Newspaper Page Text
-...'.f.j-BAwrM'trjBB is'lWifiiiilii " " j -ii' J' rwi The Prospector OCTOBBU 21.1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES ARIZONA SOUTHg&SrERN R. R. f?l ,Harta t M TABLE. Ho t. Jolr M 1S. 3 IB South IJms; l Qkus n Usdlr xorit SUtloM xc?tt Sunday li.n io. ........Blakee Ar rat 731 : S39J .o .DmLui Packard Water Tank ......Charlr on..... . T trbank ... .L. It. 44 r2 ;is.i 3.l 0j j fea.S i.s p'.; Falrt-nk ....Ar 19.0 i X H.&. A-Crohinf.., 17.T 1S.7 at so w '- . 11 so s . ententlaa a , L S 3W.W M , Be&- I1.T0 tlttS. Flat station. Sto? ea ! cntls. w WiLUiKK, Suptrintendeut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R In. -at STATION'S.) asl tt.loanx S9.30 are B&.ej a m st. cc d m' La ....ti?'SCl. . .... . ....Tucson ....Irrioopa ... m. ...... ....Los Angeles .. Ari 5 40 pin 10.05 p m 3-25 am 1 cop m 145 Sun Bet, Limits, out bound, YIODdajt mil h rat ays 8.19, Bauson Sua Set, r.mlta crt siani. Wednesdtra an iatnrdaja, (.OS Titason NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA 1 West East Is Tl 6.00pm 1,50 am .Win 1.40 a m a. 37 m Lt, ...Ber.san ..... ,. Fairtank .... . r-.n 1 irln . , Crittenden ... , Calatsvc ... ..Xoeatrt , Ariro-aoarn 1.00pm Ji3.iopra io.3opm 0.00 am i.i;pn """ally exceprSunday. racifie time." J. I. Frbt General Manager. a-Nausu. L. H. AUKKCMT, Ast Oneral Manager, Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. North staIioss Sooth M'o pm Lt .Phoais Ar 300am 3S.35pra Tempe I soam 0.00pm Kjrene K SSPn "9.35pm ificaton t3 30pm 3.45 pin Marie pa iaiorra G. H.Hoxshku, Gen. Snpt. LOOAL NOTES. bllver ii quoted at 60 Dr. Gaff, Benson Physician and tl surgson. Kreah Fish is received every Thurs day at Noble's. tf. in ' - 1 aHo ..mi G. W.Cheyr.ey carre in today from Oro Blanco, and was welcomed by hit host f old friends. C. W. Blackburn who has been on a business visit to the county seat for day er too, returned to Bisbso this morning. A. Wontworth rtturned today from' Xisboe whore hewent to confor with the boys in regard to bis occupancy of the treasurer's office for the next two years. a sss a The wagon load of Fopalist candi dates who have been making the bills .ri2S silb.lh! olonnanco for the past few days, returned from Pearco and Willcox last evening, and went on to Bisbee today. 1 a a a Many of, tbe pupils now in the public schools of this city were for merly in Mrs Bradley's room, and that they might bare the opportunity of viewing tbe remains of their beloved tsaeber for the last time on earth the ebool was closed at 3 o'clock and the pupils marched in a body to the late residence of the departed to say fare well. C. L. Cummings, Republican can didate for county treasurer, and Ges. W. Swain, oomlnse for district attor ney, teok their departure for the rnral dlstrlota today for the purpose of lk isg drink from tba"old oaken bucket ad to reset tbeir fences, besides they expect to kisa all tbe babies in tbe eeusty before returning. Awarded HJgfcMt Hcaeis World's Fair, DR. CREAM BAKJNG MKWI MOST PERFECT MAD'.. re Grape Cream ofTartar Powder. Fre hmmmm, Ahtn or any otfraAdtmB at TjTftf 7MI STAMBAW -COUlSTY DIVISION? NO! Letters frois Candidates Stat ing Their Positions, Same time sinoe the Pbcspectok sent to eaeb of candidates nominated by the political parti's m this county for legislative honor, a letUr askiug an expreisien of theirviewa on county division. reply has been leceivtd from all but three, who no doubt will in good time make their views plain upon this very itnportaat ijU6litn. Below is what the gentlemen have to say about this matter: "St. David, Oct, 15, 1696. "E P0Sr"ECTOK : Dear Sir: In an swer to your inquiry as to my views on county diviaion, I will say that I am most decidedly in favor of no Division, I am for the advancement of Cochise county first, last and all the time. Yours respectfully, "PSTKE A.. LorCBKKX." "Bisbes, Oct. 16, 1896, "Ed PEOiprcTOK : I am not in favor sf county division. fUspeotfully yours, "J, H. Mathias." "Bisbkk, Oct. 18. 1696. 