Newspaper Page Text
,, - AJ. f "fci! .' THE rri iiij"ncirrAivTT PROSPECTOR s r , iv OUR WATCHWORD -"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 29, 18q6' VOL. X No. z9' rviii n - i JL. JL rv ' JL. r JL m r V l . id u (Usr L;J' i l iZ DAlLfi PROSPECTOR. r " j City anil Comity OHicfal Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (EXCKIT SUKUAV) BY Wm. ilattich &1 tor anl Propiietor. Fremont St. Opposite City Hall The Piosr-ECTOB iU not hold itsrtf rrspon jlble for any of trie articles or sentiments ex pressed by any of it correspondents. Fr.tered in the Tombstone PostorKle as Secsad Class matter. PROFESSIONAL. OARDS. AMES REILLY. ATTCVSEV AND I Counse'orat Law. Land aud Mining ' csefispecialtr. Tombstone, A rltona. CSTAkHLE. ATTORNEY AT- Fublie, Tombstone Law and Notary AiUona. A. kEO. W. BWAl.V, ATTONEY AT Law. Will practice In all courts of the 'Territory, Tombstone Arizona. OS. CLARK. A1TONEY AND COUN selor at Office on Fourth Street, between Allen and Tonghnut, Tomb Will pmetce in all the tourts of the ory. HARLES GRNVII.LEJOHNaTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Public, 4a" Fremont street bet. 4 th and 5O1 streets. A member or the bar of the Supreme Court ol the lerritoiy, and ill practice in any of the courts therein. WENTHWORTII COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t.tle to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD,, JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St: bet. 31 & ath Tombstone. L. KOSKA, USTICE OF THF PEACE 1 OiBce on 4th St. bet. Allen and Tougbnut, Tombstone. HS, GORDON. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: OfSce adjoining his residence oa4thst-eet. Call attended at aU hours slay and mit. FC EAR1 E, ASSYER AND META lugical laboratory. ffice No 319. Fremont at, opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS. F &. A M. IIXG SOLOMON LODGE NO. 11 f,-i third Sarardar in each month. ' xV!siunff brothers cordially invited to at- end. 1 H McPHERSON. W.M.. A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. nOOHISECHXPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis- itiasr Companions cordially invited to at- A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. W ASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening in eicn montn. vis iiinir Comrades ordiallr invited. I.W.CLARK, President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers cordially in Tited. ROBT. BESTM. W. W. D. MONMONIEK. Roccrdcr. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pythias No 4. meets erery 1st and 3rd Monday's in each month. Vsitiog brothers ccrcJally in rited. " A. H. EMANUEL. CC. W. D. MONMONIER. K. ofS. RO 1 ECTION HOSE COMPANY NO 3. meets first Snnday In .csch ssstfe-at their hose house . n the corner of Seventh and Fremont streets, oppositelhe school boose. WM. .GARRETT, TOM MITH Secretary. - . "' ' l-iESCUE HOsE tOMPANV MEETS r First Sunday it each month at Ciiy Hall 1 Fremont streeL l.V VICKERS. W ENTWORTH. Srcty President J, N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. INGINE COMPANY NO 1, MEETS I- Ult 'Sunday in ea h raon h at hose house on UK cornered lougftnut ana 5m street. JOSEPH LIPPEitl ro-emn HENRY DUNKER. Secretaiy. Wanted An agent in every section to can vass 1 10 $5 a dy md;; sells at sight; r also a man to sell suplegood to dealers best side line, $75 a rro th. Sal uy or Ure ommission maae; ezperience wxaeccmry For sealed particulars send stamp. Qifun Soap t uticturing Compuiy, Cincinniti. Ohio. j s UNION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. Dromp: Service. Water per barrel, 35015. Per backet, ; cts. SDecial Rates to Families Leave order with wagon. wmm 1 AH lmrp amnvi. ra-1 I fiiFZZf'"l rr t- bwtt trtntr-e iiit rruz -c.i s-m-IJTTTMl t" Til""--" ! Ci Ai.rurris ' 1 T. ISCSS STaMlT! BBBB.p. -WJ-T1C.J POLITICAL. THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Council.... For Assembly. . ...B. A. PACKARD. ...J. M. MERRILL. J. N. JONES. J. J. RIGQS. ....8COTT WHITE .A. WENTWORTH. M.J. BROWN. .... A. B. ENGLISH. For Sheriff. For Treasurer. . . For Recorder. ... Dittrict Attorney. For Probate Judg.... 8. A. D.UPTON. For Superritor J. McPHERSON. L.8HATIU0K. For Surteyor Lell Vacant The Democratic party of Cochise county, Arizona, in convention assem bled, nereby reaKirm our belief in