Newspaper Page Text
.lUJilllH ji' l- -ar J.-?' v 'v ' I V 1 J. "JU "Vi""'11.; -"v!-iiij- t? "1 TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (6CKDST KXCXfTXD) BX Wa: Hattich, Editor and Proprietor. HabMrlptloa Hasten. One Year $10 00 Six Month 6 00 ThroeMoathe 3 00 OnoMoath. 100 Delivered by Currier (or 25 oents per week- CITY AHD COUSTY OFFICIAL PAPER FREE: COINAGE id to i . For President and Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. For Delegate, "OUR MARK" U.I DEB WHICH I.A? "We are unalterably "We are unalterably opposed to every meas orecalculated to debase opposed to the single fold standard. We de- mind, the imraedutr our currency or impair Testcrstics of the. free the credit of our coun- and unlimited coinage of cold and stiver at trv. We are therefore. opposed to the free coinage of silver except by international agree ment with the leadine commercial nations of the present legal ratio of 16 to i. without wait- lagfor the aid or con sent or of any other na tion. We demon d that the world, which t pledge ourselves to oromote. and until such the standard silver dot' lar shall be a f uU lega! tender, equallv with agreement can be ob cold, for all debts, pub lainea, me cxisung gold standard must be preserved. Republican p!atfom. St, Louis,une ucor private, and we lavor such ieg.suuon as ill prevent the de monetisation of anv is, xeoo. kind of legal tender moner by private con tract. Democratic platform, Chicago. Politics" make s'Uanjfe bedfellowr. Archbishop Ireland and Robert O. Io-rareoll are laboring in the fame vineyard. It begias to look lixe a. landslide for tha silver nominee. The people axe atseat U assert their power as well a their dsterminatiea to run this f ov eransnten the principles of the nan who founded it. PrWate advices receiTed from re liable sonrcs eenrsy the plsssiai la Ullifsnoa that Mark Smith is daily Saiaies strength all orsr the territory. From present imdfeatiOBS bis aasjerilj will be larger this fall thaa erer fcelorr. Whatever may be the ssntiaent ia other aeeUoue of the territory Hoard ing oonnty'dirisioD, Cochise is solidly ppoeed, se say the legislative nomi Bees of all the. political parties, and with the exeepticH ot litres, who are ont is the field and from whom the - C2r:CTOsVa aot as yet been able to hear,, have publlelT expressed, them selves over their signature. They are all honorable men, and which avsr ef the number may draw the winning card the eeople can rest assured that their representatives are determined that their official aets shall be in the l&tereet of all the peeple, and that the deor against greater taxation shall be eloeed. Jl. prssisent .Republican stated jresterday that the Pkoapectk's cril cisea reganlinz. the. 2 tax rate was hardly fair iBSsmoch as 53 cents of the rate wee fer bonded indebtedness wbieh fell due ibis year and must be met and which it deducted would leave the rate 16 cents lower than last year. The Pxobpxctoe does not mean - to be unfair and at any time our columns are open to anyone who thinks there has been any misrepre sentation, yet we bold the tax rate is unreasoaably high sad there is some thing wrong somewhere let the Dlame rest were it may. With an increase ia the taxable wealth ot over f 100,000 or to be exact is round numbers f 15,000, earing through the elas. ifcaliea law of nearly S5000 for salary aad again the immense saving for publishing the minutes of the board aad jet the rate is the highest in the territory and this is supposed to be a thud class county. Dr. KCoC Ta Zm - ssu. if as. ilitst If other tea were roasted fresli like Schillings Best, some of it would be as good. ' In the meantime, .Schil ling's Best-& your tea, At grocers'' in padoges. A! What Are We Here For? THE FUN OR THE M0N? From the expression upon our friends face lie is evidently here for neither but as for us WE AEF'HEUE FOR BOTH. We are handling FRAarcs: shjl.h.s