'Ed Pkospkctor: In answer to your question as to my standing on county diviiion, I am not in favor of it, and will oppose any such measure if leoted. "Yours for no division, -.Vsr.P.L-JSG." "Wiixcox, Oct. 17, 1S96. "Ed PaospsoTOit: In reply to your enquiry: 'are you favor of county divieien?' Will state that lam opposed to auy attempt at this time to divide Cocbite county; as a taxpayer of this county I ihsll do all in uiy power, buuld 1 be elected a representative frosd Cochito county to next legisla tive afsesably, to reduce taxation; heuce must be oppoeed to county division, Yeury very truly, "Wji. Speed." "Bisbek, 0t. 16.1896. "Ed PJiospKcioa: In reply to your inquiry with regard to my position on the question of county divitioa, mutt say that, in my opinion, no sane man will advocate county division under our present deplorable financial con dition. Xowsver, thould a measure come up delegating to the people affected by such diviteo the authority to create new counties I should rap port the meaenie. Tbe people's inter nets are etually eafe in tbeir owa keeping. A lax rate of $1.22 is more than the aggregate income on the cap ital invested inCcchiEe countr, and, if Providence doss not intercede in the peeples' behalf, we will net only be driven in a ehoit time to bankruptcy but back into Pima county. "Very, respectfully yf.nrs, "Jamks J. Eioas." "Benson, Oct. 16 1S96. "ED.PBesrKCTOs: Bitterly oppoeed to countr diviiion. Bad enough tbe way it is." "M. F. CasUnada." "Bisbee, Oct. 15 1896. "Ed Peospector: Your letter of inquiry in respect to county division received. I have do time to write a leog letter, but will say that I am not is favor of division under any circum stances. Yours Bespsetiully. "G. S. Croskett." "Bu dee, Oct. 15 1896. 'Ed PosrECT03: Your favor of Oct. 11 1896, regarding my position opon the question of county divition received. In reply allow me to state tbat I am not in favor of any preposi tion which would tend to inereass the harden of taxation upon the people of Coobiie Co., and as it seems to me tbat such division would increase the rate of taxation. I am therefore op posed to tbe division or Cochise county. "Yours very Truly. "J. W. Farrington." "St. David, Oct. 16, 1896. "Kt PeosracioB: I wil say in re ply to your question tbatl am not in favor of county division, for I think there too many office seekere now. "Yours for no divisioD, "Jons 8. Meebill." BUCKLIN'3 AKNICA SALVE. The best salve in Jtne world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction cr money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale Tombione Drug Store The Irishman was about right who afd; "II Bryan is elected it will he lfiio 1; if MeKinley is elected it will bVnoihin' to (8) ate. Ex 0 a 1 Fa a recent goldbug speech in Chi csgo, tbe reat infidel, Bobert G. In ro11. said : "We waat a little tease.' TLbMiaa to look m if lb eoloael Bight kffrifatt. - A new development company has lust been formed in Han Francisco to utilize tbe invention of Prof. Kimball, who, by his magneto-elecliio batter ies combined with his psycometrin talent, claims that he can read the mineral formation and locate the metallilerous veins and tbe rich ore bodies therein as easily as a surgeon can now by means of the X ray locate a metaMo substance in tbe human body. A. H. Emanuel returned from Uua cbuca lait evening where ho went on business. He met a great many cow boys and ethers who aro deeply inter ested in the future prosperity ot Tombstone, all of whom promised him their hearty support in bis race for the mayoralty; and especially does hr feel encouraged by the the oathurlam of bis constituency at Charleston and and Pickemup. an Judge Kibby, who is touring the southern parr, c! tee territory in the interest of Mr. Doran.tbe gold bog candidate for congress, made a short visit to Tombstone yesterday to look over tbe ground but finding somewhat different from that be is used to culti vating, he took hii departure this morning without making any per ceptible impression in favor ol hie candidate. Tbe judge is a pleasant gentleman but he is astride of the wrong horse to create aDy political euthuaiatm in this nck 'o the wood. Kree Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co, Chicago, and get a frecsample box of Dr. King's New Life Pill. A trm will convince o'u of tbeir merits. These pills are eaay in action and are partic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headachr. For m Uria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by tbeir action, but by givins; tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular sire 25c. per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. ROLL OF HONOR. Names of 1 bese. Giving to Aid iu tlie Cause of Silver-- Tho following is a list