and allegiance to the time honored principles of JJemocracy, and do unqualifiedly en dorse the Democratic National Platform adopted in Chicago, and Democratic territorial platform as adopted ot Wil liams, and the national and territorial ticket, and we congratulate the people that after the most strenuous attempts to subvert those traditions and princi ple, by those high in power and in the interests of the money lenders of Eu rope, the Democratic party has risen in its might and cast out such traitors and has forced them into the party of plutoc racy, corporations, and assassins of labor headed by Mark Hanna and his gang, where they properly belong, and where they are receiving the l.earty support and co-op;ration of every monoply and corruptionist in our country. We congratulate ourselves and the whole peoole that every industrial soci ety and all parties which sincerely be lieve in our government returning to the money of our fathers and the consti tution, are with us today in this mighty struggle for the emancipation of sixty millions of white slaves from the cor rupting influences of gold monometal lism, and that there is every reason to believe from the signs of the times, that the machinery of this government will again soon be placed in the hands of the people. We believe the free and unlimi ted coinage of silver is the paramount and overshadowing principle of the present campaign, and that no person should be elevated to office or position of power u ho does not believe in such free coinage by our own government. without waiting for the consent or as sistance of other nations for we charne that it was the corrupting influences in Europe whichforced upon its people gold monometallism and therby reduc ed the wage earners to serfdom; and the same people who wrought such havoc tbere, are attempting to do the same thing here, and to our soirow, they have partally succeeded; thereby reducing the majorty of our own people to nnan cial slavery, and impoverishing every producer of wealth in the United States The contraction cf the currency, of our country, by the demonetization of silver was the most gigantic and heinous crime ever perpetrated on any people in the history of the whole world; and those responsible for it are traitors to freedom and Republican institutions, and those who would now seek to maintain the present miserable condition of our own people by the maintenance'of the pres- l-ent gold standard when the present op ponunuy is onerea in an expansion ni currency for the alleviation of the suffer ings ol humanity, are4 parties to that great crime, in sympathy with the influ ence which seeks to establish on the ruins of our government a plutocracy; or, they d ceived and misled by the glittering faUhccds circt;!a!l by -the enemies of the people the money chancers of the east. We pledge our party that every nomi nee of this convention is a free silver man who endorses every sentiment of this platform, and we ask the endorse' ment of their candidates by ihe people and we oledee to the people a more economical administration of territorial and county affairs than has characterized our government for the past two years and that no more revenue shall be raised by taxation .nan is reqa'red for the maintainance of our county government economically administered, and that the revenue raised shall not be diverted for and other purpose than the strict admin istratinn e' county government. In ask ing the co-operation of the people, we pledge an efficient, honest and economi cal administration. t DEMOCRATS. C andidates -who are te be Voted for ob No venter 3 id Scott While, the nominee for aber- HIT laa bavwa.1 ll.A nAMnt Sn llt.l flR eial capacity once before aud bear a I record f Wisg aaeat lenteia w POLITICAL. faithtul officer; obliging;, courteous and popular, ha baa oenr beta known to flinch when called upon to do hU duty. A. Wenlwortk, the candidate for treasurer, ha been a resident of Cochise county for 12 year, and lor the paat (our yean baa filled tbe office ot recorder with credit to himself eud eatielaction to tbe people. He liae held poeitjonj of trust end much money bu been entrusted to bis cere. M. J. Brown, of BUbre, tbe nomi nee for recorder, is a most successful business man, patssuiBx the ability to ably conduct tbe duties of that office, aud m its custodian tbe records would be carefully and neatly kepi. A. R. English, aspirant for the hon ors ol district attorney, kas filled that position (or four years end made a meet favorable record. He Is a man e( ability whose knowledge ot tbe law fa aurpassed by few of the Arizona bar. Ha has a lucrative practice which speaks volumes for hie attainments in legal talent and efficiency. 