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tmmmZZZ3pi? '' - v -; w JU'-;"jriripii SSPFS N 9$ P 1 r-. &V r. . THE TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR. OUR WATCHWORD-I,OOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. V,- VOL. X DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (EiCKrr Susdav) BY Win. Hattich Ed tor and proprietor Fremont St. Opposite CUy Hall The Prosi-ector will not bold itself respon sible for any of the article or sentiments ex pressed by any of it correspondents. Entered in the Tombstone PostofSx as Secand Class matter. FBOFESSIONAL. OARDS. a A(P: RFJLLY. ATTOKNEY AND I Counselor at Law. Land -od Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Arizona. w M. C. STAKHLF, ATTORNEY AT- Law and Notary Pubbe, Tombstone Arizona. G EO. W. HWAIN, ATTU.NtY Ai Ivur. Will practice in an coum 01 um Territory, Tombstone Arizona. OS. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN. selor at Law. Office on FourthStreet, between Allen and Tougbnut. Tomb Will practice in all the courts of the or. OHARLES GRASVI14.EJOHNa.TON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Public, ail Fremont street bet. jth and 5th stretv A member o: the Bar of the Supreme Court ol the rerntoiy, and will practice in any efthe courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t-t!e to real esta-e and mines furn. ished promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Odice in Court House. Tombstone. C' E. ALVORU. JUSTICE OF THE Fence. Office 00 Allen St: bet 31 & alb Tombstone. AL. KOSK A, USTICE OF THF- PEACE OiSce on 4th St. bet. Allen ana Tougbnut. '1 ombstone. HS, GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his residence 004th street. Callsattended at aU hours cay ana sight. CEARIE. ASSAYER AND META lugical laboratory. Office No 319. Tremont M. opposite City HalL THE ORLTERS. F & A H. KING 'SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third Saturday in each month. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. 1 h Mcpherson, w. m.. A. L GROW Secretary. R. A M. OOOHISE CHAPTER. NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis iting Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WESTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS 1st Friday even.n in etch month. Vis- ' I. W. CLARK. rTesiaeni. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W " TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Vinting brothers cordially in- Tlte1' ROBT. BESTM.W. W. D. MONMONIEK Rocorder. C& K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pythias No 4. meets every 1st aid 3rd Monday's in each month. V siting brothers 'MANUEL, c. C. W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. v-v on t pr-rinN HOSE COMPANY NO j. T tracts First Snndav in each month at 1 their hose bouse n the eornerof Seventh and Fremont streets, oppos-te ine scnooi neusc . WM. GARRETT. -r-r Foreman, TOM MITffecretary, RESCUE HCoE COMPANY ME.E.13 First Sunday in each month at City Hall Fremont street. L.V VICKEKS. W EyrWORTH. Sccty President J, N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO, 1. MEETS lau Sunday in et h mon h at hose bouia on the corner of Toujhnut and jth street. T.05EPH LIPPEKT ro-em-n HENRY DUNKER. Secxetaiy. Wan'ed An agent in evoy section to can vass $4 to $5 a day made; sells at sight; also a man to sell staple good to dealers best side line. $75 a mo-tb. Saliry or large commission made; eapaience unnecessary For waled particulars Tend sump. Cufln Soap it Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati. Ohio. SIMON WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. "rompt Service. Water per barrel, ascts. Per backet, 5 cis. SDecial Rates to Families Lea re orders with wagon. il IDTMja'l A IB J , 'TnflPnv WVR SAMUEL M.BARROW a? n -tfff J kr a- K j5!?;I 'If ,t 1 -V " "! - it "X" T . r Jfl -i I SAMUEL M.BARBOW TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 21, 18q6 Ktygft. wv- VN "C" tffe.-' POLITICAL. Tlnmnnnnlin ninHnnni Hnr.rtl.Knnr, UlnTpnnm -T, -. . UOlilUUlQUU 11QUU11U- IlDpUUUbttU ' rittllUllli' u U I 'J iffl'll ;ill'lll Ullllllllllllllll UIII1IIIIMII H H THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Council B. A. PACKARD. ForAsMemMy .'