of contribut ing members of tbe Tombstone Bime tallic League. Tho roll of honor will be published cccaxionally and addi tional a:nP9 added as fast as any donations ore made: A. Wentwortb, C. S. Clark F. X. Wolcotl A.X. Grow Joe McPherson Samuel Barrow M.T. Scribner B. A. Packard Mrs. Josiah Kirlsw A. D. Walsh M, J. Brown FBOSrECTOE Chos Bacigalupi Geo. H. Fitts Ed. Tarbfll Win. Garrett Dr. H. S. Gordon. Wm. Kirlew Henry Dunker John McCarty Ben Cook A. H. Emanuel H. J. Gray W. F. Bradley C. L. Cummlngs Thos, Lowry Col. JLS.Hairord John Escapulo Geo. Thompson II. E. Jackson Joaiab'Klrlew Martin Costello Louis Duval J. B. Miano W. O. Abbott J. S. Trowbridge ScotVWhite Chas. LsngpBap Thomas Tunney E.W.Perkins Fete Bute Frank Engle F.E. Cadwell J, A. Koska A. L. P.B. l! rooks Warnekros J. X. McDonough Sam Cowan M. Doyle A. Ashman Alex Mclntyre John Hasley George BtT?rt Fred Carlevoto N. Xobilo J. Pedinda Jas. F.Duncan Emil Sydow Jar. Voik Allen. B. English E. H. Storrs Qainn Jon Hoefier Chas. Hancock Halc-McCormick Wm. Pearce C.H. Bassett Gua Barron C. B. Tarbell Geo W. S wain J. J. Patton H. Troppman Chas. Wiser James Clark Pete Hook Ham ps ton. The funvral of M a. Elizabeth E. Bradley, took place from the family residence on Toughnul street at 4 o'clock this aftrrnnoj. Tbe body had bse 1 previously embalmed and encased in a Tiktallic casket, ready for ship ment to San Fiancisco, which was covered beneath florrl offering of tbe many friends of tbe deceased who had come to pay their last kindly act and (otake a farewell-look at tbe departed. The scene was a toushing one, and at the casket was placed in tbe hearse and tbe last tbat was mortal of Mrs. Bradly, moved away to its last reeling place, the prayers of the living went op for tbe peaceful rest and the glad welcoming ot the departed soul into the presence of jt god. Mrs, Bradlay to aB.ofe. THEY ARE COMING Fifteenth Infantry Leaves Chicago for tin; West. The fifteenth regiment leftf hicsgo yesterday to come to Fort Bayard, itttr having been eUtlonsd at Fort Mherdian for eixyHar. Thd dun tegtmcutul headquarters of fjs 15th regiment will bo at Fort Btyard, N. M , with Col. C-oIton and Lieut. Col. James W. Powell in com maid. To that post hive bren nsoign ed companies A, E. F, and G, under commud ot Captains H. K. Brinker- hoff, GrO. W. Cook.G. K.McGunniglo, G. W. Co.-nish. Major Chas.Hw.bart will go to Fort Graut wit'i companies B, and C. com manded y Capts. E. S. Cbapin and Cari: Conral. Company 1- Capt. T. F. DavN, and company D. Capt. W. T. Hartz.will go to Fort Huachuca, A. T. where Col. Bacnn, of tho 1st cavalry is in command. Twat not polite to overhear, As'neatb the shade the two drew near; Yet courtesy could not restrain A yearning for lovo's old refrain. Ah, me 1 She neither blushed nor sighed, To catch their murmuring I tried. I only heard, when all wasdoue, "Protection" and "16 to 1." Ex. Cottonwood trees nffordt'a grateful shade, and would be regarded as a blessing during the heated term were they not the home of the caterpillar. A simple and certain, method of rid ing trees of the pst is suggented. All that is necessary to do i, in the spring while the tapis asconding, is to im pregnate tbe body of the tree with BiilpL.Ve of copper which can be done by boring a bole and filling it with the solution and the ascending rap poisons the leaves upon which the worms ft-ed and those not called will at once seek other feeding and breeding' resorts. Globe Belt. This is a funny world, an exchange thinks, because a man who steals a hog to keep his family Jrom starving. is sent to the penitentiary eve.-y lime, but an ftblo bodied dead-beat can buy a car load of goods from his loo! merchant promieinp, but never in tending to pay for them and there is no chance of ever bringing him to justice. A ma who buys withou. tho means or intention to pay, is just as much of a thief as tho man who steals the hog, and should be as revercly punished. FOBOVUK SIITV YEARS. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Winslow'is Soothing Syrup has bfln used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect euccess. It soothes the child, softens the gum., allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be euro and isk for Mrs. Win- B1VT 0 .f Scothisg Syrup, snd !Va no other kind. CATARRH Ua LOCAL DISEASE and (a tits rcjut! ot colds and sodden climatic changes. It can be enrol by a pleaunt remedy Tiich Sa applied tii recH Into the toatrJa. Be ta; qclcklr absorbed U sire reUeratence. Ely's Cream Balm b adrcowleded to be tbe moat tboroceb Care ft Xaaal Catarrh. Cold, In Head and Harlem oiaJl remedies. It opena and eJrauei: the nuai panacea, alar pstn and InSaaimadA . beats tbe aorta, pro tects tbe Uie'iihrwp from co!U. restores the aeaeea of taste sndameil. rrfceSOcatDniEelitsorty mail ELT BKOTnERS, U Warren Street, Kew lors. ILDOD PQI8BW sssssbV A CTDCnill TV ITiatrTiSi. fM?oria3toid37S.ToneanbetrBtaai agS aoma irjrsame prto under same irnaran. BBBBBH ty.l Jyoa prefer to erae bere w?irii: om- S?TVTido.??t.alh en ,tm ! aches and rimples. Copper Colored brta, Cleeram eat. It Is tbb Secondary IILOOU L'OISCW e iraarante to cere. WeaolttUiorsoatcbatC Bad eases and tbalten-a tho worii lor caaw wo cannot cere. 1 Ms awe his alinn DaiaedthosKlii of tho most emiSeut dIit.U elans. SMOCOOO captui behlroot? tonal guaranty- Absolntopreorat-nteeitolOT pplleation. Addreaa roofi ItCMKDT CO GUiUS iViAXEY. Allen St near 3d, (OldlCustom Hou e.) VEGETABLES. FKUITS, CT TOES OXIOXS, ETC Freth Cali font ia fruit reeeivtd every day by trpreu. Everything told at loicttt rates. Goods dtliverei Wee to all parts ot city. Fith KtcHvti Every Thursday, sbVjBMS Gladness Comes With a better understanding of tbe transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts (rcntle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of stckuess are not ilue to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the fryktein, which the pleascnt family laxative, Syrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why It is the onlv remedy with millions of families, and fs everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its Uenencial effects aro duo to tbe fact, that it Is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating' the organs on which it acts. It is therefore ali important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by tbe Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in tho enjoyment of good healtX and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies arc then not needed. If afflicted with nny actrnl disease, one may be commended to tho most skillful physicians, hut if in need -if a laxative, one should liave tho best, and with the well-Informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs fcteids highest and is most largely used and gives most general SiUsfacttoo. USDERTAKISO PAKLOBS OF G. B. Tarbell Cofilnsi Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Procet. PONY SALOON, J . A. K03KA Proprietor. Fi'nwf Stock of irt'tieM, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. lrou iri'J Und "Al" at home, on Aller. St. bet. 4th and 6th. THE WILLOWS, OH AS. RTTLOTTT. Prnnr. i , "H w J - " XT Choicest line 01 Wines and liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Covrteovs Attention to Patrons. Allen, bet. 4ih&Ctu, Tembscone Billiard Parlors, J. n. Mcdonough, Prop. Ihe Finest and Best Fitted BiUiara Parlors in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunct tier.. iKzed Drinkt a Spteialt. Private Club Jlopms. Allen, bet. 4tli & Cth.Tombnton FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Freioo t street, opposic Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY A.I ... .f ; .- . I v-iiciiij aiicnuon given 10 turning o t tne t Finest views and pictures of all stars a most artistic manner, superior finish dndJone. Taken on short cotice. Groups a s a natty Chbinet, panel ind standard FOR SALE. A group of Copper Claims part'y developed, t. re black, and oxide from the grass roo;; ore found in all workings; plenty in sight and just the proposition for a company Good ro ds, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight miles from railroad. Address Prospector. . o'Cjjcr, . Tomb stone -i " ' JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise. Miners and. Ranchers Supplies, STAPLE AND Improved Agricultual Implements. , - - - r" , WINES rMMRS OBf Even-thing In OurjLineis First pla?s GoaiM Sold at Prices. That JOS, PIONEER 8TORE HOEFLER I FREMONT STREETS. -STORE. via . S, ."-'' V.;? :U' Tents and Wagon Covers. FANCY S- "t vi : .- :&" v T-f :i- iJS.& w I Ba 1 0A 1 1 1 IIIUIIIIIIO Wagons Pumps FOR FAIL-Y TRADE" --'VamWsV' SS!"' " ' --"' " "T-. - - . .- r-5 Defy Competition. Kir-- HOEFLER. i 1 s H a- v & 4 - UJ car ! ni W JB c