appropri ation of any of the publio fund for sectarian purposes, and we claim that every expenditure o! publio moneys should be for public purposes only. We pledge ourselves to nominate only honest, intelligent and capable men for the various offices to be voted for, and when so nominated, if possi ble, to elect tbem. FOB OVKIt I'llTV YEARN. I An old, well-tried remedy. Mre Winslow'a 8oothing Syrup has bn used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paio. cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. " Be sure and 46k for Mr. Win slop's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Wbat do you think of that money back ider of Schilling's Best? I it fair or foolish? What does it impy as lo the teat m Mr. McCabe, Populist candidate for sheriff, paid his repecls to the Pros pector this morning. He ns out to Pearce yesterday and is generally on the go bus'ling for votes. Mre.Abbott and daughter left yester day for the Cbiricabua mountains to spend a couple of months visiting the family of Mr. V. Hantaker, who ! Mrs. Abbott' father. All the Bisbee delegates together with their McKinley badges returned to the copper camp today. Several leaving on the special and others going via privatepnvey.xnco. The Pops are aoi behind. They in tend to put up a full city ticket and endeavor to take a hand to run the city government. It is believed tbey will bold their convention tomorrow or Monday. Morg Hedspeth is another demo crat who is mentioned as a candidate tor uniei 01 ronce. 1 uis makes 3 in tbe field thus far with' the Pops to hear from. A trainload of eUel rails went through Benson last Wednesday night to be astd in the construction 'of a Son thorn Pacific branch out of Ana heim, California, to Chine. The circulation of the Chicago Dj patch bas increased' from 67,000 to 96,000 since that paper came oat for Bryan atd iilver. The New York , 1-.? r tf j lAnmti'rfnrRniuinn M Buwnuiiun ui .j-n. .., :,. ii 400,X)0 oa aceoaat el its bessg a If the world should be so unforttic ate as to lose me, says an iditir, 1 intend to have it understood before 1 go that thee uht lodges to which I belong shall nit publUh resulntious iu "each of the city papers" nor "furni.h copy" to the "bereaved famil." in forming the public and my loved ones two week' after the funeral that it has "pleased" iio All Wife Ruler of the universe to interfere with in; terreetial, that I havu in fact been "rt rnoul Irom our midit." And my griff stricken relaties will confer on ma a great favor by not having the newpijier men print a "card of thanks" signed by the members of the family and addressed to the "kind ucig-borK and friends, who so gener ously assisted us, and sympathized with us in the .cent" Of course, thee" customs were !ui.c'fd into " by the best end Lindtst motive, the fifty or more years hard ship to which they have been sub jected have reduced them to cold, stereotype formalities, maumnglcss and useless. Ex. 'lle.Elcover,r Siavod bia I. tie. Mr. G. Oailloaotto, Druggist, Beaver smUo, 111., saya : "To Dr. Kmg'a New Discovert I owe my life, Was taken with La Grippe and tried till the phy sicians, bnt of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. KiocV Jfew Discovory in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was Up and about again. It is worth tta weight in gold. We won't keep- store or house without it." Get a free t lall the Tombstone Drug Store. DREADFUL. The Onlv Time the Editor and Devil Weep. Glance over the advertising columns of tho Prospector and see who the enterprising men in the town oro. This paper doesn't ask support simply so Tfecan make a living at it, we can saw wood I ( necessarv: neither do we want any firm to think that because they iefue to patronize us that our name is "Dennis:" not on jour golden weddlug. Sometimes it happens that a man gets wralby at tho paper and pulls his ad and then givei the paper about 'steen hours to lire. Tiin the editor weeps. Shivering shades of Shylockt A doom nrghty ns a deluge, terrific as a thunderbolt, he'trending as a scourge falls on the paper, and a world of pity seems to hao stopped upon its axis. Even the presses bow in overwhelming grief and shed great tears of ink and the "devil" wears a full yard of crape. The sky is leaden cast, the ground dread and desolate and fair weather almanacs lmvo been discarded. There's a doleful tigh in every wind, a moan in every tree and the office cat grew as palid as "Palid bust of Pallse," and wailed a wail as lonsome as any cat ever wailed before. Howerei, we survive the death dealing olow and tbe Prospector breathes as of yore, i's heart still palpitates. The ball is on, and we can acsist it to roll. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City III., was told by ber doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her, and she s&ys it saved her life. Mr. Tbos E'igers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, offered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottls of Dr. King's new Discoverp and 1.1 two weeks was cured. He is naturally thinlcful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove the wondertnl efficary ot the medicine in coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and B'sbee drugstores, Regular size 50c and Si.oo Every Republican nominee of Mari copa county ticket resigned and a new convention will be held at once. The trouble lies in tbe failure of tbecbaii man to properly certily lo tbo nomi nations that they might be printed on the official ballot. The Republicans nominated their precinct ticket last night. For this precinct, C. E. Alvord, tbe present incumbent, and Cha. Granville John ston were nominated for justices of tbe peace, and Chts. Wiser for constable. Another prophet of evil omen bas arisen, this time in Indisns, in the pewooofW. W. Gouche, a wealthy Berrien county farmer. He prophesies tbe end of all things will come on the 21 of October. He bases bis predic tion upon r dream which be bad on tbe Ctb of Ibis month, but be does not say upon what description of victuals be bad been dining before be became aa eaeko eritis aa 1 a ehiliast is one. i r ' LEE nop 18 A GOLDBDG He Does Not Believe in Frea. Silver The gold ftauilnrd Republicans Sieve at leait auo Celestial who is heartily In favor itt 0"iad money. The gentleman urilli the pi-lniled append age is L.o Hop, tlia popular wathtunn who uses a lUtiron with ability end bis mouth for a squirt-gun with Celes tial dexteiity. Lie called upon the Gazette reporter 3 cslerday tocollccta six month's wash Mil. The uual plea of poverty was odvaccrd by the reporter, but the oft repeated tale had gttten ct lu-qo sized cliesnut with our frieud Hop v.ho demanded psj uent in lawful coin of the realm im mediately. "Never niod, my almond eved friend, if Bryan is elected I will pay you in silver." quoth the ecribe. "Sil ver will bo free and vou can go back to Coins with a ship ioad nni jou will to able to put on as much dog as LI Hung Chang." "You no heap foolee me; no sab tiee silver; you allee samee Detcoclat, heap talkee too muchee." "But, may beloved rat-eater,'' sweet ly puned the reporter, nbo was run ning a bluff, "you will not have to work any more; you can get heap wealth and have nothing to do but smoke opium all the time." "Me workte too muchee for joo you no pay d cent; jougetteo flee silver, allee camen vou no pay me no likee silver, rue likee Mlista Hanna he no likee silver; be heap big gold bug me too." The poor ecribe sparred further fo time and brought evpry argument to bear on Hop to win him over to the silver side of the fence and to get 'ur ther time on the wash bill, but the atuto Chinaman wouldn't let go. Further argument en tho money ques tion brought out the fact that Hop was in favor of gold becauso it was yellew, and yellow is the Chinese fav orite color, also Hauna's, and that is why there is a boud of sympathy be tween them. Republican. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in tbe world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to eive pcefect stis-a faction cr money, relunded. Prices 50 cents per box. tor sale a' lomoione Drug btore Mrf. S. A. Kellfof Pomona, CaL, had the bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several linimeiits," she says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. That remedy cured me and I take pleasure recommending it and testifying toits fficacy." ihismed icineis also of great value or rheumatism, lame back, pains, in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular piins. For sale by Drufiis Tlio Tjrauuj- ol me Desk. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to speak 10 tbe desk in some counting bouse or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you ate compelled to labor irom morning co night. Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every evening wearied" mentally and bodily. Your health and strength bfg'n to fait. What will most effectually re cuperate jour vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is your salest, most reliable theet anchor. Use it persistently, and your system will scon regain its pristine vigor. Lvery function will receive a healthful impulse. There is no remedy to equal the Bitters for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts and remedies all forms of mal arial disease, and is a preventive of ibeumatism and neuralgia. n m YOU?, A nothing BUTTHE GENUINE rra " i H rZTTz:r KW .1lIaV'sr t X ttfk W '& -" STj! IStrW fiJ'' Wtitaf ju hi wZySQ rCvXQm. u. I LL. r 4t4iKlS?fcAr4l wJfAZ& $s?s- jet" ''' iBaSwAf?Ji M W5KM WlVh ziy2.. 1 .. taSKDiPi Five distinct kinds of pleasure in Schilling's Best tea. Japan English Breakfast Cevlon Ideal Blend Oolong Some cost more than others; but, whichever you buy, you get your money back if you don't like it. Also pure and money-backed: Sciil ling's Jitit coffee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts. A SchUimg & Company Sou Francisco 3 ROLL OF HONOR, Names of These Giving fo Aid iu the Cause of Silver. The following is a list of contribut ing members of tbo Tombstone Bime lalhc League. Tho roll of honor will be published occasionally and addi tional uaioes added as fast as any donations are made: A. Wentwortb, C. S. Clark F.N. Wolcott A. L. Grow Joo JlcPherson Sartiiiel Barrow M. D. Scribncr B. A. Pdcsard Mrs. JoBiah Kirlsw A. D. Walsh M, J. Brown Prospector Chas Bacigalupi Geo. H. Fitts Ed. Tarbtll Win. Garrett Dr. H. S. Gordon. Wm. Kirlew Henry Dunker John McCarty Ben Cook X. H. Emanuel H. J. Gray W. F. Bradley Scott White Chas. Langpaap Thomas Tunney E.W.Perkins Pete Bute Frank Engle F.E. Cad well J, A. Koska C. L. Cummlngs Thos. Lowry Col. R.S.Hafford John Escapule Geo. Thompson It. E. Jackson Joaiah Kirlew Martin Costello Louis Duval J. B. Miano W. O. Abbott J. S. Trowbridge A. 1,. Brooks P.B. Warnekros J. N. McDonough Sam Cowau M. D03I0 A. Ashman Alex Mclnlyre John Hanley George Raffcrt Fred Carlevato N. Nobile J. Pcrlinda Jas. F. Duncan Emil Sydow Jos Hoefler Chas. Hancock Hale McCormick Wni. Pearce C. H. Bassett Gus Barron C.B.Tarbell Geo W. Swam J. J. Pa Hon H. Troppman Chas. Wiser James Clark Hampston. Ja. York Allen R. English Quinn COIISTV Itl-.COICD DEED. S. 8. Campbell trustee, of Pnttstown Pa , to the Elk Copper Mg. Co. of Ari zona 7 mine in California district. II. FOR SALE. A group of Copper Claims part'y developed. Ore black and oxide from the"grass root-; ore found in all working's; plenty in sight and just the proposition for a company Good ro ds, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight mile; from railroad, Address Prospector, office, Tomb stone NOTICE. All Democratic candidates are expected to be at Tombstone on Wednesday Oct. 14th for ratification meeting; at Pearce Thursday 15th. and at Bisbee Saturday l;th. ym wilt fled ons coupon Inside eacn two onnce bag and two conpona Inside each fourouaco LagorDlackwtll'i Durham. Buy a bag of fi celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which clvrs a lift of rala&blc presents and now to let them. ! W KlkA . ??-& foi&flEJ; JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise, Miners and Ranchers Supplies, STAPLE AND FANCY Improved Agricultual Implements, LIQUOBS , ij- ir.r,.t.: T r..T: tcijuiiiigiii uui jjiiic Sold at Prices That JOS. PIONEER STORE WfflSSni HOEFLER. FREMONT STREETS r, - STORE. S- r 9 Windmills Wagons Pumps ? 4 FOR FAMILY TRADE- " .S J&1 - .' : i7:;i ii" i i& jTirei, iass uooas i Defy Competition. HOEFLER. Hi iv vrr T 'M&&& ' i'' .WW- si f Tents ?v . and J Wagon Covers. - "ffl .2 1 T v a ill V t 1 t J ft h i n k ' I M STAMUsW aryai paps f U.i.p 5 Z7ZZ Z . laMBIja .- j-rs- ,4!- nA Ik t- I -paapSlSBlSiasfaMMMMMMMBMsillWs ni, ;;.'''' 'k' "'"m' !!! ".in "'..'i"jui"1, ITZoTts!