8. A. D. Upton, tbe probate judge nominee, is a young man of rare intel lectual endowments, and baa been a resident ot tbe county for a number of years. lie baa interested dice sen in school saattere and is in every way qualified for tbe various duties ol tbe ofSoe to which be ajpiret. In the election .of supervisors gteat care was xezwetd to select repre sentative men, -men who had been successful in their own afiaire, men who are thoroughly competent to administer the public affair ol Oils county and guard the welfare of the people and carefully expend tlieir moony, eo as to do the most good to the greatest number, and when Lent Sbattuck and Jos. McPhcrson were selected all this was secured. B. A. Packard reneminated for the territorial council is one of the best known msa in the county is one of tbe heaviest taxpayers and has done much to advance the interests of his county. He served with credit in the' lastlcgislature and through hi in strumentality many good bills wera placed on the statute books. The candidates far .tbe assembly, J. N. Jones ot Bisbee. J. C. Merrill of Si. David and J. J. Biggs pi Brannoek are recresentative men who have manr Iriendaandin everysense well qualified to fill the honorable posi tions. The people could rest assured that tbe county in Uresis would be in' a(e hands and will be guarded and watched with utmost vigilancy. The following are-the dates for the Democratic meetings throughout the county: , Willcox, Oct. 26. Pearce, Oct'. 27. Tombstone, Oct 28. Bisbee, Oct. 31. Mark Smith will speak at the above places on the dates named. Tai Collector's Notice A Notice's hereby (fren ttt the duplicate atesneat roll ottbe County cf Cochise 1j now in my pwitr for the collection ot taxes lev ied for tbe ytar H96 ia said county faxes wiS become delinquent on the 3d Morula in December 1806. and unless paid before that oUtes penalty of fire per cent wi be added thereto, Paj men t roar be made at ray offiein th county icurt boose at ToiabMooe, during office boors 9 tmtoiiD and 1 to 5 p m. J WICKERS, Treasurer and Ex-OScso Tax Collector Cocnssc county- TajtfktUne,0&!Kraa.l)9. POLITICAL Republican n ' THE JUSI'CUiUCAX TICKET. For Council W. P. LONG. For Attcmlly. . , . J.W. FARRINGTON M.J.CASTANADA. WM.'SPEED. For SluriJ. F. E. CADWELI For Treasurer C.l .CUM MINGS. For Recorder E. W. PERKINS. For Probate Judge., W.F.BRADLEY. Dittrict Attorney G. W. SWAIN. For Supervisor T. C. AM8DEN, JOHN MONTGOMERY For Surrryor WC. TYLER. Tombstone, Ariz., Oct. 8tb, 1&9G. Me. Chairman": We, your commit, lee, respectfully submit tha following resolutions tor the consideration o! the convention : Resolved, That we mod heartily endorre the principles of Ihe'Rcpubli can patyas cnuuciatrO by those great leaders Lincoln, Seward and Chase and that we pledge ourselves to maintain and support tbe doctrines of the parly as eel lorlli by theui. Aud we erpecially call the attention of the people of the land to the advice given to the nation in bis farewell ad dress by that patriot, soldier and statesman, George Washington, ss it is of particular significance at this time, and these are,, tbe words : "Bo ware of toreign influence, as the most baneful toe ot a Republican govern ment."" We therefore condemn, and reject as un-American and uoworthy ot acceptance, any suggestion!! "tub mittiug anything appertaining to American affairs to a funngu con fur ence, believing that we aro fully able to defend our country and protect ouritlve. t We approve of a' tariff that will givu Ameiican labor a just return, and furnish a rerenue lliafwill maintain our government, and aim provide a sinking fund for the redemption 'of our national indebtednei. We approve of a law of reciprocity that will add to our commerce and furnish a market for our surplus pro ducts. We insist that Atizona be given the rights of statehood, and we 'demand tnis as aright and net as a favor. We demand a