soap Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. Cottolene. s Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening"1, purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails WE are well supplied with forjuse during this hot Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Rcast Turkey, Roast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, Enelish and American Mackeral incus, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or r Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous to mention, Also in regular receipt ot Holland, LimDurger and American Cheese. Jon't Forge: that we are sole ents for -ficnity for CiiasB WM GEORGE aVsets59eaaaM 'amVVWTamM THErocer;1? ttt4: VOMNPM. 01 B1X1B prepared goods of aliklnds weather consisting of- Tombstone and Seal Brawl Cotee. H. t AND' ALLEN 81REEE8. FHS Election Proclamation Teskitorv f-f AKIIOVA, On ICS To all whom it nnj concern Whereas under an acfof the Legislative AswtnMy of the Territory of Arizona, entitled "Electum approved .March" 8 h. 1887, it is provilcd that ltxr shill be held, throughout tUe Territoy. upon the Tuesday aftertbe first Moada, iu November A. U, l8S3. and eery toears tlere.tter, -ineWtioi tor members of the LegiOativ Assembly . and such other oflieci a my be reqaiied by law shall be chosen at such election. And Wjifreas it Is further provided in said Act that at least thirty Us be ore eachKencral election the Governor must Usui an Ele-tion lroclarnaiion, under the great seal of iLe Ter ritory, and transmit copies thereof to ths perks of the Bauds of Supervtiors of thr counties in which sjch elections are to be held, bach pro. cUmation to contain a sutrment of the time of the election, and the offices to be filled, and the offer of a reward in the form prescribed by said act. Now Thfjiefore I, Besjamin 1 Franklin, Goernor of Arizona in pursuance of the duty enj jined upon roe do hereby order a general election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November A D lHoS, and the cBices to be filled at such election 1 do hereby designate to be as follows to-wit. One delegate to the 55th Congress of the United States, , Twelve members'of the Council of the Legis lative Assembly of Anions. , Tsven'y-four members of the House of repre seotathes of ihe Legislative Assembly of Arizona apportioned agreeatly t existing lafas follows to wit: ncmber or- MCV1BEK5 OF KUMDEE OP UUJBKSi or COUNCIL hoi's e COUNTIES Apache. . . Coconino. 1 Cochise Graham1 Maricopa1 Mohave i Navajae I Ifma I Pinal... ....... i Yavapai.... t Yuma 1 And there shall be elected in each county of the temtory; one Probate ludge; cne District Attorney? one SlierttT; one Treasurer! ose Hecor. der; one Surveorer; tuo members ot the Board of Supervisors: except in the county of Navajoe where there shall be elccttd three members of the bsaid of Supervisor?; and in each of ths wbete the office of Tax collector has not bren consolidated with the office of Sheriff or Treasure.-, oncTax-Co'lectorshiH be elected. Also in the several preencts of each county, one ustice of the peice . one Constable, and in such oreancts as are entitled to mo (usticcs of the Peace and two Constables, that number shall be elected. I anu i ua ri ekebt oner a rcwaru 01 $50 lor IUC H1IC3L ItU kUllbUUU VI .UT MM -.J K-4 son violating any o the provisions of title 4, part 1 ot the Penal Code. Is Witness Wiicaeor I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of JEAL) the Tenlory to be hereunto affived this 30th day of September A. D. 1896 Zose At Pitfxsix. the Capital thit 30th day of September, 1S56. By the Goternor; BENJAMIN I. FRAKLIN CHARLES M. BRUCE. Secretary of Alizona. NOTICE. By the Board or Supervisors of Cochise Co. I Jst of Election Precincts, Inspectors. Judges. MarshiUs and Ballot Clerks of Election in and for the County of Cochise, Terr.tory of Arizona as provided for the general election to be held November 3rd. 1B56, TOUBSTJNE. Voting Pw dnct No. 1 Inspector. F. N. Wolc:tt. Judges. W. R, King. Jaxc Trowbridge. Marshall, lohn Kelso. Ballot (Jerks, Thos Lenoy, and .G.o. Raf ferty. Voting Place, Tombstone. eisbf.e. & Voting Precinct No. a Inspector. C W. Fairineton. Judges. W. M. File, . C Perrin. Marshall, Ben lames. . " - BaCot Clerks, Otto Von Renal andrJ. W, Wallace, Votaig Place, Bubee. , IIERErORD. 