.-,. .J. M. MEBBILL. -JrXj-JQHEB. j. jTbiggs. I'er Sheriff. SCOTT WHITE For Trtmtwtr. ... A. WENT WORTH. For Recorder. .., District Attorney ..M.J.BROWN. A.R. ENGLISH. ForJMxOe Judgt S. A. D.UPTON. FoFSvpervitor J.MePHERSON. ForSMpervu F&lJSurretc L.8HATTUCK rtetor LelttVatcant rs iTbV Democratic party of Cochise cotmtr; Anzona. in convention assem- bled,vHbercby reaffirm our belief in and auegiante to tne time uooorea principles of Democracy, and do unqualifiedly en dorse the Democratic National Platform adopted in Chicago, and Democratic territorial platform as adopted ot Wil liams, and the national and territorial ticket, and we congratulate the people that alter the most strenuous attempts to subvert those traditions and princi ples, by those high in power and in the interests of the money lenders of Eu rope, the Democratic party has risen in its might and cast out such traitors and has forced them into the party of plutoc racy, corporations, and assassins of labor beaded by Mark Hanna and his gang, where they properly belong, and where they are receiving the hearty support and co-operation of every monoply and corruptionist in our country. We congratulate ourselves and the whole peoole that every industrial soci ety and all parties which sincerely be lieve in our government returning to the money of our fathers and the consti tution, are with us today in this mighty struggle for the emancipation of sixty millions of white slaves from the cor rupting influences of gold monometal lism, and that there is every -eason to believe from the'' signs ot the times, that the machinery of this government will again soon be placed in the hands of the people. We believe the free and unlimi ted coinage of silver is the paramount and overshadowing- principle of the present campaign, and that no person should be elevated 10 office or position of power who does not believe in such free coinage by our own government, without waiting for the consent or as sistance of other nations for we charne that it was the corrupting influences in Europe whichforced upon its people gold monometallism and therby reduc ed the wage earners to serfdom; and the same people who wrought such havoc there, are attempting to do the same thing here, and to our sorrow, they have partally succeeded; thereby reducing th maiorty of our own people to finan cial slavery, and impoverishing every producer of wealth in the United States. TheiTontr-ction of the currency, of our country, by the demonetization of silver was the most gigantic and heinous crime ever perpetrated on any "people in the history of th -sis'; wnrW; ud those -irpusiDIe tor it are traitors to freedom and Republican institutions, and those who would now seek to maintain the present miserable condition of our own people by the maintenance of the pre' ent eold standard bc :t. present op portunity is offered in an expansion of currency for tne alleviation ot the sutter ines ol humanity, are parties to that great crime, in sympathy with the influ ence which seeks to establish on the mins of our government a plutocracy; or, they deceived and misled by the glittering falshoods circulated by the enemies of "the people the money changers of the east. W pledge our party that every nomi nee of this convention is a free silver man who endorses every sentiment of this platform, and we ask the endorse ment of their candidates by the penpl- and we pledge to the people a mi" economical administration of terri'nri and county affairs than has charact-riz'" our government for the past tn yar and that no more revenue shall be raised by taxation .nan is requ'red for the maintainance of our county government economically administered, and that the revrnue raised shall not be dive'trd for and other purpose than the strict admin titration c' county rovernment. In ask ing the co-oper-tion of the people, we pledge an efficient, honest and economi cal administration. W. 0. ABBOTT " ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TombHtone.Aristona. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Ofce and Residence Otertoch Eovsc. rOLlTK'AI. THE KKl'UltUVAS TICKET. I For Council W. P. LONG. For Attejmhly... . J.W. FABRINGTON M. J. O AHTA2TAD A. WM. FPEED. For Sheriff. F.E.CADWELI, For Treasurer C. I CUMMINGS. For Recorder E. W. PERKINS. For Probnte fudge.. W.F.BRADLEY. District Attorney O. W. 1WAIN. For Supervisor T.C. AM8DEN. JOHN MONTGOMERY For Surveyor W.JC.TYLEB. Touwtose, Ariz., Oct. 8tb, 1S96. Mr. Chairman : We, your commit tee, respectfully labmittba following resolutions for the consideration of the convention: Rejolvtd, That we moat heartily endorte the principles of lbs Republi can pa'ty as enunciated by tbosn great leader Lincoln, Seward and Chase and that we pledge ourselves to mainUin.aad support the doctrines of the party as set forth hy them. And we especially call the attention of the people of the land to the advice given to the nation in bit farewell ad drees by that patriot, soldier anil statesman, George Washington, as it is of particular significance at this time, and these are the words: "Be ware of foreign influence, -as the most baneful foe of a Republican govern ment." We therefore condemn, and reject as un-American and unworthy of acceptance, any suggestion ot sub mitting anything appertainiug to American affairs to a foreign confer ence, belieung that wo are fully able to defend our countiy ud t lolect ourselves. We npprovo of a taril that will pive American lalor a j'ls return, and furni I. a rereiuie that will maintain our govrrnment, and oluo provide a linking fund for the redemption of our national indebtedness. We approve of a law of reciprocity that will add to our commerce and furnish a market for our surplus pro ducts. We insist that Arizona be given the rights of statehood, and we demand tfiis as aright and not as a favor. We demand a restriction of immi gration under proper laws, and that mcru caie should be observed in ad nutting people to our shores, auu that none should be given the rights of citlze;bip until they are fitted to ex ercise th'i same in an intelligent man ner. We are opposed to the appropri ation of any of the public funds for sectarian purposes, and we claim that every expenditure of public moneys should be for publie purposes only. We pledge ourselves to nominate only honest, intelligent and capable men for the varioui offices to be voted ..'or, and when so iiorn'oated, if possi ble, to elect thern. tolar lie! Flag?! MOP' ES" PRTr- PLATFORM rl'frm W. f. b'hVAV, of Nebraska. corViorPnsident.T. WATSOV. of Georgia, "or DeWate to CouRress. BUCK.Y O'NEILL. - The free and unrestiated coinage of gold and silver at ihe present rarof iSto 1 without rejird to the actions or wiihes of any other nation orconibinaUon whatever. It- The Increase at the current money to an amount sufficient to meet tbe wants of our pawing population and businest, such money to consist of silver and sold coin and U. S. Treasnry notes equally a legal tender for all de mands public and pirate. III. Tbe abolition of all national banks and the establishment of Postal Saving Banks, man aged and controlled by tbe U. & Treasury. IV. The establishment of a system of direct legislation by tbe people, giving to the people It-emselTes tbe power, lit. To TetoaU laws pass ed by any less than 95 per cent of aU their rep resentatives, and t propose the enactment of laws by any number greater than five per cent of the electors and cunpell their submission to the whole brdr ot tbe electors. V. That all means of tnuuportatlng persons property and Intelligence be gradually taken by the Nation and conducted and controlled by an nn partisan commission under strict cinl service rales, VI, Tint aU public salaries and corapensa- I tioos atttSbe made to correspond so tsejinot ot -Highest of all ia Leaveain ower. :om 14 UZZ?3 H r ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Washingtox Ex-Secrety of State Smith came to Washington today from Atlanta in connection with but. inesi before the supreme court. He declined to talk politics. Atlanta The Democratic commit tee today rejected the Populist propo sition for a fusion ticket made up of sovea Democratic and fcix Populist electors, declaring it to be insulting to the Democrats iu its wording. Sak Fbanciico There is fears of a general alrike of sailors in this port. One vessel has already go: away nith anon union crew at reduced wagr;. Frakctost, Ky. A mob of 300 toll gate raiders tore nvray the gatui on the Owento, Pca' Mill And Flat Creek roads during the night. Sacbamexto This arternoon 'Ihos. Lannon, lineman of the Electric Light company, while at work on top of one of the compaay's mast fell to the street with h piercing shriek. He died a few beurs later. He touched alive wire. Dkn-ver Chief of Police Russell to day communicated to District Attor ney Whitlord the cjnfeation of Albert Hi'iio Downing, the highwayman, that lin murdered Joel C. Aehworlb of this city. He committed numerous robberies besides having murdered a man in 1885 at San Jose, Calfornia, tud committed other crimes there. Washington Archbishop Ireland today authorized the sUtemsnt con cerning the published dispatches un der a Rome date stating that the pope was Txed with the archbishop for the position he has taken on the political situation: "There is ho truth what ever in the statement. What the pur poses are of 'hose who made this and similar statements I do not know." i r. Price's Cream Baking Powder yrid' Pair Mlanest Medal and Dlntc-v- The following are the dates for tfie Republican meetings throughout the county: Pearce, Oct. 26. Willcox, Oct. 27. San Simon, 28. Benson, 29. Tombstone, 31 . Bisbee, Nov. 2. The following are -the dates for the Democratic meetings throughout the county: Willcox, Oct. 26. Pearce, Oct. 27. Tombstone, Oct. 28. Bisbee, Oct.- 31. Mark Smith will speak at the above places on tho dates named. ReDiiuiaii No. 22 Latest U.S. Gov't Report owaer SlOXfcl. AUXttMlK COCIIISK W. Hnfckinr, Prescott. BAN JCfK. Senor Bulloti, Mexico. I ALACE. D D Roe?, ranch. ABU.V0T0N F Bopp, San Francisco. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : Arizona, Headquarters for viitors from Tomb stone snd surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTiNI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A lull line of GROCERIEK, PROVISIONS, CIGAR Sf AN'D TOBACCO. rAIJRIIAXK. ARIZONA. FairM Bestaurant Faixeank, A. T. HARRINGTON, MRS. K. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Beat. GIVE IT A TRIAL. Election Prociiiain Office of the Mayor ,of the City of Tombsiose, Arizona Tersitorv. To Whom ft May Concern, Greeting: Whereas, Under an act of the Leeislative ' Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, entitled ejections, approved March 8th. A. D. 1887. and incompliance with Section 4, Article 8 of - m Bp I 1 mmuns FAIBolEEBAIE the City Charter, a general municipal elecnon is to be held on the 3rd d.-y of At ember for the purpose of electing city officers. Now, therefore, I. Paul B. Warnekros, Mayer of the City of Tombston, in pursuance of the duty imposed upon me by a resolution duly pased and entered upon the minutes of the Common Council cf slid city, do hereby order a central municipal election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in Novembe A. D. 1896, and designate tie offices to b filled as follow:, to -wit: 1 Mayor. 3 Councilman from First Ward. 3 Councilman from Second Ward, 4 Comnalman from Third Vardl 5 Councilman from Fourth Ward. 6 Ch ef of Police. Ei-Officio City Assessor." City Tax Collector. Ciy license Tar Col- ,, lectcr. Health Officer. Pound Master and Street Commissioner. Tte following pi ces are desicnittd as por ing p!ace: Kim Ward Adobe bouse on 3d street bo-, -. tweer-Allen and Toughnut streets. Inspector Mike Welch. u-Jges Tros. Tunny and Dan Carter. ollinc C3crk W.n C I JPy and J. Tracy Rillot Clerk J. fcUins. Second V.'a:d-f ity Hall. A. Ashman Inspector, lodges F. C Ktanigan and , McHugh Polling Clerks Robt Mann nd T. Loudon Ball.t Clrk Frank Engle. Third Ward Oriental Corner. In"pece1ot-Jos. Lippert. r lodges F., Payla and Joel Neiseinder To hng Clerks- F. ChHrer and J. W. Reany, n.Uo Clerk Thos Cowan. Fcntth Ward Protection Hose House. IntprctoT. W. Hobta lodges Wm. Cot belt and II. Salzman. Polling aerks-Dave Welsh and A. Gtrrett. Fallot Clerk Mike Welsh. In witness whereol I have hereunto set mf hand, and caused tbe s:al ol the City of Tomb stone to be affixed thereto Dene at the Cty Hall ia the Gty f Tombstone this IsealI the 7th day of October. 1896 P. R WANEKROS, Mayor. D, K, WABDWILL, CVjC, O-i 1. I ! k U 'Moras fe if 77