restriction of immi gration under proper lawF, and that mere care should be observed in ad mitting people to eurshdres,and that none should be given the lights of citizenship until they axe fitted td ez ercise the same in an intelligent man ner. We are opposed to the" appropri ation ot any of the public funds for sectarian purposes, and we claim that every expenditure. '6f public moneys sbouldibe for public purposes only. ' We pledge ourselves to nominate only honest, intelligent and ;capat)!e meo for ths various offices to b voted for, and when eo-uc!minatet,'if possi ble, t&.elecUhejn. '- REPOBLICAXS. Candidates who are tn be Vite; f'r November. 3d. Wm.P. Long, tbe Republican nnm inee for the council, js a man well and favorably known to mosi r f the voters t-f Cochise county. He ill, if elected, serve tbe people faithfully, and the count)' interests would be safe in his hand. Mr. Long i a prominet mem ber of the G. A. R , Knights Ot'Pylbias and kindred societies. Wm, Speed, of Willcox, who has been nominated for the assembly by tbe lUpublican, is a young man 'of stetling worth ami one whom the voters of this county can vote for-with the ainrance that lie will, if chosen to represent them, do all in bis'pewer to legislate for tee interests of the people. IOUTICAL candidate for tbe artemhy, is a young and prosperous merchant of that town. Tlie"Toters"bf th'irf county are assured that, if he is elected, he will devote the same caretul attention to the affairs, ot the county and territory that he has given to his own business. Dr. J. W. Farnngton, oMlubee.wbo lias been chesen by the Republican par'y ai one of its nominees for the assembly. Is also a'ypung man. who however, ia not to be blamed for his youth. He is a successful practitioner of dentistry, and i well known throughout tbe county. A vote for Farrington is a vote for good govern ment. F. E.;Cad4-ell7" (he 'nominee for cheriff,is an old resident of thecounty. He is thoroughly familiar with the duties ot tbe office, having served as under sheriff during the present ad ministration and would make an effi cient officer. O. L. Cnmmings the nominee for county treasurer, is a mau well known for his honesty and integrity. .He is a successful buiineas mau aud thor oughly competent to look after the county's funds. Mr.Cummings has served the people in office before and has (ulfilitd every trust reposed in him. He is a heavy taxpayer and has all his interests in this county. W. F. Bradley, the old Republican war horse and present incumbent, is sgain seeking the office of probate judge. Judge -Bradley has long en joyed the confidence of the people and is well qualified to conduct the affairs ot his office. For district attorney G. W. Swam, iIih preent incumbent, is again the oonunte. : lin-rini, pavetl the county many times In, m l. ing impostd tipou by rM0illls t!rlMlt"lll Ime tllrd U rll-t'l I'xiiiiiliiixnl t'ilU. He pcrfonittHl hi duties faithfully ami has been rewiirtri! by a rcnonilnatlun at tbe bum! "of hi party. E. W. Perkins 0 Tumb'stone i the Republ.can nominee fur Recorder. He js well and favorably known all over the county for hi sterling werth and is a man well fitted to. assume the duties of the office to which he aspires. For Supervisors, the Republican parly prides itself in the nomination of John Montgomery and T. C, Amsden. Johd Hontgemery, who i familiarity known as "Honest John" has served the people loug and faith fully as a supervisor. T. C. Amsden is a new. man before tbe people but an old resident of tbe county and a croperty bolder of Bisbee where he resides and enjoys. tbe,confidence and respect of all who know him. For county surveyor the Republi cans have nominated W. C. Tyler of Bubee. -The duties of this office at present consist principally in the ability to hold up the, title but the people nnj'be assured that Mr, Tyter is fully capable ot handling any work which might come up in or about the county- - .- FarririK'o , Speed, and Castenada Jare'a'trong.leam arid will be hard to beat. They are young, vigorous and are a' r",r for the assembly. If -!;!' , Oitdwcll.Cummings, Swain arid Montgomery hav been tried and not found wanting. LoiiaV Tsrkins jk.mrrien and Tyler are new men bu. will fulfill every confidence reposed in them by the people aad are deserving of support. - The following are the dates for the Republican meetings throughout the county: 'Pearce.Oct. 26; ."Willcox.