'oting Precinct No 3 Inspector. B. A. Pckart. ludges, arnes Wolfe, Ed Roberts. Marshall, Ben Sneed, Ballot Clerks, R V. Ileslep and Thos. Dorsey. Voting ruce, W. C, Grceii'f racjh. MILLERS CAJVOX. Voting Precinct, No. 4 Inspector, J. W. Mump. Juchjes, J. E. Hand Thos Tow, Marhall. Al'red Bond, Ballot CerVf, P. M. Hilton and Robert Tcdd. Voting Place. School house. FORT ItUACKUCA. Voting Precinct No. ? Intp'ctor, Otto Schroder, ludges C I- Dojglaw, McGiil Marshall. Walter Bern -r-Ballot 'Jerks. James keiuy and lohn Dee. Voting Piaie, FortJIiuchuca. WET HCAatCCA. Voting Precinct, No. 6 Inspeetcr. Wm. D di" ludges, E F. Langfonl, A. T. Galtre'J Marshall, E. Clark Ballot Clerks, Mclntjre andUWm Cush ing. Voting Place, Copp -1 Glance Mining Ca. HUACiii-ci sinrxri. Voting Precinct. No. 7 Inspector, G. W. Uvk Jude.Tf.os. SmUh. W. IL Kane. Marshall D C McLane. - Ballot Clerks. B Landers, Wm MUler. Vot ng Plac, Thos Sra th's fairsaki; Voting Pi tciact No 8 Intpectcr. A V Nojes Jndges, Thos Twxkood, L I-anitu Manball. VKImhaU Ballot Clerks A f Fajtinan.,, and Frank Abrahams Voting Place, Fairbank ' ST DAVID Voting Precinct, No 0 Impector, FGoodmsa . ludges, I S Monti. 1 A McRae Marsliarf Wa-er Fife jJoKot Clerics, osepb McSae aad Chij O i v 3 I Chrstianson Vctinj Piter. St David Voting Picdnct No to ' Irpector. G W Br,an jtgt, l ierwcin,Wm Ohnekrgan Marshall, Wro Shor Bllkt Clrtl. vVmZeck and V J Delihauty Vu'ing Pace. Benson ' TKESALAKOS Vo'Jng Prrciitt. No it InspectcrJTi M Dunbar lut.lees. A ClnjiltM.J C McCom ick Jilarshall, J D AUen tlil'ot Clerks, Maicus Paiheis aid E Duibp Votftg Place, TrcsAUmis fJOlS RANCH Voting Precinct. No iz Inpetort J F Branson ludgeg-1 M Kob'es. Bias Sanchez Mirshall. Richard Roe Billot Clerks, Sam Bohaa and A S sa Votin'3 Pisce, rol's Rancli ' RUSiELVIlLK . Voting Precinct, No 13 Inspector, Wm Fourr Julges. A 11 Wein. Asa Walker Marshall. D Adams Ballot Jlaks. W A Fiege. and Chas Haider, ma. 1 Voting Place W A ITege's WILCOX Voting Precinct, No 14 A Inspector, W R McComb Iiidg-s, Otto Moore, T I Marks, Marshall. S B Apple , Ballot Clerks. Wm Speed and L V Mc Court Voting Place, Willcox. DOS CABEZAS Voting Precinct, No 15 Inspector, P I White Judge. PA Boter. Chas Nobile -Marsnaii, jamet ncow BUIot Cietts. W T Co jper and S Porters Voting Place, Dos Cabezas son IE STATION ar. .. Win, .WMV. ,V ,W I Inspector. D W Wickersham Jud.ei I H Tevis. W P JCelsey Marsha.L E L !shar Rjllot Clerks, G L, Bugbce, and Geo Shaw Voting f lace, Bowie Station SN SIMON Voting Prednct, No 17 inspector. T K. Brandt Judges. Chas, F. Gardner Fred Ruch Xlarshall. H Bashford Ballot Clerks, Peter, Fervent and John Doe. Voting Place, San Simon B BANNOCK Voting Precinct, No 18 Inspector, Betl Starks 1 udg-s. G. B Dcvencizi, B Riggs Sr Marshall, Ctris Grauer Ballot atks. Thos Riggs, and James Riggs Voting Place, Rigg's - - " W1LGVS Voting Precinct. No 19 Inspector. C P Smith lodges. Wm Smith, Wm Sanders ' Marshall, Leonard Alversott Ballot Orks, D L Fitch and Rila C Plumb Voting Place, B F Smith SUCKER Voting Pieciact. No s Inspector, K W Heney Judges. N Hunsaker, Peter Moore Marshall, Jim-s Hunnker Billot Clerks, Frink Moore and L O'Kccfe Voting Place. F W Heney's TATU0R5 R ASCII Voting Preiinct. No ai Inspector. FSamonial ludges Manuel Simas, Louis Duvall Marshall. Frack Bopp t Ballot Clems,- HughConlon, and Richard Roe. - Voting Place, Cordon's House CATLSVIU.E Voting Precinct, No 2a Insepector. G W Walker Judges, S Smith, 5 R Montgomery Marshall. I C Hancock Ballot Clerks, Robert