-Oct. 27. San Simo,i28. Benson, 29. Tombstone, 31. t Bisbee, Nov. 2. Eepulcaii Dales Highest of all in Leavcum. Royal wWssk e. . &sa ABSOLUTELY IiATEST NEWS Bryan Will Not Prosecute The Egg Throwers. . ASKS FOR THEIR RELEASE. McKinley is Honored at His Hoiae A Pacing Record. BRYAN'S CHICAGO SPEECH Chicago. Cbauucey Foster audL, J.Hanchett, two of tbe four students of the Metropolitan Business college, accused of haviug thrown eggs at Mr. and Mrs. Bryan during the parade yesterday as it passed tbe college, were arrested about noon by Detectives McCaffrey and Fay. They are sone f well-to-do South Side families They confessed to Chiet of Pelice Bodencch that they had thrown eggs. Thcroei Gahen, chairman of the Democratic county committee, has received the follow letter frm Bryan regarding tbe matter: "Auditorium Hotei.. Chicago, Ills.. Oct.28.18UC. Dear Mr. Gxiian 1 wish you would ak for the release of the boys arrest ed for throwing eggs, I am sure it was an act of thonghtles9ness and their arrest has doubtless been a suf ficient lesson to them and others. Yours truly, vr. j. Bbyam." Late in tbe afternoon the ohief of police was compelled to release the two young prisoners as after Mr. Bryan had written his letter asking for their release it was evident that tbere would be no prosecution if tbe prisoner were arraigned. Philadelphia, John R. Gentry king of pacers at Belmont track today again demensttaudhis tupsriority iu tbe world of horses by covering a mile in 2 K)3i. Cantos, Ohio., Major McKinley'a borne fellow citizens anticipated liiii last night when he approached tbe tariffciuestion atthe conclusion of one of his most remarkable address; a "Three cheers for protection" interrup ted blmbefore he reached his climax. There was a tremor in Major McKin ley' voice when after repeated at tempts he responded to the home greetings ot bands of bis neighbors and fellow citizens. CtziCAoe, Twice this afternoon tbe largest ball in the busineta district was filled literally to suffocation with people to hear Wm. J.Bryan. Outside on Lake front and the streets adjoin ing, unable to gain admisson, were crowd that would have filled tfie hall twice again. Eight other large meet ings were addressed by Mr. Bryan be fore midnight in various part of the city. Chicago, W. M. Hoyt wholesale grocer, today presented to Mr. Bryan ahouaeandtwolotsin Lincoln, Xeb., Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Baking Powder PURE in lieu rf cuhcontribut-'o .? to Ihe cam paign fund being rich in real estate only. In his letter lie scored the gold sUndrTrd. The property is worth?18, 000. "We had an eDidemie of n. 'J1" vicinity last summer,' says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I. was taken with it and suSi-ed severely until some one called mvattminn to rk.m. berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been usnl I . well. I recommended it to mv -;nft. aJjd their experience was the same. We au unite in saying it is the best." sale by Druggists. For 'OTEL AIEKIVAI.M COCHISE Chas, Rankin, Sonora. SAS JOSE. .Mrs EJ Robert, Ranali. Jake Spitz, San Francisco. L. Bishop, " " i alace. . i Thof. H.Killerry, Phenii. MIUSQTOX R. C. Parlon. J C Ford, LosAngelee. i i it FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO.G. llcGEE,Prop. Fairbanlc, : Arizona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone end surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINT, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full ltiie of . GRO0ERIER, PROVISIONS, s CIGARS' ' AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK.. AltlZONA. ! FairM Restaurant Faiebank, A. T. K. HARRINGTON. MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Tabic Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Torntstone,.A.ri5ecm. Samples by mail or express will receive proiript attention. Office and Heiioence Ortrlock Home. PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Finest Stock of n'ines. Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE. CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kcp.t Con stantly on Hand. You tri" find "AV af "ionu, on Atter. St. bet. 4th nd 5th. FAIBIKEICHA1E M. F. Csta4e.ot JfeMon,alo a .1 ft 4 --Ti 13 - --JL - v w T