Myers, and Richard Koe. - "Voting Place. Gaylevale Vcling Prccicct. No 13 Inspector. T Chattman, ledges. Quen Williams. Geo Bravin Marshall, Joe Bigncn - Ballot t-lerics, Vv'ui Jouiutni iid V.' Dc H Washington ' Voting Place, Pearce SAX SERMARDIMo Voting Precinct, No 34 Inspector, 1 H 55nghter ludges, W Hildretb, 1 Fuher Marshall. V H Terry Ballot Oerks, lohn Doe and Richard Roe ' Voting Place, &n Bernardino Ranch U S CUSTOM HOUSE Voting Piednct. No 45 Inspector. Wm King ludses, Peter McCoy, Frank Hare Mr.hall, William Pcrter Ballot clerks, Peter Johnson and E Henson Voting Place, Custom House Resolied. That the Board of Election in each cection precinct be and is hereby authoriz ed to select a convenient polh'nr tlace for the precinct: and at least ten days before November 3ra lzosnextensutnggiveverbal or other gen eral notice to the electors of the precinct inform ing them of the place at which the election' will beheld. A. A'entwcttk; Clerk. By W. A. K arwood. Deputy. Oct 13. 1800 Last August while working in the har vest field I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was neatly dead. Mr. Cummings, the drug gist, gave .me a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep .1 bottle of tlie remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wa-b, For sale by Druxeisn. COMET SALOON GARLEYATOfcPAJA Propr's, WINES,LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealer in BourV Iruh and Scotch Whftky, and kher Wett Knovn Brandt., A Specialty made , of tteQjtdiWiMtff , CiitiParlcr.m-CetaHetWad the Cr Place Ml Town. 1 eVHer bv(k JiT mmmasMsmmmMm M IV ll jJt L V X ll Carriage i A. li. ElIJ4 3VTJEI-.Ii'0. -orner Third an 1 Allen. The largest 'and Best Equipped EsurJ.shment of it. Kind in the Territory. All Kinds, of Buggv, Wagon. and Woodwork Neatly and Promutlv Done. BUGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SSTull assortment of hardwood and Iron for sale. C. L. OUiyiMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. STH AND FREMONT STREETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. ALLEN St.BETWEEN 4th A1N nth First-Class Meals Best'of Attention; Everything in Seasoii BOARD PER WEEK lXlKHilii MiUALiS 1 GO SINGLE MEALS '.""."".'.!'.'.". 50 Dinners lor Specia. Occasions a Specialty Try a Meal at this Popular Resor. First-Class Cooks c! EsjcJ. Accommodations for Families J C4E8AR, Proprietor. fOMBSTONE GAS Cd. A. ASHMAN Lessee.' WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS JLIGH1 In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF TsAMJE JgtS.TS Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFICE ." B&XK nrjUJDIXJ. TOM BNTO.tE, ARIZOS a. I1GGHISE HOUSE. Mlts JgP U Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. JEtaEQ-AaXTLTrT FXJRTSJLSSEETy JElOOlMt afeT'Visitors to this city will find the Cochibk a superior hotel sod oe offering excellent accomoUtions. A LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL Jffijlr All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. r " SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BE ANr Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVF.RV RESPECT. PARLCR IOR CUE Ever) thing Made Convenient ior'Guesti' Special Raies to Panics bytbsVvi or Mon'b. Renovated Throughout. ' ' '&f SAitPIJi SGOJt FOR DXUAJVEIiS. HOTEL ARLINGTON NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE A1KV 1 ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- This Favorite Headquarters for Ccrmnercial Men has teotntli beta newly fi tief leaovTlted aad neatly tereished throuehotit with snecial referer.rc In ih ,.r.2.. IHrblJc. Roes eesekesid' wsgl. Prices Moderate. - T Everything fiiratHckw SamrJe rooms for commerial m L'LU S 1 I 1. Blacksmith XmmmmM $7.00 Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi or Fifth bet, Allen and Toog am.. ToHiiistoHts - Arizrm HA TEti BE A SCSAB1 i .TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA VV V fl UJ - u: